Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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naturestee wrote:
This is silly. If this person didn't like thepictures of your other animals, then they do not have to look at thisthread! They have no right to complain.
Tina she is right. Most of us here love looking at pictures ofall the critters not just bunnies. Hey if we wern't allowed to postpics of other animals I am sure Carolyn would say something but we arejust as long as we keep it in our home thread. You don't have to closethis thread. I love seeing pics of all of your critters in the ApolloAcres. Hopefully things will get better for you Tina. I am praying foryou along with other members that are needed in prayer.
NO NO NO! Whoever this horrible person is, theycan bite me. Tina, we all LOVE seeing your entire zoo! they're part ofthe bunny family, so they are bunnies by um, marriage..sort of..honorary bunnies! I dont want to stop seeing pictures of thechickens, and the turtle, and the dog, AND the bunnies! Dont listen tothat stuff.. they're just jealous you have an entire zoo! arent we alla little bit :) *hugs* please dont stop posting to this thread! *begs*
dajeti2 wrote:
I don't know maybe I did go overboard with all thepictures, I don't know. This is such a confusing time for me. It willbe ok though. We'll figure it out.

Again thank you all so much. You are so sweet and it means the world to me.

No Tina we love the pictures! The chickens and the dog andturtle are part of Apollo acres just like the rabbits are and we likehearing and about and seeing them. Who would be so mean to you? Bighug!!!:hug:
dajeti2 wrote:
Amy, thank you very much.

Lyndsy Jeremy got his kisses from his Monkey Mom.

I am closing this Acres. Sadly, there are some that are a bitupset I posted pictures of my chickens, the dogs, turtle, etc. So I amgoing to start one last versionof the Acres, one with onlythe rabbits. Anyone really wanting to see the rest of the Zoo Crew isfree to PM me and I will provide you with a link to see the rest of mybabies.


Oh no!! I read your thread to see all theanimals, I enjoy every single picture, bun or bird. This makes me sad:(

But wait, I post random pictures of myphotography. Maybe I should stop, I dont want any one to yell at me:shock:

I mean its your thread, you can do whatever you want with it. Your not posting dog pictures in other people'sthreads, this is your thread.

I feel worried, sad, and angry all at the same time :?


You have the right to do what you want to dowith your thread.I love hearing stories and pics of the zoo crew....:(
Why not have both threads going? Onecan have pictures of ALL the animals - the other one can just haverabbit pictures?

I mean - I have two threads going - one of just my lionheads - one for Tiny and everyone else.....and no one seems to mind.

Of course - you'd have to post rabbit pictures twice!Andfigure out which thread you want to do most of your chatting on....

Just a thought...

dajeti2 wrote:
I don't know maybe I did gooverboard with all the pictures, I don't know. This is sucha confusing time for me. It will be ok though. We'll figure itout.

Again thank you all so much. You are so sweet and it means the world to me.


This is YOUR thread Tina. You can post pictures ofyour animals, any of your animals. We love them all big andsmall! There can NEVER be too many picturesgirly! You mean so much to us!

-Ashley & Flopsy
Who cares what other people say, Tina. This isyour thread and no one can dictate what you post. Whoever is sayingthis needs to check their attitude at the door and find a differentrabbit forum. If this person is telling you to stop, I'm telling you togo. Post pictures of wild animals if you want to - it's yourthread. Please don't succumb to someone's ridiculous opinions.
Oh Tina that's terrible! :(I sure wishpeople would worry about themselves instead of getting into otherpeople's business.

I absolutely love seeing every single one of your pictures and I'm sorry this happened.:?
I know we have discussed this topicbefore, Tina, but I still agree with everyone else -- your thread =your pictures. Everyone that doesn't agree with that cango suck an egg!

Whatever you decide though, I'm behind you.

I have a question.

I may be adopting a special needs rabbit. I saw his picture andI said that I would take him. So this is in the early stages of askingquestions.She said if I wanted him we could work on gettinghim here. So we need to talk more.

He is a young English Lop.Sometime in the first fewdays of his life he lost an eye. She thinks that perhaps mom stepped onhim and ruptured the eye. She is looking at the options for himconcerning the eye. Sadly she doesn't have a real rabbit savvy vet.There are questions about leaving the cavity open or should she have itstitched closed for him.

He looks great. If I do get him, what would be some of theadjustments I can make for him? It's the right eye that is gone. Ifthey choose to leave the eye cavity open how would I go about ensuringhe doesn't get infections in it? How would I go about cleaning it?Would I flush it?

Thanks I know y'all will have some great answers.

Tina :hug:nice to see you back.

