Introducing Yofi :o)

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Well, this morning the little mister discovered how a cat door works. :X I was in the kitchen attempting to make some hummous, and I kept hearing this scratchy noise behind me. So I turned around and saw Yofi, hard at work on the cat door flap. He knows that in order to go into the backyard, one has to exit via the back porch, and the little bugger managed to figure out that there was a portal - at his level - to get there. At first he was biting the frame of the cat door itself...then when that didn't work he began pushing on the flap with his head, getting mad at it because it would swing back down and hit him in the face. That led to furious clawing at the bottom of the door, then pushing the cat flap again, and then trying to grab it with his teeth so it wouldn't swing shut. I watched him for a few moments (and to think I pay for cable when I have this entertainment *live* ;)), and he finally figured out that by pushing hard enough, his head would hold the flap open. It only took him a couple of more moments to then realize that his body could follow his head, and soon Yofi was scooting through the door and into the forbidden land of The Porch. was funny watching his antics, because once he realized that the door leading to the backyard was shut, he kept going back and forth, back and forth...through the cat flap and into the porch, then right back around into the kitchen again, then...furious digging to open the door with the cat flap...and right back through the cat flap yet again. I could see the frustration on his face because he couldn't figure out how to actually get the huge bunny portal (i.e., back door to the yard) open. But now that Yofi has conquered the cat flap, he's made a game of going to and from the kitchen to the porch...supposedly forbidden territory for dogs and bunnies. :foreheadsmack:

What does worry me though, is....if he was smart enough to figure out how to maneuver the cat door on his own, then what else is going on in that little lagomorphian brain of his?? (Envisioning Yofi plans to take over the house, then the yard, then...the Universe!!! muwahahahahaha...)

:roflmao:Brilliant he is such a character. and i love how he lifts his head up before he runs to get his ears out of the way:hearts
polly wrote:
:roflmao:Brilliant he is such a character. and i love how he lifts his head up before he runs to get his ears out of the way:hearts

I'm hoping to one day get a video of Yofi when he does his 'Farrah Fawcett' impression. Sometimes he will flip his ears back just like a flirtatious woman flips her long hair behind her. Makes me laugh every time he does it. :biggrin2:
slavetoabunny wrote:
I just love e-lops! They are like little doggies. I got to meet some one time that belonged to a breeder friend of mine - all I wanted to do was stroke those ears.

I agree! They really are more like puppies than rabbits. Actually I'd describe them as a cross between a devoted puppy and a five-year-old child...totally loving, follows you everywhere, and has to explore every nook and cranny of all the off-limits nooks and crannies...and usually leaving a wake of destruction in their path along the way. :p
In response to Yofi figuring out the cat door...I would LOVE to see that! :D

We've always had the cat door off limits as far as the buns' running around space, mostly due to the fact that Flower's cage is RIGHT by it, and I just KNOW that, given the chance, she would figure it out in a heartbeat, too! :D

Good thing your porch has a door to the outside! :shock: Silly little floppy eared boy! :)

Give the babes kisses from us...:D

It seems the tail of two kitties (my two geriatric-ish felines) is somehow trying to get twisted into three. Yofi, I think, believes he is a cat.

First he began following the cats around the house, sort of acting like a long-eared furry shadow to the two of them - not really bothering Fritz, who is pretty laid-back, but really bugging Tasha, who once in a while turns around and bats Yofi across the face with her huge ballcatcher's mitt of a paw.

Then he learned how to use the cat door that leads into the back porch. Once that was accomplished, it seems to have become part of his daily routine...through the magic portal and into the porch, check out the sights there, then back into the kitchen. Oh wait, forgot to sniff a corner out there. So...back through the magic portal, sniff around again, then back to the kitchen. *pause* Hey, I thought I saw something in there...back through the magic portal again, look around...again...and back to the kitchen. hhhmmmm...wait a minute...did I leave something back there? And so back through the magic portal again, sniff aroun...and on and on and on.

