Ok, so I broke my camera on Christmas Day and have yet to get it fixed, so no pics for a while, although maybe some videos
Summer is recovering REALLY well. She did fantastically the night of the surgery and was back to normal soon. I also thought Roger would remove her stitches, but so far, all but one are still there.
Most of the outside buns have been blocked from their runs during the past few nights because it has been so cold. Angel worked out how to get down one night, so we had to properly barricade him up, and all of them have been angry at me for doing that, lol.
Cloud and Candyfloss have done really well and seem much more settled and more together now. Who knows, maybe being frozen might stand them in good stead and might have improved their relationship.
Ok, so this isn't about them, but my mum got me this forum Christmas because I said for years I wanted one to do the bunnies in. What do you think?
This is random, but its hard when you have learnt about something, and because other people have learnt different things, and disagree with you, they jump on you.
I have learnt a great deal from here (more specifically, Randy) about EC, head tilt, etc, and when I have said anything about what I have learnt from him/here, on another forum, I either get ignored or jumped on, because other people disagree.
A couple of people understand that EC is so misunderstood and needs far more research into, but most just disregard it outright (an example being head tilt is an active case of EC, and not an infection possibly caused by EC lowering the immune system).
It's very much this! :banghead so I do this :embarrassed:
On here if I say something others disagree with I'm rarely torn apart (and normaslly if I am its done privately), and it's quite a calm and respectful place, but on there, it can be a bit vicious. Don't get me wrong, I'm not slating the forum, it does excellent work and I spend a lot of time there, but being on there is HARD sometimes.
Oh, and my assessment is tomorrow, please, please send me luck!