BunHut Estravaganza

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January 8th, 2010

Today was just such an awful day. awful awful awful...I came home, cried for about 2 hours, then I just sat on the floor with the bunnies, and I could not help but smile. Bunnies make everyone smile..

So yeah uhmm, the bunnies were so much fun to play with.. Vegas got a little crazy, and decided to chew on Pokers cage, so he went back inside.. I am really wondering if you may have an eyesight problem. I picked up the cheerios from the floor because he was sniffing all around and couldnt find it, it was right in front of him, so once it was in my hand i held it in front of his face and he looked around and then sniffed the ground again.. I feel like he may not be able to see so well.. Maybe-i dont know..I will keep an eye on it though, see if maybe he just was just not in the mood..

Yeah-i was going to put another little game up here today but i couldnt find a good one anywhere...so maybe tomorrow..besides-i am not feeling well :(

night ya'll

OHHH BY THE WAY:: i am going to a rodeo tomorrow night at 8, so i will not be around from 5 pm to 2 a.m. yayyyy...
i read yesterdays post...the end confused me so much i got to thinking about it and my labtop died

bunnies are cuddly and cut and fluffy and jumpy and poppy and they just shine with hapiness!!! they help :)

rodeo...ooo for what?
January 10th, 2010

Wow.the PBR(professional bull riding) was the most amazing thing i have ever seen. It was amazing in so many different ways..i would post up the pictures-but it would take up an awful lot of space in photobucket..i took a picture of every rider, every bull, every funny dance the rodeo clown did, EVERYTHING..lots and lots of pictures. I thought it would not be fun at all-but it ended up being one of the greatest experiences in my whole life...

Anyways- Poker is being terribly strange towards me..I think that he needs to get neutered ASAP so i can bring him somewhere to pick out a buddy or girlfriend...he seems lonely. and i took out Vegas' litter box and forgot to close the top of the cage so Vegas got out and got to run around because i couldnt drop what i was doing to pick him up. I didnt realize that Pokers cage wasnt covered, so ever since then Poker has been grumpy towards me. So, I now have to attempt to rebond with him...

Evan got to play with Vegas this evening. He usually played with him only in the living room, and Vegas wasnt ever much fun because he could hide behind the couch-but today we played out in the BunHut.. It was sooo awesome. I have never seen such a happy bunny. he binkied so manyy time, i could barely even count. Evan loves to look at the bunnies and give them treats, but he doesnt like when the bunnies sniff him and try to play with him... But Vegas was all about chasing Evan. Vegas bit me when i went to grab Evans hand and then followed Evan around the BunHut the whole time, sniffing him, hopping around him.. He seemed so happy to have a little buddy. I have to say that I have never seen Vegas or Poker do the bunny flop--until today..Now i am not sure if maybe he really was having some kind of twitch issue-but whatever it was it was strange. He started to slow down, then layed down and did this crazy seizure thing--i compare it to as if he was doing a binky but doing it while laying down..then he just layed there and stayed..he looked so comfy.. i know that he wasnt really dying or anything because he ran around the room for a half an hour before i could catch him. He is actually laying completely spread out in his cage... i took some pictures :)




I call this face the Kamakaze face..He looks so crazy, but cute :)

Sit and stay-good boy :)

Evan slowly pulling his hand away from the bunny.

Camera shy?

Evan hid his hand in his sleeve when Vegas went to sniff him-He always goes to the cage because he thinks that theres another bunny in the cage..

"There was treats in here somewhere."

Bunny Flop!!!!!

Still bunny floppin' it.

He looks like a dog when he lays like this.


Evan was pretty annoyed.

"Phewwww"--Tired bunny.

that was the night so far.. Evan is now running around like a crazy person-screaming and having fun..Time to settle down though-it's been a long weekend :)

Night ya'll.. Hopefully Poker will be in a better mood tomorrow... I've got to go out tomorrow and get some new nail clippers and trimmers--I misplaced mine and I have to do the grooming tomorrow..along with some cage cleaning!


