BunHut Estravaganza

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February 5th, 2010


Hey ya'll...

So, I was getting SO SO SO SO TIRED of not being able to take Pokers litter box completely out to clean it--so I put Vegas' cage down on the floor again..It takes up some space, BUT it is SO worth it..

I used a whole small bottle of vinegar on Vegas' cage...I had to just pour it right into his cage while he was running around..VINEGAR IS THE MIRACLE CLEANER..it lifted a urine stain right out of the carpet too..
I cleaned the whole cage, the litter box, everything..And man oh man does it look soooo much better..

But here is the sad thing--I probably wont be getting the fosters until the 20th due to bad weather that should be hitting tomorrow.. It kind of sucks, but it will also give the female who I already started calling Chessy, to heal from her spay..

Also, I have alot of time on my hands...and I think it will be a great time to really really start working on bonding with Vegas..
I will be home on Tuesday, and then I have the 15th to the 19th off of school..But Friday I have an amazing party to go to..
We've put together a surprise 50th Wedding Anniversary party together for my grandparents..I cannot wait to see their faces :)

Anyways, I am off to play with the bunnies and give some veggies..

Hope to be back soon :)
I hear about everyone using it, but I never realized how good it was.. I put it in the litter box, it started making the fizzing noise, next thing I know-I have a 'like new' litter box..
February 6th, 2010

WOOHOOO Who is pumped up for tomorrow's game?!?!

My 66 year old grandmother is OBSESSED wtih football.. She gets into the game and screams and curses and she is far worse than any guys in my family..
Crazy woman :)

Anyways, Vegas has run of the couch right now..
He is hopping around from cushion to cushion..Now he is actually sitting on the window sill and cleaning himself up..

I found out that he is actually a small dog in disguise :)
I called his name and tapped on the couch and he ran over..then once I got him on my shoulder I said, give kisses, and HE DID! He licked my forehead and my cheek..
He responds to simple commands like a little puppy :)

I love this bunny :)

Ill be back in a few for stories..its Pokers turn out of the cage.
I've never actually tried vinegar before, I probably should because I have smelly intact bunnies and if it cleans as good as you say it does it would be very handy :)

It is white vinegar you use right?
February 8th, 2010

Vegas is NOT doing well with the new cage situation...I went to check on him after putting him back yesterday, and I realized that he had not used his litter box and there was poo all over the cage..Not like marking his territory, more like, 'oops-forgot-about-the-litter-box' poos..

But I think that was his way to get back at me because his cage was EMPTY...He only had his litter box, hay rack, a few toys, and the water bottle...So I decided that he deserved his little shelf back..So once I put it in and vacuumed all the poos, he seemed back to normal..
I didnt want to do it but with new strange litter box, I had no choice--I took out the wire rack that kept him off his poos and wet litter....I HAVE to settle with that until I can get him a different box.. I think that I am going to get one that is only slightly smaller than the width of the cage, that way he cant get to the sides of it..
Hopefully that will happen soon..

So, Poker is such a grumpy butt :)
No cuddling for him..
But maybe eventually he will get to that point..I am going to sit with him today and have some playtime.

I am seriously TOO excited for Gratie to get here..I just wish that I was more ready :)
I mean, I have everything ready and all that, BUT the more I seem to get HIM ready, the other bunnies make a mess and I clean one mess up just to have to pick up another one..But thats the life when youre a bunmom..

I am excited to see what life is like with 3 bunnies and 2 fosters! But it stinks that I will have to wait until the 20th to have a completely full BunHut.
There was SUPPOSED to be bad weather yesterday, but there was NO sign of that..So I missed out on getting the fosters..
BUT the good part of that is--the female will pretty much be completely healed, and I will start to try and bond the 2 probably 2 weeks after their arrival..So if they get he the 20th, the end of the first week in March will be when I start bonding them.Plus they will take their time to get bonded, so I suspect probably by Beginning of April I will have 2 happily bonded bunnies..and HOPEFULLY 2 neutered male bunnies...

So Poker is sitting on my chest now on the couch, and he is certainly sniffing around to get used to my scent..He is not snuggling but he is working at something..

i have been away from RO for days, and i totally expected new pics of the buns.

i need my vegas fix. . .

. . . just thought you should know.

and gratie comes home in like 4 days!!!! right?!?!?

yess bunnies do get even--and it sucks sometimes :)

I cant wait to see the fosters either!!!!!

ALI! Youu met him? what does he look like?! I picked out a name for them both..

And I know that everyone needs their Vegas fix, I will deff get some pictures up today when he plays outside of the cagee.
February 9th, 2010

I stayed home from school today because I got an emergency phone call last night from Evans grandparents who had him over the weekend..

Well--I didnt get a WORD that they said because all I could hear was Evan screaming in the background..This was about midnight..
I knew they werent calling just to say hi--so I hung up the phone, we got in the car and rushed over to where he was..
Well, turns out that he was fooling around and he fell and hit his face on the corner of the toybox...He didnt need any stitches but his lip is very swollen and his tooth got pushed back..Not alot at all, but it certainly hurt him..I stayed there and cradled him until he stopped crying..
I woke up this morning at 8!

But everything is okay now..Evan did come home with us last night--He fell asleep in the car and slept soundly through the night.. I tossed and turned and had some crazy dreams..

I had a very sad dream last night..I am going to share but it may not be for theweak souls..--its a little upsetting.

Well, Poker was in his cage and he had this like hay rack thing with wireslike the ones that NIC panels are made out of..and it was round...Well, I wentto show someone Poker and he was in there with his head in between the bar of the hay rack and he wasbunny flopped but on his belly..He was filthy dirty and freezing cold and he was dying...I knew he was dying when I touched his bottom and it was harder then the rest of his body...I ran upstairs, tears pouring down my face and I started to fill the sink with warm water..i put him in andhe started to look more lively..Igave himso many kisses and gave him a rice sock with a super warm towel...He died later that night..
Out of all honesty--that was pretty mcuh the worst dream I have ever had...
I ran out to himthis morning and gave him a hugeeeeeeee kiss and I just loved him as much as I could..

Sorryfor the details..I just had to share it..
It was certainly scary..

I am going to have some bunny time now--I promised some Bunny Pictures today--so check back for thsoe later :D
i have had crazy dreams about my pets...i had a dream once i cut open my cat to give her surgery for something and she died. it was horrible. i woke up crying.


^^he looks just like a baby bunny in this picture^^
