BunHut Estravaganza

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January 17th, 2010

Woowww, what a crazy day! The baby was so riled up.. I never got to call the woman about the bunnies--I am hoping to do ASAP tomorrow. I was just so busy with the baby and the bunnies-I couldn't squeeze it in...and when he went to take a nap--i passed out right along with him..

Uff-hoping to hear some good news, I dont care what kind of good news, I just need to hear something...I am kind of down in the dumps today--must be getting sick or something..Plus I have been walking around on a fractured foot for a few days, I dont really feel like going to the emergency room to get an air cast and crutches...rather just wait it out...it hurts-BAD....
I got an e-mail from a woman today...she said that she saw an ad i had on craigslist(i dont even remember how long ago i put it there)...It was about looking for free cages for the BunHut...but i guess i posted my website on there, and she responded to it...She said that she has a friendly lop eared bunny that needs a home, she doesnt want to bring it to the pound..she sent me the ad....quite frankly-she sounds like she just needs to get rid of the bunny ASAP..i e-mailed her and told her i need lots more information on the bunny--girl/boy, spayed/neutered, what does he/she come with, how old--all of that...and i said that i would take him/her because I dont want to see the bunny in a bad situation---so i can take the bunny for a little while and hopefully find him/her a good home---hopefully the woman responds soon---she never said where she is located, if she'd travel-nothing like that....i made it very known that i will not pay a rehoming fee, if she really wants to see the bunny in a good home-then she wont even ask for money..uffff-lets see how this goes.

My whole left cheek, eye and nose are a bit swollen from bumping heads with Evan...he felt so bad after because my eye started watering-so he squished me and gave me kisses..then today for naptime---i tried to slip away once he fell asleep, and he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in, he was obviously not going to let me go...so Peter came upstairs and the three of us just slept..

The bunnies were sleepy once Evan left--they didnt get any sleep with the little monkey around-he is always noisy...but both bunnies got lots of love from him-and they got to run around and play for 4 hours each..with no problems...

i'd really like to add that i think it is funny that people think that bunnies are baby rabbits...i saw some ad that said--BUNNIES AND RABBITS FOR SALE..uhmm, no difference!! but i guess enough people think that--or am i wrong-are bunnies baby rabbits?? because i am pretty positive that they are called kits..hmmpphh.

okay, I have lots to do..maybe Ill post some pictures later..

bye ya'll...
i dont think a lot of people realize how much time we dont have...lol. parents in general. honestly...a 10 shower is the most relaxtion i get before passin out from exhaustion after the baby goes to sleep.
and you might have dealt with this, too, but when i let people know i have a few pets they lecture me about how i should spend all my time takin care of my daughter and the amount of pets i have is out of hand...you have a few buns like me so you understand the work load, but its also a great escape when you dont have another hobby...being caretaker is my hobby i guess

and thats great of you to take on that bun...i had a customer call for me at work the other day asking if i could take a holland girl and it was hard to pass when i know i could tempporarily give a good home and in turn find a good home ideally for her.

hmm maybe bunnies are what you would consider the cute fluffy baby stage since bunny is a cute name? and rabbit is more formal and grown up bun like? who knows lol
lol--i NEVER take naps because I know i wont sleep well later on..
and i do know what you mean--usually my escape is with the bunnies-or a longggg shower..i usually take 35 minute showers :) and it was awesome that Evan slept for 2 and a half hours--i slept for about an hour-but it was sooo worth it..hahaha..I understand the work load--seeing as I have 2 bunnies now, my third will be here on the 13th, probably getting 2 fosters, and maybe even the one from the e-mail..YiKESSS-thats alottttaaa bunnies...but im happy..
thinking about starting a mini shelter..that'd be fun.

And yeahh, the whole fluffy baby thing makes sense..i actually like the word bunny alot more than rabbit..lol.
January 17th, 2010

I would expect this to be a quick post but I am doubting that--so here goes;

I just recieved an e-mail about fostering 2 BUNNIES!!! Which means I will end up with 4 foster bunnies, 3 of my own..pshttt-thats insane..BUT I think I can handle it.. with the support of the rescue for their 2 bunnies, the support of the girl with the 2 bunnies, I can handle it...
My mom is fine with the rescue bunnies being here(it is my place)--but she is going to think I am crazy if i get 2 more rabbits...

