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This may be inappropriate for some people to read given it goes into a fair amount of depth about my mental health problems. Also, I just want to say that I am pretty open about all this because it's not a choice, it's part of me, and an illness, and so I know some people will find this too open, or honest. That is sort of what Peg said in her blog actually, about what people say about her. In terms of me, this is related to me being very aware of myself and intune with myself.

Thanks Sabine :) You've been really supportive recently so thank you so much :)

I'm a lot calmer now (and have finally eaten something moderately substancial). I'm going to do a test run over the weekend and I know where one reception is so if I get in a panic then I can go and ask them where I should go.

The hospital won't send someone. It's a private hospital funded by my local NHS so it's a bit different from a regular NHS hospital or where you are under the care of the CMHT (Community Mental Health Team).

I have been in the mental health system for 4 years now, although my problems startd to show 17 years ago, but were very much ignored. During that time (the 4 years in the mental health system) I have passed through a few diagnoses, seen multiple professionals, none of which have felt able to help me, or able to offer me any sort of therapy. They basically deemed me too complex to help and discharged me from their services, so I have had to work so hard myself to try and get myself to where I am.

I'm pretty much in a completely different universe from where I was a couple of years ago, when I was sectioned, when I used to spend like 4 out of every 7 evenings sitting in A&E, where I have mostly no recollection of that time of my life, where I would go missing and have to be found by the police, where I didn't understand myself at all, and more.

Now I am moderately functional, I can actually volunteer and help people and buns, I am seven and a half months self harm free (which, when it used to be at least once a day is a huge thing) and haven't overdosed since September, I can see good in myself, I have some self worth, and I finally want/need to fight, I can sort of look at my future options too. I even managed to see my friends on Christmas Eve which I have not done for 4 years and that was amazing (once I recovered from the stress, lol).

I have one major problem that I need some help with though, that I just simply can not beat myself. The rest I have absolutely done all by myself with occasional support from my GP. I have picked myself up from the absolute lowest that people can get to and just taken baby step after baby step to get myself to a far better place (although still very far from where I want to be).

My main problem is dissociation. Basically it affects me in a few different ways, sometimes I forget who I am, where I am, what I'm doing, how to do something, and this obviously impacts quite a lot on my regular life. It can happen anywhere, at any time, like if I'm driving down a road I drive a lot, one day I might forget and not recognise it and be 'lost', or like I might forget how to pour oil out of a bottle (this has happened more than ocne and is SO frustrating), or I forget how to get dressed or other things as equally mundane and normal. These I am learning to cope with, for example, if I forget where I am when driving I just keep driving until I know where I am, or if I forget how to do someting I just go away and then go back a few mins later and normally my brain has normalised a little.

The main type of dissociation that REALLY gets me and that I do need to beat is when I get a blank of time and in that time do something self destructive to myself because this really disrupts my life. It can be triggered either by an emotion (because I normally don't feel emotions, so any sort of emotion comes in an extreme and triggers it) or it can trigger itself (and that's something thats probably not appropriate to go into on here because I know I'm already walking a very fine line here as to what is and what isn't appropriate).

This therapy is called DBT (Dialectic Behavioural Therapy), and is primarily for people who have Borderline Personality Disorder (which I have), and whilst I have that and my dissociation is part of that, the DBT may not help the dissocation much (The BPD specialist guy was the one who told me it had limited capacity to help me). Given that my local CMHT have discarded me, and I have tried several avenues myself (private therapists, MIND, saneline, etc) to no avail, this truly is my last shot. If this doesn't work, then I'm pretty much a lost cause. I have said many times in recent years that me, as a person, can keep fighting as long as I have hope, but if the hope is taken, or goes, then I will be lost. Basically, this is actually my last shot because whilst I can keep trying different therapists and such, I won't get a chance for this type of therapy again.

