•°o.O The Tater Tots Family 2011 O.o°•

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Hey Brandy,

Sorry I was posting at the same time so didn't see your post. Lol. Yeah, I think it's nice. I can definitely understand why Victoria would react differently with having been a stray!

Hehe from what I rememberBobbie is neutered so there should be no issues. :)We'll probably be closing it off too. I feel so bad. :(Meh...

I'm glad about the weather too. You and i both know how it is when your body has other ideas. I spent the past two weeks in an 'episode' mode and was pretty miserable. It's quite similar to Fibro really so I really feel for you. Bleh. I hope you have a few good days so you can enjoy yourself more. :)How's the gardening coming along?
Oh no, you can't keep a space for them to visit? Maybelle will be sad. :(
Hopefully the new lovely landscaping will cheer her up! :)

Your piggies are just way too cute. You are tempting me to get one, but I promised we were done with pets.

I'm sorry the past two weeks have been rough. Have you ever tried acupuncture? I still have ups and downs, but the downs aren't as harsh as they were before. My strawberry plants came! I'm going to try to get them planted on Sunday. Saturday is going to rain all day. The seedlings are getting big and strong :)
Hey Brandy,

Yeah... I wish we could figure that out but with sharing a fence, it's not just up to us so... :)Hopefully, she will be busy foraging and won't look for him too much. Now, everytime she comes out, the first thing she does is look for Bobbie. He's not often out but she sure loves it when he is. Baaaaaah I hate being in this position.

Hehehe. I am quite sure you would quite enjoy piggies. Maybe later on... ;)I think they make great pets. :biggrin:

I've never tried acupuncture. I've heard only good things about it though... I'm scared of needles... I cannot imagine myself with a ton of needles sticking out of me. :expressionlessLol. I'm doing much better though but now I am doing some physical work so it's only normal that it flare up. Ah well!

Did you plant your strawberries finally? How is Becky feeling?
[align=center]This weekend, we started working on the fence in the yard. I had started to scrape it manually but quickly gave up. Lol. Jeff then bought a sanding machine and started on Sunday but dropped it and cracked it. Luckily, it still worked but he was not happy with it since he couldn't get it in the corners. I suggested we get a second one, a smaller one, so that we could both sand instead of me just standing there and watching. Hehehe he thought that was a good idea so off we went to buy the other. Anyway, we sanded for hours... Sanding down a fence isn't as easy as we thought it would be. :expressionlessQuite a bit more painful and tiring really:pWe didn't even get a third done. :grumpy:However, on a positive note, you can definitely see a difference between what has been sanded and what hasn't. [/align]
[align=center]Unfortunately, the previous owners were very good at doing things wrong when it came to the yard. Lol. Anyway, they used a varnish, and not a very good one at that. With the sun shining directly on it, it peeled and looked terrible.[/align]
[align=center]What the fence looks like before sanding:[/align]
[align=center]After being sanded:[/align]
[align=center]We chose and bought a proper paint for it but we met with the landscaper yesterday and he suggested we leave it as it is once sanded. We haven't decided if we will paint it or not so that's still to see. Meanwhile, I have to sand it anyway so that gives us some time to think about it. :p[/align]
[align=center]We took a break and Houdina wanted to come out so we let her out while we sat for a few. She made a friend in that short time... :)[/align]
[align=center]On Monday, we met the landscaper. I had been looking forward to this for soooo long. I was thrilled with the meeting. Having picked a family company that's been in the business for over 40 years seems to have been the right choice to make. The guy was very friendly and quick to understand exactly where I was going with the yard. Hehehe. I was rather proud of myself because we both had the same ideas so I am happy that I could actually design it properly. The great thing was that he really knew exactly what I wanted without me having to explain much at all. He too had climbing plants along the fence in mind, a waterfall pond, raised borders, etc. I must say, I was pleasantly surprised.[/align]
[align=center]The best part was when I shared my wish of having a tree in the yard. He looked at the small Red Robin and asked me ifI wanted a small tree or something bigger and when I answered "Bigger :biggrin:" he couldn't help but smile. I was thrilled when he told me he could easily give me a tree and that it would be no problem at all. I tentatively mentionned loving fruit trees and right away he suggested an apple tree. AWESOME. Not only that, but he can fit it exactly where I had hoped too. Lol. I didn't know if it'd be possible or not to have a proper tree in the yard because we live in a townhouse, meaning all the houses and yards are attached. The last thing I would want to do is to cause problems by growing a tree and having its roots disturb others. He said not to worry and that it can be planted properly without causing any trouble. Woohoo!!! [/align]
[align=center]I'm thinking of an apple tree because I find them gorgeous. For the wildlife aspect, it is great. It provides leafage, bark, blossoms, fruit, etc. For us, it's a beautiful tree to look at and the fruit are great too if we can get to them in time. The best part is I could use the branches for the buns and piggies when pruning back the tree. :biggrin2:I'm not absolutely sure that I will go with it yet though. I want to be sure that I know the work that it requires and the risks that I might be taking with it. I wouldn't want to bring in an infestation of any sort. Also, with an apple tree, we're bound to have a whole bunch of wasps coming around and I hate wasps. Jeff doesn't think they'll be an issue though. I don't know yet... I think a bit more research is necessary. I had also considered a cherry tree. However, a cherry tree blooms earlier and the wood is not useful to me for the buns or piggies. On the other hand, cherries are expensive to buy and I am sure the birds would love them. Also, I believe there are more disease-resitant apple cultivars available than there are cherry ones. :)[/align]
[align=center]So here are some pics of the yard as it is now:[/align]
[align=center]All the rock was actually in the front garden. :grumpy:It looked HORRIBLE so I removed allllll of it. There's at least 30 buckets worth of it! I put it there because we couldn't just dump it anywhere. Luckily, when the yard will get done, they can deal with all these things. Lol. Also, if you look closely (1st picture), you will see that under the loose pave stones, there is a small brick wall there. We have no idea WHY it's there nor what purpose it ever had. It's in the way and it will be smashed. :biggrin:[/align]
[align=center]Another odd thing is that there is a random plank here and there screwed into the fence. At first, we thought maybe something was wrong with the fence and that the plank had been there to reinforce it or to block a gap of some sort. However, the fence is perfectly fine. We don't know what purpose this had either. Jeff removed on and the other will be removed as well. :)[/align]
[align=center]That is the original planting space. That's all there was when we moved in. I tried to continue it to make it go all alone the fence but I quickly realized that it wouldn't be possible. Unfortunately, the pave has a curved path motif so I couldn't simply pull out tiles to make the border. It annoys me. :grumpy:The planting space is just not practical either. The stuff spreads, I get weeds in every tile seam, cats use it as their litterbox, and it simply looks messy. Instead, we will have raised stone borders. This will look better visually as the yard won't all be flat like it is now and it has the added bonus that it will be easier on me physically as I won't need to kneel the same way to plant, etc. It'll also be much easier to maintain it. I'll make some sort of step system so Maybelle and hedgehogscan access it easily as well:)[/align]
[align=center]I'll be growing berries all along the fence so we will have a lot of green in the yard. :)The tile is being completely removed and replaced. The yard needs to be leveled properly and the tile needs to be done properly so that the weeds don't grow in the seams as they do now. We're also going with a larger and differently shaped tile to make it look better visually. The tree will go in the far left corner, by the gate. The Red Robin tree will be planted in the front instead. The ugly sign on the shed will go. The garbage bins will be hidden (I hate those ugly things!) by a fence panel and there will be another flower bed/border right by the shed there. We've decided not to build Rolo's run as we fear we will not use it enough to be worth it. I don't intend on having multiples in the future and I can still take Rolo out in the yard so we decided to hold off on that. :)[/align]
