•°o.O The Tater Tots Family 2011 O.o°•

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Hello everyone

Thank you for your messages. We are okay. Things have been a bit rough and stressful lately. There has been some good too, but a lot of stressful things have been going on and I've gotten pretty reclusive. This is a long update (several parts)so I understand if you all get bored but, heh, in case peope are wondering...

About 2 weeks ago, something happened with Jeff that seriously rocked my trust in him at that moment. It's nothing too huge really so don't go thinking he cheated or something because it is nothing of the sort. Out of respect for him though, I will not get into the details of it. Let's just say that I was very angry at him. Not so much about what he did (or rather didn't do) but because he had kept it from me and I had to find out in a not-so-nice way. I think I was especially angry because just some days before that, he had told me that he had been looking into the marriage requirements. I was sooooooooo thrilled and excited. Of course, I couldn't help but start thinking that he would propose soon. And then this. Suddenly, I was finding out that he hadn't felt a need to be open and honest with me. So, I did exactly what I hoped I wouldn't have to do and told him that if he wasn't going to be open and honest with me, then I didn't want to hear the word 'marriage' because it was an insult to me. I told him that I was under the impression that we were much stronger and better than that and that if I was wrong about that, then we weren't anywhere near being ready to get married. I also told him that right now, he was on a very very rocky road being that he had just done what my ex did to me. He was very upset and sorry for it. I must admit, I did have to think carefully and decide if I was so angry with him for what had happened or if it was because I was carrying that extra baggage from the ex-fiance days. I decided that this is the first time Jeff is anything less than wonderful and that since it seemed to be a 'naive' mistake, we were going to use this as a lesson and work together to avoid it happening again. Needless to say, I can't help but hope that this isn't the start of us heading towards the end. Anyway, we were bound to find a 'bump' along the way.

Also, I am quite troubled by another event that happened recently. I was at school and chatting with a friend when a girl, who had been listening in, decided to interject. Basically, we were talking about my attendance at the school party and I was saying that I wasn't sure I would go because I can't handle crowds very well. Anyway, the girl latched onto that like a leech. She asked me why the heck not and I replied that it was just due to experience and that I just don't like being surrounded by so many people. I left it at that and tried to continue my conversation with my friend but she persisted. Anyway, she started getting really rude and arrogant and really kept pestering me when I made it clear that I didn't want to discuss it. She kept commenting that "well, something must have happened to make you like this" and I simply said "yes, something must have." Anyway, before I knew it she took on a really pompous attitude and threw the "Well you should really see a shrink if you have such stupid issues."


A normal person would know to walk away and ignore it. I've never been normal and it very nearly turned into something much worse.

About 2 years or so ago, I developed a major anger issue and had become very violent. They were explosive fits of rage and I used to take it out on myself and the appartment. I eventually started having trouble controling myself with people as well so I sought out help. My doctor said it was due to what had happened and the fact that I had kept everything in. So okay, I worked through it and have done a pretty good job with it since. Except I came so close to decking that girl that I had to leave school.

It bothers me.

It scares me that I came so close to hitting her. It bothers me that I blacked out for that brief moment. It bothers me that I still can't deal with certain stupidities in the right manner. I thought I was done with this. I am so frustrated with myself right now. I guess I will need to go consult and really attack this before it flares again. *Sigh*

Also, my friend from school went to visit Amsterdam. They were at the train station when they got mugged by a group of about 10 teenagers. They stole everything. However, they also beat her husband. They are okay but she was quite shaken. I've been hearing a lot of things like that lately. Me being me, has been struggling more and more to set a foot outside. It's becoming more and more stressful and it's really starting to trouble me. I guess that is another thing I will have to finally seek more help for. I so wish I could have my dog. Ah well.

I've been terribly stressed with school as well. This program isn't working for me. I was considering withdrawing when a friend mentionned another program. When I got home, I found out that I had more than one option for my 'integration' and was quite upset about not havig been informed. Basically, I am now in the 'Inburgeringscursus' (so the integration course). This teaches us how to go to an ATM, open a bank account, get a birth certificate, what to do if you are attacked, etc. This teaches us a minimal amount of dutch and the dutch that we do learn revolves around those things so it's not really about learning the language as much as it is about memorizing questions and answers. I mean, they teach us how to fill out forms but all forms are very similar. There is only so many times you can teach me 'naam', 'voornaam', 'geboortedatum', etc. I think even most of you guys can figure out what those words mean. We spend more than 50% of the course on the computer and, of course, my computer program only half works because it only loads half of the time. On top of that, the exam consists of several parts: one being the 'portfolio'. To do the portfolio, you have to go around town speaking to people and collecting 'evidence' that you've done so. AND because I do not work, I was being forced into doing a stage. I have a contract with the school until February 2013, and have til then to do so. Despite this, there is pressure for me to do my portfolio much faster so that I can finish faster and I couldn't understand why. I will explain in a few.


