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I'm really upset right now. Why am I so evil and poisonous. Why did my parents have such an evil baby.

Today I have had an awful day. I'm feeling REALLY low and depressed. I have tried to talk to two people today. The first person couldn't understand my distressed typing so I gave up because I couldn't cope and went offline. She sent me a few nice supportive messages and left me be. Why couldn't I just have a normal conversation.

The second person I told I was dispensible and that it would make no difference to anyone other than my buns if I was not around. She got upset and I told her this is why I shouldn't talk to people because I'm poisonous and evil and hrut people, and then went and signed out. I just singed back on to try and talk to her and got a load of abuse for that. I am so evil, I SHOULDN'T talk to people, or try to be their friend, or help them, or support them or anything, because all I do is hurt them.

I can't keep hurting people., I'm so sorry to all of those I have hurt, all of those whose lives I have tarnished. I'm just so sorry.


I am sorry if you thought I was being abusive, as I wasn't, I'm FRUSTRATED because you can't understand that it would affect people very much if you weren't around. I'm sorry if it seemed that I was being abusive. I was in the middle of telling you how much you mean to me when you just give up on the conversation and spew some strange things out and it's really hard to talk to someone when they do that, when they just leave when you're in the middle of saying something.

I just don't understand how you can think you don't matter and trying to convince you otherwise is very hard :?.

YOU ARE NOT EVIL. You and I are both depressed and we probably rubbed eachother up the wrong way massively. I am really sorry Tracy about telling you I care and then being angry when you refused to listen. I am really depressed today and not thinking right.
Tracy needs a badgey hug well probably a sky hug but I need a badgey hug so seen as I cant you can for me:)

Aw Trace I knew today was gonna be hard for you butI am here ya know that but its always better when you get told :)I know you feel bad (or worse) right now but you have doen so much more than look after your rabbits look at all the things you have taught the RSPCA people, the rabbits you have helped to bond and get good homes. See how many people you have been there for when they have been through tough times or just need a shoulder. sending you huge hugs sweetie
I'm sending you my hugs too and know you've had a terrible day. I honestly didn't set out to upset you and I chose a bad day to get frustrated at you. All my fault, alright? Please know that.

Big hugs for Tracy and lots of smoochy noisy kisses on your cheek :).
Tracey I just want to know what an encouragement & inspiration you are. I am amazed at all that you have accomplished with the RSPCA. Your actions encouraged me to contact my local Humane Society to volunteer to help with the rabbits they get in.

You matter far more then you know to all critters (four leg and two legged). I enjoy reading your blog and keeping up to date on all the buns. Don't give up, keep pushing forward, never fall back and don't pay for the same real estate twice (hard to explain but your smart enough to get the gist). To borrow from an old, old cigaratte advertisement "You've come along way girl".

Ok, so this is about today.

A few days ago I posted some anxieties on a different forum. This is what I posted.

I have the chance for some excellent therapy (DBT at the Priory), and that's an amazing chance and a huge opportunity. I know how huge this is. I have some fears though, some large, some not so large, and I just really need to write them out. Please don't think I'm ungrateful for this chance, I am just petrified, but I'm not going to throw this away.

~I'll start with a simple one. I'm scared of the mealtime. It's for 5 hours a day, each week, and I'm scared about the mealtime, specifically the first one because I obviously don't know what will happen. I struggle to eat in front of people, especially at the moment, and when I get anxious I also feel sick. The thought of the unknown mealtime makes me want to cry. I do have an assessment on Monday though, before any therapy is decided, and I will be asking her what happens, which might help.

~I am scared that this is my last shot. I have been told it will only be moderately useful, and I'm very scared about what happens if this does not help me enough. Don't get me wrong, I'm going to do everything in my power to make this work, but what if it doesn't? I was deemed too complex to help by my CMHT and have had no support at all for years (despite desperately needing it) and this could be my one and only shot at getting better. I did ask my GP what would happen if it didn't get me better enough and he said that the Priory would then look at what could help and what the next step would be. I am just so used to being let down that that sounds too good to be true.

~After being a regular self harmer for a long time I have made it nearly 8 months free. DBT focuses a lot on your self destructive tendencies, and in those 8 months I have done a lot of distancing from things like that, and I'm scared that it might make it a large focus on my life again and take me back down.

~Related to the point above, I am very much concerned that I will feel I have to start doing all these things again to mean I am 'good enough' or 'ill enough' to be on the course.

