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[align=center]LOL. Thank you, we all appreciate the compliments. ;)[/align]
[align=center]Monday we meet with the landscapers. I am SO excited. I cannot wait to see what we can come up with for the yard. Keeping fingers crossed that things will work out with this company as they have done nice work. :biggrin:I cannot wait to have a lovely yard to sit in and for Maybelle and Roloto play in too. [/align]
[align=center]With the nice weather, Jeff took out the plexi from the shed doors so now the shed is safer for me to go into. You don't appreciate litterbox cleaning until you cannot do it. Lol. It makes me so happy to be able to clean everything myself and spend more time with the girls.I'm cleaning out the boxes, hutch, and shed several times a week, just because I can :pOf course, Maybelle comes and attacks the broom every time. Hehehe.[/align]
[align=center]Jeff bought us these a few weeks ago but I forgot to show them so here they are:[/align]
[align=center]Aren't they cute? Hehe.[/align]
[align=center]Also, on Tuesday, we went grocery shopping and came across these:[/align]
[align=center]I thought they were a tad pricey... 2 euro for them but Jeff saw me holding them, took them out of my hands and plopped them in the cart. Lol. He was like "They are bunnies :biggrin2:" Silly man... [/align]
[align=center]A few weeks ago, again while grocery shopping, I was chatting about something only to realize he had walked off and left me talking to myself... :expressionlessHe had spotted chocolate and grabbed these for me:[/align]
[align=center]Lil bunnies.:biggrin2:Only problem is he is not letting me eat them until Easter :grumpy::p[/align]
[align=center]And here are a few quick pics of my Maybelline girl:[/align]
[align=center]Please excuse her majesty for being so dirty... She loves playing outside. Lol.[/align]
[align=center]We have their appointment for their shots next week. It will be Rolo's first time so I am hoping she reacts okay. [/align]
[align=center]I was also considering changing her name... I'm not too sure how i feel about that yet though. Lol. So far, I've been calling her Rolokins to make it sound a bit softer when I see her. :p[/align]
[align=center]A few more pics...[/align]
Hi Sophie,

I LOVE those standing bunnies Jeff bought for you. Are they for outside or inside? I need to get myself a Chocolate Bunny, YUM YUM.

That Maybelle is one of the most BEAUTIFUL:heartbeat::big kiss::inlove::hearts:love:Bunnies I have ever seen.

I can hardly wait to see what your yard is going to look like. To me it looks nice now.


You have the most photogenic family. Maybelle is turning into a softie falling for the neighbor's bunn :)

I am very impressed that the cats don't try to eat the GP. I think they would be small enough I would have to be very careful with my two. I think Victoria would be a little TOO interested.

The sunshine looks lovely. How nice to be able to share it with everyone!
Suuuusaaaan :biggrin2:

How are you? Yeah you like the bunnies? I'm not actually sure if they are for outdoors but I use them inside as they fit in perfectly with the decor anyway. :biggrin:Jeff was cute when he got them. Hehehe. Do you like a particular kind of chocolate? I prefer dark myself. I saw some cute Lindor bunnies... Mmmm!

Maybelle says thank you and sends her love to her favorite Auntie. Suck up much? Lol. ;)She's still all over her pillows... Every day, she drags it around all over the place. I just hope she won't start dropping it in the pond when it's installed :expressionlessNext thing we'll know, a frog will be wanting a pillow too. Lol. :pRolo's been really tidy with hers. I know she lays in her box with them so I think she's enjoying them. I have to get May in her shirt still! Oh, I'm really sorry about Rolo being a girl. I was so sure she was a boy :expressionlessMeh. I hope you don't mind too much... I am sure I will have a boy again in the future so I will hold on to that shirt for then :biggrin2:I'll still take a pic of Rolo in it though. Hehehe.

As for the yard... Oh no no. It's gross and barren and deaded. It's all dull and grey and dirty. The fence is all peeling... There are weeds growing in all the pave seams... Bleh. I also have no designated planting areas so it gets a bit tough to put anything in. This weekend, Jeff and I are going to scrape and paint the fence. Luckily, the fence itself is perfectly fine. Then on Monday, we will see how things go and if the prices sound reasonable.

I'm going for a wildlife oriented garden so I am reeeeeally looking forward to changing things. I want to have a lot of things that Maybelle can pick herself for snacking and I want to find a way to give her tunnels to burrow/play in as well. Soooo if everything works out, then there is great potential. Lol. Our yard is rather small, only 6m x 6m but to me, it's great since I moved here from a one-bedroom appartment without any access to a yard. Hehehe. I think this yard has nice potential, and we just need to maximize the space and really make the most of it.

