I don't know how I missed all your comments...wasn't paying attention I guess. Thanks everyone! Yofi certainly has made himself at home (I can't believe it's been 3 weeks now, already!). He's extremely mischievious, and his personality is starting to really shine. It's now a mad dash for me to open the refridgerator door and get whatever it is I need, otherwise there is a Yofi-bun scrambling to make it to the bottom of the fridge before the door closes. He inevitably manages to snag something...usually a mouthful of romaine or a huge Swiss chard leaf before making his escape. And the photo of him watching tv...he really does that. He will stop and sit up on his hind legs and stay there for several moments, watching the screen. First time I've ever seen a rabbit interested in television.
Yesterday a little girl came to the door selling chocolates, and when I answered it Yofi came scurrying to see who was there. When she spotted him the little girl began squealing and called to her mother to come and see the bunny. So I took Yofi out on the stoop for them, where he seemed to be basking in all of the attention. However, his mischievious side emerged when suddenly the girl yelled, "OWWW!!! He BIT me!!" LOL Yep, he bit her...though what he did was more of a "Yofi-nip"...he tends to taste-test people with his mouth, and his teeth sometimes are used too, just enough to make you jump, but not enough to hurt. She wasn't hurt at all and began laughing at him, but I still told him, "BAD Yofi!!! Bad boy!" (And I'm sure what he heard was "blah blah blah blah Yofi!!! Blah blah!"

). Oh, and earlier in the morning, he got excited whilst running around my feet and sprayed me, the bugger. :X
Then late this afternoon I was making myself some dinner and I walked into the living room to check on Yofi. And what did I see? There he was....violating one of Kaya's favorite stuffed animals! :baghead*sigh* Yofi is growing up far too fast...

Needless to say, Kaya was a little bit more than upset when she spotted Yofi staking claim to his new fluffy girlfriend...Kaya's stuffed white 'ball-thing' (actually I'm not sure what it's supposed to be, but it's got a little cap on its head and tiny arms and feet, and the rest of it is one big ball). So now whenever Yofi goes near it, Kaya grabs it in her mouth, gives him a growl and runs out of the room with it. :biggrin2:
Katt, I'm so glad you enjoy seeing Yofi...when I learned of Herman's passing it struck me in the same way that Raph's did. I still miss seeing your guy here, just as I miss my guy too. I think there's just something so special about English lops (my personal opinion

)...they get into your heart right away and they don't let go. I must admit that Yofi has uplifted my heart so much since he entered the household; he is a breath of fresh air.
I'll be posting more photos of Yofi and Anna when I get a chance. (Anna is currently on a bunny diet, as she gained a
lot of weight over the summer. I was worried for a while that I'd have to call Richard Simmons to do an overweight-bunny intervention(!) but she's now starting to slim down and get back to her normal self.) And the bunny bonding attempts continue with Queen Anna and Yof...but I suspect it will be quite some time (if ever) when she will fully accept him. In the meantime, I will continue to duck Yofi's attempts to 'claim' me with his spraying, and Kaya will continue to defend her toy from his amorous advances....