BunHut Estravaganza

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Vegas is sooo adorable. just wanna cuddle him alllll night!!!!!!!!!!1

and he sounds like he has so much personality!!!
can i have vegas?

please please please?

i am so in love with him lol

wish you were online to chat lol
bun luxury! what lucky cute bunnies you have - just love that binky space!

also had a look at your bunsitting site - very well done! you really have gone to a lot of trouble to cover all bases:bunnydance:
lol-let me start by saying to Katie-NO you cant have him..you can borrow him though :)

and 2-Donna-thanks for the compliment and thanks for checking out the siteeee :)
January 5th, 2010
This post will be all about Vegas. and then somethings about the new bunny.

He is the messiest, unfriendliest, stinkiest, wildest, dirtiest bunny in the whole world. I cannot stand that he refuses to poop in his litter box. He pees where he is comfortable-so I move the box there-and then BOOM, he goes in another place. I cannot stand how I always know where he is when he is out of his cage because I can follow the trail of poos he makes to mark his territory. I cannot stand that he is THE CUTEST LITTLE BUNNY EVER!!!! I cannot stand that the moment I got him home my heart started beating fast and I fell in love with him. I cannot stand that I can never say no to his cute face. I cannot stand that he hates being held too much-because all I want to do is cuddle up with him! Sometimes I cannot stand his attitude, I cannot stand that his fur starts up my allergies, I cannot stand that he makes a mess EVERYWHERE all the time...but in the end, I couldn't stand to be without him for even just one day. I couldn't make it without him. So Mr. Vegas: i LOVE YOU BUNNY!

I will not post anything about Poker because I feel like I always post about him.. I do love him to pieces though!!!!!

Ufff poor Vegas had to be downgraded to his original cage again..and this time for good. He is such a messy bunny! I took out some of the toys that he had in there and made sure the hay and water could only be accessed by being in the litter box. I have a wire rack in his litter box to keep the mess off of his feet-so I put some bunny treats under the rack so he has to work at getting them out-that'll give him a reason to be in there. He really does love his litter box..but not using it. Ah well, he will get there.

I would happily like to add that NEW BUNNY HAS BEEN SEXED! It is a BOY.. That adds another boy into the group.. I cannot wait to get them all neutered and see if bonding will ever work. So Gratie has around 5 weeks before I get to see him. I am more and more excited with each passing minute. I am preparing myself more and more each day to have him come here... once my check comes for this month I will be buying him some new toys, a little bed, a litter box, plus another one for Vegas, and a water bottle and food dish..lots and lots of stuff for the little bugger..

alright everyone-the Nyquil seems to be kicking in..goodnight everyone and do not forget to give those buns some kisses for me..

yay! i am sooo excited that Gratie is a boy. . . that is what i was secretly hoping he would be!

and btw, i don't care how messy vegas is, i still think he is just about as cute as nothing in this world. i think it is his spot on his face lol. i love it!
January 6th, 2010

Today was a very interesting day.. I know the really no one actually reads my blog-so I may just turn today into an all out ramble session(looks like I already started)

So, i LOVE my rabbits. I really do. i realize that i worry so much about them. i am not like crazy about it-like OH MY GoSH HE DIDNT EAT.. but i do think to myself that maybe something is wrong. anywho, today and yesterday I realized that Poker really didnt eat any pellets. he is doing really well at eating all his hay and throwing it all over the place and he ate a carrot, some treats and a piece of celery... but it wasnt normal for him not to eat his pellets. so i decided it was time to post here. i was worried that he something may be terribly wrong..but good things came along after i posted in the infirmary--i went out to check on him and he was eating!! chomping away, the bowl is still pretty full, but maybe he was stuffed full..after all-he did eat ALL the hay in his hayrack yesterday and a large-ish carrot...but i am still keeping an eye on him.i just love my rabbits. i really really love them :) i really love all rabbits..

