Well-Known Member
Tracy, I am so glad! This is a good start. It's good you stuck with it and hopefully more good will come out of it.
It's nothing to do with me. If I could claim credit then none of my fixed buns would be alone, it's down purely to the buns. If I tried to do anything with Star, Sky, Badger and probably Sandy we would have blood everywhere. I just no the theory, the buns do the practical side.Wish there was someone as talented as you around to bond my buns... Slatey is def. seeking out other animals for company... How did you ever manage all that bonding without some major vet trips for stitches?
I know, isn't that the scariest feeling? It's such a relief once the surgery is over and you know they're fine...I know that's when I finally relax.I had terrible feelings that he would die under the GA, so I'm relieved that he got through that, now he just needs to un-mope himself.