Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Well today was another first. We tookOtis to town with us. He did awesome. He did great at the laundromat.He did awesome going to McDonalds. We ran into some friends at and theyasked where Apollo was. I just doesn't get any easier.:tears2:

The big test came when we took Otis to Petco. He wasincredible. He sat in his stroller like a little king. He would sniffeveryone we passed and of course he adored all the compliments, petsand ear rubs.

We even let him down to see what he'd do. He was walking aroundlike he owned the place. Nothing phased him. They were having dog andcat adoption day and he could have cared less about all the barking andmeowing going on.

Of course there was one jerk that thought it would be cool tolet his dog run up to Otis.:mad:I scooped Otis up and justglared at the guy. He looks at me and says this is no place for arabbit to be running around. Ok I lost it. I read him the riot act. Hetries to put my baby in harms way and then it's my fault for notkeeping him at home. My rabbit is 10 times smarter than his dog and youdon't see my rabbit peeing on every corner either.

I did give Otis his choice of toys and treats to pick from. Icouldn't believe it when I saw we have every toy there athome.:shock:Otis opted fora treat and banana granola bar. Hehad a tiny piece and went nuts over it. I bought one for all the furkids. Otis had his first green beans today and boy are they a hittoo.

Last night Jer and Itried a new cookie kit. I mustsay it was fun and the cookies are aweome. Jeremy is so proud of howthey turned out.

I have yet to finish painting it but here is the new chickencoop so far.The flag wraps around the side too. Istill haveto put the stars on.


Here are Otis in his stroller.






Exploring all this cool new place.

You can see the knee and hand of two people who got on the floor to pet him.

Am I related to dust bunnies?

I need to look good for my public.

Did I hear someone say I'm cute. I'll be right there.

I was carrying him when out of nowhere he turned and started giving mekisses. Jer just happened to be taking a picture and caught it.

I hope you enjoy.


Those cookies are adorable!! Great job paintingthe chicken coop, I can't believe how perfect it looks. Is Otis anEnglish Lop? He's adorable.

looks like you guys had a ton of fun at thestore! Otis looks like such a king in his stroller....and what a jerkthat guy was! ....hrmph you shoulda had someone with a really big meandog go up to his and scare it and then .. hey well this is no place foryour wimpy dog ..see how he feels!

Those cookies look delicious btw!!

and the chicken coop looks GREAT excellent paint job! :D
Very nice cookies you guys made!

Otis is such a cutie pie, looks like he had a great time at the storeand seeing all the people and new things. That guy is justjealous he doesnt have a cute little bunny like otis.
Megan, thank you. Yes Otis is an English Lop. He is three months old.

Freddysmom, I know right. I was all kinds of mad. Even Jeremywas mad. but we know that there are some real jerks out there and weweren't about to let this one spoil our fun.

Brit, thanks. Yea Otis had so much fun. After the past month,it felt good to get out of the house and bring Otis along.

Oh Tina the coop is wonderful. Keep up the greatwork. Otis sure looks cute in that stroller too. He is a handsome boytoo. Give him bunny kissies for me.

Angel and MeatHead
What an absolute little doll Otis is turninginto. He's bound to become a very popular rabbit aroundtown. I love the picture of him in his stroller.I'm sure people think "what a funny looking doggie".

Oh my goodness, Tina. I swear Otis has the samefacialexpressions as Apollo had :shock:. It's uncanny! Andhow easily he has adapted to the stroller and 'PublicMeetings'! I think you guys are going to have some greattimes together :). Oh, and those cookies look scrummy - Jeris a man of many talents!!!

Tina, how awesome that you found the roll offilm with Apollo's baby pics on it...when I read that I it just sentchills through me. That big boy is letting you know he loves you...:)

And I loved reading about Otis! He certainly is a beautiful bunny(well, I do have an affinity for English lops ;)). He and Raph wouldprobably get along great...they sound very much alike. I took Raph toPetSmart with me recently - he needed a larger harness - and he was sononchalant about the entire thing. I did wind up putting him in a cartas I was nervous carrying him around after 3 Great Dane-sized houndsstrolled past us with a rather disturbing look of hunger plasteredacross their faces. Raph settled into the cart easily, and seemed toreally enjoy being chauffeured around the store. The reactions we gotwere quite funny...I don't think anyone there had ever seen an e-lopbefore. People couldn't believe that ears could get that long...and oneguy was totally stunned that rabbits grew that big...and Raph reallyisn't all that big! I'm sure he's still less than 10 lbs (even with hisvoracious appetite). I'm wondering if the ravenous appetites is anEnglish lop trait, as the way you've described Otis, it sounds like hecould give Raph a run for his bunny pellets! One day a few months ago Iwas in my kitchen preparing dinner when I heard the rustling of thegarbage bag. I turned around, expecting the culprit to be my dog, andready to shout yet again at her for sneaking around the garbage bag. Sowas I surprised to see it wasn't Kaya at all..all I could see wasRaph's big bunny butt sticking out of the bag....and the other end ofhim buried inside, munching on an old piece of cabbage. He had beenoutdoors running loose in the yard, but decided to invite himself in toforage for his own pre-dinner snack (guess the grass is greener indoorssometimes ;)). He will eat just about anything!

