Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Shuu, He is definitely one tough boy. I am just so grateful he's ok.

Laura, The prayers and good thoughts definitelyhelped. I wish I could find the words to describe how truly gratefuland appreciative I am to everyone.

Wollo is so ticked at me. I went to give him his pumpkin and hewas like a little kid fighting me. He kept turning his head and thenfinally gulped it and just glared at me.

You know howwhen you were a kid andwantedto go play but had to finish you veggies first. It's the one veggie youdidn't like so you would hurry and stuff it all in and run from thetable, that was Wollo.He has forgiven me thankfully, becauseI'm not getting the butt anymore.

I hate when he's mad at me. It makes me feel sooooo bad. I knowI have to do it but ugh I feel so crummy forcing him to eat it when Iknow he hates it.

Wollo is like a kid who just want all theattention and play. But being a mother as you know since you are awonderful mom to Jeremy. It is hard and I know when I would always helpmy sister with her 2 kids cause she would be sick alot and I had ot doall the hard work. She is lucky not to go through it alot when theywere sick,

He will thank you for caring about him and luv you more.
W:shock:W, I thought the Nutrical wassupposed to go in the bunny and not all over mom. I didn't rub it inthis time because he gets so mad when he feels he's dirty, well hefllicked it all over me. I got some more and rubbed it in.Poor guy was licking the carpet trying to get the taste oout of hismouth. I couldn't help it and laughed. Oh yea, I'm back in the doghouse. :embarrassed:

I'm going to go suck up now.

dajeti2 wrote:
W:shock:W, I thought the Nutrical was supposed to goin the bunny and not all over mom. I didn't rub it in this time becausehe gets so mad when he feels he's dirty, well he fllicked it all overme. I got some more and rubbed it in. Poor guy was lickingthe carpet trying to get the taste oout of his mouth. I couldn't helpit and laughed. Oh yea, I'm back in the dog house. :embarrassed:

I'm going to go suck up now.

ROFL...I went thru this with Corky when he had to have...ohhe'd get SOOO mad and flick it all over...there ended up being a globof it on the wall that I didn't notice for a few days..its like superglue on there!!!!! and I HAD rubbed it in!!! :shock:
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
dajeti2 wrote:
W:shock:W, I thought the Nutrical was supposed to goin the bunny and not all over mom. I didn't rub it in this time becausehe gets so mad when he feels he's dirty, well he fllicked it all overme. I got some more and rubbed it in. Poor guy was lickingthe carpet trying to get the taste oout of his mouth. I couldn't helpit and laughed. Oh yea, I'm back in the dog house. :embarrassed:

I'm going to go suck up now.

ROFL...I went thru this with Corky when he had to have...ohhe'd get SOOO mad and flick it all over...there ended up being a globof it on the wall that I didn't notice for a few days..its like superglue on there!!!!! and I HAD rubbed it in!!!:shock:
Ugh what a mess. I sure hope SweetPea does not do thatat all If I ever have to do that.
Amazing how much they hate that stuff,huh? Loki hated the taste so much that he ate the pellets andhay he had been avoiding like the plague just to scrub the taste out. Ithink that the Nutrical instructions for rabbits are:Lick. Make a face. Eat a few pellets.Repeat.:p

Good to hear that 'Wollo is doing better!
How was I not around for this!! I am SO happy tohear Apollo got thru and is pooping like a champ again! Please give himand the rest of the crew kisses and some treats for me!!
PGG, I have never been more gratefulthat I wear glasses in my life lmbo. I had a gob of it on my glasses.Little stinker.

SPM, I hope you never have to do it but if you ever do make sure you rub it in good.;)

Naturestee, I tried a tiny bit of it to see if he was justbeing a stinker. Nope that stuff isgross. Itwas so bad I was considering licking the wall to get the taste out ofmy mouth. That stuff lingers in your mouth too. Gross.

FreddysMom,I gave every bunny plenty of kisses fromyou and a piece of apple from you. They all want to say ThankYou.

Lyndsy, Wollo is definitely feeling tons better. He let me knowwhat he thinks of this whole making him eat yucky stuff.