It turns out that there is another option: NT2 Staatsexamen which is essentially, dutch as a second language (though it would technically be my 3rd lol). Anyway, THIS program focuses on learning the language. Instead of learning what I am learning now, you do grammar, structure, reading, etc. Ah ha! Now THAT is interesting. Instead of taking me to only an A2 level, this would take me to the much higher B2 level. This would permit me to work and go back to studies if I would like because this is an actual prerequisite. This program starts from level 0 so even if you have 'geen idee' what you are doing, you can still learn and do this exam. This exam is also much more logical in the sense that you have a proper exam consisting of 4 parts: reading, writing, comprehension, and spoken. You need to pass all 4 levels to get your certificate but if you fail any part, you can redo just that part. Now this makes a lot more sense to me. I don't need to be taught how to use an ATM as much as I need to be taught WHAT the ATM says so that I know what to do. I am from Canada. I appreciate that some people do need to learn about certain things, but not me.

So anyway, I had a discussion with Jeff. He knew I wasn't satisfied but he only really understood when I showed him my books. It finally made sense to him as to why I was so disappointed with the course I was doing. Yeah, no wonder my dutch isn't coming along. Grrrr! Anyway, he looked into the laws and procedures. It turns out that you can choose which one you want to go into as one replaces the other. I was not informed of this. In fact, I was not informed of any options at all. I was made to sign a contract, without Jeff's presence, without them having informed them of my rights. And we are NOT happy about it. We also found out that each 'immigrant' is given a personal budget and that is what is used to pay the school (we don't pay it). However, if it doesn't work out with the school you were sent to, you can request your personal budget and relocate. This, we were also not informed about. Jeff and I decided it was time to do have a nice chat with the 'Gemeente' and demand some answers.

However, the next day, I went to school as usual. The teacher wanted to talk to me about my portfolio so we chatted a bit. I informed her that I now knew that I had other options and that I was looking into them. I told her that I didn't want to offend her because she is a great teacher but that I am terribly disappointed with the program. I explained that I had expected a language course, something much more structured and academic. She confided that she too, dislikes the program and that she certainly understands my wish for advancement. She also confided that, unfortunately, she's actually not allowed to teach us grammar and all because this is the Inburgeringscursus so it is made to be fast and easy. Okay, that makes sense to me. She then informed me that I *CAN* get into the NT2 program but that I MUST do my portfolio first. Um huh??? Why would I do the portfolio if I do NT2 and have a different exam??? I was frustrated and said I would think about it and see what I would do. Meanwhile, my friend informed me that she just went to the school the day before with the Gemeente because she was furious to find out that she didn't have to do the portfolio AFTER she had done hers. She told me that the Gemeente and the school confirmed that she is doing NT2 and doesn't need to do the portfolio. Confused, I told her what the teacher just told me so we went back to class completely confused all over again.

Two days later, while shopping with Jeff, we bumped into my friend. She immediately gave me a big hug and told me that she had good news for me. It turns out that after that class, she was so frustrated that she demanded to speak to the co-ordinator and have everything settled once and for all. She then informed me that they all confirmed that she, me, and another girl were doing the NT2 staatsexam and that starting from Monday, we would be taken aside and begin an intensive course to get us to level A2 by september in order to be transferred into NT2. Despite the fact that I understood that my 3 year course suddenly needed to be achieved in less than a year, on my own, and during summer vacations, I was happy to hear that I was being put into the new program. Then she told me that our other friend cannot do the same because she has an "Inburgerings contract".

And it bugged me. I knew I too, have the same inburgerings contract. Jeff knew it too. It was not quite time to start celebrating. I was skeptical and knew that I would only find out on Wednesday.


All weekend, I was apprehensive. Not knowing what I would have to be doing and for when. You see, all this sounds like a simple school thing but it's not. It's dutch law, a requirement for my residence permit and I have a certain timeframe to do it in.