January 11th, 2010

Hey ya'll!!! What a good day it was today... I didn't go to school because my back is just so bad-but after about an extra hour of rest, Peter came back home(he didnt have to work) and took a long nap.. I decided that while everyone in my house was quiet-I could go and play with the bunnies... I cleaned out the hutch-and put Poker back in the regular cage, I did it slowly over a few hours.. I started by putting his litter box in there with a little treat, but kept the door closed..Poker was running around the room, Vegas was napping.. Then I slowly started moving more things in there, and right before I put the food bowl and hay in the cage, I opened the door and put him near it so he could explore..well, it worked out, he jumped in and went into his little hideaway..i cleaned Vegas' cage once Poker went inside...Vegas ran around and did some insane binkies... i got everything all nice and neat and let Vegas play for a few hours...each bunny got atleast 4 hours of playtime-and I was not even worried about leaving them out while I went in the other room-they didnt play together of course-but they did give some bunny nose rubs to each other through the cage bars..

Anyways-I did all I need to do out there- and LALALALAAAAAAAAAAAA-I found out that I may be getting 2 foster bunnies!!! I have no idea what breed, what sexes-nothing at all about the 2 bunnies-but I was asked to foster, and I am going to do it.. the more I talk about it-the more things fall into place..which it makes me really happy to know that maybe Ali(JadeIcing) or Laura(elrohwen) will be bringing me the foster bunnies---that means I will get to meet someone from the forum.. i personally think they should carpool on over here :) lol..

The hutch is completely ready for Gratie to come home.. HE WILL BE HERE ON FEBRUARY 13th! howwww excitinggg.. Mandy says that he is always the first to want to get out of the cage and that he is getting bigger and bigger.. I just cannot wait any longer!!! I know that there is still about 33 days until his arrival-but I already bought all his supplies-except the litter box....I was giving the rabbits some extra veggies and I almost ended up putting them in Gratie's hutch..Im crazyyy.

I am so glad that I got to see the bunnies run around like crazy today..Usually they only get about half of the room but since there is nothing for them to get into, and I dont want to worry about having them under my feet-I just let them have full run of the room. As much as I would love to post pictures of what the final BunHut setup looks like (except for all the stuff that I will get with the foster bunnies) but will my computer let me??-NOPEEE!!!! my laptop is on some kind of strike against me..it never works..and ive had it for only a year. Oh goodness-dont let me start a conversation about that..

ANYWHOOOO-I will be posting pictures in a few minutes in another post...so keep your eyes peeleddd for them..

Muahaha, the pictures are here :)

I dont have any of the bunnies during excercise time-my camera was dead; but here are some of the new setup (dont mind the flower rug-it needed a touch or girly-ness)



CAGE SECTION OF THE BUNHUT(the rest is all playspace)

GROOMING AND FEEDING STATION(stuff in the bottom left is going away)



thats all for todayy; ill have moreee tomorrow im sure..
It looks like you have a great BunHut! Evan is so cute with his arm in his sleeve too, like "noooo, don't whisker-sniff me!"

I hope you do get to foster and meet some RO people. I think the fosters would have a great home with you.
January 13th, 2010

Oh boyy what a day... I have been going crazy lately..I guess the reason that I am stressing isbecause ofschool exams are in 2 weeks..uffffff..the baby is no longer here, only for visits all the time..i just please ask everyone not to ask questions about it and not to mention it.its a long confusing story(quick 'sum-up' at the bottom)..but he did get plenty of time with the bunnies today when he came over.. he loves them..especially Vegas because he is a bit more curious then Poker...which brings me to my next story..

On Vegas' cage, like on most cages-when you close the lid you push the 2 tab things over to lock it, but you also pull the top door forward so the little hooks latch on to the wire...if that makes sense---anyways-i guess i must not have realized that i didnt pull the door forward and latch it, and i never pulled the locks over and officially locked it..so i walk in the door with Evan, and i start saying "Vegas-your buddy is here" but he didnt run to the door like usual..I got worried, so i rushed over..NO BUNNY!!!!! I looked around but then i realized that he was hiding near Gratie's hutch on top of his favorite blanket.. He must have been there all day because there was no poop anywhere else in the room-only on the blanket where he was laying... I didnt let him get anymore excercise time because judging by the amount of poop-he'd been out for a good 5 hours.. I put him in his cage immediately because I wanted him to get some pellets and some water because he hadn't eaten all day.... I locked the doorand he didnt get a treat this time :/What a mischief bunny-he always figures out a way to get on my nerves..But I always go back to him for his warm bunny snuggles..

