Tina the HighlandWooleys are not a new breed Actually they area breed thats going extinct .If I remember correctly they are Bred andRaised in the Highlands Of Scottsland . Hence thename I will look for the website that tells you everything about them.Another Breed in need of Rescue.
Is this the one your talking about ?
The Highland Breed of Cattle
The highland breed of cattle has a long and distinguished ancestry, notonly in its homeland of western Scotland, but also in many far-flungparts of the world. One of Britain's oldest, most distinctive, and bestknown breeds, with a long, thick, flowing coat of rich hair andmajestic sweeping horns, the Highlander has remained largely unchangedover the centuries. Written records go back to the 18th century and theHighland Cattle Herd Book, first published in 1885, lists pedigreessince that time. New folds, as herds of Highlanders are known, arefounded every year both at home and abroad and in recent years HighlandCattle societies have been started in Sweden, Denmark, Austria,Germany, Holland, Finland, France, Switzerland and Norway and there arealso Highlanders in Luxembourg, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Poland,and the Faroe Islands. In the British Isles folds are found from thefurthest south to the extreme north on many different types of groundvarying from the slopes of the Sussex Downs, the fenlands of EastAnglia, to the windswept machars of the Outer Hebrides.
But it is on the vast areas of poor mountain land with high annualrainfall and bitter winds that Highland Cattle thrive and breed whereno other cattle could exist Making the most of poor forage, calvingoutside and seldom, if ever, housed they make a real economiccontribution to hill and upland areas.The breed is exceptionally hardywith a natural and unique ability to convert poor grazing efficiently.They are remarkable for their longevity: many Highland cows continue tobreed to ages in excess of eighteen years having borne fifteen calves.They are great mothers. The versatility of the Highlander led to agreat upsurge in exports to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria, Holland and SouthAmerica. Highland Cattle can be found foraging 10,000 feet up in theAndes.
"Guaranteed Pure Highland Beef"tm comes wholly and exclusively from100% pure pedigree Highland Cattle and commands a significant premiumin specialist retail butchery outlets. The Highland Cattle Society,representing breeders, is firmly in the 21st century, with fullycomputerised records, and able to authenticate the completetraceability of this unique product. Highland Cattle are naturallyreared thriving in the hills and uplands of our country without theneed for intensive farming practices, producing an excellent modem beefcarcass with the lean, well-marbled, flesh that ensures tenderness andsucculence with a very distinctive flavour. Highland Beef is healthyand nutritious with lower levels of fat and cholesterol and a higherprotein and iron content than other beef.
The unique attributes of the pure Highland cow make her the firstchoice for the production of commercial hill cows. These can be siredby many different breeds of bull; a commonly used sire being a BeefShorthorn bull, but recently excellent results have been obtained usingcontinental sires.
The cross Highland cow the inherent hardiness of the pure Highlander,plus that vital ingredient "hybrid vigour". The cross Highlander hasthe milk to rear the continental calf with the high beefing potentialdemanded by today's market Both the pure Highlander and the first crossHighlander retain the prime ability to convert poor hill grazings intoquality beef carcasses.
Is this the one your talking about ?
The Highland Breed of Cattle

The highland breed of cattle has a long and distinguished ancestry, notonly in its homeland of western Scotland, but also in many far-flungparts of the world. One of Britain's oldest, most distinctive, and bestknown breeds, with a long, thick, flowing coat of rich hair andmajestic sweeping horns, the Highlander has remained largely unchangedover the centuries. Written records go back to the 18th century and theHighland Cattle Herd Book, first published in 1885, lists pedigreessince that time. New folds, as herds of Highlanders are known, arefounded every year both at home and abroad and in recent years HighlandCattle societies have been started in Sweden, Denmark, Austria,Germany, Holland, Finland, France, Switzerland and Norway and there arealso Highlanders in Luxembourg, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Poland,and the Faroe Islands. In the British Isles folds are found from thefurthest south to the extreme north on many different types of groundvarying from the slopes of the Sussex Downs, the fenlands of EastAnglia, to the windswept machars of the Outer Hebrides.
But it is on the vast areas of poor mountain land with high annualrainfall and bitter winds that Highland Cattle thrive and breed whereno other cattle could exist Making the most of poor forage, calvingoutside and seldom, if ever, housed they make a real economiccontribution to hill and upland areas.The breed is exceptionally hardywith a natural and unique ability to convert poor grazing efficiently.They are remarkable for their longevity: many Highland cows continue tobreed to ages in excess of eighteen years having borne fifteen calves.They are great mothers. The versatility of the Highlander led to agreat upsurge in exports to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand,Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Austria, Holland and SouthAmerica. Highland Cattle can be found foraging 10,000 feet up in theAndes.
"Guaranteed Pure Highland Beef"tm comes wholly and exclusively from100% pure pedigree Highland Cattle and commands a significant premiumin specialist retail butchery outlets. The Highland Cattle Society,representing breeders, is firmly in the 21st century, with fullycomputerised records, and able to authenticate the completetraceability of this unique product. Highland Cattle are naturallyreared thriving in the hills and uplands of our country without theneed for intensive farming practices, producing an excellent modem beefcarcass with the lean, well-marbled, flesh that ensures tenderness andsucculence with a very distinctive flavour. Highland Beef is healthyand nutritious with lower levels of fat and cholesterol and a higherprotein and iron content than other beef.
The unique attributes of the pure Highland cow make her the firstchoice for the production of commercial hill cows. These can be siredby many different breeds of bull; a commonly used sire being a BeefShorthorn bull, but recently excellent results have been obtained usingcontinental sires.
The cross Highland cow the inherent hardiness of the pure Highlander,plus that vital ingredient "hybrid vigour". The cross Highlander hasthe milk to rear the continental calf with the high beefing potentialdemanded by today's market Both the pure Highlander and the first crossHighlander retain the prime ability to convert poor hill grazings intoquality beef carcasses.