Luckily, we had a very busy weekend. This took my mind off things for a bit, except for the brief rants that followed "How's school?" inquiries.

On Saturday, we went shopping. I wanted to shop for the house. We've been living here for a year and not a single room has been completed. It is very aggravating to me. I don't know what it is with the Dutch but I have never met a more disorganised and 'unphased' pack of people! They're just never in a hurry to get things done, nor do they feel a need to do things properly and thoroughly. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Anyway, we ended up finding curtains for the large livingroom window and our bedroom one. It wasn't free like they advertised of course AND it should take about 8 weeks before we get them BUT they are ordered and I just don't feel like wasting time and energy shopping around. I've spent all week asking that Jeff help me measure again to confirm that they have the right curtain measurements but of course, he is Dutch, so he says "okay"and then quickly puts it out of his mind without actually doing it.

Aside from the curtains, however, shopping was a flop. If there is anything that annoys me more than shopping, it is shopping without finding what you are looking for. Man oh man. HOWEVER, I did get an ice cream cone. Thank goodness soft ice cream always makes me happy. Jeff is starting to learn this and has been getting me ice cream when I am grouchy. LOL. I don't know what it is about soft ice cream that has me all warm and fuzzy... So strange. Lol!

On Sunday, we had dinner at Jeff's sisters place. I got to see Smores and Giggles. They are just so adorable! See for yourself:








Smores is a great house bunny. He is perfectly happy and terribly friendly. The cage is always open during the day so he can come and go as he pleases. He really enjoys sitting on the kitchen chair or doing bunny500s on the couch. Giggles is still very scared and does not tolerate being touched much but she is making progress. She comes to you a lot more and, as long as you don't make any sudden movements, she tries to explore around you. She still does not go past the blanket that is set in front of the cage because she doesn't like the laminate but maybe some day she will figure it out. She was nesting when we were there so it was really cute to watch her gathering hay. The only thing is she tries to get material off Smores and people as well. Lol. It was quite something so see her bite onto our niece's hair and try to drag it into the cage. Poor Smores was 'assaulted' when he was too busy sneezing to chase Giggles away in order to prevent her from grabbing a mouthful of his fur to line the nest. I've never seen such a sneaky and fast 'grab'. LOL. I so miss her.

On Monday, it was a year that we have moved into our home. (We had officially gotten the keys the day before, hence dinner with the family) That evening, we went for dinner at Jeff's friend's place. They had invited a Moroccan girl that had arrived in the Netherlands around the same time that I did so she spoke english. We spent most of the evening together, discussing the things we missed from home (interstingly enough, she had moved to Canada before coming to Holland so she missed Canada more than Morocco) and ranting about the inburgeringscursus. She was lucky and transferred into the NT2 early on.

On Tuesday, I was so tired and stressed that I went into massive cleaning mode. I scrubbed and scrubbed. I was so happy with the results. Until a bottle of sauce fell from the fridge onto the floor, spreading sauce flying all over, a bag of rotten potatoes was found hidden in the pantry, AND my cutting board suddenly snapped and all my veggie scraps ended sprawled all over the place. Basically, I have to redo all the cleaning I did. Joy.

Finally, yesterday was the day... I was still skeptical and played it dumb at school. Of course, it was confirmed that I had a good reason to be skeptical. My teacher took my friend and I aside and told us that she was going to separate us from the rest of the class. She said we would be getting an intensive course in order to get us to level A2 by september so that we can do the NT2 course, along with 2 other girls (who weren't there at the time) in our class. Okay, so I was being transferred into NT2? I would be doing the state exam instead of the portfolio right? Nope. I have an Inburgerings contract. Therefore, I HAVE to do the Inburgering as long as I have that type of contract. So why put me in this course now? Oh, because the teacher thought we would find it more interesting with having more structure like I had discussed with her, also it would be nice to be 4 instead of 2 (since only 2 have the NT2 contract), and because we were the highest achievers in the class and wanted to offer us more advancement if I wanted. We were also informed that we MUST be at level A2 by September in ALL 4 categories (reading, writing, comprehension, and speaking) AND finish all our books (meaning all of the inburgering) pass a one-time test or lose the chance at the program.