SO, i moved the last few things in the porch that were in the BunHut section..i took the hay and grooming section out from the corner, pushed the big pet store cage there, bought one of those really big plastic things with the 3 plastic drawers and put it in between the space from the cage to the couch and well-i cant explain-ill post pictures tomorrow..but everything looks great..and after moving everything i realized the wire to the light was exposed..so instead of buying a cover for it, i took one of the large empty roll things that i had for the bunnies to crawl through-stuck the wire through that and placed it on the ground..works perfect..its strong so they wont be chewing through that anytime soon.

everyday something new is going on out in the BunHut..something is moved, somebun is being crazy, something different..
i LOVE it though..someone asked me if i was obsessed with bunnies or obsessed with having everything look cool...well truth is--its both..i love my bunny boys to death, but i also love to make everything look organized and cool..i dont think its a bad thing-but dang it raises the money spending limit quite a bit..lol..

all of the sudden i am about to fall asleep..sooo i think ill ramble more tomorrow.

give all the bunnies nose rubs and kisses from the bunnies and i..night everyone.
i read your blog!

and i think they do it to worry us. it is like they plot that they won't eat for this long untill they can tell that we are getting really worried then all the sudden start eating away and give looks like "what?? can't you see i am busy here?"

at least that is what winnie does lol
i read too!!!

you can never love them to much and being a bunny lady is a total compliment!!! i just got called a crazy bunlady lol

and im glad hes eating, but you should let Poker know he shouldnt scare you like that :)
maybe hes bipolar?
Midas does that to me ALL the time! My boyfriend calls me crazy all the time.. he thinks im obsessed.. I guess I kind of am!

I look forward to seeing pictures :] I wish I was able to keep stuff organized! My bun section usually looks crazy
January 7th, 2010

Thanks ya'll for posting-i love to see what people have to say about my blog.. :)

Pictures will be coming eventually-lol..i have to charge my camera and all that jazz.

So, today...
My back was hurting extra bad..ufff, I hate it!2 herneated disks, skoliosis, neck muscle spasms, and TMJ---call that hell! lol..

Anyways-onto the bunnies. Nothing crazy exciting about them today. Poker was acting a little sketchy, but thats kind of just 'him'...nothing to worry about. Vegas pooed all over the cage. I do not understand. He uses his litter box so well for a good few hours, then he just jumps out, plays around, does whatever--then poos wherever he is.. always pees where he is supposed to, but poos where hes not supposed to..ufff. Atleast poo is easy to pick up, throw in the litter box and tell him 'NO NO NO'..still doesnt work.

What to say what to say..?? I have been thinking alot lately about how much i really hate eating. I am not going all bulimic or anything-but like I just really dont even like food. I think we eat because our body needs it, but I dont think that any of us really like food. Next time you take a bite of food, chew slowly and think to yourself-do i really even like this?? i dont know-i really just dont like it.

(by the way-its a ramble day)

I almost rearranged the cages again but I held myself back... I said to myself "Hannah, back away from the cages"....of course I went back though-the bunnies got some bananas.
Pokers hay rack has this extra little metal bar thing that comes out from the rack to put like salt or mineral wheels on there, and it looks dumb, and Poker keeps throwing all of his hay to the 'main level' because its all on the top level..I think it just happens when he jumps.anyways, I took the hay rack, stuffed it with hay so the hay wouldnt fall out..then I hooked the little mineral wheel holder to the side of the hideaway, closed the door, put the latch on, no big deal, that was it, the hay will now not be thrown all over. half of you have no idea what i am talking about..no biggy.im rambling remember?you dont have to understand.

I keep debating whether or not to move Poker to the pet store cage, or keep him in the hutch until Gratie gets here(of course a few days earlier so i can clean it all out)..I dont know..I loved him in the cage..he looks too tiny in the hutch..and he is not really the super active crazy bunny so he really just sits there, does a few binkies, and goes to sleep. I can still make him a level in the pet store cage, because now all of the sudden he loves being high up. Maybe i should move him back.. i dont want to stress him out so the move will go slowly..maybe one day while i am cleaning the hutch i can open the pet store cage and he can run around in the BunHut area and be able to jump in and out of the cage. little by little i will move him and his things into the pet store cage. i think the slower i go the more he will get used to it again..I feel bad but its just that Gratie is going to be a big bunny, so he will need the large hutch...uffff..decisions decisions..

anyways---i decided that i am going to add a game to my blog-like they do on RO news..exciting right??here it goes..PLUS THERE ARE SOME FUNNY QUESTIONS THAT HAVE NO ANSWERS..they are just funny.


Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety-one?

If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?

When you are sitting on the upstairs floor are you sitting on the downstairs ceiling?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares why did they make a song about it?

If someone goes outside to get 'some air'--what were they breathing inside?

Since when have buttons been cute??

anyways-those are just for today..im pretty bored..hope you all enjoy :)

I too think bunnies like to worry us. I tend to bounce thoughts and stuff against my husband to see if I'm over-reacting. Basically though, he just tells me what I want to hear (go with your instinct) and encourages me to trust myself.

And usually, it turns out to be nothing. Silly bunnies.

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