The story behind the 2 other rabbits goes like this;
"I have two male rabbits which I adopted from craigslist about seven months ago. I was hoping to give them the best home possible, but unfortunately my housing situation is no longer conducive to these little guys. I am twenty one and I was their second owner living with them at my dorm room at school. I got them after my other rabbit died last year and recently my run of luck came to an end and I was finally caught with a pet on campus. I really wish I could keep them, but they are currently living in my parents basement next to the furnace and are not getting nearly enough love and attention. I live three hours away and I would love to find a good PERMANENT home for them.

One is fairly small and jet black, his name is Smudge because he is real fast. The other is Leroy and all brown with a little white spot on his nose. He is bigger than Smudge and he got his name after the big bad Leroy Brown because he is a bit of a bully. Lately their rivalry has gotten worse so they need to moved to separate cages" -Kimberly

She also made it very clear that she doesnt want to give them to just anyone because she doesnt want them to become snake food..

She really seems quite honest and she really wants them to have a good home.. and I made sure she knew that I dont just take the bunnies-i require all their supplies..

Ufff, and I believe that the rabbit that I mentioned before that the lady emailed me about--i dont think ill be getting him/her...

I have to ask the girl, Kim, if they are neutered--she never answered those questions..
I also told her that depending on time--i MAY be able to keep them until she is home for good..which I am sure she would like...
she seems very nice...transportation needs to be worked at though..
Tomorrow's To Do List:I need to make a list here to remind myself;
Buy More NIC Panels
NIC Cages-- See Here(Suggestions?)
Clean Litter Boxes and Cages
Place Linoleum, buy more.
Purchase Litter Boxes.
Food Dishes.
Place throw rug.
Call About Fosters.
Be busy busy busy all day long..

Not sure if I will be around much tomorrow-seems like my hands are full..

I must add that I am shockingly shy when it comes to making phone calls-always have been-so calling about the fosters is going to be fun..lol...Ill have to make sure Peter is not around-he will do something that'll make me die laughing..

I miss you in the chat bar!!! come back. . .lol

anyway, i am just getting all caught up on the blogs (haven't looked at any, or update my own in a while now).

i can't wait to see pics of your new foster bunnies when you get them! you have such a great big heart that i know any bunny that is in your care will do great.

we want more pics! i need my vegas fix!

okay, i am off to update my own blog. . . SO many updates. . . so little time!
Stupid computer doesnt work-grrrrrrrrrrr..hopefully i can get it back soon..
and I know-I have lots of Vegas pictures..ill add them tomorrow :)
chat bar has its own page now, go to menu then chat!

and wow 4 fosters....your taking on a lot of craziness! sounds like those two boys arnt nuetered and thats where the aggression is coming from.

whats the word on the bun the lady emailed you about? have you decided not to take them in?

and if you could afford it thatd be great if you could start a mini rescue.

and seems like a moms only chill time is a shower, i have a friend like that too...she had me watch her son once just so she could take a bath. it was the first one shed had in so long where she could have the cool bath beads and all :)
lol-yepp 4 fosters...and the first lady-she hasnt responded and it seems that her ad is no longer posted--so maybe she has found somewhere for the bunny-HOPEFULLY NOT A SHELTER!!!!

Still waiting for a response from the college girl...I think your right-they probably arent neutered--but she made it seem that they have been in the same cage and just now they need to be moved--hmmm..

Showers are always the answer OR snuggling up with a warm blanket and a fluffy bunny and just drifting off..even it is for 5 seconds..lol.
by the way--the chat bar in the pull down menu STILL doesnt work for me..the only thing that loaded was the RabbitsOnline title and the rest said that the Internet could not display this webpage..

GRRRRR-i love my laptop-but I think I need a new one ):
hmm...old laptop?

maybe have partly to do with her not wanting to seperate them or inability to and knowing they need to be
January 18th, 2010

Not sure where I am going.
Not sure when I am coming back.

Not sure if I will ever come back...

