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Warning: Bit of a moping around post


Jeff has officially said "No puppy".


I hadn't realized just how much I was hoping he'd say yes. Now, a breeder I had contacted to ask questions about the breed keeps contacting me at random to let me know what she has available and I just cry.

Peg even found a stray puppy and I cried. (No offense to Peg lol)

Now multiple friends have gotten or are in the process of getting a puppy.

And I cry.

No amount of pleading or bombarding him with adorable pictures has made him budge. For a man that once said he'd never say no to me, he sure has done a good job sticking to it. Lol.

The worst thing is he hadn't really given me a good reason why we shouldn't. His last response was "It's too much with what we have."

Okay, I guess that could make sense...

I think the issue is much bigger than the puppy.

We talked about kids not long ago. I was open to having a child and so is Jeff but time is escaping us FAST. Jeff turns 40 this year... He hasn't even proposed yet and I would really have wanted us to be married before having children. It's just the way I prefer it. But there is no clue as to when or if that will happen...

On top of that, I really would have preferred to be done with school and have my citizenship. I guess I just want my bases covered you know?

But time is slipping away...

I think, with Jeff turning 40, it's really starting to hit home that kids just might not be an option. To be honest, I could be okay with that. I knew this before I got involved with Jeff.

However, it cannot be a 'no' to both.

Might sound stupid to you guys... However, I figure that if I cannot have kids, at least I could have a dog to nuture and raise and bond with. I'm not thinking a dog can actually replace a child but I do think a puppy would give me some sort of focus... I'm not sure how to explain...

I feel a void right now.

It's not Jeff's fault.

However, right now, something is missing.

I feel like I am not moving forward anymore. Not progressing. We've stalled. As much as I adore Jeff, this is a feeling I have always had a hard time dealing with. I need to keep moving forward. Life is just too short...

So yeah.



Just had a freaky experience...

Was sitting here, minding my own, when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and there were two guys there. The guy standing at the door starts rambling about how tomorrow or something, there will be a bin disinfecting day and how it costs 6 euro or something blah blah blah. Now, I don't quite get what he's saying so I figure it's some community thing and that we'll have to pay the 6 euro and be done with it.

Then he starts asking for some information. Name, adress, phone number. All is good (except i have to lookup the phone number lol) but these aren't anything out of the ordinary.

And then he asked for bank info saying it will be taken automatically from the account.

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :?

I don't think so!

So I politely apologize and tell the guy that I do not have access to that info as Jeff handles these things.

Doesn't he get mad?

Doesn't he start telling me to go look, open mail, etc etc.


Suddenly, I started getting very nervous. I didn't like how pushy he was getting AT ALL.

I politely asked if there was another way for us to register, and if Jeff can do it this evening when he gets home from work.

Doesn't he just ignore me and keep pushing about the bank info?

Anyway, I told him I had no access and that I was unable to provide so he could just move on to the next customer.

Anyway, the dude got angry, ripped the paper, said they'd be back and stormed off.


I came back and told Jeff and it didn't sit too well with Jeff either. Scam or not, this guy and perhaps the company was very unprofessional. Who asks for bank info like that at the door without even identifying themselves???

Meanwhile, I'm shaking like a leaf. I don't care if itturns out to belegit or not, those guys gave me a spook.

I want a dog.

Maybe make it a rottweiler.


Feeling a bit stupid. Lol. Yesterday, Jeff called me to say he was stuck at the office because his car wouldn't budge. Luckily, a friend/co-worker drove him home so he didn't have to take the train back. He wanted to go by train this morning but I figured surely someone could give him a lift? And so he called a co-worker and got a ride. However, he was concerned about how he'd get back. Not thinking twice about it, I told him the car dealership would surely rent him one. Well he looked at me and said "But I can't drive another car" Right. Duh. Geez. *Facepalm* I think it is blatantly obvious that I ignore his physical limits. Lol. I mean, to me, he's just another man. I treat him as such. But it's moments like these that say "hey he can't do this or that"and then I remember that he's got a certain limitation when it comes to certain things. And I sometimes feel rather stupid when I say things like this to him. I mean, it's really all innocent and it only means that I don't actually see his limitations as being so present. However, I couldn't help but wonder how it makes him feel when I say things like that. He hates to be reminded of it and I guess him having to tell me he can't is a pretty good reminder.

I'm going to have to work on that...