I wanted to bawl. This is worse!!! Now I am doing TWO programs in HALF the time I was granted for my one program. What the?!?!?! This means that now I have to juggle BOTH at the same time AND bring myself to A2 for SEPTEMBER despite school being out for summer!!! Of course, this also means that I MUST do the portfolio! I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sob. I had to stay focused and keep reminding me that the fight isn't over yet. I know the law now, I know that I have options. I KNOW that one replaces the other and shouldn't overlap. I KNOW that I am not obliged to do ANY course and all that I am obliged to do is pass either exam within the timeframe. I also know that I can do the NT2 as a distance-learning at the cost of 750 euros. The problem is, I was so looking forward to having this all settled so I can just sit and focus on learning and not have to stress and be thrown around like a ping pong ball. I was also hoping to continue on with this school since I started there and like the friends I've made and thought it would be nice to do the course with the other 3 girls. What a mess!

I stayed composed though and really forced myself to focus. I'm glad I did because we actually had quite a lot of fun with the class we did. The teacher 'tested' us like they would do at the exam. Wow. Freaky!!! She would say a sentence and we would have to repeat it quickly. Not as easy as it sounds, especially if you don't know half the words in the sentence! She says I did well though and that I need just a bit more to really be in the safe zone. Ah. Cool I guess? She also easked a question and then we had to give a quick one-word answer. For example: What do you do with a fork? "Eten" and "Prikken" (she wanted another than just "eat") were my answers. The other kind of exercise was that she would say a word and we had to give the opposite like: Rechts? "Links" (Right and left) It was intimidating but fun. Oh man did we laugh and feel silly when we were repeating the sentences. I don't think we've ever stumbled over and mumbled words as much before. Lol. We were given 3-4 books to work in with a whole bunch of grammar and writing exercises to do as homework. Yeah. We have a lot of self-teaching to do. However, I have invited the girls to come over one evening a week to have lessons with Jeff's mother so we should be doing that. IF we can sort my contract out of course, otherwise I will be forced to withdraw as I will not juggle both programs and drive myself insane. I was so looking forward to a break and enjoying our summer vacations but I guess that will not be an option now. *Sigh*

Jeff and I will be going back to the Gemeente to fight for a proper NT2 program. It's not over til the fat lady sings and I haven't sung yet!!!

Aside from all this school confusion, there is a good thing. Work on the yards has FINALLY started. This is the front yard before:



And this is after:






I am extremely pleased with it. It is SO much better than before! I was supposed to put a bench but I decided to go with a bistro table instead since we are going to be adding this to our window:


It'll be a nicer shade of dark and rich burgundy though. It makes the front look adorable and prevents us from being bursting into flames since the 4m window acts like a magnifying glass with the sun shining directly on it.

Now the only problem is that the back looks even worse than it did since we used the pave from there in the front since we intend to replace the one in back. Maybelle has been having a blast though. Of course, it's all sand now so she is digging burrows and tunnels all over the place in a desperate attempt to reach her beau on the other side of the fence. Since that hasn't been working out for her, she's now taken to attempting to chew THROUGH the fence! *Facepalm* It doesn't help that I caught the neighbor kids taunting her with Bobby. At first, I thought they were only pushing him along the fence so they would see each other but me being me, felt the need to go inspect and found a large hole that Maybelle had managed to dig under the fence and it turns out the kids were trying to push their boy through there. GAH! I put pave everywhere along the fence but I guess I either missed that spot or she tossed the pave aside. Maybe 'Kitty' helped her since they were playing together... *Sigh* I'm afraid to say that Maybelle has been placed on house arrest until this yard is sorted.

Unfortunately, with Dutch being dutch, there is no telling WHEN this will be finished. You see, the landscaper has to call back someday to tell us how much pave we need to get. I don't get it. Dude's already measured the yard. All he needs to do is calculate it with the measurements he has so why the need to take days before he does so??? We have to order it. Then we have to receive it and only THEN can work start. Of course, Jeff doesn't push to get things done so he just accepts whatever anyone tells him. Of course, the landscaper has vacations planned so who knows if we'll have the yard done before then. And with Jeff being Jeff... See, this was supposed to have been started in February so we can have the yard worked on end of march-april in the hopes of having it by May. But wheeeeen did Jeff START calling??? Oh just May. And did he do a few calls to have an idea and have a backup plan if it failed with one company? No, of course not. See, like I said, we've been in the house for a year and yet not one room is completely finished. We've been in this home for two summers, and yet, we still cannot entertain in the yard because of the mess. It makes me sad to see it in such a state. It makes me sad to see everyone planting and enjoying their flowers and I can't. I'm getting restless.

