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Summer went back for her check up today.

Roger kindly left her stitches in until Friday, and so she had a nicely healed wound, and only one stitch that needed removing.

My vet thinks her liver damage is related to her tumour because he said the colour of the pigment indicates a melanoma, although we never got it biopsied.

Basically though she is currently doing really well. They can function with liver damage for a fair while, obviously depending on the situation, so she could still have some very happy and healthy months or years ahead of her. We go by her, like we did with Sweep. When she starts to tell us enough is enough, then we call it a day. Until then, we make her happy and give her whatever she wants (within reason, lol).

I feel very priviledged that this beautiful girl is going to live her life out with me.

She seems to have become my dad's new best friend, seeking him out, looking for him, demanding nose rubs from him, sleeping in between his feet. Dad loves any animal that responds to him. When Moon died he was gutted but Moon sent us Badger whom is a hilarity amongst rabbits, and dad has 'his boy' Cloud as well, but I think it's really nice for him to have a bun in the living room again (albeit temporarily when she gets her extra feed) and to have found a friend in that bun.
It's hard to resist an attention seeking bunny and not make them your favourite:)

I think alot of non bunny folks don't realise what great indoor pets they are. I keep clicking on the names thinking a picture of the bunny should come up:biggrin2:I often have to get back to the start to remember who is who. But then again I often confuse my own kids:(....
Sorry! I shall take some more pics soon and update things. Not tomorrow, but as soon as I can. I also have to borrow a camera, lol.
I don't know how to do this myself but it would be cool if clicking the name would lead you to a picture of the rabbit. You take great pictures. I never get any decent shots because my camera seems to have a delayed release. The cute moment is usually passed by the time i take the shot and i get the likes of a bunny butt hopping out of the picture:biggrin2: I guess I should learn to anticipate those moments.
I know you probably won't be in the mood tomorrow but I can't wait for more pictures:)
Hope things go better for you tomorrow than last week. best of luck!
I'm a bit gutted to say that I think Tilly is tilting more again.
I haven't updated this for a while. I was pretty scared stuff would get lost in the move, but thankfully it didn't. I have a lot of stuff to update with, but first I'll carry over from the temp forum.

I posted this on there

I can put this here because I know soon enough it will all be deleted and that would be great. I would normally only stick this stuff in my blog now, but its not going to be permanent up here, so I'm just going to do it anyway.

Don't worry, I don't need anything from anyone, I do just need to vent about stuff.

As some who read my blog may know, I am now doing therapy. And my GOD! IT's a nightmare. I'm not stupid enough to think therapy would be all flowers and rainbows, but, due to the nature of this therapy, it's far worse for me than other types I have tried. It's making me iller. She told me I would need to get worse before I get better, but I think she meant by unearthing stuff, and such, but nothing has been unearthed, just the stress and pressure, and focus, have made my depression infinitely worse than it has been for a long time. I think I must be going back maybe 2 years or so. I am really struggling to get out of bed, do the rabbits, get dressed, blah blah blah. Normally I'm a functional depressive, but right now, my functions are lacking.

Even though I am in theray I have little to no support still. The group part is just like a lecture, so I do what I do, and keep the smile on my face, and don't tell people what's going on (how can I, it's not like they really actuall care or want to know), I am just 'fine'. Equally, with my individual therapist, we haven't exactly clicked. I don't trust her, or like her, and so far, out of three sessions, we have only completed one (one time I ran out in a panic, and the second time she was apparently ill).

The other problem with the therapy is that it is designed to teach you skills, however, most of these skills I already do, so its like I'm putting myself through all this needlessly. Yes, I do find it helpful being able to understand that I do these things, and separating them off from each other, but I still do them, I don't need to be taught them.

Another part of this is that they want to strip me down (mentally, not just make me naked :p) and then 'fix' me, but thats not going to be achievable in the 8 weeks remaining, so I'll probably end up stripped down, then have no support, which seems pointless to me. Yes, I may be ill, but I don't want to make myself iller, just to be cast aside.

Yes, I am very cynical, but if you knew the history I have with these sort of people, you would understand.

Probably only Polly has some sort of inkling how hard it is for me, because she reads what I write after every group session, but everyone else has carried on expecting support from me. I have known for a long time that most people only talk to me when they want something, be it support, advice, etc, and I've been desperately trying to break free from that because I don't want those toxic relationships, yet I can't get away from them. The other side is that it's a vicious cycle. They talk about themselves, so I actually pull back and talk about myself less because I know they do't give a damn, so then they talk about themselves more, and so it goes on. I've been trying to look at my thought processes, and analyse why I do it, and how it happens, and such. I can identify why it happens, but I have yet to work out a way to stop it other than cutting them out, which is a bit extreme. I guess I'm just really struggling with communicating with people in a successful way.

