Unfortunately I got in my own way, isn't it just great when that happens. Part of the symptom of one of my problems is issues with attachment, rejection and abandonment. I know that no one likes rejection or anything, or being abandoned, but this is serious life affecting stuff. It's basically all to do with that. I called today and cancelled next weeks therapy, and so I won't have to deal with the individual therapy for a few weeks (because my therapist is off). Not sure yet what to do about group. To be honest, as contradictory as it sounds, I feel like I'm 100% fine and don't need the therapy. Last week she said I was a bag of contradictions, so it's not surprising to me that I am saying two different things that give the same outcome, but are total opposites.
To be honest, I'm just really messed up right now. I'm trying my hardest to keep everything ok and appear ok, but I'm not actually succeeding at that, and something had to go. Knowing I don't have to do it has taken off a lot of pressure, so it was the right thing to do. Not sure what will happen next, but my moods swing a lot, so I'm just taking each moment as it comes.