Yesterday was the first time that the bunnies got tomatoes.. I made sure i rinsed them a little and watched them to see how they did.. I only put 1 in, they were cherry tomatoes so it wasnt much...I mixed it with the carrot, celery, parsley, broccoli, etc. Vegas had one and then hopped away.. and Poker didnt really get into his veggies-I think I have to start buying a bunch more stuff because Poker is picky and may want something different..He never seems to eat the whole piece of celery(about 1/4 of the stalk), he leaves half eaten parsley and broccoli, and it takes him 2 days to eat half a carrot. So I am guessing that he really isnt a big fan... I have to try him with Strawberries-and work a little more on tomatoes..

Anyways-lets get to the baby story.
Most know the story and sorry for those who don't, because you wont understand this..My mother and i have had a rocky relationship but it has recently been fixed and she now is back here with my boyfriend and i....there was an accident awhile back that caused nothing but harsh feelings...
anyways--->she loves the baby just as much as we do, of course, he will always be the baby no matter how old he gets..soooo, after some thought and difficult decisions-we placed him with another family member, that has much more space, plus-he loves it there and is happy..He comes over allllll the time still, and he knows his mommy :)
i know this sounds crazy..but thats the only explanation I have..we are all handling this well--because this is the decision that we made a long time ago..he is afterall, right down the road :) I do love him and I do care about him-thats why we made this decision.. It has nothing to do with money, care, nothing like that-I am not a bad person; i did what needed to be done..please dont judge me....He is still going to always be here-especially when I get the fosters-hes a sucker for small bunnies :) :)

Alright ya'll...crazyy tiredd...I figured out how I would fit 3 more rabbits in the BunHut-that way I would have the extra space-Now all thats left is to actually rearrange....exactly 4 weeks until Gratie is here...

AND! to add more good news; I will be contacting the woman about the fosters this weekend!! Thanks to her and Ali(JadeIcing), things are falling into play..
I am hoping for the best..especially because it all comes down to saving 2 rabbits' lives..Ali (JadeIcing) will be bringing me the rabbits, which makes me very happy because I get to meet someone from the forum :) I am glad that I get a chance to work with her, she is such a doll :) :)

oki doke ya'll..goodnightt...I'm pretty much asleep already:biggrin2:
My boyfriend wants to do PBR..and it scares me to death! And I understand the crying part..I do it all the time. My animals are my #1 comfort.

I can't imagine the buns eating a tomato! lol!
im so sorry...i know you did what was best for you and your probably not sorry the way i am. but im glad youll be in his life as aunt and mom forever...i dont know which youll want to be called or known as?

and thats great about the fosters, youll have to post a bunch of pics!

p.s. when i get stressed i think about you and how strong you and it helps...so thanks :)
Myia--PBR is really a scary sport-but it really is just amazing to watch...They did enjoy the tomatoes :) Bunnies are really such comforting animals :)

Brenda; Thanks :) He knows that im his aunt-he occasionally says mama, but he knows ill always be Aunt Bella(my nickname) :)

I will certainly have many pictures when they get here..

AND thank youu so much for thinking about me-i do try to be as strong as possible-I would sometimes like to be a regular teenager, but then i think about who i have in my life-and i wouldnt have it any other way..

you're a great inspiration and i hope you are proud of yourself everyday for how much you choose to take on everyday...

and im happy you get to stay in his life :)

fuzz16 wrote:

you're a great inspiration and i hope you are proud of yourself everyday for how much you choose to take on everyday...

and im happy you get to stay in his life :)

^^thank you soooooo much for thisss..its exactly what i needed..^^

January 15th, 2010

Well, above is the beginning to my blog..I need a little rant space and here is the place to do it.

