BunHut Estravaganza

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January 23rd, 2010

Poker and I shared some bonding time today...It was just me and him sitting on the couch and I had him snuggled in my neck with a nice blanket and some treats... He was being fairly calm, but he bit me ): No biggy though--its all part of the process.. I didnt pull my hand away when he bit me-I just gently pushed his head down and said no.. I made the same move that I had made before when he bit me, but this time he didnt do it.. So I guess he is learning.. Plus-both my bunnies know that when you spend time with momma outside of the cage-you get a treat when you go back inside :)

And those long awaited photos(I thinK I was the only one actually waiting for them); HAVE ARRiVED;Sorry for some large pictures-my computer doesn't allow me to do much now.


This is the new setup.. The hutch to the left is Gratie's. The NIC cage is setup for the fosters, BUT it needs to be finished-it is too small.


More of the setup.. That tube in the corner has the exposed wire inside..It deff keeps the rabbits from chewing the wire.

The cages..(sorry-theyre messy)


Inside the NIC cage..The white wire rack still has to be covered-and the one that already has the linoleum tile and tape on it will have a small fleece cover.The cage has to be 1 panel longer-I dont like it now.


Evan giving kisses to his pal Vegas..Evan looks like a mess, his hair is all wild-he had just woken up..


Poker on top of his little barn hideaway.


Look Momma, Im TALL!


"Ohh tehehe, I spilled the food-tehehe"


Getting ready to do a crazyy binky..

Well ya'll..there you have it.. I have lots more pictures but I'll save them for another post..


i just love reading your blog!

i am so in love with vegas. . . anytime you want to send him to me, i will happily take him! lol

you only have like what. . . 3 weeks till gratie gets home right? i can't wait for photos and stories about him.

i am happy you are back, i missed you! and now your back in the chat, although i haven't been in there very much lately! remember that you now have my email, feel free to send me a rant note anytime you need!

and we need more pics!!!!
katt wrote:
i just love reading your blog!

i am so in love with vegas. . . anytime you want to send him to me, i will happily take him! lol

you only have like what. . . 3 weeks till gratie gets home right? i can't wait for photos and stories about him.

i am happy you are back, i missed you! and now your back in the chat, although i haven't been in there very much lately! remember that you now have my email, feel free to send me a rant note anytime you need!

and we need more pics!!!!
-Thanks-I am glad that I have a few visitors to the blog.
-Haha, He is MINE..But like I said, you can borrow him anytime..lol.
-YES, only about 3 more weeks.. This time I will immediately start bonding with him-hopefully he is a snuggle bunny..and as soon as he gets here I will start posting more pictures of all my bunnies..
-I missed you too! Lol, I hate the chat the way it is now-I always forget about it plus everytime I get on, no one is there...
-I will certainly e-mail you when I need a friend :)
Thanks so much for checking up on me the other day..

I have some pictures on hold so I can hopefully post them up tomorrow!
January 24th, 2010

I am so glad that I decided to get another bunny.. I cannot wait for Gratie to get here..
Mandy sent me pictures today and I was just in awe with how absolutely adorable and dorky he looks! He has some big ears that he will have to grow into-but wow, what a cutie..
She says that he is quite the silly boy...She had all the bunnies in the pen and he was the only one to learn that you can jump over it and get out :) He must be an explorer bunny-which is certainly what I want..and I know that Mandy does a great job with handling the bunnies each day-so hopefully he will warm up to me quickly...
He will be February 13th at around 10 a.m. ; It makes me feel much better to know the time that he is getting here-that way I can get up and have everything ready for him by the time he gets here and not be rushing to figure out when he will arrive..
I am soooo excited!!!!

From this:




What a frickin adorable bunny.

Thanks ya'll for checking in..and thanks Mandy :)
katt wrote:
i am in love


he is so flippin adorable!
OH WOW! Now you are in love with Vegas AND Gratie...pshttt..lol..

Well I give you and Grace permission to be in love with him--ya'll helped me pick the name..haha.
January 25th, 2010

I dont have any funny bunny stories. I dont have any good news about them, but nothing bad either.. It was just another day here at the BunHut... Vegas made a mess, but repayed me by eating parsley and pellets out of my hand...But then he pooped all over his cage like normal.. Poker is the same old quite bunny..Doesnt make a sound, always hiding in his litter box, tipping his hideaway over...Yesterday I was rewarding him when he let me pick him up.. then came to me when I asked..I wanted him to see that momma is not bad-but then he nipped me..grrr.again I did not pull away, I gave him a gentle head push and a firm NO..He'll learn..

My rant for the day;
It is going sooo slow, not loading, giving me stupid error messages..and its NOT old.. It is from last December(2008)...it has been in perfect condition up until about a week ago..its acting up....its really making me frustrated..and I am the kind of person that when I get frustrated I cannot find words to say so I bottle it up and just break down crying..It has been a problem for years...


I am waiting to check my e-mail...but that'll happen sometime hmm NEXT YEAR!!!

I need to run... I need to put the bunnies in a shopping cart with some food, some water, some blankets, and just run...not run away from home.. just run..me and the bunnies.. I just need to run!!! I dont know why.. I guess because I havent slept well and I know that if I run real fast for a real long time, I can come home and sleep.. But that may stress the bunnies out..and I dont have a shopping cart:pullhair:

:tantrum:<<<<could someone picture me like this-running down the road?? hahahaha..ohh good, I got myself to giggle a bit..
gahh why are the bunnies eating!? well not like thats a bad thing-but I want a warm bunny to cuddle with...I try not to interrupt them when they have veggies or pellets, just because usually around the time they eat,I am having dinner too..
And the last thing I want is fur in my soup..yucky.
I cannot wait to bond more with the bunnies.. I am going to snuggle them up like crazy..

