Lord Thumper's Blog - (Yes, the OTHER Thumper)

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Welcome to you and Thumper both! Fionaand Timmy would like to invite him to see their blog as well.Thumper is one handsome bunny.
Thank you, I found your blog, Thumper said Fionaand Timmy are very good looking but he just thinks that he is on atotally different level than they are. He's very cocky, sorry.:X
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Just out of curiosity, why do they call them lionheads? I amgonna go out on a limb here, is it because they look like a lion orsomething along those lines?

You're a funny boy, Jim.

When do we get more pics of His Majesty? Do you know if He's a Mini Lop or a Holland?
Mini-lop or Holland? Well, take one look at Thumper and the last thing that comes to mind is "mini". There isn't one thing "mini" about him. I don't think he is a Holland Lop either. I was told he is a Poppi, a Poppi Lop, also known as Lollipop. A very strange breed...fat, bossy, and totally self centered.
Thumper is adorable. BTW Thumper I don't think you need to looseweight you look perfect to me.

I look forward to many more pictures of that Beauty. HeyThumper if you like you can come live with me and my gang, check out myavitar and you will see my 4 babies.

Susan and the Gang:bunnydance::apollo::bunny19:bunnyheart
He called me FAT!!??? That $$#@#! what a!@!$$$ I am NOT FAT! I am large and IN CHARGE! Anyway what I wanted to say is that your 4 babies are very adorable, Sooska. Not as cute as I am but hey, who is? Thanks for the compliments.


As for living with you Sooska, why serve in heaven when you can rule in hell?

Lord_Thumper, I had a very good laugh over your reply.

Tell your SLAVE Jim we need lots more pictures of you and we need the ASAP.


Lord_Thumper wrote:
He called me FAT!!??? That $$#@#! what a !@!$$$ Iam NOT FAT! I am large and IN CHARGE! Anyway what I wanted to say isthat your 4 babies are very adorable, Sooska. Not as cute as I am buthey, who is? Thanks for the compliments.


As for living with you Sooska, why serve in heaven when you can rule in hell?

Oh my god I love you!
I merged Jim's introduction thread with this oneafter speaking to him. That thread had some nice pictures ofHis Majesty, so now they're here for everyone to see!
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Mini-lop or Holland? Well, take one look at Thumper and thelast thing that comes to mind is "mini". There isn't one thing "mini"about him. I don't think he is a Holland Lop either. I was told he is aPoppi, a Poppi Lop, also known as Lollipop. A very strange breed...fat,bossy, and totally self centered.
He's got the "Mini Lop Mohawk" (the hair that sticks up between theears - gotta love it) and he certainly has the Mini Lopattitude! Do you know what he weighs?
Actually no I don't know what he weighs, I willhave to find that out. He doesn't like being handled at ALL off theground, which is not unusual. I am working on it though.
winnie wanted me to pass on this message:


"you can be the ying to my yang. . ."

*then she wanted me to clear up any bad thoughts some of you may havegotten from what she had to say *cough*cough* she only wanted to pointout how good a pair of white and black bunnies look. . .especially ifthey are both of the mini lop family (even if thumper isn't a mini lop,he looks close enough to be one!)

she also kindly asked that you not mention this to herman. . .;)

As strange as this may sound Bangbang was named after the Indonesian president (president susilo bambang yudhoyono)...
my sister has been living their for 3 years, when she came home I justhad adopted Bangbang, I named her Hippo but as usual my sister somehowpersuaded me that Bangbang was better... and well it stuck... It suitsher too though as she has so much attitude and Bangs her feet whenevershe doesnt like something, usually followed by a headbutt...

I seriously think Lord Thumper and Bangbang should have a talk, they could start a lop-bunny revolution of something...

I had the same problem with trying to figure out what Bangbang is as she is too largefor a mini or a holland...
TumpieRabbit wrote:
Well, it's nice to see everyone is stupid and gushy andridiculous with bunnies just like I am!
Who you callin' stupid??? Just kidding, we all are a bunch of goobers about bunnies here. :blushan:

Your bunny is cute, his face is so kissable. He looks like he is indeed "LORD" Thumper.


PS Welcome to the forum. This place is addicting!