Flash's Place - 2

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The Fosters and the importance of food (note Tilly's head :) ).


I'm going to post a random update about me. I haven't updated this for a while because I've been super busy. Since I posted my last positive update, unfortunately, things have gone very wayward and I am now currently taking a therapy break (which may be a cowardly way of quitting therapy but not admitting it).

I'm trying to be as much use as I can around here, but I feel like I'm failing miserably because my brain just won't engage and I feel like I can't actually say anything of any use. So I am sorry, but I am trying.
[align=center]This is a post for Polly!

The tunnel has now taken up permanent residence with the Fosters and Roger loves it :D
They all seem to be loving it :D glad its proved popular ours love the one we have and we have it stuffed into a igloo at one end which cause them hours of fun :)

They definitely do love it :D Thanks. They seem to get this urge to run around it in circles when I make it into a loop, but yes, they love it :)
Flashy wrote:
I'm going to post a random update about me. I haven't updated this for a while because I've been super busy. Since I posted my last positive update, unfortunately, things have gone very wayward and I am now currently taking a therapy break (which may be a cowardly way of quitting therapy but not admitting it).

I'm trying to be as much use as I can around here, but I feel like I'm failing miserably because my brain just won't engage and I feel like I can't actually say anything of any use. So I am sorry, but I am trying.
Gee, I am sorry to hear that. I was going to ask if the last individual session was as positive as the one before (it's thursdays isn't it?) but than I realised you hadn't posted at all since. Why did things turn around. are yu taking a break from the lot or just the group therapy?
Unfortunately I got in my own way, isn't it just great when that happens. Part of the symptom of one of my problems is issues with attachment, rejection and abandonment. I know that no one likes rejection or anything, or being abandoned, but this is serious life affecting stuff. It's basically all to do with that. I called today and cancelled next weeks therapy, and so I won't have to deal with the individual therapy for a few weeks (because my therapist is off). Not sure yet what to do about group. To be honest, as contradictory as it sounds, I feel like I'm 100% fine and don't need the therapy. Last week she said I was a bag of contradictions, so it's not surprising to me that I am saying two different things that give the same outcome, but are total opposites.

To be honest, I'm just really messed up right now. I'm trying my hardest to keep everything ok and appear ok, but I'm not actually succeeding at that, and something had to go. Knowing I don't have to do it has taken off a lot of pressure, so it was the right thing to do. Not sure what will happen next, but my moods swing a lot, so I'm just taking each moment as it comes.
It may not be the right therapy for you annyhow and it may be good to have a break and reflect on hings.
the only thing to be said for staying in a therapy setting that mightn't be working is to find out what could work. i don't know if that makes sense.
I think if I need help, this will do it, and if it won't they will point me in the direction of what will, and my therapist has already said she will try and get funding for me to see her for more weeks than is already allocated. So presumably she thinks something is wrong?

I have had to take a break because of how messed my head is, but I also know that I need to work through that stuff in therapy, but I can't. I'm so confused. You wouldn't believe how very confused I am.
That's so very odd, because here on the forum you come across so together and usually just manage to get right to the point...
That's not what I meant at all!!!! I was just confirming that you are a very complex person. I am sorry if my post came across wrong. I just meant to say your confusion doesn't come across in your posts on the forum. I meant it in a positive way :)
It's ok, I probably am a liar. After all, if there was something wrong, it would be far more evident. I think I'm just lazy, personally, and need to stop wasting people's time and get off my butt and find a job.
I am really sorry. I didn't mean to offend at all. I was trying to say something encouraging but clearly got it wrong. Well, I think you're doing a great job here at the forum.
You haven't said or done anything wrong, really :) So no need to apologise.
Even so, I just wanted you to know that with my comment I didn't mean to invalidate anything you are going through
You haven't, not in anyway. Plenty of people talk about how they don't see it, and I do know that if there was a problem people would see it. I present as ok, so therefore I am.

On a side note, and I meant to write this in the buns update the other day, but this is the first time since probably early September that I have had no vets appointments booked. It's a bit disconcerting, lol. And also, all the buns that had their VHD vacc on Thursday seem to be fine :)
Flashy wrote:
On a side note, and I meant to write this in the buns update the other day, but this is the first time since probably early September that I have had no vets appointments booked. It's a bit disconcerting, lol. And also, all the buns that had their VHD vacc on Thursday seem to be fine :)
Thats great news! May the streak continue with no vet visits!
I had my own personal panic today. I have seen some bugs under one of the water bowls. Only under that bowl, in that place, and when I see them, I kill them. Today I came across something and it made me wonder, and then panic, if they were lice. I went and checked the dark furred buns and could see no evidence of any lice or anything at all. The furs that I checked all looked healthy and goo. No signs of problems. HOPEFULLY nothing will arise, but I'll sort out the bugs and the bowl, and hope they WEREN'T lice! If they were, they can only have come in on the hay, or on me after being near a rescue bun.

Not a good panic, but hopefully a needless one.


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