I have to contact the woman about the fosters now.
I cannot believe that is all happening in one night..

If you really need to contact me--do it here;
[email protected]
[email protected]

But the first one is best.

Goodbye-and thank ya'll..
pOker wrote:
January 18th, 2010

Not sure where I am going.
Not sure when I am coming back.

Not sure if I will ever come back...

I have to contact the woman about the fosters now.
I cannot believe that is all happening in one night..

If you really need to contact me--do it here;
[email protected]
[email protected]

But the first one is best.

Goodbye-and thank ya'll..


Why? Don't leave!!! :(
January 21st, 2010

I am back... It may be less frequent though..but I am back..

I was going to move out.. my mom was whining about everything-and I couldnt take it, I finally told her that she has been gone for too long-that what she said didnt even matter to me...

Well it does matter to me...and it took me until yesterday to apologize to her.. I know that she is my mother, and I know how hard it is to be a parent-ESPECIALLY when your child, you heart and soul, is yelling at you, and getting upset.. I know how hard that is-and I dont want to put her through that.. I apologized even though I knew that my side of the argument was right(which she must have realized that also)...

Its funny how things just get fixed so quickly...even when you think that things are done forever.. I lost my mom once--and I cannot risk having that happen again..
What good am Iif I sit there and yell and scream at her, and make her feel so weak and powerless?? She is not my child. She is my mother, and I know that I am going to feel so terrible the day that Evan becomes a teenager and thinks that he has the power to scream at me...
Thanks to those that e-mailed me and checked up on me...

Well-I want to put this behind me..
I'd like to let everyone know that the bunnies are doing great..
I thought Vegas was getting better at his litter habits--but then I lift up his litter box and its all right there.. Uff.... Few more weeks until his neuter..

Poker has been awfully grumpy lately-but I think he is still trying to warm up to me.. there was a little break in time that I didnt sit and play with him like I usually do, so now we kind of have to try and rebond.. He's getting neutered in a few weeks too!!

GRATIE IS COMING HOME SOON!! The day is approaching quite fast noww..

and Mandy was kind enough to let me know that he is doing sooo well..
He is probably a little giant now..cannot wait to see pictures.

I am still working on getting some new pictures of Vegas and Poker, BUT, obviously things have been a little different around here..
It is winter, but then why is it 49 degrees out?? The sun is soooo bright and its starting to look like the beginning of spring.. I am debating whether or not I want to start the outside rabbit run now.. it is a big fenced area in my yard that has been there for ages as a dog pen, but I am going to take everything out, all the leaves, everything, add some nicer dirt and maybe some sand to some parts, plant some grass, make a little hideaway--gettt it alllll nice for the boys. I know its going to snow next week, but if I got atleast all the leaves out-it may look better once the snow is completely gone.. I dont knoww.

The fosters' NIC cage is not at all ready. Not even started.. I have to do that tonight..I have to contact the woman about them-my computer seems to be working better now so hopefully I can get a response from her before my computer goes crazy again..

And some more good news--MY CHAT IS BACK!! wooohooooo..

See ya'll there..
Thx so much for the update...not quite sure what to say but I am glad u have things straightened out...I am here if u need a shoulder :)
Woopp wooppp, I just got an e-mail from the woman from the rescue that is giving me the fosters--yippeee, they are getting spayed and neutered-so I am thinking she meant that there is a female and a male...She said that early next week we will be in touch and we can figure it all out from there.. :) I am soo thrilled. I just did the NIC Cage today..I went completely off of the design I originally wanted.. I originally had this big plan that it was going to be 3 panels long, 2 wide, and 2 high, and then have another one on top of that, BUT I re-did the bunhut yet again--and ended up with only 3 long, 2 wide, 2 high... But tomorrow I am going to have to extend that a bit more because it looks awfully small.. I think that I will just do 4 long...
BUTTTTTTT, I will make a temporary cage because I would hopefully like to bond them.. I may not even make a temporary cage and just put one bunny in the hutch until Gratie gets here--but that would mean having to re-do the whole cleaning thing again when its time for Gratie....uff..decisions, decisions. I am in a much better mood now.. I have been on the sunroom for hours rearranging.. I am left with half of the porch being all the BunHut, and the rest of the room I let my mom take :) But she doesnt mind that I let the bunnies out in the whole room..

