Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Tina I can just see you too! Walking into everything, rummaging around for paper in the dark...

don't tell the Monkeys! they'll leave the Jungle for the Acres in a second if they knew that!

I'm glad Jeremy likes school, not too many kids do these days!

Laura, at least you only snorted, my poor monitor doesn't look good in coffee.

Lyndsy, I am thrilled he likes it so much. They getfake money called spots for being good and Jeremy is saving his tobring Wollo to school. That is going to be so much fun.

Psst, Monkeys if you only knew what your Mom isn't telling you boys.:p

Oh mom.....my breeder mommy is being mean tome. She's got me up on this stool....can I come down and playnow? I hate photos!



AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Kineta pictures.I've been gone all day was a bit stressed. How awesome to come on andsee that.

Kineta, Your grandma put you on that stoll so we could all seehow adorable you are. Kisses Sweetie. You grandma is the best.

I am not to going to be on for awhile. Irecieved an email that was so hurtful and so upsetting that I can'ttake it anymore. I will check in from time to time. Anyone that needsto get in touch with me knows how.

The rabbits are fine. Prisilla was released back into the wild last night.

Thank you all for being there when I needed you.

Amy, thank you very much.

Lyndsy Jeremy got his kisses from his Monkey Mom.

I am closing this Acres. Sadly, there are some that are a bitupset I posted pictures of my chickens, the dogs, turtle, etc. So I amgoing to start one last versionof the Acres, one with onlythe rabbits. Anyone really wanting to see the rest of the Zoo Crew isfree to PM me and I will provide you with a link to see the rest of mybabies.

Meh, thats THEIR problem Tina, not yours! Its YOUR thread...you can post what you want! :mad:

I toned it down..but if ya wanna know how I really feel...let me know...:D:p
That is absolutely ridiculous... how inane cansome people be.... Ummmm I do believe that this is YOUR thread... ifthey don't like it ... than cripes no one is forcing them to readit!

There is just way too much crap going on in this world to worry what someone has on their OWN THREAD!

Tina don't you go and change anything if you don't want to.. the powers that be will be on your side.

Makes me want to go post pictures of my husband on my thread.. cuz he is the only other animal I have :?



I love you and I think you're great :hug:

That is all.

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~
Susan, thank you Sweetei. It really hurtto hear that my chickens( those stinking birds), dogs(those dang dogs),and turtle(other crap)were refered to in the manner theywere. I love them as much as I do my rabbits. So rather than openmyself up to more hurt feelings and feeling resentful, I'll do it thenew way. Like I said I should have the albums up this week fingerscrossed.

Emily, Thank you very much.

Thank you for your support, it means alot.


Tina, i enjoy all your animals. Its a shame youwont be showing them on here. Hopefully on the other forum you willpost some pictures of your other critters.
This is silly. If this person didn'tlike the pictures of your other animals, then they do not have to lookat this thread! They have no right to complain.
I don't know maybe I did go overboardwith all the pictures, I don't know. This is such a confusing time forme. It will be ok though. We'll figure it out.

Again thank you all so much. You are so sweet and it means the world to me.
