Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Great pictures! Norman has stolen myheart. He's so adorable. I love that they all gooutside. I have all the stuff to build my run, I just haven'tdone it yet. I'm waiting for the weather to decide it's goingto stay below 80*for the fall.

Lyndsy, we lucked out finding thisplace. I wasn't crazy about the house but one look at the yard and itwas ok where do I sign.:pWe are hoping to buy our own placein a year or two. Then I could really get some critters then.;)

Jen, I want to build a run. Maybe I can convince Dale to start work on it this weekend.:?

Norman has definitely opened up compared to when he first gothere. It does my heart good to see him so comfortable and enjoyingliving here.



Oh wow...oh wow...what a gorgeous profile!! Tina, Norman is beautiful!! All of your bunnies are...:)

But I must admit, I'm in love with Apollo....he makes me wish cloningwas available! LOL He is an absolute charmer...how old is he now?

Di, I don't know about cloning lmbo butI am going to be breeding the big boy hopefully sometime next year. Iam still waiting to hear back from the breeder when he has a light graydoe for us. Baby Wollos will be more fun than clone Wollos.

How is Raph doing? What a special guy he is.

Baby Wollos will be more fun than clone Wollos.
OH! Can't wait to see that!!! What fun for you! Imagine all the littleApollos tumbling around under your feet...how great that will be! I'dlove to see pics of the babies when it happens... :D

Raph is doing great these days! His right hind leg had been wonky (outof joint) almost ever since I got him, but a few days ago I let him outof his cage and he seemed to be different. I checked him out and hisleg has somehow straightened up on its own...he is now putting weighton it and having a grand time roaming the yard. He's the biggest babyI've ever had so far as bunnies go...he comes when called, follows mearound and constantly nudges me, looking for his nose to be stroked. Ifall English lops are half as friendly as Raph, I couldn't recommend abetter breed. The ears are a bit to contend with, but wow...he is justsuch a sweetheart...he definitely stole my heart...:4hearts:
:love:What an angel. I am soexcited, Yea Ralph. I just love him so much and I have never evenhugged him. I just love ELops and look forward to the day when I canget one.

Go give him the biggest hug from his number one admirer.

I will get plenty of pics of baby Wollos.

Tina that's what we're looking for now, a nice chunck of land!

My whole backyard now is pool, and i'd rather swim in a lake anyway...

So we're going to look at 2 more houses on saturday...

The one sounds PERFECT! 5 bedrooms, 2 car garage, workshop, 3-4 acres,it has all we're looking for... I know 5 bedrooms sounds like alot, BUTwe would need one, the baby, an office, and of course the JUNGLE, andwe would have one for when you, Jer, and Carolyn, bring the Acres, andTucker Town to Canada!!!!!! LMBO!

So you see we NEED a bigger house!

Oh Lyndsy, it sounds perfect. I am goingto keep my fingers crossed and prayers can only help. That would be soawesome for you and the Jungle.

How sweet of you a room for us.:hug:I love you Sweetie. All our love to all of you in the Jungle.

Tina & all of ushere at the Acres
Great pics!!! Such beautiful bunnies. I cannot believe this tail. :inlove:


Aww Tina I just love allthe newpictures at the Acres. I haven't got long on here until I'm off packingagain, but I'm glad I dropped by and had a look on here. Your bunniesare such a ray of sunshine and have just made my day. I really cantchose a favourite. They are all so gorgeous!

Vickie xxxxxxxx

LOVE this one - new wallpaper - yeah!***************

Ummmmmmmmmm Laura hon wouldnt that be WalloPaper ! LMAO!!!!!!:love:

Lissa, I don't know what made me take a picture of his tail lmbo, it is huge though the size of my hand.

Vickie, I am so glad you enjoyed them. How are those gorgeousAngelsknown as your daughters? Kiss the girls forme please and tell them I said Hi!


Dootsmom, Thank you. I can't believe the changes in Norman. Hecame here scared and shy, now he happy grunts all the timeandruns up to me to pet him.


I have been in the routine of going to bed between 10-11pm.I have to be up at 6am with Jeremy. Well apparently, Apollofeels that I am getting to much sleep. Every night for the past threenights he waits until 2am and starts thumping. Pictures are rattling onthe walls, dishes are clinking in the cabinets, it sounds like a herdof elephants using a trampoline in my kitchen.:shock::shock:

I runthrew the house in the dark, OWWWW who moved thecouch?:X:XTurn the lights on to see what is scaring my babyso bad. I go outside-nothing, look under the cages-nothing, look underthe stove-nothing. I turn to look at him and he has his nose pokingthrought the cage with a pet me pet me petme look on hisface...grrr. OK Wollo I love you Sweetie but mommy has got to get somesleep.

I make it as far as the living room 10 steps y'all and THUMPBANG THUMP!! What in the world is up with him? Finally in sheerexhaustion and tears I figure out what is wrong with him...

He Wants Paper!!!!!:growl:He starts thumping everytime I get to the computer. Give him a piece of paper and all is wellagain. Now he gets an extra piece of paper Before I go to bed. He is solucky I love him.

dajeti2 wrote:

I have been in the routine of going to bed between 10-11pm.I have to be up at 6am with Jeremy. Well apparently, Apollofeels that I am getting to much sleep. Every night for the past threenights he waits until 2am and starts thumping. Pictures are rattling onthe walls, dishes are clinking in the cabinets, it sounds like a herdof elephants using a trampoline in my kitchen.:shock::shock:

I runthrew the house in the dark, OWWWW who moved thecouch?:X:XTurn the lights on to see what is scaring my babyso bad. I go outside-nothing, look under the cages-nothing, look underthe stove-nothing. I turn to look at him and he has his nose pokingthrought the cage with a pet me pet me petme look on hisface...grrr. OK Wollo I love you Sweetie but mommy has got to get somesleep.

I make it as far as the living room 10 steps y'all and THUMPBANG THUMP!! What in the world is up with him? Finally in sheerexhaustion and tears I figure out what is wrong with him...

He Wants Paper!!!!!:growl:He starts thumping everytime I get to the computer. Give him a piece of paper and all is wellagain. Now he gets an extra piece of paper Before I go to bed. He is solucky I love him.

I feel bad for you Tina. He sure is luck that ya love him.
SPM, it wouldn't be so bad but it scaresme out of bed and I don't stop to turn the lights on. I have beenrunning full tilt into the side of the couch, the computer chair and:embarrassed:the corner of the wall. At least tonight I know I willfinally be able to sleep through the night.;)I hope...

Wow! Apollo is lucky, when Tucks tries to wake me up in the middle of the night, I just ignore him... LOL!

lil' buggers! They would keep me up ALL night long if I started that with them...

and you all wondered why I called them Monkeys in the beggining! Spend a night at my house, it REALLY is a jungle in here! LMBO!

Give that Jeremy a kiss, OH and how is school going these days, any new GIRLS?!?!?!?!
Lyndsy, hush about the girls. This isone momma that is not ready for that. He loves school. I have neverseen him so excited to go to school. He flies out of bed now. He likesbeing in 5th grade. He feels like the king of the school.

I try to ignore Apollo but 1. He is just way too LOUD! 2. Afterthe whole possum=concussion thing I am paranoid about him hurtinghimself again.

The worst part is he wakes up the rest of the furkids. So hereI am at 2am handing out pineapple and papaya and paper. They havetrained me a little too well.