[align=center]Well, I have always hated the hedge. It's a big ugly thing that attracts the biggest spiders ever. They weave huge webs from the shed to the hedge and then we walk right into them. :grumpy:It doesn't help that I am allergic so I get wheezy and break out in hives when I touch it. Bleh. It dries up and the needles fall all over the place. It's not practical with the bunnies either. Although, now Maybelle loves to run along the fence when Bobbie is out. Well, the landscaper doesn't like it either. He also took a good look at it and said that it is actually dying. He says he doesn't expect it to last very long and will need to be replaced anyway. I think that settles it then. We'll try to do it with the neighbor. If not, we'll cut it back and set our fence a tad within our line not to have to deal with it.I don't think the neighbors like it too much either though as it makes it really hard for them to catch the bunnies and the kids get pretty scratched up by trying. :)[/align]
[align=center]That chair will FINALLY go in the garbage! Ugh! You can't put furniture in the garbage here like you would in Montreal. You have to go bring it or call to have it organized and you must pay for it so the dutch tend to keep things until they have a ton to throw out to make it worth their money. Lol. I hate the way the garbage works here. I'll be thrilled when it's gone. There will be a big border here along the house and this is where the pond will go. The rocks should set against the fence to give it some height and create the waterfall. :)There is a lot of sun in the morning but it's in the shade in the afternoon. It's not exactly perfect but it's what we have so that's what we'll go with. :pI'll probably transfer my weeping rose tree there too and set it where the brick wall of the house is. :)I'm a bit confused still about the blue fence... The shed is blue... The rest of the fence is brown. The blue shed is not my favorite but I am not sure what color to paint it if we do... So that part is still a bit up in the air. :)[/align]
[align=center]If you look at the floor, you will see a circular pattern there. It drives me absolutely bonkers. We have a round table so the only place in the yard I CAN put it is on the circle or else it looks absolutely ridiculous. :grumpy:Jeff doesn't see it. The landscaper burst out laughing and agreed that the circle must go. Thank goodness I'm not the only one seeing it :pWhen it's all done, the table will be shifted in the centre of the yard and the borders will run all along the yard. :)[/align]
[align=center]So, that's that for the yard. :biggrin2:[/align]
[align=center]Yesterday, I went to school, only to find out my teacher was absent again. A classmate texted me and let me know that she and 2 others were thinking of leaving and going for a drink instead since no work ever gets done when it's a substitute. I responded with a "cool, sounds good" only for her to text back and ask if that meant I was coming or not. LOL. I seriously just assumed I was not invited. I didn't think it was an invitation at all. LOL. She called me a dork and I decided to tag along. I had actually been invited a few times but timing was always wrong and I figured that if I keep refusing they are bound to stop inviting me. It's the first time I go out on my own since moving here! :biggrin2:I was thrilled to be invited. I looked like total crap though. Lol. :expressionlessI'm still surprised that they invited me to be honest. It's kind of like the fatloner kid being invited out by the stylish popular kids. Lol. So basically, we ended up skipping class and headed to a quiet bar instead and had a few beers. I don't drink much at all but it was nice to go even just for the chit chat. I wasn't far from home, we had a guy with us, and Jeff picked me up so I felt safe. That was a major step for me. Funny thing is, I was sure I had no money on me but I hoped I had enough change for at least a beer... I found a 50 in my wallet so I pulled it out and said "is this enough for a drink?" and everyone burst out laughing. :pIt didn't help that I also pulled out a plastic bottle cork that Jeff suggested we keep when we went to throw out the recycling. Matt asked me where the bottle was and why I had started the party without them. Hehehe. You know, normally I'm the kid that never does anything spontaneous. I just stick to what is right all the time. I'm also the girl who missed out on being a teenager and having fun so this time I decided that making some progress in my social aspect would be good. I think it was a good decision though perhaps not necessarily the right one since we did ditch school. :expressionlessIt's definitely not something I'd make a habit out of but it felt so darn good to have friends to chat with and to laugh and to be myself. I haven't got anyone here other than Jeff. Jeff is great, but it's also great if we don't do EVERYTHING together. Every once in a while, it can be nice to kick back with my own friends just like he can enjoy his time with his. [/align]
[align=center]Well, with all that, the girl that invited me messaged me back again and gave me her phone number and invited me out again. The other, invited us all to a party she is having. It feels... Wonderful. I'm not going to the party. I am not really interested in the party scene and I think I'm at a different phase in my life but I think I might invite them over for a BBQ this summer when the yard is done. :)[/align]
[align=center]Another classmate also invited me to a scrapbooking workshop. It's on a friday morning so I would have gone but it's 50 euros. :expressionlessSure, it includes all the material and lunch but I find that a bit steep for me. With us working on the yard, wanting to do certain things this summer, I find it a bit much. I'll mention it to Jeff but I think he'll agree that it's a bit much for a one-time scrapbooking event. :)[/align]
[align=center]On an even better note, last week, I met a girl that lives closeby. It'd be a breeze to ride to her house but since I am such a dork, I'd have to walk so it's a bit of a walk but doable. She's 37 and has a 2 year-old boy. She's extremely friendly and silly. I think she is someone I can get along with easily. She's already invited Jeff and I over to her house and I mentioned us taking her son to the lake so hopefully that will all work out. I also have her phone number and we've started texting each other. The thought of having a friend nearby makes me very happy. It's great because she's home with her son as well so we can meet up any time while our men are at work. :biggrin:[/align]
[align=center]So... Even if I skipped class yesterday, I would say the integration program is a success. Lol. I'm integrating see? We ordered our beers in dutch yesterday. It's a start :p[/align]
[align=center]*Happy sigh*[/align]
Now seeing the pictures, I agree the bush has to go! I had that kind of bush out side my house growing up and I hate them so much. They give me welts too. They were such a fad to plant outside of houses in the 70s and 80s. I think it was just because they were cheap. Perhaps you can arrange play dates and take Maybelle next door once and a while?