On a side note my anti depressants didn't happen. I took one on Saturday and they knocked me sideways in a way I have never, ever experienced with anything like this before, and add to that a stomach bug (hence the not eating), it has been a rough few days, lol. But yeh, the medication just didn't happen.

That was long and waffly, and probably explains more than needed to be explained, but often people who depression can over catastrophise situations (such as if someone says they can't help but to try X, Y, Z, the person may think that no one can help them , and give up, because that's the nature of the best), and I don't do that, I'm actually very realistic about a lot of things, this, unfortunately, being one of them.

Sorry, more waffle! lol.
I've been thinking a lot about Summer today and the outcome of the tests and such.

I can only draw this conclusion.

If it is something that is quickly treatable and she can recover from, then they will remain adoptable, but probbaly stay with me until she is better.

If it is something long term and chronic then I will discuss with the RSPCA if she will be rehomed or not.

If it is something that is terminal, or degenerative then the RSPCA will want to euthanise her, in which case she will become mine, as will the other two.

Basically, there will be a point where the RSPCA deem her unadoptable and want to euthanise her, and if that is the case she will stay here until the end. We will probably end up with a Sweep type situation if that is the case, but like I said before, if I have to do that, I will.

The main catch with this is that if Summer stays here so do the other two. That is not a bad thing because they are lovely and I know I can give them exactly what they need, but equally, if I keep them then the space left for fostering is limited, VERY limited, especially given that in spring I will behaving a big rearrange of buns inside and out. That will take me permanently to 17, although will probably quickly reduce to 16 if she is ill.

Within a few days my numbers might permanently increase. For those buns that is great, but for other potential fosters, that is not so great, unless I can teach Tilly how to use a ramp and then somehow combine them with somebuns. Like maybe Dusk.

I said right at the word go that Summer would die here and I still really want to be wrong about it.

Lots going round in my head I guess.

Dissiciation the way you describe it reminds me of a nightmare I have occasionally (particularily before the start of term): I am infront of an group of people (audience or class) and i have no idea what I am doing there. I am supposed to play a role or teach a class but I can't remember what it is but I know deep down that I should know - it must be scary if that happens in reality! It is good that you are learning to deal with those situations without panicking. Is the therapy meant to teach you more tequniques to deal with it since you say it won't help prevent those episodes from reoccuring?
There's got to be more help out there though than just this one therapy left open to you. It may be dangerous looking at it as the last shot rather than a stepping stone for recovery. Maybe through this you'll meet different people with the right knowledge to point you into the direction to go (different people/different therapy)
I wouldn't even dare to say that i know how you must feel because my "worst" episodes of loosing the plot (like forgetting names of close aquaintances in social situations or walking aimlessly around forgetting what i was meaning to do) can usually be disguised. But even those sent my hart racing and make me feel panicky. In fact I wouldn't even drive because i am to scared I forget what to do in an emergency.
You are probably better of without the anti depressants because i imagine they would only make you dissociate more (anyway that's the effect they had on my mum)
The bunnies areprobably the best therapy even if they are not the cure.
I think it's great that you're not letting the disease beat you but that you try to stay well, because there's so much out there and you have so much to give to other people.
I need to be out the door in just a few minutes to pick up Art - but as I read what you're writing about the upcoming therapy - something comes to my mind that I feel I must share.

I know you're thinking it may not help you and then you will be like you are now - but what if instead - the synergy of how much you've already helped yourself - works with the therapy they will be giving you - and instead of being left the way you are - you wind up surpassing their expectations and your expectations too!

I see that as a very real possibility for you. When I first went for counseling - we knew it would take me a while to work through things. However, I finished counseling much sooner than we thought I would - and my counselor said that it was largely because I worked so hard on my own - that when I'd come to a session - it was almost like I'd done 2 sessions worth of thinking and working on myself. She said I was one of her most "self-motivated" clients she'd ever had.

I don't know - I'm just praying that is what will happen instead - that something will kick in and help you out.

And even if it doesn't help you as much as you'd like - if it helps you some - won't you at least be somewhat closer to what you want to be?