Anyway (sorry, I got sidetracked talking about my own bunny-son...lol),I love the pics of Otis! Love his color...he really is such a beauty!And he sounds like quite the character too...!!

***making notes for bunny-napping plans so Raph can have an English buddy to play with***

:great: The new pictures are awesome, Tina, as is the coop! I love it.

I'm with Jan about Otis looking like Apollo in the one picture in the stroller. What a Love!


By the way, how's Stormy doing?? My LittleManthatis like having a tornado rip through the house when he'sout and about. Believe me, I canrelate!

Kisses to all the beautiful babies.

I haven't been on as this has been a difficult week for me. I took Vash's passing very hard.

I got stung some some freakishly huge wasp or hornet.In the past I have been terribly allergic and a sting guaranteed me atrip to the ER. As luck would have it no trouble breathing. But I stillended up going to the doctor over it. Apparently I am experiencing sometype of ultra sensitivity to it. Air moving across it and me foot turnsred and itches like mad. I was given some meds to help with it and:bunnydance:they are working.

I also took the it as an opportunity to talk with the doctorabout getting some help. I am not dealing with losing Apollo well. So Ihave started a med to help make it easier for me to cope. It is workingbut not that great yet. It will take time for the medication to getinto my system.

The doctor also suggested a pet loss support group. Not sure Iwant to do that when I have all I need here with you folks.

Carolyn, Stormy is well his name suits him lol. He is like abullet speeding through the house. I will never laugh at the net again.I don't even try and catch him, I just wait for him to tire himself outand then grab him.


Bassetluv, No I love hearing about Raph. Please share more. Ithink it's so funny how alike Raph and Otis are. I was showing DaleRaph's pics last night. He said he loves Raph's color as do I. Otis isa weird little eater. He gets one pellet, then sits up and chew chewchew and then get another one. But he eats all day and night longlol.

I'm glad Raph had such a great time at the pet store. Otis isgoing back a week from Saturday for pictures with Santa. We aredressing him up and I can't wait.


Lyndsy, I think I just really got lucky with Otis being such asweetie. But I would be more than happy to bring him along when we cometo visit one day.


Jan, I was amazed as well how naturally he took to the strollerand going out on the town. He is so like Apollo in some ways.He issomething else.


Slavetoabunny, I get OH MY I thought was a dog so many times.The looks from people when they realize it's a bunny are priceless.


Angel, kisses have been given. Thank you. That cooptook forever to paint lol. It was the first thing I have ever paintedand I wanted it to be just right.

I absolutly love all the pics of Otis, So how isNadia's Boyfriend doing?? LOL, and you may have mentioned before hunbut what happened to his eye??
Otie is doing fine. He is such a dearbaby. He can't wait to meet Nadia. He saw her picture and I had toclean bunny drool off the monitor.

When Otis was still in the next box his momma accidentallystepped on him and her nails partially ruptured his eye. his eyedhealed but is half the size of his other eye and he's completely blindin it.

The bad thing is he heeps getting hay and stuff in it and isprone to infections in it. We are going to be getting surgery done toremove the eye for him. I hate to think of my baby having surgery butit's for the best.

It doesn't bother him but I hate that he is always gettinginfections or it's irritated. The surgery is going to cost in the areaof $500 so I am have already started saving for it.

Awww poor baby, I know how the having to savefor surgery is, with little bits I am gonna have to see what the vetsays on monday and then talk price... I am figuring on finding out toif they will alter her then also so she doesnt have to be put undertwice.
Poor Otis! I would hate the thought ofone of my girls having surgery. Getting them spayed wasstressful enough. Hehehe....perhaps you can get Otis an eyepatch. He can be a bunny pirate!
I swear I think Otie wallows in his haylike pigs do mud. Every morning he is just covered in hay. He hates hishay rack. Every night while I'm sleeping he tears it down and throws itin the back corner of his cage. Then I think that's when the wallowingbegins lmbo.

I am terrified of him having surgery but I am more scared of anabscess forming in that eye. Maybe I'm just a paranoid momma.

Not Paranoid at all, evenwith Meticulous care an absess in a damaged areacan and will happen ( as we spoke before , Stubby's came fromnowhere ). We are here for you the Day he needs his surgery.You wont be alone be assured of that.

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