Introducing Yofi :o)

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LuvaBun wrote:
Y'know, I don't think that Yofi is a rabbit at all. I think he is a mischevious little imp sent to make everyone happy (as well as rip their hair out in despair :D). I just love his character. And he looks so handsome in those pics.

I think Raph meant you to find those photos - he seems to have a special way of 'communicating' with you. Just to let you know he misses you two, but he's not that far away :)


Jan, that is such a comforting thing to say about Raph...thank you. :) I like to think that he does still communicate with me, and probably moreso during times when I find myself missing his physical presence more than usual. He really was/is a special guy to me, and his being in my life for the short time he was here changed me, in many ways. And while I do go through bouts of missing his presence, I still do feel him with me in spirit, all the time. Guess I just miss actually touching and holding him, and being able to look into those huge soulful eyes.

As for Yofi...LOL! I think you got his purpose right, for he truly is an entertainer. Tonight I pulled a carrot out of the fridge, planning on cutting it up so I could give some pieces to him and Anna. I didn't get very far with it though; Yofi saw me taking it out of the crisper and snagged the whole thing from my hands before I realized he was even there. Ever see a rabbit go dashing out of the room with a huge carrot crammed into his mouth? Took me a while to catch the bugger too!

Yep, I think God made Yofi handsome for a reason - self-preservation...:biggrin2:
Thanks Thumpersmom and Rosie... :bunnyhug: (btw, I used to be a Thumpersmom too...Thumper was the name of the third rabbit I ever owned; I was around 16-17 when I got her, I think. And she was the most loving rabbit...she looked much like Anna, only Thumper was larger. She slept in my bed every evening, starting out under the covers beside me and then working her way up to the pillow during the night...I'd usually wake up in the morning with a big bunny foot in my face. :))

LOL...Rosie, I have made so many goofs on names and such, I've lost track. Usually I see my blunder right after posting and then go back to edit. Sometimes it's a wonder I get my own name you've got nothing on me there! :p
Here's a picture I took the other night. Yofi looked like he was giving Anna a massage! He was working his feet on her back and she was lying there like a queen, probably saying, "ooohhhh, right there...that spot...yeah, that's it..." under her breath. (Oh, and I know, the room was an absolute disaster when I took the pic. :embarrassed: LOL...there's even a brick on the floor! Anna seems to like lying next to it for some reason. But beyond the mess itself, notice the carpet? Yofi spray-painted almost every inch of it during his brief pre-neutering days. He works fast! Now I have to figure out how to remove the stains - not that the carpet matters, but it just looks gross.)


And one last post for the's a very short video clip I took of Yofi. I was trying to film him playing in the living room one evening, as he sometimes flies from room to room non-stop, slowing down just long enough to toss in a binky or two. But...well, as we all know, animals don't always co-operate. At first I got down to his level to capture him playing, and when that didn't work I stood up and backed away, hoping he would resume his playful antics then. Did it work? Not on your life...:? This was the muddled result:


Vinegar and a wet/dry vacumm (proper carpet cleaner) will work wonders on bunny stained carpet! My fosters used to pee all over the carpet, so I bought a little hand held carpet cleaner and it worked wonderfully.

Let the vinegar sit for a little bit. You can even heat it up to make it work better.

If you can't get a hold of a wet/dry vacuum, then you'll have to do it the long way with paper towell and just soak it up.

Dawn, thanks so much for the tip! I didn't realize that vinegar worked well on stains. And I was afraid to use any commercial cleaners on the carpet since the rabbits are running around in there all the time (even the ones that are labelled safe for children and pets have small print warnings saying to keep them away from children and pets, so I don't completely trust them :?).

I've also been holding off cleaning the carpet until my dehumidifier arrives...I just purchased one the other day as the room tends to get quite humid. I didn't want to add to the humidity before getting it. But as soon as it gets here, I will be sure to try the vinegar! I don't have a wet/dry vac, but handcleaning won't bother me at all. :)

This is a complete hoot! Your description of the situation just cracked me up :D.

I just wish I was as lucky as nice would it be to have a man-servant (bun-servant to her, I guess) at your beck and call to give free back rubs? Oh, she's got him well-trained! :p

Hahahaaaaa...that video is just PRICELESS!! I just love when I'm trying to film the buns or the kitties and they just won't leave the dang camera and just be themselves! You should see me trying to film Trixie...maybe I'll get out the old camera and pretend to use IT and have Danny secretly film her beforehand, and then you can see the change when she thinks I've turned MY camera on. A total HAM!!

Hobbes isn't much better...

They're such goofs!!

I showed Danny the video, and he said he couldn't help but laugh at your exasperated sigh at the end, HAHA!!!

You should see me trying to film Trixie...maybe I'll get out the old camera and pretend to use IT and have Danny secretly film her beforehand, and then you can see the change when she thinks I've turned MY camera on. A total HAM!!

Hobbes isn't much better...

They're such goofs!!
LOL...I know exactly what you mean, Rosie! (btw, I love seeing pics of your Hobbes...he reminds me so much of my old cat Tiger, who I lost a few years ago. They could be twins!)

Quick post as I'm kinda busy at work; I just had to share this Yofi-ism:

Last evening after I got home from work I was in the kitchen making my dinner. Now, in my kitchen I have a small garbage bin, probably about 18" high or so, I guess. I always have the lid closed because otherwise, Kaya (aka The Dog) will help herself to the contents - and always has to spread said contents over the entire perimeter of the kitchen (I guess that's her way of making her choice in what to eat first easier). So, because the lid is always closed, Yofi has decided to make the garbage bin his own personal perch. He hops up on it and sits there for a few moments, inspects his surroundings, and then gets down.