I got a letter from my brother in law, Alex today.He is currently incarcerated and I have never met him in person. He is one ofPeters brothers... He always writes nice things to me and Peter, usually both of us get our own letter from him.. Well I was reading what he wrote to Peter and I just lost it..
He explains that no one knows what its like to be where he is, he said to Peter that he misses his mom, his brothers and his daughter.He asked Peter to send him money because he is so hungry and wants to buy more food.He said that ONLY if we send him money-he will send a picture he bought in there...GRRRRRR!-My brother is in jail too so I know quite a bit.. But he doesnt understand that Peter and I both had to give up our brothers for a few years because of their dumb decisions. we may not know what it is like in there-but we certainly know what its like constantly wondering if our sibling is safe..And he says he misses his brothers and his mom and his daughter--let the rant-BEGIN;
Peters mom is in Guatemala... Peter has 3 brothers-Rudy who has 2 kids and a wife, Alex who has a daughter and hasnt been with the baby's mom since he got arrested, and Omar, who has no kids, no wife, and i dislike him.. He also has a sister named Zulma, she is Guatemala with his mom, along with his brother Rudy's first son... Peter doesnt get to see his mom, he getsa 30 minute phono conversation with her maybe 1 time a week-so THERE ALEX! He acts like everyone out here is having a party and a blast without him...NOT TRUE-we are out here, trying to make ends meet, trying to get by each and every day, missing him, missing my brother, missing his mom and sister..and about missing his daughter?? He got in trouble when she was a little baby-and it was because he was involved with bad people and tried to do harm to his ex and daughter..he was then arrested and thrown away-6 years..gahhh his letter made me angry..
then in my letter he says that he HATES his ex (Bianca) with a passion because its her fault that he is there..like i said-i never met him in person, just 2 years of writing to him...so usually when i dont know someone like in person-im not rude----but ohhhh boy i gave him hell in my letter back, and if he EVER EVER EVER talks the way he did-our letters will come to a complete stop..and i dont want to do that, but i dont want to here him B.S. all the time..grrrr..
that was rant number 1..now heres 2...;

I have this terrible feeling in my stomach..I dont know what it is about though..its not Evan, its not school, its not Peter...i have this strange feeling that it has to do with the bunnies...im being updated on the fosters, and I trust that if I wasnt going to get them-Ali would most likely just say-NOPE....and I dont think its about Gratie-although i havent heard from Mandy in 4 days-it feels like forever!! I just dont know..i am working with Vegas because he had a few cecal pellets and some long wet poo, and i am still pretty worried, but im keeping an eye on it. and Poker is being himself, quiet, always staring out of the cage...both bunnies are as cute as can be..SOOOOOO, what the heck is going on???? the more i write the more I am thinking that it has to do with my site..i have a feeling that it is never going to be what i want it to be..i dont know--this isnt much of a rant either, but its enough..

NOW; I am going to be done with ranting because I now have given myself suchh a bad headache... i feel terrible also because Vegas and Poker didnt get their 3 hour playtime-only because i havent been feeling well, and i didnt get to put away a few things out there, and i didnt want to leave them unsupervised, so i stayed out there, but then my back started to killlllll me, and i got up to get some tylenol, but realized the time and had to go to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some bunny stuff--YIPPEE...anyways-that was a rant..lol.....i got 2 cabinet shelves so i can make 2 little level things-most likely i will use them for IF i get the fosters, i also got this little cutlery holder thing that works great as a hayrack, and i got some mat to put near the cages, to keep the bunnies from chewing the carpet :) this will all be for the fosters..i keep really getting my hopes up about the 2 foster bunnies, but Ali and the other woman never said I was actually getting the fosters-i have to contact them on sunday and i guess ill find out then..please everyone-keep your fingers crossed for this--i really need some more bunnies to love :) and fostering-gahhh, it is such a dream of mine..

Anywayssssss--I will have some more stories tomorrow-I am hoping for all good things this 3-day weekend.. Evan will be here tomorrow and Sunday, and we are going out together on Monday..just the 2 of us..

By the way--heres the family update; Evan is doing great---he was soooo hysterical today, he belly laughed until he fell asleep..such a cute little boy..and the whole 'mom and i' thing--well its working out..its been quite a few months since she left, but now having her back seems great...i kind of feel like I am getting to live like a normal teen---but i have such a motherly personality--im not like other teens..like in school-someone eats lunch, throws the tray away-never wipes the table..me?? i eat lunch, keep crumbs off the table, wipe my face, clear the table, and leave no crumbs...im even worse when it comes to germs-yuckkkk..before you are a mother, you really didnt like germs, but its not like you were narotic(some people are), but the minute you have a child-its like eww you know how many germs that has?, constant hand sanitizer, all of that..my mom was shocked when she came home and saw that i have a stock of Lysol disinfectant spray...i always do whatever it takes to make sure that Evan doesnt get sick, doesnt get other peoples germs all over him(im not crazy!), BUT i dont mind if he gets dirty--sure, let the kid jump in the puddle, stomp in the leaves, pick up dirt-afterall, he is a little boy..

i am falling asleep-not sure how much sense i am making...night ya'll...
January 16th, 2010

Got a really cool dry erase board..3/4 of the board is a dry erase calendar, 1/4 is a note section, and about 1/4 on the bottom is a bulletin board..I am using strictly for bunny business-phone numbers, schedule, all of that..

I am getting so lazy with taking pictures-i have a few that ill have to throw on here soon-maybe monday..
Evan is here..sleepy boy :) hes had such a night-running around, playing ball with Peter...and then playing with the bunnies...it was after their usual run around time-so i didnt want to really take them out and screw around with their normal routine...then for about 2 hours, before and after dinner---Peter crawled on the floor and played hide and seek with the baby...they both ended up belly laughing :)

Tomorrow is the day that I have to call the woman in regards to the foster bunnies....I must say that I do know her name-but even though she isn't a member-I don't want to run around saying her name--if that makes sense-maybe shes not comfortable with that, maybe I am crazy...anyways, I really hope I get them...If I don't get those 2 bunnies, then I may never be able to get fosters from 3Bunnies--know what I mean jellybeannn?. Well, I bought 2 cabinet shelf/rack thingies, so I can make 2 little levels, and I have 2 hayracks(i replaced Vegas' and Gratie's with a sink sponge holder thingy and a cutlery holder-pictures to come)...I haven't heard anything that would lead me to think that I wont get the rabbits---but I am also a bit of a worrier, and I tend to worry about things that I know I shouldnt worry about...which sometimes isnt a bad thing--especially when you have rabbits..if I didnt worry-then I would possibly miss the things that show that a rabbit is sick...i know that my neighbor saw my rabbit(Thumper-rip 2000) laying in his cage on a nice warm day, and she just thought he was comfy...Me on the other hand--I realized that he wasnt laying there like a normal comfy bunny, he looked uncomfortable, his eyes were runny, his nose was runny, he didnt touch his pellets or hay, he was really acting weird about something...he died later that night.....i notice things like that-because I take the time to look around and check out the whole area.. the other day-Vegas had quite a few cecal pellets and some long wet poop--so i thought--what did i feed him, could he have gotten into something, has he eaten his pellets, has he had water, did i give him anything different---and i examine every little detail to try and get the answer...im crazyyyyy about things like that...
Same thing with giving treats--if I give Vegas 3 craisins (1 for every hour of excercise time-only if he does well), I feel really bad about not giving one to Poker...so I make Poker do something that would usually make me give him some treat-and i reward him...probably not the best idea-but I am always trying to make things equal and balanced out...

Anywhoo, this was really not supposed to be a long post...I am soo tired and i think Evan may have broken my nose--ouchh..

Thinking about how I'd look with a black eye and swollen cheek from getting hit so hard with his head...hmmm im picturing nothing good..hmmphh..

Missing the chat bar!!!! I dont know whats going on with my computer..its getting bad ): getting a new one ASAP..but ill never get rid of this one....OHMYGOODNESSIAMCONTINUINGANDIREALLYSHOULDNTBECAUSEIAMTIREDANDWANTTOSLEEP.

Night ya'll..
Ill update ya'll tomorrow.
ill start this by saying...thank god for nyquil.

I hate when Charlee head butts me. She has started slammin her head into my chest when shes on my lap...kicked me in the eyeball yesterday

why wont you get another chance with the rescue if you dont get to rescue these two buns?
lol--yeahh, he hit me so hard that i kind of just passed out-lol..

and the reason i said that is because--i am such a worrierrr.lol.andd usually when I say that i wont get something--i get it :) hahaha..

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