•°o.O The Tater Tots Family 2011 O.o°•

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Hehehehe for sure. Well... He's not hoooome this evening and this is technically the start of the Easter holidays... :innocent:p
Hey :) How are you and the girls ? Don't worry, okay ? They will be fine. The first time Kimi was vaccinated I was terrified too. But they're like us, after vaccine they can also feel sleepy or more tired, but soon they will recover and back to happy binky again. How was your Easter ? I'm sure you and your family had a great time. :)

Miss ya !
Hey guys, we are all fine. I've been wanting to post but been losing my Rabbits Online posts a lot over the past few days so I haven't updated here. The girls are all recoveredf from their shots. We haven't heard back from the landscaper yet. I'll post a properupdate very soon. :)
Hey everyone,

Sorry about not having updated in a bit, we've been really busy here. :expressionless

For Easter, we went to Jeff's mum's house for a lovely fondue dinner. We ate outside and it was a gorgeous day. I was a bit irked though when Jeff's brother-in-law made the comment that since it will be a year that I'm here, they should only be speaking dutch. I felt a bit annoyed by that and really just was not happy about him getting so annoyed by my english. It may almost be a year that I am here but I only started school in January. I don't work, I don't go out... So I'm really not that exposed to dutch. I refuse to speak it with Jeff at home. As much as I respect the country and will learn the language, I am not dutch and I will not pretend to be Dutch. In our home, we will speak english. Unless we have kids of course, then that would be different. But anyway yeah, aside from that brief cringe, it was a nice day.

My teacher at school was sick and missed abiout 2 weeks of classes. Turns out she will need surgery. She did come to teach us on Wednesday so we got to see her then. Hopefully, she'll recover quickly and will be back with us in 2 weeks or so. It's hard when you get subs that don't continue the lessons ans just go over what you've learnt. I mean, there's only so many times you can teach "achternaam"and "voornaam" :pLol. School goes well though and I've been hanging around with others rather than keeping to myself. :)

Still no word from the landscaper. :(I'm getting impatient. Already May, and the flowers are on special at the garden centre. We get the pet food there so it's a bit hard not to look at all the flowers... Lol. Drives me crazy not to be able to get any! Yesterday, I broke and got 2 "ijsbloems" plants. They were 0.99 cents and sooo lovely! I really really love them. The nice thing about them is that it looks like if they have water droplets on the stems and leaves. The flowers themselves are lovely bright colors.

Wait... Brb, I will take a picture of the flowers since I cannot find a good enough one on google... :p
Back with pictures of the ice plant...

The flowers open in full sun and the leaves look like they have tiny crystal droplets on them, glimmering with the sunlight:

[align=center]So that is a new favorite of mine... I think I may use them quite a bit in the new coming front garden... :biggrin:[/align]

Have I mentioned the ducks and swans out in front? I don't remember if I have. In front of the house, we have water, like a small canal. We normally have water hens and ducks but recently, a pair of swans have joined them. I am hoping they've chosen the spot to reproduce. When we had first visited the house after I arrived, on May 14th or so, we were greeted by a mama duck and her ducklings so I am hoping that we will have some again this year.

[align=center]Here is the view from our bedroom:[/align]
[align=center]And then I crossed the street to take these:[/align]
[align=center]Cute no?[/align]
[align=center]Oh and while we are on the subject of birds, look what we saw at the garden centre (they were not for sale):[/align]
The weather here in the Netherlands has been fantastic. It's been lovely and sunny, and hot, and and dry... *Happy sigh* We've been BBQing every weekend since April or so. :biggrin2:Of course, it'd be awesomer if we had a pretty yard to sit in while eating... :grumpy:Lol. Well anyway, it's been lovely.

Yesterday, I had this...

