Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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:inlove: What a pretty boy!
Lord_Thumper wrote:
You know what Mrs. Sniblets, I have a picture perfect reply for you:

THUMPER! Stop it right this minute! You have only a few friends on thisboard do you want to lose them forever! One more nasty word out of youand I will wash your mouth out with Kitty Litter, one more I swear!

SOOOSKA wrote:
Whay is an Oracle DBA? Sorry for the dumb question.

"Whay"? Is that a combo of what and why? Instead of two questions just ask one. Fantabulous!

There are no dumb questions, only dumb answers. Plus most air breathing mammals don't know an Oracle DBA from Chinese MSG. DBA stands for Database Administrator, Oracle is the giant company that owns thes oftware. Pretty exciting huh?

Bangbang says
"Thanks for the offer but i don't need graphics to make myself any better, check it out"

Lord_Thumper wrote:
You know what Mrs. Sniblets, I have a picture perfect reply for you:


I think that says just about everything.

Aw, thanks Thumper! I love bunny butts. They're thecutest. Tell Jimnot to cut off your tail nexttime! :)
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Bangbang wrote:
Bangbang says
"Thanks for the offer but i don't need graphics to make myself any better, check it out"

I couldn't agree with you more Bangbang, you are one handsome bunny rabbit.
hahahahahaha bangbang is a .... SHE
She is mortified to once again be called handsome.
However it is time she came to grips with the fact that if she was aboy bunny she would have been very handsome ;)... When I first got herI thought she was a he and I was so excited I really wanted a boybunny... but then i found out she wasn't, funny how she has turned outlooking kinda boyish...:ponder:
Bangbang wrote:
hahahahahaha bangbang is a .... SHE
She is mortified to once again be called handsome.
Poor Bangbang, I should've known, the dandelions in the ears kindagives it away now that I look. You say you were confused about what sexshe was, boy/girl, maybe she is one of those transtesticle bunnyrabbits?
hahahahahahahaha transtesticle thats a good one....
My friends always make jokes along that line about her... Howeverwearing flowers doesn't make her a girl she could be a cross-dresser...
I work at a vet clinic and sometimes she comes in with me and i've hadclients argue about with me about if she was ACTUALLY spayed! Theythink she's pregnant... with what? I only have one bunny to start withand last time i checked rabbits can't breed with guinea pigs orcats..:dunno:
:shock2: How anyone could mistake BangBang for a boy, I will never know! Thumper, your human needs its eyes adjusted :tantrum:.

Nice butt, by the way :bow
minilops wrote:
How anyone could mistake BangBang for a boy, I will neverknow! Thumper, your human needs its eyes adjusted :tantrum:.

Nice butt, by the way :bow

Tell me about it. By the way I just want everyone to know that I am no longer speaking with my owner/slave/SOB. You would not BELIEVE what hedid to me. He first placed me in my cage this evening and brushed my fur with the metal pinned brush for a half hour, annoyingisn't the word. Then he had the GALL, the NERVE to take a towel, wrap me up in it like I was a breakfast burrito, then to make it worse he placed me on my back on his lap and......I can't even believe it....he.....clipped my nails! I was absolutely humiliated. The whole time he was cooing and talking like an idiot baby to me. He was so happy because he said it was the first time that he was not only able to successfully hold me, but cut my nails instead of taking me to the vet to get it done. He said it was a 'bonding' experience. Well, I don't care why he did it, I am never talking to him again.

Thanks for the compliments on my butt, I work out.

Tumpie Rabbit he's not talking to you!...I can'tbelive you actually did that to the most handsome rabbit in theworld:inlove:....oh and I can't agree more with Snuggys mom andminilops-Lord Thumper your but is very cute....
Brandy(Kala's Master.....)

Lord_Thumper wrote:
TumpieRabbit wrote:
You knowwhat Thumps, it was for your own good, now shut up or I am gonna cancelyour Internet Account!
Can someone tell him that I am not talking to him.

Aw, poor Thumps! Trust me, though -you don't want your nails to get long. Have you ever seenthat lady in the Guiness book of world records with the longfingernails? It's really disgusting.:disgust

One time, I missed Snuggy's dew claw and it started curling.If I hadn't noticed, it would have grown back into her foot and causedher a lot of pain.

Jim's a good bunny dad!