~I am worried that if the other patients discuss their harm that it will make me want to do it. I have never been outwardly competitive, but inwardly I have always challenged myself (or rather, a part of me has challenged another part of me), and I have done some pretty horrific things to myself (my GP calls me a chronic and extreme self harmer) and I don't want to get stuck in some sort of sick competitive mindset, just so that I can mentally say to myself 'I did X, better than she did' or whatever. That takes a lot to admit, and I would never compete with someone, or ever tell anyone what I was doing, but that was how I felt. I think maybe it justified how bad I was feeling? Although I also know deep down that the severity of what you do does not indicate the level of pain you feel internally.

~I have not had any sort of help or support (except sporadic GP appointments) ever, really, but my encounters with mental health professionals have always left me worse than before, for a lot of reasons. I don't mean in a 'it gets worse before it gets better' way, but for example, when I was sectioned I got no help after, yet two and a half years later I still suffer panic attacks about being sectioned, and I get flash backs too. The times I have begged for help they have refused, which made me worse in that I dissociated and harmed myself badly. One time I had an assessment with a psych and he didn't listen to what I said and twisted my words and asked good questions like 'how does it feel to know your life is going no where' and after that assessment it was the first ever time I saw visual hallucinations. I have come a long way by myself this year, infact, I'm a different person, and I'm petrified that going back into seeing people like this could make me worse and take me back light years.

Sorry for venting all that, but everyone just tells me what a huge opportunity this is, and it is, I knwo that, but that doesn't prevent me feeling scared, if anything, it makes me more scared because of the hugeness of it all.

If anyone read this far, thank you
Ok, so that was what I posted.

Today I met with a lady for an assessment. She mostly talked and explained about the therapy, I filled in some forms. The forms showed I have moderate anxiety and severe depression.

I took with me a copy of those anxieties ready to give them to her. When she started talking about the therapy it was like my worst nightmare. So much is focused on the self hamr side. I have worked SO hard to move away from that and to get rid of the triggers, and I know fully well that some of the things that will come up are going to trigger me. My self harm is life threatening and I can't afford to go back to that point again. I have 17 bunnies (as you know) and they need me here. Without me, they will be rehomed (or euthanised). I have to be here. Going into this sort of environment is going to be a huge risk. This is my main fear.

I think I put so much hope into this therapy being of use that I thought the worse that could happen would be that it dind't help. Until last week I didn't even entertain the idea that it could make me worse, or take me back to where I was.

The lady was very rushed, and harassed, and definitely not easy to open up to. I did manage to tell her about my food anxiety and how I wasn't going anywhere near the restuarant, but the rest went unmentioned.

She talked about supporting poeple and how if I'm strong enough and can do that then it could help me. My brain warps that into 'you need to support people' and that's what I do. Other than a couple of people from here I hardly support anyone anymore because I just don't have the energy for it (despite some people still demanding it).

I always said I would never do group therapy, but I got so desperate that I fought for it, but with other people I just put on the functional front, I n't open up to people, I just smile and laugh. Ihave no intention of doing otherwise in this group, not through choice, but its a subconscious act that goes on.

The thing starts tomorrow so I don't get any time to properly think about it, I'm just thrown in at the deep end. I haven't been able to talk it through with anyone who knows, and that's what I desperately need. I would talk to my GP but I can't. There is no one. Polly has been ace at listening, but she doesn't really know. I don't even really know, to be fair.

This course is twelve weeks long. Dad said try two or three and see how you feel. I don't want this. The time is definitely not right for me right now. Yes, I may get benefits, or I may get much worse and then get better, but I don't want to risk all the work I have actually already done. I have been told I don't comply with those treating me, but that's actually not true. When you are suffering paranoid delusions and think people are trying to kill you it's a bit hard to comply with those people. If I don't do this, then I stand no chance at anything else. I am not doing this to get better now, it's a means to an end, and its a huge risk for me. Its a huger risk for my rabbits, who stand to lose the world, if this goes wrong.

Then I came home and needed some light entertainment and conversation and that went a**e over t*t. I know I'm really difficult to get on with, and most people don't know how to handle 'borderlines' but that doesnt make people's reactions to how you act any easier. I do the best I can with the attitude I have and the problems I have, but it's just not good enough.

I have to go tomorrow. My head is all over the place from todays assessment, my head is messed up from the conversation I had earlier. I'm dreading it. I can't cope. I can't do it. I'm sorry.