I guess what I've been telling myself lately is that - I focus too much on the negative and I forget to see the small baby steps I'm taking towards progress. Its like - I'll see the 10 things I didn't do - and beat myself up for that - instead of rewarding myself and praising myself for the three things I DID get done.

Just a thought...

Finally - what is GP? I thought of "Guinea Pig" but I knew you didn't mean that. I thought of Grandparents...but I'm guessing you mean "general practitioner" aka doctor..is that right?

Gotta run soon .... but I appreciate your honesty in your blog and hope maybe someone those of us who care about you can gather around and support you from a distance....

Thanks for the replies guys :)

GP is a General Practitioner, so yeh, my doc, lol. Not a Guinea Pig and DEFINITELY not a grandparent, but yeh, I can see why that caused confusion.

I can see why it all sounds negative. I fought really hard for this therapy, as did my GP, and I didn't expect it to come through, although he did. I'm just full of so much fear and anxiety and hardly any time to prepare myself for it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm going to give absolutely everything to this, but that doesn't take away the fears.

The Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) encompasses a lot of stuff (to be diagnosed you have to meet 6 of 9 criteria, I meet 7) and the therapy is designed to tackle those issues of the 9 criteria (I believe), so some won't apply, but most should be relevant and useful. A lot of it is based on emotion, so that side should help one of the types of dissociation.

I have the BPD diagnosis, but also a depression one too, and that is why they need to get me on some anti depressants. Unfortunately, the side effects (normally mentally more than physically), knock me sideways and I can't stay on anything long enough. If I find the right one, then it SHOULD help with the mood, which might limit the dissociations, obviously the wrong one wrecks havoc on everything though, lol.

I guess maybe this means so much to me and that is why I am so scared in so many ways, about so many things.

Thank you very much for the support guys.

Call me crazy - but the fact you fought hard to get the therapy says a lot to me too...

I really hope it goes well for you.

You have shown so much progress since I have first met you! This therapy is just another building block. I know its going to help you. With the anti-depressants is a trial and error thing. I know it took my doctor a while to find the right one that would work for me.

I hope Summers test come back positive and she will be alright. I am really impressed with your work with the RSPCA, man you have been busy, I got tired reading about all you have done.

Along with others I am here for you.

I just want you to know Trace I am behind you 100% i will celebrate with you if it goes well and I will be there if to help pick u up if it doesnt. At least this consultant seems to have a semblence of sense in his head and your GP is being supportive.

Hugs :)
Just grabbing my Tracy update :) :wave:
Your self-motivation to succeed is a heckuv a lot stronger than a lot of folks, Tracy. Personally, I don't agree with your "lost cause" comment. Being the realist you are, please recognize that you have made a lot of headway in the last year (based on the comments you've made on RO). If you have made this much distance in only a few months, I'm confident that you will continue to have strong personal achievements.

I don't personally give a hoot about some specialist's opinion on whether or not a therapy will help you before you try; there's nothing to lose, so why not go for it? They have no crystal ball in their laps to predicts how each person's unique psyche will respond. Psychology is an ever-growing field, and no one person has all the answers (as I've noticed in the Psychology coursework that Nate is bringing home from uni). If this consultant is supportive, they may think of alternative solutions based on the results of this process.

I wish you the best of luck in this therapy, and in finding the appropriate balance of medications that make daily life a bit easier. Hugs to you, and your buns:hug:.

Hi Tracy :)I just read through your blog and don't know where to start. Ok to start - I really enjoyed it, I loved all the pictures and your buns are adorable and so well loved and cared for - it really shows.

I personally am so glad you have been so open and honest and am so glad you have a blog. You are such a great person and you have so many people here rooting for you and wanting the very best for you. And wanting to support you. You are so strong, and there is no way you can deny that. I am so proud of you! You are doing awesome work with the RSPCA and you are climbing over mountains like they are not even there. There will always been more mountains to climb, but please realize how far you have come.