He was running around with paper, then just stoppedand ranover to me. I was like Awww he forgives me. Thank youWollo, I love you baby and am so glad you are feeling better. I keptthinking happy thoughts right up to the point where he Peed On MyFoot!

Hmmm, guess I'm still in the dog house. Maybe some more paper and pineapple will win him over.

Jeremy says hi and he loves you. He is so proud of himself, heis getting straight A's and has been asked to run for Student CouncilPresident. He's also on the school safety patrol. He just loves schoolnow. He actually watches the clock waiting for the bus to come.

I am so proud of him. When I think that two years ago he almostfailing everything and would cry every morning because he hated school,I cry. I am so happy and so proud of him.

Jeremy said that as soon as I get a calling card he wants toplay for you. He is learning to play piano and keyboard and is reallyvery good. He can listen to a song and usually within five minutes hecan play. The song he wants to play for you is Liebestaume No.3


Well I did buy some neutri cal so I can have on hand.

Jeremy keep up the great work in school and keep practicing piano too.

Tina you must be a proud mamma seeing your son loving school and all of your furry kids love you too.
Tina i'm so glad Jeremy is enjoying school. and doing SOO well too!

I on the other hand was the total opposite when it came to school! I didn't enjoy going at all! So it's nice to hear he does...

I'm glad to hear Wollo is poopin' again! and sorry you're STILL in the dog house...

The best way to do Nutrical: Syringe it! My vet showed me that and it's so easy and clean.
I am sorry I have worried some of you.It's been a really crazy time here. Bunny's owners came and picked herup. I know she wasn't a good match for us but we love her and miss herterribly.

Dale finally started construction on a new chicken coop. Itstarted off as a simple design. Key word being simple lmbo. It is now agorgeous chicken house. It has a sloped roof that he shingled, 9 nestboxes and a roosting bar.

Jeremy decided he wanted me to paint it. I agreed and askedwhat color he would like. His answer...red, white and blue, with a flagon it. So I have been painting a huge american flag on one and a halfsides of it.

We are totally reorganizing the house. I can't believe how muchstuff we actually have.:shock:So we are going going througheverything deciding if it stays or goes and if it stays where to putit.

Apollo is doing great. He is feeling a 100% better and is backto his loving self again. Christa gets prettier every time I see her.She is so small and so delicate. She is such a little Princess. Hopiran into my lap and nudged me to pet him. What a turn around from evena month ago. He's a big love now. Stormy is still so sad. She wants afriend so bad. Kineta can't get here soon enough. Koda and Norman arealso just being lovey bunnies to me and Jerremy. They are so funny towatch.

Jeremy is getting straight A's this year so far. He is also onschool safety patrol and has been asked to run for Student CouncilPresident. He loves school but said he misses me and the bunnies duringthe day.

I desperately need help getting Otis home. We have his wholejourney done except for a 2 and a half hour leg of it. It's fromMorgantown WV to Petersburg WV. I am going to ask permission to posthis pictures in this thread as well.He is now 7 weeks old and a hefty 4pounds already. He is going to be huge. The standard calls for 9 poundsand up as an adult and I think he's going to meet that just finelmbo.

Kineta has decided it's fun to mount everybunny in sight. Sheis so funny. I can't wait until she get's here. She is going to be ablast.

Dale got hurt at work and is having some issues with the nervesin his hand and arm. He's not letting it slow him down in theleast.

I have been given a break from my rash thank God. I have mildflare ups and although it stinks I know it could be much muchworse.

You all are very sweet. Thank you for the private messages andemails. I will be posting pictures hopefully within the next couple ofdays.

********I am going to ask permission to post his pictures in this thread as well *************

Tina what would bethe reason you couldntpost his picture in here ? For thatmatter why wouldnt you post anypictures? Everyone else does.
It's great to hear Apollo is back to his old antics. Good luck finding that one last person to help getting Otis home!
gypsy wrote:
********I am going to ask permission topost his pictures in this thread as well *************

Tina what would bethe reason you couldntpost his picture in here ? For thatmatter why wouldnt you post anypictures? Everyone else does.
The place where Tina found Otis has a rule that pictures of a rabbitbelong to the owner and they can't be shared elsewhere withoutpermission from that person....kinda like copyright laws.

So .. since the photos aren't hers - she needs permission to share pictures...
