Introducing Yofi :o)

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It's really encouraging to see someone healing from their loss...things are so raw for me right now...and things hurt so bad. I keep trying to find encouragement on RO...and here's one thread that certainly is encouraging...

It's hard to believe my heart will be able to move on...but it's so nice to see your two sweeties getting along and happy...:hug:
Did Yofi manage to bite into the lemon or was he saved that experience i have caught mine eating a couple of things that they don't like and they are so funny with the faces they pull :shock:

more pics :D
Oh, those pics are great. I love where Yofi is dashing past Anna - she looks so suprised :D. It's wonderful that she seems to be accepting Yofi a bit more.

I think Yofi sounds so much fun - I can imagine there is never a dull moment when he is around :D

maherwoman wrote:
It's really encouraging to see someone healing from their loss...things are so raw for me right now...and things hurt so bad. I keep trying to find encouragement on RO...and here's one thread that certainly is encouraging...

It's hard to believe my heart will be able to move on...but it's so nice to see your two sweeties getting along and happy...:hug:


You know, when the dog I had before Kaya died, I thought for a while I'd never get over the pain of losing her.Misty passed away completely unexpectedly, in her fact, I didn't even realize at first she was gone. She was lying in the living room curled up, and I got the vacuum cleaner out and began cleaning, expecting her to get up and dash out of the room at the sound of it. But after a few seconds I realized something was terribly wrong, and when I went over to her, it was then I knew that she had passed away. She wasn't quite 10 years old, and apparently she had an infection in her blood that got to her heart. The shock was enormously hard to take, and I think it took me almost a year and a half before the pain began to subside. Of course I was also beating myself up with the *what if's*, and blaming myself for her death. I vowed to never have another dog again, but found myself missing the little things, like having an excited little soul at the end of a leash, so happy to be outdoors on a walk. That's what finally led me to volunteer at the Humane Society, just so I would have a dog to walk, and so I could possibly bring some joy to those who were lost and in between 'forever homes'. And almost a year and a half after becoming a volunteer, Kaya and I found one another. It was one of those moments when I knew our paths were meant to cross, and in looking back, all of the events that happened...Misty's death, my pain over her and then missing walking her, etc., were supposed to take place...they all led to Kaya and I coming together.

At first I expected that same thing to happen when I lost Raph...that the pain in losing him would be so great I could never take on another rabbit again. Even the thoughts of him being gone, while he was still with me, was just too much to imagine.He was my Heart Bunny...there had never been anyone in my life like Raph, and I knew there never would be again.I was convinced that when he did leave - as I knew he soon would - I could not bear to have another rabbit, especially an English lop. I decided that Anna would be my last bunny. But in going through Raph's transition with him, something changed. Watching him leave was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, I will admit; and in the vet's office I broke down and sobbed, something I have never done in my life in front of other people, even during the hardest of times. Yet on the walk home I felt Raph with me, I felt him with me even during those moments when he left his physical body. And later on, I felt him 'nudging' me to get another rabbit. And that is what brought Yofi and I together. His presence has been a burst of energy and laughter that I needed so this day I thank Raph for bringing Yofi to me, as I am convinced he did.

I know so well of the pain you describe Rosie, and I know it can sometimes take months, even years, to subside. As I have said before to those who have losta special soul in their lives, I often wish there was something I could do to just dissolve the pain, much like wiping away a tear. And yet the pain is also beneficial to our healing. Yes, your heart will move on...give it time, and believe that the loss of one incredible soul does lead to the opportunity for another. I believe that your heart is so full of love, it cannot go for too long with simply pushes it away as soon as you are ready for it.

(((Hugs))) to you Rosie, with the shared understanding of the deep pain of loss...:hug2:
polly wrote:
Did Yofi manage to bite into the lemon or was he saved that experience i have caught mine eating a couple of things that they don't like and they are so funny with the faces they pull :shock:

more pics :D

I don't think Yofi got a taste of the lemon Polly (though that would have been funny!), it was just too heavy for him to hold by it's little knobby end. I wonder if he would have tried to eat it though, if I hadn't been there...;)

Okay, I did come here to post an update. Yofi was neutered this morning, and the vet just called me an hour ago and said he's coming out of the anesthetic and is doing very well. :highfive:All his bloodwork was normal and the surgery went like clockwork. Now the challenge will be to keep him quiet for a while! Can't tell you how much my heart jumped when the call came in from the vet and I saw the animal hospital's name on the call display...I was so afraid to answer, as the last time I'd taken a bunny in to be neutered (Scooby)...well, we know what happened. So to hear that Yofi is doing fine was like winning the lottery, such a feeling of elation and 'thank goodness!'. :)Must say it was tough taking him in last night to be dropped off...he came to the front of his cage and sat there as I stroked his face, so content. Then as I was walking out the door one of the staff said, "Oh look...he's watching you as you's so cute!" Apparently he turned around in his carrier and was watching as I walked away. My heart was breaking when I heard that...