Well, yesterday I mentioned the kids thing on here right? Well it turns out I have one more reason to start accepting that we're probably not heading down that road. It turns out that a new immigration policy has been passed and supposedly, they are going to be hitting hard when it comes to dual citizenship. Before I came here, I made sure that I would be entitled to having both Canadian and Dutch citizenship if we made this permanent. Because it would have been through naturalisation (marriage) I would have been able to keep it. However, now it seems that this will no longer be possible. From my understanding (as well as many others), it seems that anyone wanting dutchcitizenship will now have to give up their previous nationality. The only exception would be for those whose countries do not allow this (Greece for example).So, if this is indeed what will be coming into effect this year, I have decided that I will not get dutch citizenship. I could still get permanent residence which gives many rights but does not allow me to certain things. However, I am just not willing to renounce my Canadian heritage. I am not Dutch. Point final.

The problem is, if we'd have a child here, our child would be dutch. I'd be really concerned about having to deal with all the bureaucracy if something were to happen. I think, unfortunately, that I would need to have the same citizenship as my child to feel comfortable.

So right now... Things are just really starting to point me into a different direction.

In other news, the landscaper hasn't called yet. :expressionlessHope he does soon...

[align=center]MAYBELLE IS A YEAR OLD!!![/align]
[align=center]HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE![/align]
[align=center]:big kiss:[/align]
[align=center]HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAYBELLE[/align]




[align=center]Auntie Susan[/align]

[align=center]:big kiss::flowerskiss::toast::pinkelepht::party0002::grouphug:trio:Canada small::running bunny:bunny18:party::balloons:[/align]
Happy Birthday Maybelle!


The pictures of her in the shirt are priceless! She really is a queen :biggrin2:

I'm sorry the landscaper has not called you back. I hope he's just busy and will be able to get it done quickly once he starts. I love the pictures of the ice plants. Does the tag have the scientific name? I would love to find them here for my garden.

Perhaps I missed it along the way, but why can't Jeff drive any other car? I'm sure he knows you don't say things to make him upset. It's good that you don't focus on the negative.
Ooo.... How creepy with those guys at your door!!! Good girl keeping your head about you and not letting them bully you into giving out your accounts. ;)Jeff should be so proud of you for not caving-in to their pressure. A Rottie might be okay, but a Doberman would defend you to it's death, guaranteed. I miss my Dobie so much sometimes; she was a gem out of German lines with a nice stocky body.

:party: Happy Birthday Maybelle!!! :party:
Happy Birthday to you, my dear Maybelle :)
Wishing you and your momma happiness forever !
Kimiko and her parents.:big kiss:

Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. Maybelle was thrilled and enjoyed her special banana chip :biggrin2:



Maybelle says thank you! Hehehe her auntie has an eye for fashion ;)I thought she looked adorable myself and Bobbie seemed to approve. Maybelle on the other hand... Lol. Like I said, she'll have to deal with it :p

Yeah, for the landscaper... Bleh. I hope he calls soon. Well, doesn't matter too too much right now as we don't have the car andgoing to the head office is more fun with the car. I also haven't finished the fence. Perhaps, this is just one of those things that happens for a reason :)

The flowers have the tags but I don't think the scientific name was on it though. I will look for it though. :biggrin:



Yeah, it was creepy :(They seem to have been from a legit but bad company. From what Jeff found out, they are the type to start billing for work that hasn't been done and it's very hard to get rid of them once you've dealt with them. I don't know why those companies are permitted to exist. Bleh. I really didn't like them and Jeff certainly isn't interested in doing business with them. Good.

I'm glad I didn't just give it to them without thinking too. Lol. I'm silly enough to do things like that sometimes. :expressionlessLike how I came inside to get some info but left the door open... Sure, it turned out to be nothing but it could have cost me. That's something I will definitely not do again. :expressionless

Hehehe. I'm a bit intimidated by big dogs to be honest but yours must have been a sweetie. :biggrin:I can't help but wish I had a big scary dog sometimes though. I did almost get one back in Montreal actually. :expressionlessLol.

Thank you for Maybelle's birthday wishes!



Yeah, ugh, scary and creepy and bleh... It's especially scary and intimidating when you're not in your own country. I mean, it's not much different as in Canada but somehow there is a psychological aspect that comes into play. I'm just much more unsure of myself here... :expressionless

Thank you for May's birthday wishes!


Kimi and Vircia:

Thank you so much for the sweet wishes :biggrin:Maybelle was thrilled.

Yesterday, Jeff and I were playing Pinball and while we were doing so, the phone rang but we didn't answer in time. Of course, the one and only time we missed a call, it had to be the landscaper. :expressionlessJeff called back but, of course, there was no answer. Grrrrrrrr. They probably called just before closing :grumpy:I was not happy. It sucks when you so look forward to something you know?

