BunHut Estravaganza

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January 27th, 2010

Wow...It is so crazy how someone you have never met can bring tears of joy to your eyes.. It is so crazy how someone you have never met can tell you that you have so much strength. It is so crazy how someone you have never met can tell you that they worry about you.. It is so crazy how someone you have never met, can mean so much to you..

After my last post, I got a lovely message from Fancy77 (Denise) and it brought tears to my eyes...

I wish there was some kind of "Act of Kindness" in the world--like you call the President and tell him who gets the award and he sends one to them --I know thats cheesy, but some people just really really deserve it.
This forum has not only given me ALOT of information on rabbits--it has also given me the chance to chat with so many amazing people.. I didnt come on here to make friends, I cam on to learn about rabbits and their care--but in the making, I have made so many friends...
I really just love everyone here.. Someone said to me that they didnt think that someone could love a pet rabbit so much--I just told them to come here and they'll meet quite a few people like that..

To see that there are still so many kind people in this world--it just brings such a peaceful feeling to my heart.
When I feel I might not be able to survive.. When I feel like the walls are closing in.. Most people would go to a therapist (;)) But I come here. I come here and I vent.. Although I know that its not the place to do that, and maybe some people get annoyed, but I just feel like I can let it all out.. No one has to read it, no one has to respond--but people do..and that just shows me that you dont have to know someone to care...
I am certainly not saying--"oh you didnt read my blog" or " you didnt respond so you dont care" because it is deff not like that....

hmmphh--So to sum it all up--thank you to all those who do respond, and those who do check in on me--Ya'll will never know how much that means to me..

(this is just a 'human' post...the bunnies post will be here tonight)

nice to see a positive attitude to blogging! i dont always have time to compose a reply but i do read the blogs. im thinking maybe i should just post a :)to show that i dropped by:?
Fancy77 wrote:
its hard tho isnt it Donna I find myself following blogs but never have anything interesting to say.

:yeahthat:so true! i dont want to seem rude by not giving a thoughtful reply!

Hannah - you think your bunny pees everywhere, my buck, hartleybun, has a habit of using roxy doe's carrot dish:X arent buns charming!
I try to always respond because I know I appreciate people's responses even if its little.

And I am glad to hear your doing better poker! And I feel the same way, I know this site is here for all the bunny troubles and even if I need a helping hand!

Much love to all!
January 27th, 2010

Well, I posted the 'human' post already so here is the one for the bunnies!


He was in such a good mood today.. I took him out and I made him snuggle with me.. Next thing I know he was kissing my cheek and pushing against my face for ear rubs..What a big love he was today..and he kept me all cozy warm..He did nip at me a few times and he sat on my head, hurting me with his little nails.

didn't come out to play today--he got some run around time, but he didnt want to hang with his mommaz.. He is quite independent so I dont really try to force him to sit on my lap..

There is still about 2 weeks before he gets here.. I am going to get him a litter box today...Cannot wait to see him and hold him!

They should be here on February the 6th if all goes well.. I was told that they will be getting spayed and neutered on Tuesday and then I will have them that Saturday. So yep, male and female... i have to make a nice comfy temporary cage for the female because females take longer to heal after getting altered... Then, once she heals, I will bond the two of them... It should not be too hard--theyre siblings(from what I heard), and male/female bonds are easier to achieve... Hopefully it will work out.
I am not going to make a HUGE cage for the female because she shouldn't be in there for more than 2 or 3 weeks-and then she and the male will have the same cage-but with a seperator...I am going to put a small towel in each cage in a place that they will lay on it and then I will switch the towels so that way the female will have the males towel and the male will have the females towel-then they will have each others scent....
Anywhooo--I will get all of their things together tonight--I have to go to the store anyways :)

I thought it was going to be awhile before my BunHut was full--but it seems it is going to be sooner than I thought :D

Alrighty Ya'll

I'll try to update later with more Vegas and Poker pictures..
January I dont even care about the date, 2010

So things were looking up for me-right? WRONG! I knew it was too good to be true.. Gratie will be here in 2 weeks, the fosters will be here in a week, Vegas and I are bonding more and more each day, Poker is becoming a little less feisty, everything seemed to be going just great all of the sudden.. Today-it happened.. I should have known it would.. My computer is telling me that my Hard Disk doesnt exist and it just wont let me even get it started... I am going to lose all of my pictures-all of my really important information--its gone...just, gone..

I have an HP laptop..turned a year old on December 20th or so...its some kind of limited edition, dont know any other information..its my baby.. I love that computer.. Peter bought it for me....
And now its gone..I am going to spend whatever money I have to, to get it fixed--even if I could just buy a whole new laptop--this one is the one that means something really special to me--and I will NOT get a new one. I know that seems insane--but that computer-not the model, not the size, not the company label--just that one computer---means alot to me..I know that I could always get a new one and blah blah blah---but that doesnt replace the memory..the computer is a memory.
Sounds like a dumb thing to get really emotional over, but no one will ever understand where I am coming from with this..