To top it off my buns are not great. Nothing major, just little niggles here and there (spurs, eye infection, 'boy bit infection', Summer's stuff, ridiculous moulting, the bonding issues), and when they wobble, I wobble.

I guess I'm just really struggling, and I have a feeling this turned into a moan, which it wasn't supposed to be, so sorry about that. Sometimes venting just helps, but you can rest assured it will be deleted :D

It's ok if it goes here in my blog, but I am not comfortable with it being a stand alone thread, hence why it was ok to post it when I knew the forum was temporary.

The only reason I have copied this over here is because I need to respond to the final post in that thread, otherwise it will eat me alive.

When I first start talking to people I look at it on a level ground, and from that the road of the relationship I have with that person evolves, like with anyone.

If someone talks about themselves right from the word get go then I do retreat into myself, therefore they talk about themselves more, etc, which was obviously what I said up there. So yes, I am aware that it is something I encourage, but not encourage in a positive way, just more encourage it by default because by retracting into myself the other person has the opportunity to talk as much as they want. However, like I also said up there, I haven't been able to work out how to break that.

I completely disagree that I threaten to leave if someone doesn't support me. Very rarely do I ask for support from people. In fact, normally only Polly has that delight. The only time I cut people out is if they really hurt me, and I cut people out as a defence.

What I have found I need from people is understanding. When I know someone is struggling I can see that if they are 'funny' or 'off' or whatever, that it's not something necessarily personal to me, it is something going on for them, and I can detach myself from it. People often don't give me that leeway, and maybe that's the problem. Polly has become an expert at it (unfortunately, but also fortunately), which is probably how our friendship has ended up so strong. When I'm in that mind I can't process anything properly, it might be because I'm psychotic, or delusional, or dissociated, but things don't process normally, and that's what people struggle to see, because normally I appear so balanced and able to cope with others problems and have an accurate awareness about myself.

About a year or so ago on here I absolutely went off the keel at two senior mods, but at the time, to me, it seemed completely rational, but it was with hindsight that I realised what I said was garbage and had to literally beg them for forgiveness because I had behaved so disgustingly to them. Thankfully they were bigger people than me and able to accept my apology. What I was said so out of whack that they probably realised I was not 'right', whereas if what I said had been less odd, they may have just thought I was being a b*tch, and may not have been as nice. We did talk about it after, and I did learn a lot from them, and from that experience, most definitely. That's what I have found is useful, is that when I 'come back' to look at what has been said and then decide if it was rational or nor, and work through it myself, or sometimes, with the other person involved.

Very rarely do I need someone to be able to realise that I may not be myself, and to just step back, but it does happen. Unfortunately, it's a part of every illness on this planet, and people do need allowances/leeway made, be them physical or mental.

Having said all that, I have a 'need' to 'save' people, or as my therapist calls it, 'rescuing' people. That in itself is obviously unhealthy and leads to these problems too. This is something that is being worked on though, and I am much better than I ever was. I can see when it's happening, I can identify the places I do it too.

Having said that, I have also wondered if I hope for too much from people, but part of my problem is that my social skills and interpersonal relationships are very stormy, and so whilst I'm trying to work through it, I'm trying to work out what is 'normal' and what is BPD. I do know that no one should support anyone else, and no one should expect it. I would also hate to be considered a user, so if someone, or something, helps me a great deal, then I like to give back to that person, or place. I guess what I try to do is to treat people in a way that I would like to be treated myself, but obviously I do get that wrong, I'm human, and make mistakes, some pretty bad mistakes too. That's only when I'm myself, when I'm not myself I'm a disgusting, evil 'thing'. And the two are very clear cut from each other.

I also think the internet is a very hard place to get things 'right' because you never fully know what is going on on the other end in someone's lif,e you can easily misinterpret stuff, technology can let us down, and to find a solid and trustworthy friend on the internet is a hard thing to do. Often the internet brings us together with people with similar interests/problems, moreso than we may meet in real life, and that, if the problem is 'wrong' it can lead to unhealthy relationships that wouldn't necessarily occur in real life. In the real world the things that get discussed on the itnernet are not readily or easily discussed a lot of the time, which also leads to different dynamics in relationships.

So in summary, yes, I know I'm at fault in all this and I know it's all my fault, but I am trying my hardest to work on it, I can't do more than that.
Ok, so, Last week mine (minus Summer), ll had the joy of the Myxi vac.

They all went on Wednesday, in two sessions. In the morning I took the outside buns, and in the evening I took the inside buns.

In the morning all did ok. Cloud had his infected little boy bits, which looked repulsive

Everyone else was deemed healthy (just).

These were their weights. They were last weighed in November, so these weights are two months different.

Cloud 1.65kg (up 0.2kg)
Dopey 1 - Pogo 1.4kg (up 0.05)
Dopey 2 - Polo 1.3kg (up 0.15)
Candyfloss 2.85kg (up 0.6!!!!!)
Lightning 1.5kg (no difference)
Angel 1.55kg (up 0.1)
Dusk 1.55kg (up 0.15)

I knew Candyfloss had got big, but not THAT big. We had to give them (her and Cloud) more food because that was a trigger time for her, but she is now in a VERY strict diet.

