Introducing Yofi :o)

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LOL!! I could just picture that little guy doing a swan dive off the judging table, making his great escape! Polish really are curious creatures, very active...and they too, have personality plus, I find. Mine were BE whites - actually I was the first in the province to have them (not Polish per se, but the BEwhites)- and one of the many things I remember about them was the resounding bangs and thumps that started up as soon as they realized I was coming out to feed them. That's when the song and dance began, as they would zip around in their cages and get so excited overthe rattle of the food bucket. And the males...those little stinkers were amazingly accurate when they decided to 'spray'. My largest hutch was two-tiered and the top level was at about my shoulder height (I'm pretty short)...well, I soon learned to house the boys down below, as more than once I was targeted square in the face!

I do miss the Polish breed very much. They were quite the characters, and I became attached to every one of them. Fiver was my closest though...and he was a beauty. He came out of one my earliest litters, and was such a comedian! When he matured he was a very handsome boy, and was quite calm and 'solemn' for a Polish. I lost him when he developed wry neck...he'd always had problems with ear infections, and unfortunately one particularly bad bout led to wry neck, and he lost his fight. Imagine, over 30 years agoI had him and I still get emotional when I think of him. (Even the vet cried when he euthanized him, as he was quite attached to him too.) I did post a pic of him in the breeds section, but it's a grainy photo of a photo...doesn't do him the justice he deserves.

Oh, and about two years ago I had to fly home to attend my stepmother's funeral, and whilst at the wake ran into a guy I hadn't seen since I had my Polish. He said to me, "Remember me...Ronnie?" It took me a moment to remember him as I only knew him very briefly, but then he reminded me that I had given him one of my baby Polish as a pet...Sara. Her ears had been a bit too long for the breed, but Ronnie had been looking for a pet, so he took her...well, he told me he had her for almost six years, and she and he had bonded so strongly...he was almost in tears as well when he started talking about her to me. I guess the Polish really do have apowerful effect on their humans. :)

tonyshuman wrote:
LOL at the apple stealing. Tony did that once too. I found him in the pantry with half an apple. I don't know how he managed to eat that much! I guess your Yofi takes the best 3 bites and leaves the rest for his "slaves." :)

Yep, that sounds like Yofi! And what he doesn't eat - if I don't notice it soon enough - the dog scoops up and chows down on as well.

Speaking of The Dog (said with stern voice), I came home last evening to find almost an entire pound of butter - which I forgot to put back in the fridge yesterday morning - eaten, with what was left of its foil-wrapped carcass shoved under the bunny room door. Oh, but that wasn't, she also managed to snatch the bag of rolled oats (roughly 1/4 of a bag left) from the countertop and eat the entire thing...with tidbits of rolled oats smashed into the butter's sadremains on the floor.

Can I just take a moment to giggle at the dog's and Yofi's antics? (*giggles quietly*)

I just LOVE hearing about all the trouble these furry goofballs get into! Really warms my heart!

Animals are such jokers!!! Life just wouldn't be the same if we didn't smell Maisie's skunky messages to Fiver every now and then...if I didn't get honked at by Flower whenever the mood suits her...get a curious nip from SweetPea when she so desires...hear the dinner bell being rung by Informant Trixie every night...if I didn't hear the spray of Fiver's poops that fly out of his cage every time he moves...if Maisie didn't get so eager to get to her foodbowl when I refill it and put it back in that she'll bite your hand if it's in the way of her head getting to the food before it touches down. *sigh* They're all so wonderful!!
if I didn't hear the spray of Fiver's poops that fly out of his cage every time he moves...

LOL!!!! I can picture that one Rosie, as I've been witness to poop flyballs too. While it can be gross, I just can't help but laugh when they do that!

hear the dinner bell being rung by Informant Trixie every night...

Okay, I have to ask....does Trixie literally have a bell that she rings when she's hungry? That would be so cool!! :D

YES!! She really, really does!!

In this video, she does it for a short time...but here's what she does...

And I'm laughing both because of the bell AND because of the puzzled look on Sunny's face when she goes over to watch! :D

And the poop flying...oh's literally every move that little boy makes! He's not done marking his cage with his scent, ya there are TONS to toss! :D
LOL!! I'm laughing at both the video and your's too cute! It's adorable to have a bunny who can ring for her dinner (kinda shows who has whom trained :p). I just love how each rabbit (and each pet) we have have their own individual quirks and habits, and moods. They are all so unique, with such entertaining personalities.

Poop-tossing should be deemed a sport, cuz I bet there'd be a lot of bunnies who could compete in that one! Now, while I highly doubt this one was actually a toss...I did walk into the bathroom one day and found a stray poop on top of the closed toilet lid...good thing it was closed I guess, otherwise the culprit *cough...long gangly eared beastie* would've been drenched. However, he did manage to get drenched last night...tripped on himself and fell smack into the dog's water dish. Silly boy....he tried to act dignified afterthe fact, but there's just no dignity to a rabbit who's sloshed with water because he didn't watch where he was going. :p

Your vet sounds AWESOME! He sounds a lot like my vet for the bunnies. She is so sweet and gave me that same rundown. I dont' know the medicine names for sure (I could probably find them on paperwork) but it was exactly like that. Infact, when I got there to pickup Bo, she told me he was so text book it was boring LOL!

I love Yofi! Tell him I have lots of apples here! :biggrin2:
Bassetluv wrote:
if I didn't hear the spray of Fiver's poops that fly out of his cage every time he moves...