I love Apollo's acres, and every critter in it. Even better that theyare nearly all rescues, and you are giving them the best life possible.

As for the special needs baby- he's an English Lop:love:-what else do we need to know. I mean, seeing how gorgeous Bassetluv'sRaphael is, English lop's seem to be amazing. I would think that havingthe socket closed would be best to prevent infection,but I'mno expert. Can't wait to see him. (that means photos :p)

I think I am going to go with Peg'ssuggestion. I'll post all my pictures here but use the other thread foronly bunnies pictures and stories.

Jan, thank you Sweetie. I am watining for permission to use hisphoto. It's cool because you can't take a picture from there withoutthe owner's consent.

Oh Tina he could not ask for the best momma inthe world to care for him since he has a disability. You are onespecial person for him. I sure can not wait for cute pics.
I'm going to tryto be as respectful and calm as I can here, but I've been quiet as longas I am able. This situation is hurtful to more than one person. Thingshave been taken out of context as far as what has been said in regardsto Tina's other animal photos.

There are two sides to every story. I know the other side and theperson involved in this. All of you are jumping on the bandwagon in agang mentality, when unfortunately you don't know the entire story.

The truth is, the photos have very little to do with the story. Theother person is concerned about Apollo more than anythingelse.A very short time ago Apollo had the Kingdom to himself.Now Apollo finds himself in a situation of ever evolving animalhabitat. As all of you know, bunnies are susceptible to stress, diseaseand emotional upheaval. The other person involved in this story wasconcerned about Apollos exposure to opossums, chickens, turtles, frogs,stray dogs, pet store rabbits, lethargic bats, and the talk of morerescue rabbits.

I'd like to bring your attention to the fact that the other personinvolved in this has enough class to not have brought this out into thepublic forum. She did not ever post anything about thiswhereit would get any attention. It could have all been solved privately. ASIT SHOULD HAVEBEEN BETWEEN FRIENDS.

I rather imagine, even now, she won't stand up for herself. It isn't her way to bringdrama to a situation like this.

My two cents: Tina is a very goodbunny mommy. I am certainly sure that she takes everyprecaution to make sure that all ofheranimals arekeptin good health and out of harms way.:)
I dont Believe anyone isQuestioning Tina's ability of being a bunny Mom .thats not the issue , We all know she is. For One thing had I even thought fora millisecond she wasnt I wouldNever have let 2 of my babies go downthere . Tina You know this Ihave told You that 100 times ,

I really HATE! what I am Seeing right this minute , The Board Is getting destroyed

IN talking with Everyone involved, NEVER Once was itmentioned to "NOT POST" otherPictures I am Not sure where this camefrom . I do know it was asked for a JustApollo thread . Tina You haveto remember , Everyone istotally in Love with Apollo. In all truthfullnessis there any goodreason Why he shouldnt havehis very own thread ? For oneyou take conciderably morePictures of him , He goesEverywhere with you . Unlike any ofthe others . Even when Youtake pictures of all the otheranimlas rabbits included, There isalways a Piece of Apollo inthere . One can always seehim either in the back groundorwith one of theRabbits relaxing with him .

So Lets stop theDrama , its unnecessary and uncalled for, HE said She said is no whereto go with this , As foreveryone getting nasty. Im sorry itsuncalled for , Everything has been totally blown outof proportion . Roller Coaster ridesmake me extremely ILL , Ihave been talking with all parties as towhat was really said and youknow what They all say the same thing andITS NOT whats being said here.

Tina and Everyone Involved Take A Giant Breath,Step Back and rethinkWhat was actually said in theVery Begining . ONE hurt is neverhealed by adding more to it .And sitting here it HURTS Me deeply tosee whats going on andespecially when it could have and shouldhave been avoided .
Tina I made another pic set up for you. It is just Apollo also I made one same way but you can use as an avatar.

Your sig


Your Avatar


I am going to concentrate on what this thread is about, my rabbits, my Zoo Crew.

Thankfully Apollo is doing so much better than he was. He iseating and drinking on his own. He is also pooping and they looknormal. He is almost 100% again. I'm going to continue treating him forthe next few days, longer if he needs it but all signs show he isbetter.

I love the picture SPM. I saved it to my computer, both the picture and the avatar.

I am still debating what to use as my avatar.

I also found out that Jack is mine. I just got the message fromthe woman who has him. I am going to be posting him in the only rabbitsAcres.

Dale is almost finished building the chicken tractor for me andit is just too cute. It looks like a house. I'm going to be painting itred white and blue.

I wasnt to thank you all for all the thoughts and prayers sentfor Apollo. They really helped I have no doubt. So Wollo and I want tosay Thank You!!:hug:


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