Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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gypsy wrote:
.... ONE hurt is never healedby adding more to it . And sitting hereit HURTS Me deeply to seewhats going on and especially whenit could have and should havebeen avoided .
You are so right,Gypsy. Bygones?


Gypsy I gave Apollo a hug and a piece of pineapple from you. He is a happy guy.

Jenni, how is Vash doing? Psst, any chance we can see a new pic of that gorgeous hunh of bunn?

Gypsy has aforgiving spirit, and it is generous of you tooffer toforgive and forget, but unfortunately it wasn't shewho wascut the deepest, nor you who did the wounding.
We all are here for you Tina. Hey you can usethe avatar I made ya until you come up with one. Maybe Zee can make youa moving avatar with a few of your choices that you can not make upyour mind with. I am sure she would love to do that for you.
I am all for forgiving and moving on. Soto all I hurt I am sorry. It was not my intention. I guess I've learneda very painful lesson and I'm sorry for all who were hurt because ofme. It won't happen again, really, it won't.

Thank you Tina.That sounds very sincereand will go much further towardmending fences thansimply sweeping it under the carpet andmoving on ever would have. I hope all who were hurt, will in time, beable to forgive.

Raz, Iwas hoping everyone couldforgive and forget, but you are right - it is not myplace todecide the 'bygones.' Now, let's talk about me borrowingsweet SLG and Sebbie. I promise to give themback...eventually. :p

Tina, Vash is doing so much better. So better, he decided totry to eat one of the plants on the porch - little snot.;)
I just want to say this one last thingon this subject and then I won't ever bring it up again. I haveforgiven. I wish this person all the great things that life has tooffer. Fences were meant to be mended butonly time will tell.

Jenni, Vash wasn't being naughty, he was helping you prune theplant back. Way to go Vash for helping your mom, you are so sweet andhelpful. I just love you big guy.


Well somebunny is feeling better. Apollois getting pretty tired of me fussing over him. I walked in the kitchento get his next dose of pumpkin and he ran to the farthest back cornerof his cage. His cage is 4 feet long and 3 feet wide.

As I opened his cage door so I could climb in there to get him helunged at me.:shock:No growling or anything just trying tobluff me out of his cage. When that didn't work he tried head buttingme out of his cage. Last but not least he started thumping at me.

I eventually bribed him out with some dried papaya and gave himhis treatment. Hewas so mad at me as soon as I set him downhe ran back to his cage and is now giving me the butt and y'all that'sa big butt.

Yea my baby is back to feeling better.

Apollo's Better!!!!

It looks like the cocoa puffs factory blew up. Apollo ispooping normal again. They are the right size shape and color andW:shock:W there are tons of them. I'm so happy to see this much poopI'm beside myself.

Jan, I must admit I was scared. He's never done that before andseeing him come at me like that, well I popped out of that cage fasterthan a jack in the box. I can handle the butt, some pineapple andpapaya will fix that problem.

Lissa, thank you. I am just so happy. How is your little one?

Bunnys_rule, thank you. Apollo feels much better too. He wasrunning around here this morning and then he took a nap. Yup things areback to normal.

I am going to keep giving him the Nutrical, pumpkin and pineapple just to be on the safe said.

So glad to hear that, Tina. So many of us love that boy and I'm sure LOTS of prayers went out for him.

Give the big boy a hug from me.