I did not get my berries planted, it was too wet. Hopefully soon it will stop raining so I can get out into the yard. Becky is feeling much better, thank you. She still has a wee bit of goop that I wash off her face in the evenings, but it is so much better. I'm sure by the time she is done with the drops it will be gone.

I love the plans for your garden. It is going to be so lovely. How can Jeff not see the circle? That would drive me crazy as well. Don't you wish you could find out what the previous owners were thinking? The fence looks so very much improved! I would just seal it and leave the natural color, it's so pretty.

As for skipping class, I am a big nerd. That being said, one of my fondest memories from college was one February I skipped Spanish class becasue it was too beautiful to be inside. I was in shorts and a tshirt laying in the sun. That doesn't happen very often in Ohio in February! Sometimes you just have to take the chance and be a little naughty ;)

That is wonderful that you are making friends! Jeff is an incredible guy, but like you said, one person can't fill every need. You need to have girlfriends too that like to do the silly girl things together. *huggles* I'm so glad things are going well for you.
Wow!!! :shock:Looks like you'll have your work cut out for you!! You'll have to hold onto all of those backyard pics and re-post them as "before and after" pics as your yard gets done. I bet it'll all fall together nicely and look absolutely smashing!! :D

It is so good to hear that you are finally making friends. Sometimes it takes a little while, but maybe those are the friends who are worth waiting for. ;)
That is great that your making friends there now. It's great to relax and chit chat isn't it? :) I can't imagine moving to a country and having to make all new friends, eek! I have quite a lot of friends and love hanging out and partying but I really am not good with people I don't know I get very anxious. Well done to you!

Hehehe yeah see what I mean about the hedge? Ugh. :expressionlessI'm all for green but that is just terrible. Being told that it's actually dying was a comfort though because despite hating it, I hate destroying something still living. :)It's also why I am going to try transferring as much as I can so that what can be saved will be saved. But yeah, the hedge won't be one of them :p

As for Maybelle, I won't be doing that. I just do not think it is worth the risk with her being the way she is. She also isn't very fond of kids. Last thing I would want is for her to bite the neighbor kids. It's one thing if it's your own kids, but another when it's someone else's. We'll just have to deal I guess. Bah.

Aww that sucks that you couldn't plant them yet. Hopefully soon :biggrin2:It's so much fun. I am glad to hear that Becky is doing better! Did I understand correctly, she is in your bedroom now?

As for the plans, thanks. I hope it will be good. Hehehe. I'm trying to make the most of the space. Jeff really doesn't care for the yard. If it was up to him, he'd probably just leave it like this. :expressionlessLol. There really isn't much that bugs this guy... I on the other hand, cannot stand having this space and not be able to use it like I would want. I see so much potential and I have so many ideas. All I could think of is "Oh how lovely this yard would be if..." so now we will get it to that. I love being outdoors and with the weather here, it's much more pleasant for me because it's not nearly as hot and humid as it was in Montreal. I'd even sit out there in the rain really. It's also something that will add a bit of value to the house so it's not lost at all. Gardens are quite important to the dutch here. I cannot wait to get the front done. I am so ashamed that it is such a mess!

Hehehe Jeffsees the actual circle but just doesn't get why it bugs me with the table and why I HAVE to put the table in the circle. He'd just pull the table away and ignore the circle. Lol. Men! :pI really don't know what the owners had in mind and really I would love to ask them what they were thinking with the yards and why in the world have they painted every bedroom YELLOW. :expressionlessTwo women, and not one of them was very good with decor it seems :pAs for the fence, the landscaper told us we should just leave it and not bother doing anything other than the sanding. I personally thought it required a sealant but he said it doesn't. We have a tinted sealant now which we were going to use but Jeff is wondering if we should just leave it like the guy said. Bope. I think we should go ahead with the original plan. The wood now is very light and the shed is very dark so it bugs me a bit. If we tint/seal it, the wood will be a bit darker so that might help. Not sure. Lol.

I'm a big nerd too. This isn't something I've ever done and it seems a bit silly doing so really. Hehehe. One of the reasons I don't plan on returning to college is because with all my bad experiences, I just don't have the drive for it anymore. School is something I have to do here so I do it but really, sticking to anything for very long is extremely difficult for me right now. I'm trying to stay disciplined but it is sooo very hard. Hehehe, I too hate being stuck in a classroom if it's so gorgeous outside. I picture myself walking and then can't seem to be disicplined enough to focus on the class. Really the main reason I went back to the school was for the social interaction. I have class tonight though and I am going to work hard :p

It's nice to be getting along with people.I don't do well with people in general so making friends is much harder than it was.:)

Thankies for posting!

PS: almost done your box :biggrin2:

Hehehe we definitely would if we were doing it all ourselves. It's just too much really. I had started things myself but I kept finding more and more that needed to be changed and bah, I think it really needs a proper facelift.

Jeff's mother was here with mefor days last summer, scraping each and every single seam by hand to get all the weeds/moss out. To be honest, I found it quite ridiculous. Plus, it grew back before we were even done. There's just no point to that amount of physical work for nothing. I have a really hard time with her for that. She wants to help but she doesn't know when to stop and I cannot stand it. She suffers for it after and it really irritates me. I'll be glad when all this is done so then I can ask her to come help plant plants and at least I will know that she'll be happy to have been part of it, and I'll be happy that it wasn't any exaggerated work. Hehehe. I think we can only win by having the yard done properly. Of course, it's going to cost but I think it's a good spending. :biggrin:

Yep yep, definitely planning on making a before and after series. Also planning on taking pictures of the work as it progresses. It's our first home so it's lovely to make the memories. I will be making a scrapbook all about the house. :biggrin2:

Making friends is such a big deal for me. It doesn't come so naturally anymore since I tend to shy away from people. Even now, I still don't understand why they were so nice to bring me along. Lol. I don't look like I fit in at all! :pMaybe this is justwhat I need. :)

Thank you for your message!


Thank you! Yeah, having to meet all new people REALLY makes me uncomfy. I'm really not very comfortable in my own skin right now and feel really out of place so it's just really really hard. On the other hand, the idea of having my own friends to hang out with makes me very happy. I guess some discomfort is worth it then. Lol :p
A while ago, Peg (TinysMom) asked me how it's been having to adjust to a new country and the food. Sometimes, when you change country, the little things can have quite an impact. Food is one of those things you don't appreciate as much until you cannot get it.

I think most of us can attach some sort of sentimental value to food since it can easily be associated with particular memories...

Here's a list of things I really miss:


It's jelly, wiggly, yummy goodness. It's cheap, colorful, darn easy to make, fun to play with, and yummy to eat. What more can you want? It's a childhood favorite. I remember my mom making it it a pan and then using cookie cutters to cut it into shapes. I also remember jello being a favorite when I was sick. Not only that, but I have high school memories involving jello as well.

Dill Pickles:

I've always LOVED dill pickles. When I was a kid, we used to go to this big store and buy this HUGE jar of BIG pickles. I've always loved to eat them as is, not slicing them because I looove getting a mouthful of the juice (as long as I don't choke on it). Anyway, I remember this one time where it simply exploded and I (and everyone at the table) ended up drenched in pickle juice! Brandy sent me a cup which I just happened to eat yesterday. Thank you Brandy!!!


Mmm skittles. Making my own fruit combinations is always a favorite of mine. Brandy also sent me these and introduced me to a new kind as well! Hehehe.


I loooove Gobstoppers. I remember my best friend and I taking turns trying to guess what the other was tasting. We used to buy jujubes with our change but every once in a while we'd get lucky and have enough to buy a box so we'd share it.

Quaker's Instant Oatmeal:

Cooking oatmeal myself is not nearly as simple and as yummy. I remember taking all the maple and raisin sachets and leaving the others for everyone else. I also remember everyone giving me odd looks because I like my oatmeal sticky.

BBQ sauce (like hot chicken sauce):

Gah! It is the sauce that goes on poutine! I cannot find it here. I love to make a hole in my mashed potato and fill it with the sauce, making it look like a volcano. Hehehe.


Another childhood favorite. My father and I both love it.

Cream Soda:

Imagine my disappointment when I realized I could not buy cream soda here. No ice cream floaties for me. *Sobs*

Kraft Dinner:

I mean really, I looooooooved Kraft Dinner as a kid and I still love it! Yum!!!

Velveeta Shells:

Mmm velveeta shells are always yummy! I remember my mother and I having it as our special treat since it was too expensive for a family of 5. Hehehe.

Golden Grahams:

My favorite cereal!

Curd Cheese:

Mmmm squeaky cheese!!! I remember on family outings, my father always used to stop along the way and buy squeaky cheese to eat in the car. It's the cheese on poutine too!

Maple cookies:

Mmm I love dipping maple cookies in milk. You know the ones shaped as a maple leaf with maple cream between the cookies? Yum!

Lay's BBQ chips:

We don't have them here. We have ham and BBQ but they aren't the same. So simple no? Lol.


Not ham slices like cold cuts, a real big chunk of ham! We have thick slices that come in a pack of 2 slices but it's not exactly the same.

Hot Dog Sausages:

The sausages here are not the same. The come in a can, in liquid so they are much softer and aren't the typical hot dog that I know.

Those are the ones that come to mind right now! Hehehe.

[align=center]HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMORES!!![/align]
[align=center]HE'S A YEAR OLD TODAY![/align]
[align=center]I called Sandra to let her know and got our nephew, even better. I let him know that today is Smores' birthday and he was very happy to know. They will be treating him to a little something special today.[/align]
[align=center]Shortly after, Sandra emailed me some pictures of the adorable couple and I thought I would share with you guys. :biggrin:[/align]
[align=center]As you can tell, they are very happy indeed :)[/align]
[align=center]Smores is a couch bunny. He loooooves hopping up on the couch, kicking everyone off and then running like a madman for a few before crashing...[/align]
[align=center]Smores and Giggles were always meant to be together...[/align]
[align=center]And of course, every bunny loves to eat:[/align]
[align=center]Adorable no?[/align]
Doesn't time fly?!! I just love seeing snuggle-bunnies!! Such a handsome couple Smores and Giggles make. It's easy to see why Rolo is so pretty... ;)

:party:Happy Birthday Smores!!! :party:
Happy Belated Birthday Smores ! :)
Wow ! They look very happy :) You know.. I just finished reading your post on my blog about finding a buddy for Kimi. :D Seeing Smores and Giggles always side by side and do things together makes me want to go out from work and search for a perfect boy for my girl ! :( However, we're not sure we're ready. I will see if Kimi will be sad or lonely. Right now she's still happy 'cause my husband is at home with her and when he goes to work ( mostly on weekends ) I'm home with her. We'd love to adopt a boy who has same age as Kimi and similar size, of course he HAS to be handsome ! :D Hahahaha.
Take care,

Thank you for the bday wishes! They have been passed on :biggrin2:Time sure does fly! I can't believe he's a year old already! :shock:Awww there is not doubt in my mind that Smores and Giggles are a perfect fit. I knew from the very moment they saw each other. Hehehe :biggrin:I think it's nice that Rolo has so much from both and not just one parent, especially since they don't live with us anymore.


Thank you! Your wishes have also been passed on :biggrin:Hehehe I do tend to babble a lot :pI'm glad you enjoyed the pictures! Hehehehe I'll make sure to let Jeff know about the chocolate withholding. He ate a mini Twix in front of me yesterday too :grumpy:Lol.


Thankies! I let them know of your birthday wishes. :biggrin:I love bunny bonds! I find it to be soooo special. I think the fact that they are so picky about their mate makes it that much more special to watch. It's why I insisted that these two go together or not at all. *Sigh* They are happy though and, in the end, that's all that matters.


Thank yooou! He's been told :biggrin:Bonded bunnies are very very special. It would definitely need to be the perfect bun for your Kimi. Hehehe. The problem is when it doesn't work... Gah, then it's hard to deal with. Are there any shelters there that can do bunny dating with Kimi? That would be fun. I'm thinking more and more about Maybelle finding a buddy but I am worried about my allergies. Sometimes, I feel like trading Rolo for Bobbie so Bobbie can be with May and Rolo could be with their other boy but Rolo is my girl and I doubt the neighbor kids would want anyway :pHehehe. Unfortunately, Maybelle definitely isn't interested in another girl. Hehehe. Ah well! I understand the hesitation. I'm sure either way, Kimi will be very happy. How could she not be? ;)Hehehe, of course he'd have to be handsome! :p
I have some very unhappy girls right now... :(

They got their vaccinations today.



I feel for them.

The vet was great though. It was obvious that he loves animals and bunnies. Hehehe he was talking to Maybelle while he sorted out the carrier to take her out and then scooped her up and smothered her in hugs and kisses. I tried to say something but then decided to let him figure it out. Lol.

At first, Maybelle was like "Ugh, what are you doing?!" but it soon turned to "Get your FILTHY hands off me!" and "Put me down THIS instant!"


The vet found her QUITE silly and wasn't letting her have it her way. Lol. I sorta felt bad for the poor girl. :p

She tried kicking the daylights out of him but it was clear that he was used to handling rabbits. :biggrin:

He did the same with Rolo and she was surprisingly really easy going with him. Maybe she was just too terrified to do anything. Lol. He even tickled her tummy. The vet was something else, let me tell you. He was so hyper when he saw them. LOL.

I'm really happy with this vet clinic.

I asked about spays and from what he says, they are fully up-to-date on rabbit care. He did say that unfortunately, a lot of people don't choose to spay and neuter rabbits because they just can't understand paying 15-20 for a rabbit and then paying 130-150 for an operation. Bah. He told me he does about 3 a month and has no problems. He does send the buns home with a full care package, including probiotics, pain meds, etc. He said a rabbit not having pain meds was just not an option. I like to hear that.

Well, I knew that Smores and Giggles were also having theirs today but I didn't realize it would be at the same time. Just as we were about to leave, Jeff's mum and sister walked in with the buns. :biggrin:Hehehe. Family outing at the vet's! It was funny. They had come on a bike with Jeff's mum cycling and Sandra holding the buns. Lol. Jeff brought Sandraand the buns back with us and Jeff's mum met us at Sandra's place by bike. It's nice to see that all the buns are being cared for and are doing so well. :)

Right now, Rolo seems to be doing alright although she's hiding from me just in case I decide to plop her back in a carrier and take her to the vet's again. Lol! Maybelle on the other hand doesn't seem to be feeling too great. She's sleeping a lot and seems a tad uncomfy. I hate to see her unwell, it really gets to me. It's pretty much the only times I've seen her unwell too! It needs to be done though :(It's for her own good. *Sigh*

I'm armed with a ton of hay, simethicone, etc.

Just in case.


All I want to do is hug her tight and tell her I'm sorry for having to put her through that but she's probably kick me for it...


*Fingers crossed that she'll be feeling great in no time!*

I have to admit that I am glad my kids don't need vaccines, but the cats get them. It's normal for them to be a bit off and want to sleep the day they get it. I'm sure Maybelle and Rolo will be back to themselves by tomorrow. The vet sounds like a hoot.

Tell Jeff the next time he eats chocolate infront of you that you will just have to bite him instead :p
Yeah... I was happy the buns didn't need them in Montreal but it's a completely different thing here. I figure they feel pretty similar to me when I get my shots. I hate the feeling. :(Lol. I'm sure they are fine but I can't help but feel bad. Maybelle looks so sorry for herself hehehe...

The vet definitely was fun. Tad bit crazy, but fun. Hehehe.

Maybe next time Jeff does that,I just won't say anything and do so :p

Wanted to add... About the cats... When I moved here, I HAD to have them micro-chipped. I saw the syringe and left the room. I started sobbing because I couldn't believe I had to put Houdina through that! (Baloo was lucky, I had them do it while he was asleep for his neuter but Houdina had already been spayed!)