However, about an hour later, the phone rang again and it was dear Michael to set up an appointment for us to go see the design. Yay. Only next Thursday. DOH! :grumpy:A week??? Geez! It's frustrating because I had designed the yard already. All he has to do is plug it in the computer in his fancy schmancy software so that we can confirm it. :pWhy so long? Bleh! I guess it is a good sign that they are so busy? Lol.

At least now, we have a bit of pressure on us for the fence and we also need to talk to the neighbors about the hedge right?

So after that, we ordered dinner. Mmm shoarma. A few minutes after starting to eat, the doorbell rang and Jeff answered. I was sort of apprehensive, thinking maybe it was those guys coming back to try to make their sale. However, it turned out to be our neighbor. He invited us over. He wanted to talk about the hedge.


I just sat there looking confused before asking Jeff if he had called him.

Nope. What timing.

So after dinner we went over and started chatting. They brought us to the back and started about the hedge and how it's dying and they would like to get rid of it, etc.

Of course, being me, I just looked at them and said "Why would you want to do that?"

And then they started looking a bit uneasy and started explaining that it's really not enjoyable...

I started laughing and I said "We HATE it"

And they all started laughing, relieved that we were definitely on board.

It turns out they had been wanting it out for a while but hadn't spoken to us just like we wanted it out but hadn't spoken to them. Lol. It's nice to see that we're all on board with it. Now we just need to figure out if we get the landscaper to do it or do it ourselves or what.

On another note...

They want to give away one of their bunnies. Unfortunately, it is not Bobbie. I doubt it would work with him and Maybelle since they both have a desire to be dominant. :expressionlessToo bad. I would have tried Bobbie in a heartbeat. BUT they did mention having a hard time with going on vacation and leaving the buns so I told them it was definitely no problem to take care of them when they need so I will probably be the new bunsitter. :biggrin:Woohoo! Lol.

So anywho, yesterday was fun. They seem very friendly so it may be nice to get to know each other a lot more. She's offered to help me with my dutch as well. :biggrin:I'm more comfy with them because they aren't dutch themselves. It helps to know they actually know the feeling. On the other hand though, they spoke dutch pretty much the whole time and I understood pretty much everything so I am very happy about that. Understanding it is much more important to me than speaking it at this moment. I will work on the shyness though. Oh if I could only figure out how to make sentences properly... :p

What a great day! Down with the ugly hedge! :)

Hmmm....do you think they would know if you kept the wrong bunny when bunsitting? Just kidding, it would be nice to try Bobby with Maybelle though. That's great to be able to start building a relationship with them. I'm sure it helps you to feel less alone.
Thanks guys. We'll go again on Thursday after we have spoken to the landscaper. :)I still don't know what will happen with their boy. Right now, I don't want to focus too much on it. It's just hard to make a decision. Stupid allergies. :)

Thats good that you heard from the landscaper :) Bad about the car though, but could always be worse!!

I bet Maybelle was very chuffed in order to wiggle out of the jumper thingy!

Why was Houdina on a lead? Is that how you have to keep cats in the netherlands?

Tomorrow! I'm so nervous and excited! Nervous because I'm scared to find out that it's a whole lot more than Jeff expected financially, and excited because well because it might be just perfect! Lol.


I really hope it is good news when we go. Hehehe. I so cannot wait for the yard to be fixed. We're even going to get lounge chairs to lie down and look at the stars. *Sighs*

Jeff is FINALLY getting the car today. Ugh. We love Jeff's car. We missed it. Lol. It was actually ready earlier but they had an 'oopsie' and so it took a lot longer than planned. :grumpy:Hopefully, that means they'll charge less for the repairs as that came out quite expensive. :expressionless

Maybelle... Well, Maybelle is Maybelle. I wouldn't have expected it to go any differently. Like I said, she is a perfect drama queen. Hehehe. Funnily enough, she did bother to go show Bobbie so I'm not sure she hated it as much as she portrayed. ;)

As for Houdina being on a lead. Lol. No, it's not how it's done here though I know of others who do it. Houdina is an indoor cat, always has been. As is Baloo. Jeff and I feel strongly about our cats being indoor only cats. We hate the thought of them fighting, getting hit by a car, etc. We like to keep them close. Houdina likes to follow us and always cries when we are outside. I wanted to allow her the experience of the wind, sunshine, chasing bugs etc, by doing it in a safe way. Now she comes out when we are out and enjoys sitting with us and nibbling on herbs. She sits and waits for me to put her harness on and so farinsists on coming in if I go in (despite Jeff being there). She likes it, but she's cautious and happy with just sitting with us. That's perfectly fine by me. Hehe. :)Baloo? Not interested. Lol.