All I can do is send hugs. I did one thing that helped me. I wrote a list when I was doing well of all the good that I do. The people I help. Than I had friends and family add to it. I typed it up and printed a few copies. Than I laminated it and put it in a few places. My door, my journal, my desk etc. So that I saw it more often.

I know it is hard. I know that sometimes it honestly feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Sometimes all you can do is crawl through and hope for the best.

Don't feel afraid of talking to me. I have a brother that can be really bad. Everything you have said that you have said...hes said. Things you have done he has done. I can take it. Tell you what I will dish it right back sometimes. I don't mind being yelled, cursed at. I am not going anywhere. So don't be afraid.
How did it go for you today? Hope those fears weren't confirmed and you managed alright.
How is Tracy today? Any bunny stories? Anything exciting or interesting, out of the norm happen today?
We're pulling for you over on this side of the world!

I was thinking (and I don't really want to look like I'm sticking my oar in :?, so tell me to stuff it if you like!)...
I don't know how challenging it is for you to open up and have a verbal conversation in the group or individual setting. For me, I bet it would be hard to talk about how I feel. [Nevermind that, I KNOW it is hard to talk about how I feel.]
I think I can interpret how you feel through your writing, as you are a very good writer. Maybe if you give your writings to your professional someones, they would understand your situation better? I think that your writing is very clear and direct, and would maybe be a better way to communicate when you are talking to someone who twists words around, or just doesn't listen well.

(I went to a therapist once who [I swear] had no listening abilities whatsoever. She would spin everything I said in circles... I hate Freud-wannabes :biggrin2:.)

I love it that you are so honest with yourself and everyone. Can't say I meet too many ppl with that level of integrity.

Give everybunny a pat from Canada, K?
:hug: Hugs to you, Tracy


I am very pleased to announce that as of 11am this morning Summer is officially mine :biggrin2: I am very chuffed about this, and it seems like the cheeky madam has managed three days of celebration.

Foster Gotcha Day- 17th August 08
Failed Foster Owner Day- 8th January 09
Adoption Gotcha Day- 15th January 09

I'm sitting here with a big grin on my face. My girl is mine! FINALLY!

The instant I knew she was mine (I'm going back to 'Failed Foster Owner Day') and there was no risk I would lose her I just flet such a huge rush of love her. I hadn't let myself feel it because I knew that she would be going to someone else. I know she has come here to die, but equally, there is no risk to loving her. They all die, and it's a known event of having an animal. Yes, it will hurt, but I also know that hopefully when that time comes I will feel peace that I did everything right for her (Like how I feel with Sweep). Hopefully though we will have a long and happy time together.

On a related note Tilly is doing amazingly now. I found a better way to do physio with her and it has meant her head is straighter more of the time. I'm looking to start working her with a ramp soon because the three of them desperately need to get into a hutch/run combo with no where for Roger to hide (currently he hides under and on top of the hutch that has been put in the run, and he works himself up into a panic, in a place where he can't do that, he will be much better).

I spent a lot of this morning playing with 8 week old staffie cross pups (5 of them) and now none of my buns will come near me, so I can tell you all they are doing ok, lol, but nothing more than that. I tried to love on Star and he lept about 50ft in the air, glared at me, and then stamped for England. He is just so much like his dad sometimes it is unbelievable.

I desperately need to get my camera fixed. I can film videos, but I miss the pictures.

We miss the pictures too! LOL! Yeah, playing with pups is a No-NO!Can't keep anything from those buns!:nosir:(But I'll bet the pupswere adorable!) :nod

Ok, I never thought of the bunnies not liking the smell of a dog!!!

Bo will bite over the smell of another bunny but hasn't shown any concern over the dog or cats - mine or others. He sniffs me all over when I've been around the horses and goat.

Some videos of my new girl of the night before, and the morning of, her operation last Thursday (the last two are my mum's first attempt at my Flip, hence the dodgy filming).


Yes Bo, my buns hate the smell of dog, but we don't have any, so to them it is a foreign and dangerous smell. They react so differently to me when I smell of dog. It's a huge eye opener. I should try and film it sometimes actually.

I love the little video clips. She is such a beautiful rabbit. I so love broken lops. You're lucky to have her in you life
I borrowed my mum's camera :D And used my Flip too. I brought the fosters... and Summer :p, into the living room earlier for a run.