[align=center]A lovely bunch of fruit:[/align]
[align=center]And my favorite drink, a mojito:[/align]
[align=center]At least this was pretty to look at:[/align]
I might end up putting some of that all along the top of the fences... :biggrin:

Houdina insisted on coming outside with us.It was very windy and she didn't particularly like it so she was quite happy with just sitting with us.I got some cute pictures of her:

Baloo is an actor... He's now taken to acting 'neglected' and 'pitiful' and seems to sit in the playpen whenever we aren't paying him the attention he is constantly demanding... :p

Luckily, there are some quiet moments:

I received a box from my family this week. I decided to wait for Jeff to come home from work before opening it but Baloo was all over it as soon as it came in... My mother had put some feathers in the box for fun and some of them were sticking out so Baloo got a hold of one...

Oh no, Baloo ate Tweetie (or is it Tweety:?)Bird!

Oh, this is what was in my box:

- a box of Golden Grahams

- 2 boxes of Kraft Dinner

- a bunch of colorful feathers

- 4 boxes of strawberry jello (my mother misunderstood, thinking I wanted only strawberry when I said the only kind I could find here is strawberry lol)

- Mini eggs!

- 2 bags of skittles

- and a Happy Bunny frame from my father


We are still working on all our boxes and hope to send them all out very very soon. It's hard to shop only on Saturdays, especially since there have been holidays... :expressionless

And now, the one you've all been wanting to see... :p

Yesterday was Queen's Day here. I thought it was the best moment to whip out Auntie Susan's gift of a "Queen"shirt and get some pictures of Maybelle in it. I'm sorry to say that Maybelle COMPLETELY disapproved of the idea. As much as she adores Auntie Susan, she does not agree to being dressed :p*Shows both hands* I've still got all my fingers though :biggrin:

[align=center]Here is Her Majesty, Queen Divabelle:[/align]
[align=center]Showing Bobbie what we've done:[/align]
[align=center]Trying desperately to get it off:[/align]
[align=center]Some success:[/align]
[align=center]Trying harder:[/align]
[align=center]Being a drama queen and grooming herself furiously after having succeeded:[/align]
[align=center]Unhappy Maybelle:[/align]
[align=center]Finally, satisfied that I wasn't going to put it back on, she had a munch and then a rest:[/align]
[align=center]Jeff treated lil Bobbie to a piece of carrot after feeling bad that May was munching on hers and he was just watching her:[/align]
As for Rolo, I am going to ask permission from Susanto take pictures of her in the other shirt as it seems way fitting since it says "It's a girl!" LOL. It was intended for Maybelle but I think Susan will see the humor in it. :pI'll hold off until I get the okay. I didn't take May in that one though as she was quite mad at me already :p
While on the subject of Maybelle...

I hadn't seen her pillows andother thingsin a few days. I had wanted to look for them before yesterday but I had gotten distracted and forgot about them. Yesterday, when we let Maybelle out, I asked Jeff and he too couldn't remember seeing them in a while. Hmmm.

I searched in her tent.


I searched behind the tent.


I searched under the tent.


Underthe hutch?


Inside the water can?

Nah uh.

Hmmm where could they be?

And then I found this:

Look properly:

She did this ALL herself. Turns out, she emptied out the litterbox because she prefers that as her bed and is using the other one as her litter box. Her actual bed is empty. She's taken all her stuff and taken it into the closed litterbox. She's also pulled some fur. I wonder if the bed is actually hers or if she made it for the kids she imagines she would have. Lol. Isn't it the cutest, sweetest thing? Awwww.

[align=center]The proud and silly girl:[/align]

Aaaaaaaaaand I think I am done with all the babbling. :pI hope you all enjoyed the update :biggrin:
:shock: Oh my goodness... How long did it take you to post all of these pics? I love all of the pics of May's efforts to disrobe herself, but it must have take you half a day to post them all!!! lol :p

Maybelle looks so sweet in pink. She is such a creative girl to find the perfect place for her bedding. You must have been going nuts trying to find her stuff. I alway hate it when I think I've seen something somewhere in the house, and it's not there. Then there has to be a hunt for the missing item.