LOL!!!! I can picture that one Rosie, as I've been witness to poop flyballs too. While it can be gross, I just can't help but laugh when they do that!

hear the dinner bell being rung by Informant Trixie every night...

Okay, I have to ask....does Trixie literally have a bell that she rings when she's hungry? That would be so cool!! :D
Oh Bo and Clover both have bells they ring when they want something! It's hilarious to watch bo. He's so lazy he uses his head to ring it - up by his ears!
Bo B Bunny...Trixie does that, too...she'll grab it in her mouth, pull back and then let it go...then she'll put her big ol' head underneath it and let it swing forward off her head, and just kinda do this over and over. :D

Bassetluv...I can just picture poor Yofi tripping like that...hehe!! He was probably REALLY surprised!!

Yeah, we find poops in the bathroom, too, which puzzles me because we have the back part of the house completely closed off...and I'll find them like you did...just one solitary poop on the toilet seat! Boggles the mind...

It's funny when Fiver sounds like there's a mini hailstorm going on...cuz you just hear the dropping of about twenty poops just rain on down to the floor. It's the funniest thing! I assume eventually he'll be done making sure the cage smells like him and just deposit them in his litterbox...but until then, he cracks Danny and me up everytime we hear the poop shower! Hehe!!

Hugs to you guys (and soggy Yofi)! :biggrin2:

:pwhat a lovely way to get a shower in the morning. I had a good giggle at that. The girls i know have BEW andREW and a few other colours i like the smoke polish but i don't think my reactions are fast enough!!!

Can we have more gorgeous piccies now :biggrin2:
Hubby and my daughter got me a video camera for my birthday - but it wasn't digital. I have one of those already! so I am taking this one back and getting a digital one. I'll have to get some video of Bo.

Clover is cute too cause she will jingle hers and then look real wide eyed to see if anyone noticed....... if not...... (or if she thinks we didn't) she jingles again and then looks!

We just sit and quietly giggle while she continues to ring it and look.
Quick post (and crossing fingers that my computer will allow me to post some's been really slooooooow lately).

I had the bunnies in the backyard yesterday and today - the weather has been absolutely beautiful, just like summer! - and took some pics and videos while they were out there. Here's a few of the photos:

This is what happens when you try to get a nice shot of Yofi's face:


Playing Follow the Leader:



Huh? What was that? Did someone mention FOOD?:


A couple of Anna (sans the Cisco Kid):



Oops...'scuse me...comin' through...comin' through...:


And a last one...Yofi showing off the 'spike' in his hair (look carefully at the top of his head...he reminds me of Alfalfa from 'Our Gang'):


Wow, awesome. So glad you got to enjoy some nice weather with the buns, isn't it great?

This is a fantastic pic, greeting card worthy!:D Look at that pose! Man I love Yofi.:biggrin2:


LOL....yeah, he looks so sweet and innocent there, doesn't he? (Yet I wonder what evil lurks in that apple-stealing, kitchen table-hopping, poop-spreading little mind of his...:p)

Bassetluv wrote:
LOL....yeah, he looks so sweet and innocent there, doesn't he? (Yet I wonder what evil lurks in that apple-stealing, kitchen table-hopping, poop-spreading little mind of his...:p)
He is the coolest! He could never be evil:p. I want to meet him badly:(. He brings the biggest smile to my face:D.
I must admit, Yofi has certainly lifted my heart since he arrived here. He is personality plus, and he's gentle, clutzy, funny, and so loving. And even though Anna is still getting used to his forwardness, she seems so much happier now that another bunny is around again.

I did take some camera videos of Yofi as well, so tomorrow I might try and upload one or two. Quality's not the greatest, but at least you'd get to see him 'live'...sorta. I just wish I'd had the camera back when I had Raph; that's one thing I regret. I never got any video footage of my boy when he was alive...:( But I do have lots of pics of him...and tons of wonderful memories. :)

And now Yofi's in the house, and he's a major klass klown! LOL (A few days ago he tried stealing more food from the fridge when I opened the door, but I'd run out of he took a quick look, grabbed a lemon by it's knobby end and tried to get away with that! He dropped it as soon as he got it out of there he's gotta work on his lemon-stealing skills. :p

And now I've got to get to bed...waaaay past my bedtime!
Bassetluv wrote:
I must admit, Yofi has certainly lifted my heart since he arrived here. He is personality plus, and he's gentle, clutzy, funny, and so loving. And even though Anna is still getting used to his forwardness, she seems so much happier now that another bunny is around again.

I did take some camera videos of Yofi as well, so tomorrow I might try and upload one or two. Quality's not the greatest, but at least you'd get to see him 'live'...sorta. I just wish I'd had the camera back when I had Raph; that's one thing I regret. I never got any video footage of my boy when he was alive...:( But I do have lots of pics of him...and tons of wonderful memories. :)

And now Yofi's in the house, and he's a major klass klown! LOL (A few days ago he tried stealing more food from the fridge when I opened the door, but I'd run out of he took a quick look, grabbed a lemon by it's knobby end and tried to get away with that! He dropped it as soon as he got it out of there he's gotta work on his lemon-stealing skills. :p

And now I've got to get to bed...waaaay past my bedtime!
That's great that he lifts your heart, you definitely need it;). I'm so glad about that.

He sounds too funny-stealing food like he does! Haha. Definitely looking forward to the vid of him-yahoo!

Past my bedtime too!:shock:

Yofi is just gorgeous,and he really sounds like he's full of character too,i'm so glad that yofi has made you and Anna happy again :)

This picture is just stunning...he reallylooks like a statue