Well, last night the bag in the bin was full, so I took it out, meaning to replace it with a new one. However, in my shuffle to make dinner/feed animals, etc., I forgot to put the new bag in...and also forgot to close the lid. So I was standing at the counter and happened to turn around at just the right the blink of an eye I saw bunny go up, long ears flying...and bunny drop down, completely out of sightinto the empty garbage bin. LOL!! I waited a moment till I saw a tentative Yofi peek his head up from the bin with a completely shocked look on his face, as if to say..."wtf????!!!??? What the *bleep!!!* just happened?!?"

Wish I could describe it better...but you just had to be there to see it. I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop!


I am laughing so hard thinking of those ears trailing behind him........ "Watch that first step, Yofi!"
hehe...the only word that really comes to mind when I saw Yofi (briefly) in mid-air before he disappeared into the nethers of the garbage bin is


and yep...those ears of his were flying!!
Heheheeee...reminds me of a kid jumping into a pool...

YOFI CANNONBALLLLLLLL!!!! Hehe!! I can even picture him, ears flyin', holding his hind feet all tucked under with his front paws...CANNONBALL!!!

What a card...I LOVE hearing about Yofi...:roflmao:
Bassetluv wrote:
hehe...the only word that really comes to mind when I saw Yofi (briefly) in mid-air before he disappeared into the nethers of the garbage bin is


and yep...those ears of his were flying!!
That's so funny! I can see that too!
Sunday Morning With Yofi

Every Sunday morning I tend to sit and have breakfast at my computer, whilst going through emails and forums. Normally I don't leave my bedroom door open, as that serves as an invite for Anna and Yofi (aka The Dynamic Duo, The Masters of Disaster, Bunny and Clyde, etc.) to invade. However, this morning I felt rather mean shutting them out and decided to leave the door open, and watch with one eye in case they decided to get into anything. Well, Anna ventured in a couple of times, but quickly lost interest (once I booted her out from under the bed, where she has been known to sabotauge communication systems - otherwise known as computer/lamp/radio wiring. Yofi on the other hand, got excited and wouldn't leave, since his 3rd favorite thing in the world to do is to hang around wherever Mom goes (the 1st favorite thing is, of course, FOOD; the 2nd favorite thing is bugging The Dog. Hey, at least I'm on his list.).

So I was sitting at the computer and had logged into RO, when along came Yofi, tromping across the carpet and sizing things up. And while he wasn't particularily mischievious this time around, I decided to take some pics of him.

Here's An Hour With Yofi, in photos...

Pictures by: Mom
Commentary by: Yofi
Snarky remarks by: Yofi
Grounding by: Yofi

MOM! HI! Can I come up too? (scuze the dead fly in the photo...geez, Mom's not a good housekeeper! :foreheadsmack:)


Please??? Pretty Please???? Can I come up?????


Ahhhhhhhh....I loves to snuggle wit' you (but Mom, ya cut off my nose! Ever think of taking photography courses? Just a suggestion.)


Okay, enough snugglin'! I'm here to explore! What's that on the bed? Gotta go see

buggingdogSmall.jpg bum!!! Gross

Hey, I wonder why The Dog looks so sad? Mom says she looks *resigned*. I'm not sure what that means, but she only gets that way when I go to see her. (Between youse and me...I just think she's weird.)


Mom left this big basket of human fur on the bed. Wonder if it tastes any differently here than it does when Mom wears it? (And while I'm on the subject, humans are just as weird as The Dog. I mean, why do they take their fur off anyway? Can't they just be like me and wear it everywhere they go? Humans are unexplainable, that's all I have to say.)


Taste test done. Nope, doesn't taste any different. Still as blecchy as before.

Okay, enough of the bed. Hey! I forgot to inspect the room with that big blue thing in it! Off I go...

Yup, floor in here is still the same...check...


Oh hey...big blue thing!


Yup, corner's fine (just needs a little Yofi decoration)...check...


Wall conforms to building code...that's good...check...


Flower decal still on wall (tacky but still there)...check...


Whoooops...still slippery (forgot about that)


Weird thing where the water comes out...still there...check...


Leaving one more Yofi decoration before finishing inspection...check...


One obligatory cute photo of moi (of course)


aw MOM!!! Ya screwed it up!! Try again (and hey folks, notice how I stratigically placed yet another Yofi decoration on the top of the blue thing? Am I good or what???)

Now this one's much better. Mom, you're improving...


And now back to Mom's room for one final...HEY!!!! What the...?!??? You're lookin' at OTHER bunnies on the 'puter while my back is turned??!!? You are SO grounded, MOM!!!! :grumpy:


Yofi out....
OMG not only is he major cute (with eyelashes to die for :D) he has got to be the most entertaining rabbit ever i am so coming to bunny nap him :biggrin2:
polly wrote:
OMG not only is he major cute (with eyelashes to die for :D) he has got to be the most entertaining rabbit ever i am so coming to bunny nap him :biggrin2:

And he'd probably go with you Polly, if you had food tucked away on you anywhere! (Of course he might rethink it if I tell him that all Scottish rabbits are forced to wear kilts and sporrans and tam-o-shanters... Nah, then again, nothing outweighs food when it comes to Yofi.)

Yeah, I want his eyelashes too! They're longer than mine...:?
Lol i will send him a kilt for his 1st birthday :biggrin2:I can just see him running around saying you can take away my poo tray but you will never take my CARRRRROOTTTSSSSS