And now last night I became convinced that Yofi has decided to abandon his quest to be the next Golden Boy of bunnydom and instead, is preparing to join C*C*C*A*T*S (Cats Creating Chaos And Turmoilish Stuff). I was standing in the kitchen when I heard some strange, rapid scratching noises coming from the back porch. Knowing it was Yofi (who else could it be, after all? ;)) and thinking he might be trying - once again - to tunnel his way under the outer door to the freedom of the backyard, I opened the door to the porch and tentatively peered inside. The scene I saw was not quite what I was expecting. No, Yofi was not digging at the fact, I couldn't even see Yofi. What greeted my sight instead was an enormous plume of kitty litter flying through the air, propelled out of the cat box at unspeakable height and fury, and landing in an indescribable scattered mess aaaaallllllll over the floor. It looked like a sandstorm had hit the tiny porch, only the sand wasn't the pristine ultra-fine white grains of the, it was gray, coarse, feline-scented litter...and tons of it. By the time I caught the little culprit red-pawed, he had emptied out almost 3/4 of the box.

"YOFI!!!!!" I cried out (in my most Captain Kirkish 'Khaaaan'!!!! imitation). He stopped what he was doing, came out of the box, looked up at me as if to say, "Yeah? Did you say FOOOOOD, Mom???" and then he casually bounced away, off to see if the door to the big white box was open. (There was always lettuce and stuff in there to snag when the Momster wasn't looking.)

*Sigh* Anyone know if they have bunny obedience classes? :?

***P.S. to this...Yofi also wanted to give out candy to the trick-or-treaters this evening, only he didn't quite grasp the concept. He would run outside and pose cutely in the midst of the kidlets (*lookit me! lookit me! Hey! Down here!*), but didn't take any treats with him to dish out. Kids didn't seem to mind too much though.

Oh my...Yofi is such a little imp! I love hearing about all his little goofs...

Emily would have LOVED to have been YOUR trick-or-treater!! I think she would've died of happiness to see Yofi's cute little face...and then I could've run off with him...I mean your candy...I mean...yeah, I have no defense...hehe!!

Love to you guys! :hearts

Rosie & the Goofball Herd (which includes the two felines)
How cute Yofi is.. I can just imagine a little bunny running up to trick-or-treaters with some candy in their mouth and the kids' reactions! That would be SO cute. Too bad he's being a little handfull :p.

I DEMAND more pictures of Yofi!! He reminds me of my Moosey and therefor I automatically love him to death :inlove:. You're lucky you live in Canada or I might come and steal him away :bunnyheart
LOL!! Di, your posts about Yofi antics always bring a smile to my face - that boy is personality plus :D.

When Pernod first discovered our cat flap, she was the same - in, out, in out, in .....
I can just imagine the scene with Yofi digging out the cat litter. I bet he had a great time :D. I love that little guy :)

Darn darn darn! My camera's not working for some reason. Well, the camera itself is, but I can't download any pics onto my's not detecting the USB. I checked the cord connections twice, and they were fine...and I just recharged the battery too, so it's not that. :?

Well, I did manage to take a couple of pictures and download them before this happened. As usual, they were of Yofi being bad. Only this time he had an accomplice. Actually, what he did the other night was what I originally wanted to capture on film, but didn't have my camera...I walked into the kitchen to find Yofi sitting in the middle of the table, happily chowing down on an orange. (I did later take a picture of the crime scene - one half-eaten orange - but it failed to download.) Anyway, this morning I was doing a wash, so went downstairs and loaded the machine. Came back up, walked into the kitchen and what did I see? This:




That's right...the two of them with a pilfered apple...and trying as fast as they could to get rid of the evidence. And take a close look at Anna's face in the last photo. Yep, licking her lips, no doubt to add insult to injury. :X I finally gave up on the two delinquints (one juvenile, one not), picked up the apple, washed and de-seeded it, and gave it back to them. I still do, however, have to ground them. So I'm wondering...would banning them from watching reruns of Animal Cops be enough?

hhhmmm...come to think of it, maybe that's not such a good idea. Seeing Animal Police just might make them rethink their recent crime spree. :ponder:

I think I might just start singing this to them too:

Bad buns, watcha want, whatcha want,
Whatcha gonna do when Sheriff Mean Mom comes for you.
Tell me, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do? Yeahhh

Bad buns, bad buns,
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When Mom comes for you

What cute pictures. They make such a lovely couple.

