Tina, how awesome that you found the roll offilm with Apollo's baby pics on it...when I read that I it just sentchills through me. That big boy is letting you know he loves you...
And I loved reading about Otis! He certainly is a beautiful bunny(well, I do have an affinity for English lops

). He and Raph wouldprobably get along great...they sound very much alike. I took Raph toPetSmart with me recently - he needed a larger harness - and he was sononchalant about the entire thing. I did wind up putting him in a cartas I was nervous carrying him around after 3 Great Dane-sized houndsstrolled past us with a rather disturbing look of hunger plasteredacross their faces. Raph settled into the cart easily, and seemed toreally enjoy being chauffeured around the store. The reactions we gotwere quite funny...I don't think anyone there had ever seen an e-lopbefore. People couldn't believe that ears could get that long...and oneguy was totally stunned that rabbits grew that big...and Raph reallyisn't all that big! I'm sure he's still less than 10 lbs (even with hisvoracious appetite). I'm wondering if the ravenous appetites is anEnglish lop trait, as the way you've described Otis, it sounds like hecould give Raph a run for his bunny pellets! One day a few months ago Iwas in my kitchen preparing dinner when I heard the rustling of thegarbage bag. I turned around, expecting the culprit to be my dog, andready to shout yet again at her for sneaking around the garbage bag. Sowas I surprised to see it wasn't Kaya at all..all I could see wasRaph's big bunny butt sticking out of the bag....and the other end ofhim buried inside, munching on an old piece of cabbage. He had beenoutdoors running loose in the yard, but decided to invite himself in toforage for his own pre-dinner snack (guess the grass is greener indoorssometimes

). He will eat just about anything!
Anyway (sorry, I got sidetracked talking about my own bunny-son...lol),I love the pics of Otis! Love his color...he really is such a beauty!And he sounds like quite the character too...!!
***making notes for bunny-napping plans so Raph can have an English buddy to play with***