Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Gypsy, he is definitely letting me know.

PGG, that's all I need lol. I'm havinga hard enough time trying to get Dale to redo my walls.:p

Nadia, he is one smart cookie that's for sure.

Freddysmom, I was taking his picture lmbo. I guess he didn't like me taking pictures during his play time.:?

Carolyn, I love that picture too. I'm glad you like it.

Laura, :shock2:I didn't even realize it until you said that. :laugh:

He had shorts on it's just Apollo covered them lmbo.

Jenni, He takes it down when he's done chewing it and puts it back up whenever he wants a chew.:shock:

Better keep an eye on Otis-Buddy; a smart littlebun like that needs to be watched! Who knows what he'llfigure out next. He is such a precious boy. I'm sohappy he joined your family.
I just wanted to share a bit of good news.

I just got the paperwork Friday that says that Jeremy has beenchosen to take another class. The classes are for the "gifted andtalented" kids. Sadly there is no music class offered.:(

But Jeremy has 8 classes to pick from. They ask that he pick 4in order of prefernce in case the class he wants is full. Jeremypicked:shock:forensics. They would be working with a teacherand forensics scientist to lift fingerprints, work with dna and thingsof that nature while trying to solve thier own Whodunit crime.

2nd choice is Building Bridges. They would learn what goes intobuilding a bridge. Exploring bridge builing techniques from the past topresent.

3rd choice is Searching for intelligence. They would beexploring what is intelligence and how do you measure something youcan't see or touch.

4th choice is exploraing energy. They would be trying all the ways there are to produce energy.

Jeremy's solo for the Christmas musical at school was axed.Instead he will be leading and directing the musicalcomponets of the show.:shock::shock:

He still hasn't been able to finish his music test as the teacher keeps forgetting the test cd.:X:X

I can't believe how blessed Jeremy has been this year. Sorry it's so long but I am just so amazed and proud.

I just got the paperworkFriday that says that Jeremy has been chosen to take another class. Theclasses are for the "gifted and talented" kids.
:shock2:Wow! That is very impressive!
Wow...you must be so proud...

I think the forensics class sounds so fascinating..

I wonder...could I lift bunny prints to find out who breaks into the treat container?

Just kidding...I already know its probably Tiny...

Anyway - congrats again! WAY TO GO JEREMY!!!!!!

Congratulations Jeremy!!!!!!!

You should be very proud Tina!

I agree about the forensics.. if I ever had the chance to go back to school that is what I would take.

Forensics is a very interesting class to take. Itouched upon it in my human physiology class in high school. It's a lotof fun! I would study forensic science if it wasn't for me being allicky about blood and body parts. :vomit:
Ooh, good job Jeremy! Those classessound awesome. I would want to take more than one of them atonce - I wouldn't be able to choose.

I read Jer all of your replies.

Lissa, Jer says thank you. It's lots of hard work.

Carolyn, you made his day with the fireworks. He said to tell you he loves you.

Peg Jeremy was rolling on the floor laughing literally when Iread him what you wrote. Especially this:I wonder...could I lift bunnyprints to find out who breaks into the treat container? He said thankyou.

Susan,Jer wants me to thank you. He said toobad we can't all take the class wiith him.

Laura, I hugged him as soon as he got home. He asked me what Iwas huggin him for, so Iread him your reply. Awww mom tellher she is so sweet.

Ruka, he was grossed out by the puking smiley hmm maybe he needs to rethink this lmbo.

Nadia, he said he wants to take all four but they won't lethim. Plus I couldn't afford that mant lmbo they are $110 aclass.:shock:

Jan, Jeremy wants me to tell you thank you very much. He saidyou are an awesome lady. Then he read the part about Otis helping andhe was rolling on the floor laughing again.


Today turned out to be a nice dayoutside, so I was going to take everyone outside for a romp in theleaves and some pics. Well after Otis's turn the camera batterieswentdead. I forgot to charge the batteries.:embarrassed:Itook them all out any way but Otis was the only one to get his picturetaken.

He was such a sweetie. He was unsure at first and wouldn'tleave the comfort of my lap. He got braver and started exploring butwould always return to my lap. At one point I was petting him and hestarted falling over and going to sleep.

I will try and get pics of the rest of the kids outside tomorrow.


What a cute butt

Here he is nodding off

Mr. Sleepy


Munching a leaf, mmmm tasty

Checking back with mom


Mom, did you hear that


This one looks like he's standing in front of a funhousemirror. Thisone I justcan't stoplaughing.


Way to go, Jeremy! The forensics classsounds like a lot of fun. You should ask them about forensicentymology to gross out the girls. It useds flies and maggotsto figure out how long somebody's been dead and if it was moved fromplace to place.

But cool!
AWESOME NEWS!!!! Way to go Jeremy!!! What a smart kid you are.......No wonder your mom is beaming.......thats great!!!!!!!

Love the Otis pics...he's lookin great!
TinysMom wrote
I wonder...could I lift bunny prints to find out who breaks into the treat container?


Tina, you should be so very proud of Jermey!!

Well done Jeremy!!!!:dancing:
I have to agree, IrishMist - I like that one the best. Otis makes the leaf look so yummy.

And congrats Jeremy. I love studying forensics.

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