I really look forward to reading your blog :)
You've all been really nice and supportive, thak you so much :) I don't have anything else to say right now, but I do really sappreciate all your words so thank you (and I had no idea so many people read my blog, lol).

* * * *

I have just spoken to my vet.

I dropped Summer off less than two hours ago and she is currently under GA.

She has had blood tests and a Rabbit-O-gram taken (or a X-ray as I know it, lol).

Her blood tests show she is not diabetic, and her kidneys are fine (Which is a huge relief because I thought they would be a bit of a mess). However, her liver enzymes are up. Now, this is also not a surprise given that she was horrifically obese when she came to me and we slimmed her down (gradually, but even still, it does put stress on the liver). Other than that, everything came back as normal.

Her x-ray showed that her heart is fine (thankfully, that was also a concern for me), and her lungs are fine. She has no grossly abnormal lumps or bumps inside and her spine seems fine. I asked him if she could have arthritis in her back legs and he said he would go back and have a closer look at the x-ray to see if that is the case.

He then asked me when I wanted to do about the lump she has on her hip. My gut instinct is to get it removed because she is already under GA and it's not going to be hugely invasive. He said she was stable and doing well. We also talked about how she has perked up since being in the spare room and how it might be that she couldn't cope with sub zero temperatures given she is an old lady. He said that she is definitely perky and hasn't actually stopped eating, which sounds about right, lol.

They will remove the lump and then look to see if it looks sinister. Then we will discuss if I want it biopsied. If it is sinister there is also the possibility that it has spread to the liver. My thoughts are is it worth it being biopsied. The only thing it will affect is whether or not she will remain adoptable because they won't adopt out a bunny with cancer, but it won't affect how we care for her because we wouldn't do much different.

So that's where we are. My vet will call me back when he has removed the lump.

I've jut spoken to my vet again.

Summer is now coming round.

They removed the lump, it came away easily and was not attached to anything. He said the skin was quite tight and so if we had left it for much longer it would have started to ulcerate, so I'm really glad I made the decision to go ahead with it.

He was surprised it was not a cyst. It was actually a tissue lump, that was a very dark pigment.

Now we do have the debate as to what to do with it. They have put a section ready to be sent off for biopsy if I choose to have that done. I will call the RSPCA and see what they think.

She will come home later :D

[align=center]Summer is now officially mine :D (note the colour change)

Becky, who I spoke to at the RSPCA (she is the deputy manager) said that as an RSPCA rabbit she would be euthanised, so therefore, Summer is mine :D

Welcome to the household Summery!


Flashy wrote:
[align=center]Summer is now officially mine :D (note the colour change)

Becky, who I spoke to at the RSPCA (she is the deputy manager) said that as an RSPCA rabbit she would be euthanised, so therefore, Summer is mine :D

Welcome to the household Summery!



YAY!!! :biggrin2:

She really is gorgeous!! I love the marking round her nose!!
I'm going to sound really crazy - but maybe when you kept getting the thought that she was gonna die at your place - it wasn't because she was so ill - but because she was really meant to live her life out there.

And I can tell you - she's obviously gonna have a WONDERFUL life there...spoiled totally rotten.

I'm so glad she's yours.
I don't know why it was I was sure she was going to die here. I work a lot with my senses when it comes to my buns. I mean like the type of sense my mum calls the 'sixth sense' or what some people might call gut feeling or just something that's not based solely on physical things. Or maybe I subconsciously pick up physical signs without knowing. I always sensed something wrong with her until we treated her tapeworm and then I felt she was healthy despite her tumour, and then I started to feel she wasn't right again, so kept an eye on her and when I was sure, I took her back to my vet.

Recently I started to feel she would be going somewhere else, but my mum reminded me of what I had said, and then all this happened. Maybe Summer just knows when she is on to a good thing :p
I am so chuffed for you and Summer Trace :biggrin2:she def. knows she had found her forever home and is doing anything to stay with you :p