Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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It's been a long exhausting here at theAcres. We are in the process of rearranging the living room and pullingthe carpet up.

We had to rebury Apollo. Someone complained about where weburied him so we moved him and brought him here. He is buried behindthe house now. It was so difficult. I spent the day and night intears.

While clearing off the shelves I found a roll of film. I tookit to Walmart and got it developed. To my shock and surprise it was awhole roll of Apollo pics. They were taken when he was 6 months old.:shock::shock:Don't know how I never got it developed beforenow. I'm going through them all and will be posting some of themlater.

:disgust:Otis Otis Otis

What a trouble bubble he has been this weekend.He went on achewing rampage. He not only chewed but ate err I mean inhaled thefollowing: the corner of a Dorito bag, a sheet, my shoelaces, thecarpet, and a BURRITO.

I have been worried sick about a blockage. Jenniblu was on thephone with me as I was getting ready to give him some Nutrical. I'mthinking to myself this is going to be fun talking on the phone andtrying to get Nutrical into a bunny that doesn't want anypart of it.

I put a little bit on my finger and put it under his nose. Iwas trying to gauge just how hard a battle I was going to have on myhands. He gobbled it down and was licking it off myfinger.:shock::shock:I give him the rest of it and he's licking myfingers clean.

I put him in his cage with tons of hay and he's begging formore.:shock2:The little weirdo loves it lmbo. It's great he likes itbut W:shock:W my other furkids will lick their butts, the walls, thefloor and the furniture for hours trying to get the taste out of thiermouths.

I also took Otis for his first ride in the stroller to see howhe'd do. He did awesome. On the way room som gun shots in the distancescared him and he jumped from the stroller into my arms.He may neverhave met Apollo but I tell you they sure act alot alike. I wrapped Otiein his blankie and carried him for awhile.

He was a huge hit at the store and stopped traffic on the wayhome. I also got a few of those,"Oh honey look, there goes that crazyrabbit woman. You know the one that pushes that poor bunny in astroller."

While clearing off theshelves I found a roll of film. I took it to Walmart and got itdeveloped. To my shock and surprise it was a whole roll of Apollo pics.They were taken when he was 6 months old. :shock::shock:Don'tknow how I never got it developed before now. I'm going through themall and will be posting some of them later.

What a great surprise!
What a trouble bubble he has been thisweekend.He went on a chewing rampage. He not only chewed but ate err Imean inhaled the following: the corner of a Dorito bag, a sheet, myshoelaces, the carpet, and a BURRITO.
OMG!! A burrito? :laugh:

I put a little bit on my finger and put it underhis nose. I was trying to gauge just how hard a battle I was going tohave on my hands. He gobbled it down and was licking it off myfinger.:shock::shock:I give him the rest of it and he's licking myfingers clean.
Wow! I have a heck of a time giving Nutrical to mybunnies. I always need to syringe it to them which I find themost easiest.

He was a huge hit at the store and stoppedtraffic on the way home. I also got a few of those,"Oh honey look,there goes that crazy rabbit woman. You know the one that pushes thatpoor bunny in a stroller."
It's almost like being a "crazy rabbit woman" is a bad thing, isn't it? lol

When I make burritos I go all out lolbeef,refied beans,chili salsa, onions, lettuce the works. I went to gopotty and he jumped up on the couch and took it and was munchingaway.:disgust:

Around here I am considered a bit of a freak. My rabbits livein my house, run around in my house, have all the best feed hay andtoys. Plus they all have thier own blankets and yes I have a strollerfor them. Needless to say most people here think I have lost mymarbles.

dajeti2 wrote:
Needless to say most people here think Ihave lost my marbles.
There is a reason I have this hanging in my livingroom. lol


Look at that tiny Apollo, he was about the samesize as Anissa is. I'm so sorry you had to rebury him, thathad to have been very hard.

And really, a burrito?!?!?! Well, apparently Otis isn't getting enough to eat. LMBO

Dillon loves Nutrical too. He wasn't eating so much the lastcouple of days, so I gave him some last night. He gobbled itup and bit my finger, he wanted it so badly.

Aw, what sweet pics of Jeremy and Apollo when they were smaller.:hearts:

I can't believe Otis ate a burrito! What a lil rascal. :foreheadsmack:

Apollo answered some of your prayers in a way. You wanted baby pictures of him so badly, and voila!

He's still watching out for you, Tina. :)

< snickering > Even at 6months old he had hte Possum face going on , howcuteis that!!!!


Love and Miss you Apollo Wallo!
Oh Tina, how lovely to find some Baby Apollo pics. And look at how cute and small the two brothers were back then :D.

As for Otis, he probably heard you mention somethin about a 'Bunny Burrito' and got a bit confused ;)

LMBO @ Luvabun's "bunny burrito"comment. How true I bet. Tina apollo was such acute little baby and a handsome adult buck as well.

PS - Tina failed to tell you all that while she was on thephone, that Jeremy was playing some of the most beautiful music on hiskeyboard. That boy has got a great talent.


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