I'm barely hanging on to what little sanity I have left.

Anyway, one day, hopefully not too far away, we should have a yard and a nice one at that. One day.

That's pretty much what's been going on. As you can tell, I'm quite whiny and stressed. Of course, that also means I've been bombarded by migraines. I just hope things settle down so we can move forward. I feel like I've been stalled too long and it's making me uneasy.

If you've read all of this, I can say "My, you are brave" Lol. I'm sorry for all the negativity. I'm not unhappy, just frustrated and wanting to move forward. I hate things being so complicated for no reason. I think all of this negativity needs to be balanced with adorable pictures so that is what I will leave you with. I hope you enjoy them!

Much love,


Unfortunately, the girls fought through the playpen because I thought they were over the squabbles... Maybelle would ease off but for some reason she took a liking to lying beside the pen so Rolo gets mad and has a go at her. Anyway, they've got some bites on them. I'm not happy about it. I was especially concerned because Rolo bit through the tip of her ear. :grumpy:We bought smaller mesh so I will mesh up every single panel individually before letting Rolo out again. :rollseyes

Some Divabelle for you:

[align=left]Some Jelly Bean and Twizzler for you as well:[/align]
[align=left]After the whole thing with Jeff, we took some time together to just relax and have a good time sp we went to the zoo. We went t Burgers' Zoo. Wow, what a nice, big place. In fact, the animals had so much space that we barely got pictures. Hehehehe. That's okay though. I am glad they were so well taken care of. :)We were unbelievably sore after this though. I spent 4 days barely able to walk. My calf was cramped and stiff. Ugh. Lol. [/align]
[align=left]Jeff said that we have tickets for the Dolfinarium on August 6th. They are special tickets which will allow us to stay after closing time for a training with the seals. I have never seen a dolphin! I can't wait. :)[/align]
[align=left]Anyway here are a few pictures I got from the zoo:[/align]
[align=center]I was supposed to be looking at the elephants... However, everywhere I go... Do you see it?[/align]
[align=center]And that'sall I've gotfor now I think... [/align]
Hey Soph! I just read the last two pages of your blog. Your sweet bunnies and piggies are adorable (and Houdina and Baloo of course but I didn't see pictures of them). Miss Maybelle is just beautiful and I want to pick her up and hug her! I just love big lops. Sorry to hear things are tough now. The school thing sounds exhausting and frustrating as heck. Also I hope things are improving with Jeff and the trust can be rebuilt okay. I think it's wise that you're considering whether your reaction was only based on whatever he did or if your feelings from last time it happened with your ex colored things for you. And the landscaping looks good! Maybe I didn't read back far enough, but what all are you going to put out there in front? Some containers of flowers?

Dear Nela,

All I can say is that I totally understand the stress you've had. Take it easy, ok? Things will work out, you will see. Anyway, I'm always here for you and you know that,right ? Hugs for you. Take care. Keep me post, I'm really worried about you. :hug1
Hey Shiloh,

It is nice to hear from you. It's been so long... :)Yes, frustrating and draining. I don't understand why it is like this. It is so disorganized and unprofessional. When I had my first meeting, I had to do an academic assessment (kinda like an IQ test without the math lol) and was told that I am easy to teach so I was placed in "advanced" schooling. Now I understand why. You need to be a fast learner because when they screw up, you need to learn twice as fast! :grumpy:*Sulks* I was so looking forward to vacation and just resting my brain too...

Yeah, the thing with Jeff... I think it is just this one thing, and his unbelievable procrastination. Lol. He seems to have taken it seriously and seems to be handling it so I hope that it will continue this way. Also like I said, having dealt with similar with Mario really played a role as I immediately started thinking that maybe this would be only the start of the things I would be uncovering. I always try to look deeper in myself for the answers. I think a lot of things can be resolved by looking into yourself to figure out the what's and why's. Jeff is a good guy, I had to find a minor fault or I would have started thinking he wasn't human :pI think that's actually what happened. Lol. Things were so easy and smooth that I kind of stopped thinking of us as having imperfections and 'trials' in our relationship. Lol. Ah well! Seems better now. :)I just hope he won't take me too literally about the marriage thing :expressionless

As for the front... Good question. With it being later in the season, I have no idea now. I do know that I am thinking french geraniums, rhoden rhodo rhod... anyway that beautifulflower there, and I dunno what else. Maybelle is free-range in the back so I will only have edibles like roses and sunflowers there and focus more on foods like berries and bell peppers etc. in the back. Therefore, the front will be for me. Hehehe. Flowers, definitely flowers... Just not sure what. Oh and some decorative grasses. I will add pots too. Oh and a potted apple tree. :)

Thanks for your message, you made me smile. I hope all is well with you and yours!