In the afternoon, like I said, the insiders went. Hope had an eye infection and had been on Metacam for two days prior to the vacc and I was concerned he wouldn't manage it, but he was allowed it, which was good. Apart from molting like troopers, they were all fine. Or so I thought.

Badger, my poor Badgey boy has spurs. This was not unexpected because of his very flat face, but he has not yet shown any signs, but apparently it is a noticeable spur. He is booked in on Friday 6th Feb for that to be done.

Everyone else was doing ok though.

Here are their weights (again, they were last weighed in November)

Sky 2kg (up 0.25)
Badger 1.7kg (up 0.2)
Star 1.45kg (up 0.5)
Sandy 1.6kg (up 0.1)
Dawn 1.45kg (up 0.15)
Sunny 1.55kg (up 0.15)
Hope 1.4kg (up 0.1)

Other than Candyfloss all the bunnies are still at a healthy weight despite the gain. I find it very interesting though because their lives have not changed much, they still get the same amount of run time (both inners and outers) and they get the same amount of food, so all I can think is that maybe their metabolisms slow down or something because they ALL gained weight.

So, from there to here.
~Hope is still on his eye ointment, but his eye is a million times better. I stopped his Metacam today.
~Badger is on Metacam because he is eating slowly and I want him in tip top for Friday.
~Cloud is on Septrin for his little boy bits because they didn't heal quick enough by themselves. Today is his first day Metacam-less.

On top of that I found half a pinworm in Tilly's poo, so the whole crew are being Panacured, which is a trial in itself.

The Dopeys and Cloud are now in their new permanent residence and made the transition well. I just now need to work out what to do with the rest, in terms of bonding. But I'm not doing anything unti the snow has gone and the weather has warmed a bit.

So that's a practical update, now I just need to get some of the pictures and videos up. :) I'll get there.

Today it's been snowing (as we probably all know). Last time it snowed I let all the bunnies out to play in the snow for a short while (after it stopped snowing).

Today I couldn't do that because it's still snowing, although the Dopeys did decide they were going anyway and seemed to rather enjoy their poddle around. Lightning also had his own little fun by eating some snow that fell in his run. I'd really love to take Summer out on a harness, but given she is a poor, old lady, I know I shouldn't.

But anyway, back to the post. When I let them out last year, one bun over all had a huge amount of fun, and that was Sweep. He had a marvellous time, and I still find it sad he's not about now, and not about to play in this snow. So I just thought I would share his snow pictures from last year. This was shortly because his lump arrived, so was the last set of healthy pictures I got of him.







Ahh I love the pictures of Sweep!!!

As regards your buns weight increase. Not that I can speak from experience but I would expect the bunners to fill out a bit over Winter as a natural protection against the cold. Maybe their metabolism slows down to form a protective layer of fat no matter how much (or little) you give them
As stupid as it sounds, over recent weeks I have realised I miss my bunnies, so I have been making a concerted effort to spend time with them, and to enjoy them while they are here. This means lots of pictures, lol.


Some of these are a bit random, but I personally love them.

























The Dopeys (the last day as a pair)




Cloud getting a groom for being grubby






Cloudyfloss's Swansong.





The Dopeys and Cloud rebonding

























That bonding seemed to have gone really smoothly. Cloud just looks like one of them! How is Candyfloss doing?
Candyfloss is doing ok thanks. She doesn't seem any different other than she is less frantic over her food. I'd really love to find someone for her though. She needs a Roger I think.

The photos continue (can you tell I've been busy, lol).

Starry ArrE



















The Fosterinos (Despite Summer now being mine they have remained as the Fosters).























gawd trace summer really does have a thing for your dad!! and I love badgey piccies they are fab. All looking happy even with their little niggles :0)
I often post negative stuff here, so I thought it might counteract that with something positive.

I had an individual therapy session today and came out, for the first time, not feeling horrific, but feeling like she actually heard what I said and listened. She has stopped pushing me because she has worked out that that does just push me away. She understands that this is a challenge for me after all my past experiences. She told me that she thinks I am very complicated, more so than other people she has treated (which is a LOT), and she is shooting in the dark, so to speak, because she doesn't quite yet know what to do with me. We talked about what I hope for from the therapy and what my fears were, and basically she gets that my life is like a finely balanced house of cards, and I need to get through this without wobbling or moving any cards, because the whole lot will collapse. I just need therapy to strengthen the foundations and bonds.

I was dreading this one because it's the first one since I bolted out of the room a couple of weeks ago, but she was nice, and for once I didn't feel like I was saying the wrong thing, I just felt ok. That doesn't happen often, so yeh, just wanted to share the positive, because normally I just share the negative, lol.

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