Introducing Yofi :o)

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That rabbit is a HOOT!

He's the nosiest thing I've ever seen LOL! and that last photo - so innocent! He also has a long tail! I hadn't noticed that about EL's before!

poor dog! :p
Omigod...omigod...YOFI!!!! :pullhair:

I was sitting in my room on the computer and decided I'd better check to see what Anna and Yofi were doing, since they are running around the house, and being a tad too quiet. Well, I walked into the kitchen and saw Anna sitting there by herself, so I knew Yofi had to be in the room somewhere...Anna never ventures into other rooms without following Yofi first (unless she's hungry and is looking to be fed). So I started searching for Bozobunny, under the table, in the corners, but couldn't find him. I thought, that's weird...then I turned around.

The little twerp was sitting ON THE STOVE, eating a pear he'd snagged from the countertop...and this after he'd managed to open the container that had the raisins in it, and snarfed half of those down! Now, I'm not concerned so much about his self-serving helping of raisins and pear, but .... he gets up on the STOVE!?!?! Cripes! I'd always kind of wondered about that with him, as he constantly circles my legs whenever I'm cooking something, so he's never allowed to be alone in that room whenever I've been using the stove...but omigod, it's a scary thought that he leaps up on there!

Anyone know of any bunny-stove guards? :headsmack
OMG you certainly have your hands full with that little guy. I sit here laughing :laugh:(sorry) at his antics. He is sounding worse than a child LOL. Does he actually jump from the floor onto the stove? That's high!

Unfortunately I have no quick fixes to tell you on keeping him off the stove. Good Luck. Please give Yofi and Anna a BIG KISS:big kiss: from me.

LOL...I can just see my house now, with everything surrounded by NIC!

Yep, he got up onto the stove without the help of anything. He's been on the kitchen table many times, but has only accessed it when one of the chairs hasn't been pushed fully under...never jumped up on the table without using a chair. This time though...the stove is even higher than the top of the table, and he did it easily apparently, cuz I never heard a sound.

Honestly, I raised my son on my own and never, in all the years when he was a toddler, did I have so much to deal with as I have with Yofi in the past few weeks. I've never seen a rabbit so curious, or so much of a troublemaker! :shock: Guess I picked the one bunny in the bunch that had to be Trouble...with a capital T...!!
LOL You will be living inside a NIC cage in your house to keep him OUT of it LOL!

What a turd! He's adorable!
Tonight I left the cleaning of the bunny cages a bit late. I figured it wouldn't take too long...Yofi's did need a full cleaning, but Anna's only required a scooping out of her litter box. All told the entire thing shouldn't have taken me more than say, 15-20 minutes.

9:15 - Cleaning begins

Strip out Yofi's cage...remove his dishes, hay rack, then sweep excess litter/hay from the top of his pet bedding before removing the clamps that hold it in place. Yofi runs in to see what I'm doing.

"Yofi! Let go of the whisk!" geez

Go back to sweeping out the mess. Hear noise behind me. Turn around...Yofi's digging at the garbage bag I'd brought into the room.

"Yofi! Drop the garbage bag!"

Crawl back into the cage again and resume sweeping. Suddenly...


"Ow!! Anna...don't bite my rear when I'm doing the cage!"

Go back in, haul out Yofi's litter box. Begin scooping the litter from it. Anna runs over to see what I'm doing.

"Anna! Get out of the litter box, please! Move!"

Back to scooping again. Hear noise behind me.

"Yofi! No! Don't dig in the pellet bin!" (This is the bin I have that contains the clean pelleted bedding, not yet used.)

Finally, clean Yofi's litter pan, refill it with new litter, then go to Yofi's cage and begin cleaning the bottom of it. Suddenly...


"OWOWOW!!!!! !@$%! Anna!!!!"

Finish cleaning Yofi's cage, put clean pet bedding, clean, refilled litter pan and cleaned dishes back in cage. Take Anna's litter pan out of her cage and begin scooping it.

Hear noise behind some sort of machine whirling through wood. Turn to look.

"YOFI!!! NO!"

All of the clean, new litter in Yofi's clean litter pan is now catapulted everywhere...all over the clean pet bedding, in the clean water of his cleaned water dish. I turned to yell at Yofi, the entire scoop full of dirty, urinated-upon bedding that was in my scoop goes flying. All over the carpet.

*sigh* Go over, sweep out contents of now Yoficized cage and get it straightened out, again. Return to Anna's litter pan, sweep dirty litter from carpet and resume cleaning her box.

Hear something behind me...

"ANNA!!!! NOOOOO!!!!!"

Paper towel (used for cleaning said dirty cages) is now being shred and deposited all over the floor of the room.

Pick up shredded paper towel. Get the scoop and start scooping Anna's litter pan again.

Hear noise behind me.

"YOFI!!! NOOOO!!!"

Hole approximately the size of Kansas has now been chewed in garbage bag containing Yofi's used litter pan contents.

Go and get new bag. Insert old bag into new one. Sweep up contents of first bag that bled all over the floor.

Hear noise behind me.

"YOFI!!! NOOOO!!!"

Anna's cage in the back, where the litter box sits, was spotless...a clean towel protruding from beneath the pet bedding, to cover the spot the bedding didn't quite reach, has now been thoroughly saturated. Compliments of Yofi's neverending bladder supply.

Remove towel. Look for clean one. Replace soiled towel with another clean one. Finish scooping Anna's litter pan and add clean, new pelleted bedding. Put litter pan back in Anna's cage.


Look around me.

No bunnies ready to bite me.
No fresh litter strewn everywhere.
No holes in garbage bags made by ravenous rabbits.

Everything is cleaner, tidier, and smells nice.

Quickly grab the turmoil twins, toss them in cages, gather their food, toss that in too, and run from the room.

Look at clock. 10:20

I'm going to bed.


You need a NIC cage protective butt cover now! :laughsmiley:

I have to put Bo in a pen away from his cage when I am cleaning it.

Yofi needs to get his own tv show.
Oh my goodness...sounds like what I go through with Maisie...she's such a PAIN when I'm trying to clean her cage! I just gave up letting her out while I'm cleaning her cage, and started having to put her in a carrier. :(

I hate doing that, but every single time I try to clean out her cage, I just experience bunny-spreading-the-mess-everywhere-and-nipping-me-and-the-handbroom-while- I-clean! :grumpy:

So, in the carrier she goes right off the bat! LOL!!
How's Yofi doing? and Anna too? I need to read some more of his antics. I always get a good chuckle reading what he's put you through (sorry i know i shpuldn't laugh):roflmao:

Today on "COPS"

The evidence:


The perpetrator:



Status: Apprehended
Crime: Illegal bedroom entry; illegal use of concealed weapon; illegal destruction of communication system
Sentence: 10 minutes prison time for bad behaviour


Case closed.


Sorry but that made me laugh. Look at that innocent face.