I want Gratie to be here...only like 20 more days or so..yipeee.
and I called the vet today to try and schedule the earliest possible neutering--but the vet doesnt have anyone there to answer the phone--they just have a receptionist and the doctor-but the receptionist is really a nurse so if she is busy, the phone just rings..:huhexplain to me how that makes any sense!? and on top of it all-you cannot even walk in there to make an appointment.. I cannot go in tomorrow after school and be like I want to make an appointment for whatever date-because they wont accept that..!! RAWRRRR..

All I want is to get my bunnies neutered..thats alllllll I want..Is that too much to ask for? grrrr..frustration!

I need to snuggle a bunny..I need to sleep..

I need to relax..

If ANYBUN has a hug to send--I am in desperate need..please??
and I dont want to rub my frustrations off onto the bunnies-so if there are any nose rubs out there-the boys could use some..

Thanks ya'll...Dinnertime.:twitch:

You know, just last year (Aug-Dec) I was having troubles all the time..my mother, moving out, paying rent, losing my job, getting a new job that was horrible, relationship troubles..
And honestly I can't tell you what kept me going without breaking down besides the fact I WANTED to be happy..and that was enough to try. Now I am happy again, still stressed about some of the same exact issues, but happy.
I am, and I think we all are, here for you. Don't be shy throwing a PM or email when you need to vent and talk.

Best Wishes!
Thanks so much Myia!!! and yeah--i have alot of people on here that have offered me their e-mail and even a phone number so I can chat..

I have ongoing issues--this week just seems to be the worst--testing week in school-blahh..

But I'll pull through :) :) :)
thanks again..

Oh and my e-mail and inbox are always open for you too!
I hope things get better for you.

Regarding your PC troubles, have you tried deleting your temporary internet files?

Also, try running a program called Malware bytes, its free, here is a link to the website. http://www.malwarebytes.org/

After you download and install it, go to the update tab and update it. Then run a scan of your pc, there might be some malicious software slowing it down. Another thing to try is defraging the hard drive. Sorry if you have already tried these things, its just some stuff that has helped me at work and home.


January 26th, 2010

Thanks ya'll for the hugs :) I certainly felt 'em!

Things seem to be looking up for me already!

I woke up this morning at 8:17 to a little munchkin butt sitting on the head of the bed saying -"Abbit, Abbit, HopHopHopHop"...Yepp, Evan was there :) I barely had time to wash my face as he pulled me down the stairs to the porch and said "Uppy uppy..hop hop abbit." Abbit clearly means Rabbit... So I took him out and he said good morning and gave his kisses to the bunnies..I took Vegas out and snuggled him close--he is sooo warm and cozy. But it was soon time to get ready for my Spanish exam and my Math exam...Uffff..

Tomorrow I only go in from 8-10 for Global and then on Thursday I go in 8-10 again for Science..

Then FRIDAY--WOOHOOO, I get to getup at 4 a.m., get myself ready before Peter gets up, get Peter up, let him get ready, and by 6 a.m. we will be on the train on the way toNew YorkCity!!:D We've got some business to take care of...But I think I might be a good girlfriend and plan a little surprise lunch or something with him :)

Anyways--here is my new cage fixer upper--its probably hard to picture in your mind;
I put Vegas' litter box in his cage with a wire rack on top, not in it, it allows me to put more litter inside...the wire rack is very secured though..anyways--next to that there was this space that I kept his food in, but he would always leave alot of poop there and it would roll behind the litter box and make more of a mess..SO, I took this plastic container and I pushed it into the space-BUT it didnt go all the way to the cage floor, so it was perfectttttt!---I filled the container with Vegas' hay and his food dish and some little blocks that he likes-so now he HAS to be inside to eat, which will help keep the cage neater--I HOPE! Plus the water bottle is over the box..but he is a lazy rabbit---if he has to poop--he does it wherever he is..The majority of the poop makes it in the box, but there is plenty of stray poos that he just leaves in the 2 open corners...

My new cleaning plan;
It has worked so far..
I used to dump the litter boxes out into the garbage bag, but it was always such a MESS!!! So what I started to do now is vaccuum it right out of the box..Well, only for Poker, not Vegas(He pees SOOOOO MUCH)..Poker has a special corner that he pees in, so thats where I put alot more bedding and paper and stuff like that; so I toss that, and vaccuum up all the poop.. It may sound gross-BUT I change the vaccuum bags everytime--they usually end up full because I vaccuum up any mess in the cage, the whole sunroom, all of that happens on the same days..it really saves me the hassle...I still clean the litter box with cleaner(animal-safe) and fill it up nicely.. It all started when I stacked Vegas' cage ontop of Pokers..I have a bad back so its a pain to take Vegas' cage off everytime I clean, BUT Pokers litter box doesnt fit out the front doors...so I started vaccuuming it all out.. It really isnt the lazy way to do it..I still get down and reach in and clean everything completely..No stray hay, no little poos, nothing--all clean :)I still dump Vegas' in a bag, I have a whole contraption set up in his box..it goes 4 layers of paper towel, 6 pieces of paper from the yellowbook, litter, more pages, and another piece of paper towel..sounds crazy right? IT IS..He drinks a whole bottle in around 3 hours, and pees it all out, and the litter just doesnt have time to absorb it because it keeps on going.. I change his litter box EVERYDAY!!! But as soon as the bag of litter is gone--its onto wood pellets..


Night ya'll