Oh, the vet said that everyone in the clinic fell absolutely in love with him...I hope he doesn't wind up bunny-napped before I get there to pick him up this evening! heart would break with that, too.....

BUT...I'm SO HAPPY to hear the good news!! I NEEDED some!!

I can't wait to hear how he's doing, safe and sound in his own home. :)
Thanks guys, I am just so relieved it's over! I really like this vet...he's very nice to deal with and I do feel much more confident with him.

Once Yofi's home and is settled in (and has forgiven me for this transgression) I'll post on how he's doing. I'll just be so glad to have him home again! :)

hehe...The Dog's probably thinking right about now, 'Hey, the little pest is gone! She got rid of him!! wooohoo!' Little does she know...:p
Hehe!! That's probably what the kitties will be thinking when Fiver goes to the vet on Tuesday!! LOL!!:D

Bassetluv wrote:
hehe...The Dog's probably thinking right about now, 'Hey, the little pest is gone! She got rid of him!! wooohoo!' Little does she know...:p
I tried to get in here earlier to post, but have been having a lot of problems at work and didn't get time to write anything (computer issues, don't even get me started(!):crash).

I can't believe how well Yofi's doing! Last evening he looked pretty groggy, and his face is a bit funky because of the goop they put in their eyes for the surgery, so he spent the night in his cage snoozing. Surprisingly, he was hungry and woke up long enough to eat his dinner. Then he just settled down and slept. This morning....other than the fact that he's hopping a bit differently (LOL...he keeps his bum just slightly higher than normal, so it looks like he's getting ready to spray at any moment), he's doing amazingly well. So far I haven't seen him even bother with the incision site (crossing fingers that he won't bother with it at all). So when I went to say good morning to him and Anna after I got up, there was Yofi, standing up against the door of the cage...*Let me out! Let me out!* I've never seen a bunny so happy to be home. He followed me into the kitchen and was scurrying around my feet, and he did a couple of attempts at binkies and dashes across the room. When I went into the bathroom and shut the door he began digging on the other side, trying to open it so he could come in too. Then he finally settled down and concentrated on his plan of attack for raiding the fridge. ;)And as I was leaving for work, he was chowing down on breakfast.

Yofi's not upset with me at all...but Kaya sure is. It's funny because last night when Yofi came home she was wagging her tail and licking him, but's business as usual...growl up a storm at the annoying little kid with the long ears, get sent to the bathroom to think about it, come out of the bathroom, growl at the annoying little kid with the long ears again, get sent back in....again...

Anna won't be allowed near Yofi for the first few days or so, at least till he's back to smelling like a Yofi should smell. Then all should be back to normal around here (or what's considered normal in my house ;)). Can't tell you how much I missed him while he was gone, and how glad I am to have him back again...:D
A (brief) video clip of Yofi in the backyard last weekend. Not the best quality video, but you get to see him actually move. ;)


And of soon as the camera battery died, he began binkying and doing some crazy leaps in the air, which is what I'd been hoping to film.

Ah well, will have to try again once his body's mended. (btw, he doesn't seem to have noticed that his 'boys' are missing...I had to confine him to his cage this evening because he was attempting so many twists and turns and leaps tonight...:?)
AWW!! What a handsome boy!!!

I'm so happy to see that gorgeous little goof in action! :D


Is your camera battery recharged yet? Hehe...just kidding...I got that you want to wait until he's healed...:D
Have I mentioned how much I love your buns!!! I love the video of Yofi, I have never seen an e-lop in person and I was wondering how agile they were with that ear to body ratio... but first the picture of him zipping by anna at the speed of light... and then the video... it's awesome.

I love the way his ears fly back when he takes off at a run!

LOL...that's one reason why I wanted to share some videos of Yofi...I had always loved English lops from afar, but until I got Raph, had only seen them in still photos. I just love watching their movements (and I so wish I had caught one huge binky Yofi did moments after the camera was hilarious!).

Nope, camera isn't recharged yet.:p It's sitting here in front of me, just waiting. I'll have to plug it in tonight and do it, as (I think) there's still some pics on it too. :biggrin2:
I just love e-lops! They are like little doggies. I got to meet some one time that belonged to a breeder friend of mine - all I wanted to do was stroke those ears.

Yofi is adorable - I want!!!!!!!!!:inlove: