Thank you. Hehehe I am sure Maybelle would love to visit

Yes, those are some hydrangeas in the front. I love them and they were a house-warming gift from Jeff's friends. I thought I had killed them or something but I decided to take a chance and chop off the 'wood' and it seems that helped them. They are doing much better in the front as well.
Hehehehe, oh the canadian in us brings us to the same conclusions. I, too, thought it wouldn't be possible to leave the table set out in front but Jeff said it was no problem. I even suggested we chain it somehow but Jeff just laughed. Hehehe. Most houses have things out in front too. I check every day, expecting it to be gone. Lol. We'll just have to hope that he is right and it stays there.\
I am glad you like the curtains. I think I am the one that is lucky really. I am quite proud of what we have accomplished though, I must admit. On the other hand, it would have been hard not to improve the house since all the rooms were yellow except for the livingroom which was a baby blue. Hehehe.
Puck should grow to be about 18lbs. He won't be big but he will be taller than your average small dog. I didn't want a big dog but I didn't want the typical small dogs either. I just fell in love with this breed instantly. Yes, he has met the bunnies :biggrin:I keep a close eye because Rolo is scared of course. However, she's starting to realize that she is safe so she runs away less and less. I haven't let them interact of course, I think that would terrorize Rolo. As for Maybelle. LOL. She's her usual self although she does run away from him unlike her bossing the cats around. She doesn't mind him at all but she doesn't want to play with him. Then again, the other day she ran straight at him only to hop right over him, with an ever so discreet binky. She's very silly. I am truly happy that they can share the yard though. Puck has learnt 'sit' and sits immediately when told so he is normally sitting and watching her as she hops about. However, he does cry because she won't play with him. She only encourages this by giving him the butt. So, she'sher usual self.
Yep, 2 years since we met! It's already a year that I am living here. It went insanely fast! Thank you for your comments. I try to make it inviting and warm.

The biggest challenge has been keeping it organized and decluttered but it is going really great. I am surprised because both Jeff and I are terrible when it comes to organization. Lol. Ever since I had to pack my tiny appartment that had way too much junk in it, I vowed not to buy anything unless it had a purpose and a place. I am proud to say that I have stuck to that really well and that has prevented me from ending up with an other endless collection of knick knacks. I think it is easy to get overly excited when getting a home and then you end up with ALL kinds of stuff. Hehehe. I think this has been a wise decision on my part for once. Lol.
As for how I am feeling... I am yes and no. Things aren't all settled but I will be dealing with it in different ways and I hope that this will help sort everything out. I recently got back in touch with someone that I had lost touch with. He had been with me the night the attack happened. The problem is, hefelt he was in love with me and while we were on the way home, I told him that I had given Mario (my ex-fiance) another chance. This kind of threw him off and he was really disappointed and didn't take me home. Well, when he found out what happened, he blamed himself terribly and well, it took him a long time to get over it and it really affected him badly. We started avoiding each other because it became too painful and really we lost touch. It long bothered me that I hadn't reached out to him more after that. I think I am still seeking closure in various ways so I hope that it helps in some way. I am also seriously wondering if I shouldn't take a break from my family and put some more distance between us before I lose my sanity. Anyway, things will be dealt with, one step at a time.
Thank you. Hehehe. He IS cute. I say this because he knows it and uses it to his advantage :grumpy:Lol. He's always throwing me those big puppy eyes when he wants something. If he is bad, he sucks up like crazy and I always end up cracking up. Bleh. Such a brat!
Thank you everyone for your kind messages, both on here and elsewhere :hearts