Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Snuggy wrote:
Oh, dear, sweet Thumper. No one ever wrote poetryfor me before.


All is forgiven....

Thank you Snuggle Butt, you are the greatest. I would have added another verse to the poem but there was only a couple things that rhymed with "nantucket" and I don't think you would have appreciated them very much. I am thinking about writing a rap song for you, to showy ou the "street" in me.

Maybe I would call myself The Notorious T.H.U.M.P.

Lord_Thumper wrote:
Maybe I would call myself The Notorious T.H.U.M.P.

Why don't you just call yourself the Big Fat I.D.I.O.T.

That name has a certain ring of truth to it for some reason. Listen can I ask you guys a question. If I am standing in a puddle of water and I have one hand on a 12v battery and the other on Thumper does he get shocked? Please answer me ASAP, it's a matter of hays & carrots.
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Why don't you just call yourself the Big Fat I.D.I.O.T.

That name has a certain ring of truth to it for some reason. Listen canI ask you guys a question. If I am standing in a puddle of water and Ihave one hand on a 12v battery and the other on Thumper does he getshocked? Please answer me ASAP, it's a matter of hays & carrots.
I'M an IDIOT?? Yeah who is the one arguing online with a bunnyrabbit??!! Let me tell you when me and my fellow rabbits get together the last thing we want to talk about is you pain in the a$$ humans! What do you do on your free time? Talk about ME! Ha, what a loser! Your so stupid I heard you got stabbed in a drive-by! I also heard that you got fired from the M&M Factory for throwing away all the W's !!

I'm out, word to your mama!

Lord_Thumper wrote:
I would have added another verse to the poem but there wasonly a couple things that rhymed with "nantucket" and I don't think youwould have appreciated them very much. I am thinking about writing arap song for you, to show you the "street" in me.

Maybe I would call myself The Notorious T.H.U.M.P.

Ooh - you're a BAD boy, Thumper! I'm a good girl, but I kind of like it!


You guys are gonna laugh til you drop, you'llnever believe what I did. Jim left the door to his computer room openand I snuck in without him noticing, then he went to the bathroom.That's when I jumped at the chance to get behind his desk where all thewires are. I chewed the mouse wire, the mouse extension wire, thekeyboard wire, the keyboard extension wire, all the speaker cables, thenetwork cable, printer cables, monitor cables. Jim had to replaceeverything, boy was he shocked. Do you think that was mean?

Lord Thumper, that wasn't very nice what if Jimputs you in your cage as punishment and forgets about you for a longtime?

All that money that he spent on new cords he could have bought youEaster presents, I bet he doesn't buy you any now.

You could have gotten a real bad shock too and burnt your beautiful white fur we wouldn't want that to happen.

You better go give your Jim lots of kisses and apologize ASAP.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
Hey all, if anyone is interested I am givingaway a white lop bunny rabbit. It is only 2 years old, he has severebruising on his side and he can't really walk that straight. Also, heis fat and lazy. Oh and likes to chew things with a retail value of$50.00 or more. If you're interested let me know and I will ship him toyou FedEx.
Hee hee - go Thumper!

I do the same thing every chance I get! One time I chewed ONEcord and it was worth $100 alone! I hit the jackpot on thatone.

I chewed the speaker wires three times before mom put up some kind offence around her desk. Now I can't reach any of thecords. Oh well, there's always the carpet. It's funto dig up and makes them just as mad.

Poop in Jim's shoes if he leaves them lying around. That'll make him scream!

Me and Tumps are talking again, it is waterunder the cage, I mean bridge. No use crying over spilled pellets, Imean milk. One rabbit in the cage is worth 2 in the litter box, I meanbush. And as you know, Hay heals all wounds, I mean time. What the hellwas I saying in the first place anywho?
JadeIcing wrote:
Sowhat exactly was chewed?
Pretty much every wire going from the computer to the correspondingpart. I can replace wires though, I can't replace Tumpie, and that isall that matters (what bullsh**)


:shock:Sheesh. I was upset about one laptop cord. Than again that may be cause I got zapped and electrocuted.

It made me ill.:vomit:
