Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Hey Tina, I have to break Otis's heart, wediscovered yesterday the Nadia is not a Nadia but a Norbert lol,although i think we are just gonna call him Nadie. So now we have tofind both boys sutiable girlfriends.
:jumpforjoy:They are both doing amazing.They have been eating everything in sight for the past four hours.Pellets, hay, cereal, kale, cilantro, pumpkin, pineappleandparsley.

There is a lot of poop. It's still small but actually lookslike normal poop, not black shriveled BBs. Even better is we have lotsof stringers from both of them.

Sorry I haven't been on much. Caring for Koda and Norman andstill trying to juggle everybunn's playtimes is hectic. I also startedmy temp job for the landlord. the company he works for hasshut down for the week and I am the answering service. My phone startedringing at 5:30am. I was not pleased.

All the other bunns are doing great. Hating the nutrical I'vedosed them all with but loving the extra pumpkin, pineapple and papayatabs.

I'm exhausted and going to head to bed.

I am very happy to announce Koda andNorman are so close to pooping normal. There poops are only a hair offnormal sized. They are also passing alot of the clingers too which Ithink is great.

Sadly Norman ate a bit too much cilantro and had runny poops.Poor Punkin had to have a butt bath. He did awesome. I had two inchesof water in the kitchen sink and had the water running. Norman keptputting his head under the tap like he was taking a shower.Heloved it.

He laid right on the heat register to dry off. He's so smart. He is back to pooping normal YEA!!

I am not treating them anymore. I am giving them Nutrical inthe morning and some at night just to help boost them up. No moresyringing them. Yea now my arms and legs can start to heal.

I am on cloud 9. So with all my heart, Jeremy, Koda, Norman andI thank you all for the thoughts, prayers and good vibes. You allworked a much needed miracle for us and there is no way I can everthank you all enough.

I didn't want to take or post any picsuntil I knew that Koda and Norman were going to be ok. The look a bitrough still but constant brushing and baby wipes are reallyhelping.

I just have to post this one of them in all their poopy glory.

Look how good we are pooping now.

All that pooping wore Koda out.

Norman cleaning himself up.

Koda woke up to clean up too.

I even got my first bunny kisses from Norman last night. Jeremygot the first ever Koda kisses a few minutes ago. Koda has become areal momma's girl. She won't leave my side. Normna runs up and nudgesme to let me know he is going to chin me.

Hi Tina, they are adorable. How far isVirginia from the Toronto area? I may have to come &Bunny Nap them. LOL

I'm so glad they are feeling better.


PS Isent you apm the other day, Iwondering if you got it as I have pm'd a couple of other members andthey never received them.

Sooska, I did get your pm and it meansthe world to me. Thank you so much. Sadly I haven't had much time to domore than post updates until now.

Thank you. Yea they look pretty rough but they look 100% better than they did. They were sad looking babies.

Our numbers are growing yet again. I amadopting a sweet little girl from Gypsy. I won't be getting her untilthe Spring though.:(My heart just melts everytime I see her.Jeremy has named her Shelby. She is about 2 years old. She is achinchilla Holland Lop. It's so cute, she looks like Norman.

Once she gets here she will be getting a vet check and htenspayed. I'm hoping to bond her to Koda and Norman eventually.

This is Shelby.


I'll try and post pics of the rest of the kids Monday or Tuesday.

I found outwonderfull news by putting alitter pan in with Shelby , Sheis totally litter trained ,Poor baby I do believe she washolding on untill I got her a box lolfirst thing she did was jumpin and get the look of sheercontent lol Poor baby , I know sometimesI am so slow .

She is a very sweet bunny , tranceseasily , and loves to snuggle .She is going to make a very welcomedaddition to your family .
Wow Tina she is beautiful. It is nice seeing hergo to you. but a long wait though very impatient to wait that long buthey it is worth it.

Gypsy it is so nice that you rescued her too.
dajeti2 wrote:
I didn't want to take or post any pics until I knewthat Koda and Norman were going to be ok. The look a bit rough stillbut constant brushing and baby wipes are really helping.

I just have to post this one of them in all their poopy glory.

Look how good we are pooping now.

All that pooping wore Koda out.

Norman cleaning himself up.

Koda woke up to clean up too.

I even got my first bunny kisses from Norman last night. Jeremygot the first ever Koda kisses a few minutes ago. Koda has become areal momma's girl. She won't leave my side. Normna runs up and nudgesme to let me know he is going to chin me.


Are those your good dishes in the first picture?:disgust:


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