Thank you. You're always so sweet and always manage to put a smile onmy face. Yeah, we will work this out one way or another. I just hope I can stay at the school since I've made friends there now. My closest friends are the girls that I would be doing the program with too so it would be nice. Anyway, we will see. There is only so much I can do. Can you lend me Kimi so I can have bunny kisses? I risk my face being eaten if I kiss my girls. Lol.

Many hugs!
Maybe you could plant some flowers in containers now so you'll be ready! I love flowers :D That's cool that Maybelle is free range in the yard. Do you worry about kitties getting her? I'm a huge worrywart with my bunnies, when I take them outside I put them in their playpen and we have a fence too. Not being critical at all, just sharing my neurotic-ness :)

I know you mentioned this a few days ago, but I hope you don't decide not to have children because of citizenship issues. I can of course see not wanting to have kids because you aren't married or because you were uncertain about the relationship, but I'd hate for you to miss out on parenthood just because of the citizenship thing. Being the citizen of a different country than your child is significant for sure but in my own opinion not enough of a reason not to have a child :) That is up to you though naturally!

Also if you need any bunny kisses, I have 4 bunnies here who are willing! Kerensa gives the cutest little smoochies.
Sophie, sorry to hear about your issues.

Why does life have to be so bloody complicated at times. I really truly hope everything between you and Jeff works out. He sounds like a great guy (most of the time). Now being a woman Sophie you have to realize at times their is only AIR between the ears.:biggrin:

OMG I don't know how you can learn a language so fast. You are very bright. So are you saying that if you don't speak the language or read it,you and Jeff can't get married. What if you came back to Canada to get married then went back there? I'll come to your wedding.:big wink::big kiss:

I agree with Shiloh regarding planting flowers in pots. OMG I miss my garden, I think that was one of the things that bothered me so much whenwe soldthe house. I planted quite a few pots. It's not my garden but they are MY flowers (and Buttercups) I planted Marigolds for him, he loves them.

Anyways i hope all your luck changes and everything starts going your way.

Hugs to you, Jeff and all your Fur critters especially Maybelle

Will be back to reply to everyone soon... Just a quickie because I'm trying to sort things here.


I just had to go pick up Maybelle at the neighbor's. She's in BIG trouble with me now. She's MIGHTY proud of herself though.

So Susan,

still want her? :p
BACK OFF! :biggrin2::shame:nonono::eek:hnoyoudidnt::huh:foreheadsmack::purpletongue:brat::tonguewiggle

Maybelle is MINE

Yes Sophie, I still want her. Send her over.

Susan:big kiss::thumbup:nod
Haven't forgotten you guys but had a very irritating meeting with both the city hall and the school. Things went from bad to worse. I'm in a really really bad mood. :pssd:I am going to school tonight AGAIN without knowing what the heck I am doing. On Thursday, the school coordinator has a meeting with the city hall and he will mention my case. At this time, he is going to ask them to have me transferred into a new school to start from scratch. However, the program at the new school might be exactly the same which doesn't really help anything in the end. :expressionless

Is it summer yet? :cry1:

On Saturday, we went shopping in the hopes of finding a bistro table. That too, failed. We found a few plants though so we got thoseand we planted them in the flowerbed on Sunday. Right now we have: hydrangeas (was a house-warming gift last year and I transplanted them), 'ice flowers', lil colorful flowers (don't know the name), a rose plant, my weeping roses, my spiral grass, and some cascading greenery with tiny white flowers in. We also bought a thornless blackberry plant which I intend to put in the back for Maybelle. Aside from that, we got a cucumber plant and a banana plant.


The banana plant came with the description: Ideal for patios or as a pot plant, Winter hardy, and small 5 cm bananas.


Turns out the banana plant can grow between8 and 12ft tall.



