•°o.O The Tater Tots Family 2011 O.o°•

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What in the heck is nasi? I'm so curious! When I was in Austria, I remember being surprised by how... Austrian the Chinese and Mexican food seemed!

The rudest people I have ever encountered were the people at the airport in Crete. It was an airport so who knows where most of the people were from, but people were jostling each other and slamming each other with suitcases and stuff. There was no emergency, no late flights, nothing that would have warranted the behavior, but I was just amazed.

How is Mr Puck doing now? Poor little man. What a good boy to cry to go outside and poop even though his tummy was hurting!
Great pictures! What kind of dolphins were they? The faces look a little different than the bottle nosed dolphins we have here. I went to Sea World a lot as a kid and then had a semster at the Duke marine lab so I have been fortunate enough to pet dolphins on a couple of occasions. They feel so smooth like rubber.

I hope Puck is feeling better. :hugs:
Nela wrote:

Lol. I am glad you love him. Awww that is so sweet of you. I am sure he'll be thrilled. Yeah I hear you about the animals... Everyone else, I can leave as long as there is food and water. Puck is a whole different story though. Hehehe. Having a dog really does change things. What do you do with Kashi when you can't take her? I am scared of those boarding places... :expressionless

Oh and totally agre with you about small doses. Lol.I am so nota people person anymore. *Blushes* I think it's awesome to have Puck with me while people talk all around me. Lol.

We are lucky. My parents take her. In October we go away for a week! :shock: My brother is staying here but Kashi is going to my mom and going to see if my friend will take Teresa.

Just wanted to pop in and say I Love those pictures - all of them - but especially the ones of Puck. He looks like a stuffed puppy (at this age).
Hey there :)
How are you ? I haven't logged on much lately. :) Puppy ??? Hehehe, he's so cute. I can see from these pics that you're doing great and you are happy :) that's terrific ! I'm glad that everything is okay with you. We're great. I just got back from my husband's home town. Kimiko had a great fun there :D I'll post on my blog later. Anyway, good to be back :) Talk to you soon.
Take care.
Sorry guys, I've been sick (still am) for the past few weeks and it's a bit hard to write long posts. I will update as soon asI feel up to it.

Much love!

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