Let's ask the neighbor guy for Bobbie to visit more regularly!! Maybe Bobbie would like his house moved to our new backyard when it is all done to be closer to his sweetheart. Ummm.... that sounds good to me.... :p
OMG great pictures. Maybelle is just the cutest:heartbeat::big kiss::inlove:.

By all means please give the other outfit to Rolo. I'm sure Maybelle will be very happy to share with Rolo.

Looking forward to the pictures.


Lol, luckily I'm pretty used to having a million tabs open so I was able to post these quite easily. The only sucky part is that I have to break down the posts to make it easier for the load so I ended up with quite a few posts for you guys to look through.

Hehehehe when Maybelle doesn't approve of something, she sure lets you know it. :expressionlessShe was thumping and flicking me off like mad. Silly girl :pIt was the first time putting a shirt on her from what I remember. She'll have to deal with it though because I plan on taking her out in her harness in the future and I will put the shirt on top to keep it nice and snug as an extra precaution. Plus, it's such a lovely shirt that her Auntie got her :biggrin2:

Pretty much everything that Maybelle now has is pink or at least has some pink on it. I wanted to get her a Hello Kitty ball but it was too big so unfortunately we got a Winnie da Pooh one instead. I think pink is such a fitting color for her since it looks nice against her white coat and looks lovely with her blue eyes. I'm glad you like it too. As for sweet... Yeah she LOOKS sweet. LOL.

Yeah the bed thing was really adorable. Jeff found it sooo sweet. He keeps commenting at how she placed the pillows properly and even has the stuffed bunny in there. Lol. Too cute! I got in trouble for putting the box back, facing the proper direction. Jeff insisted that I place it back facing the wrong direction as that is how Maybelle put it. Think she's made a good slave out of him? :p

I hate looking for things. I hate it. I am ALWAYS looking for something or other in the house and it drives me bonkers. It's especially bad after I've cleaned. I hate how that happens. :grumpy:Luckily, looking for the pillows, there were only a number of places they could be. For now... It'll be an entirely different story when the yard is done. I so hope she doesn't start hiding them in the pond. LOL. Baloo is known for putting his toys in water so I hope that he's got that covered well enough that she won't feel the need for it as well. :p

Hehehe. Well, ever since they found out that we have a fence along the hedge, they've been letting Bobbie out a lot. They also let the other bunny out but Maybelle isn't as interested in him. If he wasn't the neighbor kids' bunny, I'd make sure they knew I was interested in trying a bond with Maybelle. Unfortunately, it's very unlikely that we'll ever have that chance. However, I'll make sure they know that if ever, for some reason, they decide to rehome the buns, that I would take Bobbie. I don't want another bunny but if Bobbie and May could be buddies, that would be alright. Then again, maybe she likes him so much because he isn't in her yard :)

Thanks for reading and posting, Janet! It's always nice to hear from you :biggrin:

I'm so happy you saw and enjoyed the pictures! I thought the shirt was just too awesome and fitting to be used on Queen's Day here in the Netherlands. Hehehe.We sure had fun with it.:biggrin:

Goodie goodie! We'll have some nice Rolo pictures to share with you all soon then. Hehehe. I hope to make it away with allmy fingers again. :pLuckily, I have the banana chips to ask forgiveness with :wink

The girls sure have plenty of rabbitude! :biggrin:

Thanks again for everything!

Lol yep, that's my silly girl. She knows exactly what she likes and doesn't like. I'm glad it makes her happy. Lol. I thought of cleaning it out but decided to just let her have what she wants. :)(The extra hair doesn't help my allergies which is why I wanted to clean it) I've never actually had a bun that's nested like this before. :biggrin:

As for the shirt, well I did have to put it on her 3-4 times for the photos. All in all, the photos took about 15 minutes but she usually got the shirt off rather quickly. Lol. I was exhausted from chasing her :p

Rabbits sure can run when they want to :expressionless


Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. :biggrin: