Well-Known Member
Tumpie Leave Lord Thumper alone.
:mrsthumper:Also most of my time is being spent on designing a Geniepicture of my true love Snuggles, and I am writing her a love poem aswe speak.
I never called you a fat chick Mrs. Paranoia, I just said that you havea nice "personality". Hey did you know my cousin used to be the realEaster Bunny?Make me pretty, baby.
Wait, what am I saying? It's impossible for me to be anything but beautiful.
Anyway, I can't wait to see the photo and poem, Thumps. I'mliking this romantic side of you. It's much better than whenyou called me a fat chick.
Snuggy wrote:I never called you a fat chick Mrs. Paranoia, I just said that you have a nice "personality".I'm likingthis romantic side of you. It's much better than when youcalled me a fat chick.
Snuggy is not really Thumper's Type. He likes his women a littleummm skinnier.
Thumps wanted me to tell youthat Snuggy has a really nice personality, and he understands that shejust has a weight problem, she can't wait to EAT! Yeah shehas a gland problem, there's too much fat on them! Ok, we'llstop, we'll stop. Thumper is rolling on the floor laughing,what a conceded SOB he is.
Thumper saidhe'dgo out withSnuggy if he was drunk.
Oh, so I suppose Jim (sorry, "he of whom you do not speak") made all this up?
That is a freakin gag! I LOL'D!!:laugh:Here is my love poem from Thumper to Snuggles. Pleaserespect my feelings for her and not make fun of me (or I'll have youkilled!). Thank you.
Your eyes remind me of a warm summer's day,
I think of you every time I eat my hay.
Your gaze is like a flowerwhispering in the sun,
I would love to chase you around my run.
Your cage reminds me of Fort Knox,
I am dying to show you my litterbox.
Maybe we can be together sometime soon,
And then I can mount you from morning 'til noon.
Love Always,
Lord Alowiscious Thumper III
P.S. I hope this isn't too forward, is it?
:roflmao:Here is my love poem from Thumper to Snuggles. Pleaserespect my feelings for her and not make fun of me (or I'll have youkilled!). Thank you.
Your eyes remind me of a warm summer's day,
I think of you every time I eat my hay.
Your gaze is like a flowerwhispering in the sun,
I would love to chase you around my run.
Your cage reminds me of Fort Knox,
I am dying to show you my litterbox.
Maybe we can be together sometime soon,
And then I can mount you from morning 'til noon.
Love Always,
Lord Alowiscious Thumper III
P.S. I hope this isn't too forward, is it?