This is how two rabbits share a bag of food (excuse the dodgy camera work).

having a good, sociable moment, and then being joined by my good friend Summer. As always!

This was Tilly's physio session. She is doing really well. She stopped her Convenia 11 days ago, so if she is going to start tilting more again, it should be happening from now onwards.

This is a really bad picture of me but it made me laugh because I look quite evil and like I'm squashing Summer into oblivion (which I'm not, I'm just stroking her).


[align=left]I'm waiting for a couple of videos to upload, so just thought I would write about my new girl.

I'm starting to get the feeling that she was absolutely meant to come to me.

1, The centre thought they had ringworm, so couldn't take any more buns in, which was why they asked me to take her. It turned out two days later it wasn't ringworm, but probbaly a Baytril burn, or similar. She had the tumour then, and I pointed it out to them, they did nothing.

2, When she went for her spay I asked them to remove her tumour, which they didn't put down on the paper, and didn't do. They also checked her teeth. Had she had spurs or had they noted her tumour they would have euthanised her (which I didn't know until recently). They made a botch job of her spay and she was under for a 20 additional mins than she should have been.

3, She had at least 6 weeks worth of post spay complications and we nearly lost her a couple of times. It was at this point I was spending so much time with her I just bonded so completely with her.

4, I showed the RSPCA vet her tumour and she tried to drain it thinking it was a cyst. She acknowledged it was not a cyst, but an abscess or tumour, and sent me on my way. Really, Summer should have been euthanised at this point because she was deemed too unhealthy to adopt.

5, In October she choked on a pellet and we took a very hurried and stressed trip to the vets. By the time we got there she was drowning in her own fluid but had shifted her pellet. They admitted her for the day and she had oxygen and diuretics. We gave her Septrin after to prevent any pneumonia.

In all those instances she should have died either by herself, or with some veterinary assistance. And she didn't. I feel like it is through fate that she got to me, stayed with me, lived with me and will now die with me. Candyfloss felt like she belonged with me, in my heart, but the universe feels Summer should be with me.

Do you know who else may well have meant to be with me? Roger.

I was driving one day, at dusk, with my grandparents in the car when I saw a small black rabbit sitting with some wild rabbits happily eating grass. Had my grandparents not been with me I would have got out and tried to catch him, but as it was, I couldn't. I didn't know exactly where I was so I couldn't even report him.

A couple of weeks later Roger turns up in the RSPCA, having been a small black rabbit found with wild rabbits and been very comfortable with his life. It was the RSPCA that called me and asked me if I could do anything with him. Basically, if I couldn't he would have been euthanised because he was such a risk to himself and at that point would not have been releasable. He potentially could have been meant for me. In a different, but similar way, from Summer.

Not sure how I ended up with Tilly though, think that was just me :biggrin2:

My videos have now uploaded so I am going to put them into the post.

Roger has stunning fur. I love those silky blacks. Tilly reminds me of Asha, very cute! (blue are the fosters, right?) Must be hard to let go of fosters after having looked after them and bonded with them...
The picture of you is funny and nice. You look very young and happy there, squashing Summer to smitherines.

Neat dewlappy colour thing going on here, I like it:


Roger has amazingly shiney fur. He didn't arrive like that. His fur was dull, but he was having a moult at the time. I love looking at him and seeing the shine, it's a sign of a very happy and well bunny, which is great, given the other fosters are not as healthy, lol. And yeh, blue are the fosters :)

When it comes to giving up fosters it is bittersweet. I am heavily involved in the rehoming process, so I get to assess potential adopters homes and set ups to make sure that the home is a good home and the person knows enough. That would mean that I have a say in who the rabbits go to. If I know that the rabbits are going to a good home where they can get more than they get here then it's a really positive thing for them to go. Sure, I will miss them, but I remember when Harley went to his new home, I was so happy for him, although I knew I would miss his cheeky attitude. to be honest though, it's very cautious love when you foster a rabbit because you know they won't be with you for the rest of their life and you know that as part of that love you have to know when the right time to let them go is. It's a bit like euthanisation (or maybe anti-euthanisation). If you think that when a rabbit is ill you know you have to let them go for their sake and it doesn't matter how you feel, well its the same with this, I know I have to let them go, for their sake. They get a lot here but they don't get anywhere near as much attention as they deserve, and that is what I will be looking for when they go to a new home; they have to get all they get here, and more, in a new home.

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