I will not be on that much anymore.Not until I figure out the computer situation...The computer I am on now is my moms, and it is the crappiest little thing ever..its the mini HP and I HATE IT! I am frustrated..

On top of all that--ive been painting my room for the past6 hours or so, I have a major headache, my necks is stiff, and the dog is now covered in paint because she leaned on the wall..my once white dog is now Weathered Cement by Ralph Lauren..but i did fix the spot..

On top of THAT, I have to get up at 4:30 tomorrow...not my kind of day.
On top of THAT- I have to go to a party tomorrow for my grandma, my aunt, my cousin and her boyfriend--all of their birthdays are tomorrow..AND I didnt get anything for any of them..

ON TOP OF THAT-Vegas made a huge mess in his cage..
ON TOP OF THAT!!!!!-The rug I have under the NIC cage got wet and its absolutely freezing on the porch tonight-not sure why--and the rug is frozen..

ON TOP OF THAT THAT THAT--we ran out of fuel and theres no heat in my house so I can see my breath while sitting on the couch..by the way--I NEED GLOVES TO WATCH TV!
ON TOP OF THAT THAT THAT THAT--the stupid, idiotic, dumb vet, doesnt have anyone to pick up the phone during the day--so I have been calling atleast 6 times a day-so the lady on the answering machine and I pretty much have become BEST FRIENDS! :mad:

I dont have any good news to share with all ya'll, except that I was talking to little Mr. Evan and I said--"say I Love You Bella" (He calls me Bella), AND HE SAID "I wuv you Beya" LIKE IN HUMAN-ish WORDS! My little boy is learning soooooo quick.

Anyways--my life is in a bit of a scramble..I am pretty upset..but again I offer my e-mail to any of those who would like to chat (I get e-mails to my phone)

[email protected]

PLease just let me know who you are :) (unless youve emailed me before-then Ive saved you to my contacts)

Wish Me Luck Ya'll..Night.
January 30th, 2010

Temporarily using my mom's computer..

My computer will be going to a friends house for awhile--maybe he can fix it.

So, everything is going great with the bunnies.
The fosters are coming next Saturday and I get to name them :D

I wonder what I will name them..
I was thinking maybe Chessy and Dublin..
I dont know why..But I am going to get a feel for their personality and then they'll be named by Saturday night...

I cannot wait for them!!! and I cannot wait for Gratie!!!

I'll be posting some pictures and stories up later..

off to Target :D
So, I am a little bit of a dummy.. :D

I said I would have put pictures on here, but I completely forgot that this isnt my computer..and I dont see a memory card slot..But I am going to try it out..
February 2nd, 2010

So, Hello there :)
I am watching the Pregnancy Pact(Thanks Ali for mentioning it)and I have a throbbing migraine.
Ufff..I want so badly to go let Vegas out to play, but I cannot get myself to move..I am so tired and I am certainly coming down with something.

Well, I finlly have some..Some of the bunnies.The new Cage.



Male Fosters' Cage-Dublin.

Female Fosters' Cage-Chessy.

The names, Dublin and Chessy, are just ideas..I want to know the rabbits' personalities first...

Anyways--thats the update for now..
Time to take a nap and play with the bunnies.
February 3, 2010

Uff, Today was such a bad dayy!

I am in such an annoyed mood-but happy at the same time..

This girl--who is such a big liar and such a fake--well she and i were friends and all she ever did was lie..So over the last week or 2 I have been really trying to slowly drift away from her....So finally today she stops talking to me..She was rude and arrogant and avoided me.. And that is not the way I wanted to stop the friendship..I wanted to just tell her that things have changed--but we could chat sometimes..

SO, I texted her and said--"whats your problem with me?"
she replied with -"i dont like you :)" and started saying a bunch of words that I will never mention here...
Well thats the reason for being annoyed/angry..
But the reason that I am happy is because everything she said to me, I responded calmy and responded with the correct things..Like for example--she said you told whoever that blah blah blah..and i answered with the honest truth--"ohh yeah, that must have been 2 years ago when I talked to them last before you even moved here."


Nowwwww, the bunnies are greatttt :) Ill have more stories about them after once I let them out and stuff :)
Fancy77 wrote:
lol sometimes friendship suck...sometimes it is nice to weed your garden


a quote from my facebook (which happens to be a quote from an email lol)

"I kept on wanting life to just get better, and I have grown up enough to see that it isn’t that life ‘just gets better’, its that we make it better by surrounding ourselves with the people, places and things we love and by dismissing the people, places and things that bring us down."

so ((hugs)):hug: i know first hand how much it hurts to lose a friend, even if they were nota very good one, but in the end you will be happier to have them out of your life.

. . . and get in a better mood fast so i can get my vegas fix in!!!!!:biggrin2:
Hahahaa thanks guys :)

Yeahh, it made me realize that she was tearing me away from the people I should have been hanging out with--my real, true friends..

plus I have all ya'll on RO that I want to keep close..
I dont have to know someone to just simply adore them :)