Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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BangBang is a great name, wherever it came from, I must say that I never would have guessed that though. And yes, this place is addicting, I never caught interest with other discussion forums, I would post once in awhile but never as much as I do here.

BTW here is the latest pic of da king.



OMG! That's hilarious! You've totally captured Snuggy's tude!

Hee hee - that's the only time she has EVER looked petite! Thumper looks ginormous!

You did a good job. I had to go check the cage to make sureSnuggy hadn't run off to New York! She looks like she'sreally there.

Come on, Bree. Don't be like that.

You've got FOUR bucks to choose from, right under your roof! That Elvis is HOT, too!

All I have is Toby, a big ball of fluff, mama's boy. I need areal man, but don't tell Thumper I'm interested. I'm stillplaying hard to get.

That hussy Teresa won't share Elvis or Dallas.Foster mommy won't let me play with Ringo cause he sick, and I heardConnor is going in for some kind of removal tomorrow. :shock:

7.4 ibs is about 3.3 kg??
So I guess Bangbang is about 6.6ibs??
Ibs confuse me so does farhrenheit

That photo you created is hilarious!!! How did you do it?
TumpieRabbit wrote:
BTW I found out what Thumper weighs: 7.4lbs (lbs is short for Lops)
I guess that makes him a Mini Lop who is just a little overweight.

I was right - he and Snuggy are perfect for each other. :)

Snuggys Mom wrote:
I guess that makes him a Mini Lop who is just a little overweight.
I guess that makes me a what? who is just a littleWHAT, sister? WELL AT LEAST I GOTTA MAN! Wait, I'm a guy. Well that's what people on Jerry Springer always say when they are mad at each other so I thought it might work well in this case, but now that I think about it, it has no prudent, logical placement in this conversation.Theoretically speaking, If I did have said 'man' then that would make me a homosexual bunny rabbit who was in love with a male human counterpart, thus not really making you jealous at all because that would make both me and said 'man' pretty darn weird, thus making us...in scientific logical terms...Freaks.

Getting back to what you said about me being a Mini lop who is just overweight, how do you know that I am not just a Giant Lop who is infantastic physiological shape? After all, if I can use a computer why the heck can't I start a new breed?

Sorry for Lord Nutcase, he get's a little out of control sometimes, nothing that a cattle prod and an acetylene torch can't solve. There he goes! I knew that would scare him off! Now at least you will have a break from his ramblings on the computer for a few hours.

I made that picture in Photoshop, Bangbang. I am an Adobe Grandmasterof the 56th Level. If you want anything done with photos or graphics really I can do it, as well as websites, programming code, and networks. I am currently in the process of becoming an Oracle DBAthough, which is my one true passion, after rabbits that is, oh and of course food and water and air.

Lord_Thumper wrote:
Getting back to what you said about me being a Mini lop whois just overweight, how do you know that I am not just a Giant Lop whois in fantastic physiological shape?
Okay, then you're a pathetic, puny little French Lop. Is that better?

I was trying to be nice, Lord Thumper. You know I adoreyou.Don't be an angry bun.

Here are a couple new pics, the close up one of him I framed, it makes me cry almost he is so darn cute!


and here is the one where you can see the hay tumble box I made him,sometimes when you look over at him during the day all you can see ishis rump sticking out of the box he goes in so far to get the hay =)

