Flash's Place - 2

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Tracy, I am so glad! This is a good start. It's good you stuck with it and hopefully more good will come out of it.:)
I haven't read blogs in ages and am only popping in for a moment because to be honest - with all that's going on in my life right now - I don't have time for the forum or much desire to be here - other than to reconnect with friends.

I say that to say - reading about how your session went today made me really happy....I'm glad to see that somebody cared enough about you to "get you" (or try to get you) and that you were somewhat helped. You are just a really really special person and I think it is time that people learn to not use a formula type approach or something.

I'm not saying it right - I'm sorry.

Anyway - I'm happy your session went well - I love all the pics. I may not be back in the blog until sometime in March or later (I'm clearing my schedule for up to 2 months to take care of mom).

But know that I'll think of you often - pray for you daily - and miss you a lot.

Thanks guys :)

I do get what you mean Peg, about te formula, and I think people only realise that doesn't work with me, when they try and it backfires, lol. I backfire quite spectacularly :p

I hope things go ok for you Peg, If I can do anything ('listening' eye, or whatever), then let me know, ok?

I'm delighted to hear that you have someone working with you, not ON you! About time that they dropped their whole "cookie-cutter" approach...
So pleased that you are seeing this through Tracy!

Badger is such a little dumpling! He can come to Canada any time!
Wish there was someone as talented as you around to bond my buns... Slatey is def. seeking out other animals for company... How did you ever manage all that bonding without some major vet trips for stitches?
My beautiful Badgeroony is having a dental today. I'm very much doing 'what ifs' today. I hope he comes through ok!
NorthernAutumn wrote:
Wish there was someone as talented as you around to bond my buns... Slatey is def. seeking out other animals for company... How did you ever manage all that bonding without some major vet trips for stitches?
It's nothing to do with me. If I could claim credit then none of my fixed buns would be alone, it's down purely to the buns. If I tried to do anything with Star, Sky, Badger and probably Sandy we would have blood everywhere. I just no the theory, the buns do the practical side.
Badger has come round from the GA He is still very dopey and they want to keep him for a few more hours. I have to wait until 5.30 to go and get him. I know my boy and he will wallow and mope, so will look more dopey than he actually is. I'd love to bring him home earlier, but I can't, and I understand that. I just want my baby boy home.

I had terrible feelings that he would die under the GA, so I'm relieved that he got through that, now he just needs to un-mope himself.

My Guy is home :biggrin2: He is eating and pooing. Good stuffs.
Flashy wrote:
I had terrible feelings that he would die under the GA, so I'm relieved that he got through that, now he just needs to un-mope himself.
I know, isn't that the scariest feeling? It's such a relief once the surgery is over and you know they're fine...I know that's when I finally relax. :)

Yay for Badger coming through it all okay! (And what a handsome boy he is!)
I have been uploading these gradually over the week because they took AGES!

Here is some of The Dopeys and Cloud bonding.


Here are some of the Fosters.


Randomly, here are some of Kitkat, being a bit of a fool.


Some random Swarms.

Doing some unwrapping.

Having a munch.

Sky doing some unwrapping and being a pickle.



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