I have to say (before I forget) that I went horseback riding the other day at a friends stable--and she showed me 2 of the cutest bunnies ever.. it was funny because she didnt know what breed they were-but I did :) She showed me this beautiful, calm French Lop...wow-what a relaxed, sweet, bunny--he loved nose rubs too :)
and then she showed me the most beautiful new zealand red that I have ever seen--which is funny because I have never seen a New Zealand in person..lol.. It was a grumpy big guy but what a nice looking rabbit...
Then we went to ride my beautiful Percheron...she got all spooked out for some reason, and started making some squealing noises. I brought her to an empty stall and let her relax--the last thing I wanted to do was let her get feisty and having her hurt me or herself.

Yeah, so I PROMISE that pictures willbe up either tomorrow or early next week..
I have school for 2 hrs on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, full day on Tuesday, and nothing on Friday...So I will be around to post up the pictures..

Night ya'll..
January 22nd, 2010

First let me say- I know this is not a place to rant... it is a place to talk about life and the bunnies and all of that--but I just need a quick minute to just SCREAM!!!!!

I hate drama..I always have. I hate liars also.. I really really despise liars..
And when you mix drama and liars together--I get very very angry..

So in September I met this girl Dana. We have been friends ever since that first day..
Well, apparently we haven't been the best of friends like I thought-because all she does is lie to me and act like I dont know that she isnt telling the truth..well this is what happened..
In october I went to her house to hang out--she told me all about this fake facebook girl named Sarah..She never told me anything about the girl and never showed me a picture-but she described her to me.. NOW, a few months later, this kid in my school that is friends with Dana, started dating Dana's "friend" Sarah...he has never met her, never talked on the phone with her, nothing... WELL; Dana was telling me all about "sarah" and her boyfriend from my school--BUT:she must have forgotten that she told me all about the fake Sarah...(making sense??)..So she shows me a picture of this supposed Sarah girl--and ohhh what do you know--Ive been looking at new haircuts all over the computer and her picture has shown up soooo many times... and her name isnt Sarah..and well, she is NOT Dana's friend..Does this make ANY sense to all ya'll??
pshhtt.. My brother told me once-"Why lie today if you may completely forget the lie tomorrow?" WELL THEN;; Dana lied about the facebook back in October, NOW she has forgotten that she told me that-and is starting a whole new lie..
THIS is whyy I hate school...gahhh..and the drama part--she texts me today and saysshe hates her ex because he is such a dirtbag and blahh blahh blahh--so I ask her why, and she says -"what the hell-leave me alone I dont want to talk about it!"


Okay, so--sorry to drag you all into this...ufff.

Anyways--VEGAS, listen little buddy, if the litter box is on the floor with litter in it, LEAVE THE LITTER INSIDE OF IT!!!!. I leave him unattended in the bunny room now because there is absolutely nothing he can fall from, eat, dig in, climb out of-NOTHING..(i can still peek at him through the window connecting the porch and living room)..I come back in after a few minutes of silence--and there he was..all bunnyflopped out on the floor, with the litter ALLLLLL OVERRRRRRRR... I could've nearly screamed.. But instead I picked him up before he could escape-getting lots of lovely lovely lovelyyy scratches on my hand....I gave him some bunny kisses, even though I was mad, just because I always give them bunny kisses-BUT he did NOT get any treats this time..grrrr...crazy bunny..

and POKER-myy angel :)
I feel so bad that the boys are not neutered yet, because when Vegas was out today, before I covered Pokers cage--all they did was groom each others noses through the cage bars.. They seemed so interested in each other...hmmphh, maybe they will still be interested after they get neutered and they will bond easier..

woohoo--school next week is a breezeee!;
Monday-8:00 to 10:00 English Midterm.
Tuesday-10:15 to :11:45 Spanish Midterm.1:45 to 3:15 Math Midterm.
Wednesday-8:00 to 10:00 Global Midterm.
Thursday-8:00 to 10:00 Science Midterm.
Friday-NOTHING! WooHooo..


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