I see they were even smart enough not to chew the label on the apple. Maybe they wanted to make sure you got the same apples next time you went shopping so they didn't want to ruin the label.:p LOL

Can't wait for more pictures of the Dynamic Duo.:)

Hahahaaa....stinkers!! Yofi's made Anna a partner in crime you know they're REALLY bonded...when they start being naughty together...hehe!!

Wonderful...I just LOVE bunny stinkiness!!


Edited because for some *odd* reason I called Anna "Belle"...what?! How could I stoop to such a horrid level??

Hopefully Anna forgives me...:bow
No wonder she loves him so much! he feeds her! LOL!

Look at them going at that apple! that's about as cute as can be!

For your USB, try another port. I had a USB port go out and had the same thing happen not long ago.
Oh I love it.....I'm sorry - I think its wonderful they did that.

I may have to put that in my book - only I'll have Miss Bea steal an apple (Tiny's too big to want to get up on the table..).

Well, I *fixed* my camera. Actually, I think the problem is with the cord that plugs into the camera/USB...I tried it again this morning, only this time held the cord tightly at the camera end and it worked. So hopefully that's all that was wrong...loose cord.

I took some pics of Yofi this morning; he was thoroughly enjoying himself in the living room, *copycatting* Tasha (my little cat) in the fine art of sunbatheing.







And this one was after I'd accidentally disturbed his dozing...


Now, don't ask me why he had The Dog's bone tucked away under one ear; I have no idea (unless, of course, this was another Yofi-plan on how to royally %^#%!! off said Dog). One never really knows what goes on in this little lagomorph's constantly-churning brain. ;)

On another note, I ran across some pics of Raph that I haven't looked at in some time. Here's a couple I took of him back in 2006....he had a grand time that day, tearing apart the old phone book, and then snoozing off all the hard work:



That was one of the only times I'd ever seen Raph do a dead bunny flop. And quite honestly, it scared the stuffings out of me! When I walked into the room there he was, flat on his side and not moving a muscle...I honestly thought he was dead. I'd had him for about six months at that point, and he'd never done it before...and I don't think he ever did it again - not that I could see, anyway. It just wasn't normal *Raph style*. Once I realized he wasn't actually dead - was just dead tired - I couldn't stop laughing!

A quick story: As some here know, my search to have a rabbit in my life again came after I'd had a dream one it a little wild rabbit was sitting on a university campus, with what looked to be a hole in the middle of its forehead. As it turned out, the hole wasn't a wound at all; it was signifying the 'crown chakra'. And in that dream, when I picked up the rabbit and held him in my arms, he began to purr contentedly, just like a cat. And that dream eventually led me to find Raph.

Well, one evening after Raph had lost the ability to walk, I was giving him a bath to clean his hind end - something he could no longer do on his own. And in the midst of batheing him I stopped, as I heard something rather odd. To my surprise it was coming from Raph...he was doing that 'tooth purr' that bunnies will sometimes do, but the sound was so loud and so was an enormous rumble, exactly like a cat's purr...exactly like the sound the little bunny in my dream had made. I've heard rabbits grind their teeth in pleasure before, how it makes such an odd rumbly sound, but never have I heard it so close to a cat's purr as Raph did that evening. Funny how a picture can trigger memories of things we tend to put at the back of our minds.

Gosh, I miss my boy...:?
Wow...Yofi is so handsome, and so dang adorable...I love him both imitating the cat and working to tick off the dog...all at the same time! :D

Talk about multi-tasker!

As far as Raph...yeah, isn't it odd what'll trigger memory? I hope you're's hard to lose someone so special...

BUT...hugs and love to you and yours (and hopefully forgiveness to me for saying "Belle" instead of Anna...see my edit to my above post, hehe),

Those are great pics. Yofi is quite the character. Hiding dog bones, imitating the cat, and stealing apples:shock: (albeit sharing:D). He is wonderful!

The pics of Ralph are great. I know that it still hurts, but sometimes it is nice to be able to look back and remember the times when they made you laugh like mad...:hug:
Y'know, I don't think that Yofi is a rabbit at all. I think he is a mischevious little imp sent to make everyone happy (as well as rip their hair out in despair :D). I just love his character. And he looks so handsome in those pics.

I think Raph meant you to find those photos - he seems to have a special way of 'communicating' with you. Just to let you know he misses you two, but he's not that far away :)
