Apollo's Acres Has Grown

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Yeah, my son was VERY excited...I don't blamehim, I've only gotten a couple from her! Corky is very generous withthem...and nobunny else really gives em.

Feeling ok...just depends on the day/hour it seems....had kinda a rough afternoon, but better this evening...thanks for asking!
Tina the pictures are great as usual!Apollo is such a character. I bet he's ready to treat thatcamera like a truck! The lops are so chilled out.That's just great! Give Stormy girl a kiss from me, and somefor the others too.


I dont know which picture I like better ...Apollo's smiley face or his sticking out his toungue face...........andit so doesnt get any cuter than Koda and Norman kissing!!

I love seeing pictures of your happy family!! :)
Oh Tina, your pics just get better. Apollosticking his tongue out is too funny, and I love where he is coming tohis Mom. All your babies are so happy looking - they really scored bigtime finding their way to you. And look at Jer - he is getting to bequite the handsome young man. Girl, I think you are gonna have yourfill of young ladies calling around ;)

PGG, I am glad you are feeling a bitbetter. I think of you everyday and pray you are having a good day andare as pain free as possible.

Jen, kisses have been doled out as well as extra pineapple. All the bunns say Thank You Aunt Jen.

FreddysMom, Apollo is a character all right. As I type he israttling his cage because he feels it's his time to play and it'sactually Koda and Norman's turn. How Dale can sleep through this racketI'lll never know.:?Koda and Norman are just so cute together,I love watching them.

Jan, Thank you. I can't help but feel that I am the lucky one.They are all so sweet and definitely keep me busy. I've lost five thismonth already.

Jeremy came home from school and was talking aboout some of thecute girls he saw at school.:disgust:I wasn't ready when hewas seeing Alexa and guess what I am still not ready.:XHebetter give me a few ummm years to adjust to the idea.



There's my boy! Oooh! Please give him a big hug and kiss from me.

All the pics were beautiful, Tina.


I have been snuggling Wollo for you Laura. He is such a sweet mush. I love my Wollo.

I'mgoing to try and get those pics for youas soon as Jer gets home. He loves to be there for outside Wollopics.

dajeti2 wrote:
I have been snuggling Wollo for you Laura. He issuch a sweet mush. I love my Wollo.

I'mgoing to try and get those pics for youas soon as Jer gets home. He loves to be there for outside Wollopics.

You're the best, Tina!



Yesterday was an awesome day. Theweather was just perfect. Cool enough I need to wear sweet pants and asweat shirt but warm enough I didn't need a coat. Weather this goodjust screams "Bunny Time".

I took Apollo out last because I know how much he loves itoutside and this is the first time in a long time I could bring himout. He was even sweeter than he usually is. I always sit in the grasswith him and take his pictures.

We cuddled for over an hour. He was giving me tons of kissesand I'm thinking Awww God I love this rabbit. So I spent the next halfhour petting and kissing him. It's getting late and picture time isover, time to go in.

Now I have arthritis in my knees and some old ligament injuriesthat never healed right, so getting up takes me a while. That's whenApollo ditches the halo for a lovely pair of horns.:XI'mhalfway to standing up when out of nowhere something slams into me andI am on the ground wondering what in the heck just happened.

Apollo is sitting there looking all innocent Yea right. I getall the way up this time and he hits me again. Oh yea you guessedit...he is just loving my leg. :X:XI am trying to get him offmy leg without falling and get in the house. I am just hoping andpraying no one is seeing or hearing me yelling at him to get off myleg.Finally get him of my leg and he has the nerve to thumpat me , Thump at me y'all.:disgust: I'm the one feeling violatedhere.

I went to put him in his cage and apparently he thought thelove fest should continue. How do I know this...he NIPPED me. Afteryelling something about Barbie needing a new fur coat, I got him in hiscage. As I'm shutting the door he's kissing my hand.

He is definitely a character this one. I am just sooooo glad he doesn't love me this much very often.:)

So here are his pictures:

Mom, what's that noise?

Look at this fluffy tail

Do I hear the pineapple bag...

If I can't go visit SLG then I am going to eat dirt

Grass tastes better than dirt

Ahhh this is the life

Let's see if I can fog the lens up again

This is my yard

Watching the car go by

Woo Hoo

Does that dog ever stop making noise

I love being me

Mom, not so close


Christa loved it outside. She wasexploring every little sound. She even chased a grasshopper. This babyhas no fear what so ever. She was posing so cute.

She is as delicate as she looks, She is so fine boned.

Watching a butterfly

Watching Jeremy build a grass fort

Ohh What was that noise


Hopi loved it outside. But rather than run and play he took it as anall you eat buffet. He'd hop two steps munch awhile, hop two stepsmunch awhile, well you get the idea.

Jeremy called him

Oh is this good

HI mom thank you for bringing me out here yum

It tastes better here than in the last spot


Stormy didn't know what to make ofoutside. At times she ran and did binkies but then others she'd rununder my shirt and hide. So I didn't keep her out there long.

Hi mom what is this place

Mom, do you hear that

Hopi was right this grass stuf isn't half bad

It's so hard to keep clean out here

Koda was much like Stormy, very curiousbut also a bit scared. I didn't keep her out long either. Towards theend of it though she settled down and was even letting take pictures ofher.

Checking out what Jeremy is doing

Look at me mom

Make sure you get my good side


Norman had a blast. He loves it outside.He was running around checking everything out. At point he even jumpedon top of Jeremy's head.

What a face

Look at him posing so cute

I like outside

Praying before he digs in

I can't see Rabits Only from here mom

Oh, Tina, I so needed pictures like that!!!! I just love it.

We're moving into a townhouse soon, although it'll be a bit too chillyoutside for the buns I think. We have big plans for next spring though.There is a small fenced in yard and we're both excited to build a safearea for the rabbits. Plus, I cannot wait to grow herbs/veggies too(mostly for them of course).

Anyway, great pictures. :)

LOVE this one - new wallpaper - yeah!


He looks like an old confused man in this one - "What the heck?"

Thank you for brightening my day, Tina!


Tina AWESOME pics! Everyone looks great!

That wollo, what a bugger! You need to get him a girlfreind!!!!!!

Glad to see the acres out and about, it's not all that great here totake the Monkeys out, so maybe at our new house, if we ever findit!?!?!!?!?!?

Love to the acres!
Stephanie, we lucked out with theweather. It was only 70*F here. I am so happy for you. I keep tellingDale we need to build a run for our bunch , he says they already haveone , the house.:shock:I tried to grow a garden but theweather wouldn't cooperate.

I'm glad I could make you smile


PGG, I hope you get to feeling better soon. I'm keeping you inmy prayers. I look forward to when you can get outside pictures.


Laura, I'm so glad you like them. I have plenty more but I'm not about to post 170 pics at one time lmbo.

He looks like an old confused man in this one - "What the heck?"

:nonono:He does not. He is only 20 months young. Iknow you didn't mean it so I won't tell him what you said.



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