Yeah, that's just like us. We just assumed it was a tiny version and wouldn't be big at all. Ah well. We did consider sneaking into Jeff's mom's backyard and planting it in a corner (she was away camping) and letting it grow some without saying anything. We'd have loved to see her reaction, wondering how in the world she ended up with a banana plant there. Hehehehe. Though she has a great sense of humor, I wasn't too sure about testing my relationship with her in that way yet :p

Anyway, for this year, I have decided not to purchase too many flowers of anything. Just playing around with various things now to see what I like and what is easy, what grows well, etc.

Work in the back has not yet begun. The tile is not yet ordered. The man hasn't even called yet.

So I've just sorta given up on the idea at this point...


School is crap. Yesterday, we spent theday trying to get things sorted and it only got worse. We went to the city hall and the receptionist asked a few questions and then called someone and decided to pass the person to us so Jeff spoke to him and explained a bit about my situation. The man replied that he would look into my file first and call back. So we went back home and I started wondering if the man would call back or not and if he'd bother meeting us in person. Luckily, he did call back and then asked to meet so we set off to go meet him. Only we went to the wrong place. It turns out that the receptionist had called another department (different building) so we were supposed to go there instead. We were told to go left then right(or something like that because the department had moved). Luckily, it wasn't far and we found it due to a flag that had fallen from the pole. However, we still didn't have the guy's name so we didn't know whom we were meeting with. The main receptionist there was busy so the security guard tried to help us and call down whomever we were meeting. Of course, the security guard got his undies in a bunch when we told him we didn't know whom we were meeting. Hegot arrogant and snotty and said thatif we didn't know, how could he? At this point, I was getting mighty frustrated.

You see, the dutch have a system... If you want to talk with someone, usually you call from home and set up an appointment. Then you are sent a letter informing you of your appointment which you are then supposed to take with you wherever it is you are supposed to go and hand this in as your 'proof' of the appointment. It also saves them the trouble of asking you whom you are meeting since it is stated in the letter. SO when you show up somewhere, the first thing they do is ask you for the 'brief' and if you reply that you don't have one, the dutchie suddenly goes blank and turns dumb. I swear, it's as if you hear everyone gasp and start whispering "she doesn't have a 'brief'!" :rollseyes

Aaaaanyway, 20 minutes later and 10 minutes late, they finally figured whom we were there to see. We waited to the side and then he came down. Oh great I thought. Dude looked like a teenager. I mean seriously. I mean, one of those in a school uniform but have their shirts out, pants slightly too long, whiterunning shoes,long hair, pen chewing looking dudes...

Breathe in, breathe out.

We started the discussion. Yeah... I was not happy. First, I was told that he sent off an email to the coordinator at the school to find out what they thought of everything. The coordinator said that I could do it but that it would prolong my hours and it caused problems because I want evening classes. He said I could do it as a day-time intensive. I was confused because my other classmates are doing it in the evening. Anyway, then, of course, money was brought up. I got angry at this and made it very clear that if they made me sign a contract without having informed me of my rights beforehand, that was not my problem. Jeff had made a copy of the law that the city must follow and the first thing was they having to have informed me of my options beforehand. Anyway, then the subject of me being uneducated came up. Dude said that because the NT2 program is harder, it is more of a risk financially for the city so that is why they are more reluctant to put in uneducated people in it.Whoops, Jeff stepped in before I could. He was annoyed. LOL. They figured since I had no college/university degree, I must be dumb as a doorknob.Right away Jeff shot back and said thatI had done some college and if it weren't for finances I would have had my degree. All I added was "Yeah, an honours progam too" 'Dude' muttered "Oh, if we had known that..." andlooked uncomfy at that point.Maybe it was my test results then?Surely it must be that, he thought. 'Dude' went over them carefully. I had done 2 tests: one with the city hall as a 'learning capability', and one with the school to test my language level. Okay, so dutch level was low, but still not a level 0 and I scored almost to the max on the other. At that point, 'dude' conceded that I should have been offered the NT2 program and that he would find out whom I had spoken to and why I wasn't informed about the options.

I'm not too sure exactly how it happened, but at some point, I mentionned being held to this contract and how crappy the quality was (the computer part mainly) and how I hadn't done most modules because they don't work. Anyway, I looked "Dude" straight in the eyes and said "I go because it is free, but if I were you, I wouldn't be paying for this kind of program!" And then the revelation. See, the big thing is, and this is where it gets interesting, is that the city hall pulled all their contracts from the school. Ah ha! Now I knew what it meant. It meant that city hall and school are not so happy with each other. Therefore, I am amongst the last students at the school because the quality was so bad that the city hall decided they were unfit to continue teaching this program. Oh dear heavens... No, really?! Glad they finally saw that. Still, that doesn't help my situation. :grumpy:'Dude' accepted that my situation was not ideal. He said that perhaps he *could* send me to a new school to start from fresh but in order to do so, he would need a good reason as this would require more finances. So, because of this, he told us to go discuss with the school and see if the school could try to fit me in somehow according to my timeframe.

And to school we went.

I caught Andre there, one of the school coordinators, the one that had emailed 'Dude'. Andre was annoyed within 5mins. Andre felt that he had explained the situation to City Hall Dude enough and I swear I could see Andre daydreaming of his lunch and coffee while we were chatting. Andre got snotty at one point and said "Well, obviously if we have to have this discussion in english then maybe you aren't fit..." Ooooh no you don't. Oh heck no. So I ranted about how we spend more than half the time on a computer program that doesn't work and how I mentioned it and someone was supposed to get back to me to sort out why my computer program wasn't working but never did. Basically, I was saying that if I wasn't as advanced in dutch as he had wished, it was the school's failings. I had had enough of this demeaning attitude... Anyway, Andre finally had to confirm that his main concern was that they are shutting down the program and he isn't sure that I could do it within the timeframe. THAT was what he was trying to convey to 'Dude' but Andre said that those details were 'conveniently missed' by the city hall. So okay, I could see that logically the school didn't want to persue prolonging things seeing as there would no longer be any new contracts. Obviously, the school is upset about this as it is a large revenue that is being lost. I could tell by the bitter way in which Andre would discuss the city hall dealings. Lol.

Still, now I am stuck in the middle...

Andre was not aware of what my teacher is making us do. He felt this made absolutely no sense whatsoever because the two programs are different and I shouldn't be doing a portfolio if I do the NT2 course. However, he also felt that I shouldn't have been offered this at all since I have a contract for a different program. I felt I might have gotten my teacher in trouble but I do know that the other coordinator had to know about this as well because surely my teacher sought permission beforehand. Anyway, he was going to have a chat with her. :expressionless

In the end, Andre suggested that maybe I just start from scratch at a new school. The idea is a bit scary asI had been looking forward to sticking with the other girls. However, one of those girls hasn't come since, an other now has her 6 year-old son with her so she might drop out, and the other might just give up and do the other exam since she is pretty much ready for it. At least, then, if I start fresh, I won't have to spend the whole summer stressing about this test in September-October that is my one-time shot at the NT2 program. When I asked what would happen if one of the girls with an NT2 contract fail that test, he had no idea.He has no idea what they will do...

So all that to say, that on Thursday, Andre has a meeting with the city hall and he will discuss my case with them and suggest that I be released from this contract and be permitted to start fresh somewhere else.

Meanwhile, I keep thinking about it, wondering if it really is the best solution. New school, new people... My social anxiety is getting worse and worse and the thought of a new place makes me want to puke. Aside from this fact, no one was able to tell me if this new place would actually teach me more grammar and structure vs. plugging me on a computer like this school. I guess I will see what happens from Thursday's meeting and then go from there. Meanwhile, I have started looking into courses at a university not far away. We'd most likely have to pay but it was about 550 euros, not in the thousands so that might be good. If all else fails, I can still self-teach but it's not quite the same. I was just starting to enjoy school and hanging out with a few friends...

Oh and to make matters that much worse...

The new school that now is getting the contracts has recently been in the news for not one but TWO major scandels. Basically, right now, many students are facing having their diplomas pulled because the school was found unqualified. Aside from that, they took money meant for something and paid out large bonuses amongst the administrators or something of the sort. Apparently, someone new took over but you cannot help but wonder how things will really be there. Of course, sending people newly arrived here to that school is a good idea because they won't know of the school's scandels right?


So that's where I am at right now. Meanwhile, I still go to school, not knowing what I am supposed to do, whilst these people try to figure it out amongst themselves... Good thingI am just trying to learn thelanguageand not trying to become a doctor or something... :rollseyes

Anyway, I had longed been warned about the dutch being demeaning towards expats and had always thought this was exaggeration but having now experienced it firsthand, I can honestly say, it made me feel like crap. :(

I think I want a vacation. A real one. Get away, go somewhere peaceful. I would love a cabin in the woods right now...