I'm planning on a small pond, bird feeder, bird nestbox, hedgehog box, etc. Also, I asked Jeff about installing a gutter on part of the shed to collect rain water so maybe we will do that as well. I think collecting rain water to water the plants would be a good idea. :)It'll all depend on cost and space of course. I'm trying not to get too too carried away ;)

Jeff also wants to build Rolo a nice big run as well so that will probably look like an extension of the shed. I think that would be lovely. :)If that gets done, I want to hang and plant things inside that Rolo could eat as well and make it look nice.

For ourselves well, I am hoping that we will get a nice stone bbq thing (not sure what you really call it) so that we can cook and also make fires in the autumn soI could roast us some marshmallows. I love to sit outside and look at the stars. With a fire to keep us warm, it would be lovely for sure.

I think for me, it's really about making the most out of this yard. We are blessed that the house doesn't require any work at all other than esthetics and since he got the house for under the asking price, I think it's a great way to add to the house. Countryside is pretty tough to get here so we'll have our own piece of countryside within the city. :pJeff is not really a yard guy and only sits outside because I am there but he is starting to enjoy it more and more. Either way, I long to sit there in the day with a nice marguerita slush. :biggrin:

Can you tell I am excited???

I ordered a wildlife gardening book and have sooo many things I want to do :p

Aww thank you. It's hard to get pictures when they don't want me taking them but I really take advantage of those days when they are feeling more cooperative. Jelly Bean, on the other hand, is pretty happy to have a camera pointed on him :p

I know, I can't believe how nice she's being with Bobbie! She is nice to Bobbie's brother too but it's really Bobbie that she prefers. When Bobbie is out, they spend hours running along the fence wanting to play. Maybelle still tries to fit her pillow through to pass it to him. I really wonder what it is about that pillow. Hehehe. It's really cute to watch. I guess if she were spayed and the perfect bunny were found, maybe then she'd be happy with a mate. Maybe I could look into a shelter date... I'm not sure how I really feel about it though because I rehomed Smores and Giggles. On the other hand, if they'd be bonded, they could play outside together so that wouldn't affect my allergies much really except for the winter. But then again, if it goes wrong, I don't want a third bunny housed alone so I guess things will have to stay like this for now. *Sigh*

Hehehe nope neither cat tries to eat the piggies at all. Houdina is quite protective of them. Then again, it's the same cats that liked the gerbil so... I also used to have a cockatiel, Teako, that loved Houdina. He used to whistle at her in a charming way every time she went near him. :confused2:Both of them rarely kill bugs as well. I guess they just don't have a very big hunting instinct at all. I know I raised Houdina and Baloo with baby animals right from the start but I must admit, I too would expect a bit more rough play from them. But no. Not at all. When the baby bunnies would escape the cage, Houdina would follow them and cry loudly to get my attention. She never let them out of her sight. She even sat on the shelf above them to keep an eye on them. She goes to see the piggies in the morning when she comes downstairs, then sits at the window and watches Maybelle. Houdina often sits with the guinea pigs. :confused2:I tried to stop her at first but then I realized the piggies were popcorning and playing hide and seek with her. I'm not sure I quite understand how they've established things but from what I can tell, the piggies have a tight bond with her. They like to follow her around the house if I let them out.

Baloo on the other hand is quite satisfied with sitting up on a 'safe' spot and watching them. He's not one to mingle really. He's a bit afraid of them and the piggies like to tease him. Lol.

I don't know how it works to be honest. Like even now with Maybelle... She picks and chooses which cat is allowed in the yard. She plays with some neighbor cats, but others she will not tolerate and spooks them. Those ones generally don't step a paw into the yard anymore. Lol. The 'kitten' though (now an adult) that lives behind us is one she really likes to play with. I often find Kitten (will call her that for lack of a proper name) lying down in the yard with Maybelle nearby. This is the same cat that used to spend all day watching the bunnies in the shed. :confused2:I guess because they were introduced together as babies helps. I really don't know. I think this cat is a pretty darn good copy of Houdina. In fact, I always have to look twice to make sure it ISN'T her. It doesn't help that they have the same collars too. Kitten's is silver and Houdina's is light pink, which can even look the same in the sun. Both collars are too long so they really look identical. Both tabbys... Hehehe. Kitten has a slightly larger and rounder head though. She even comes to me when I go out so... Lol.

I think I am very lucky to be able to have them alllive together peacefully. It's not only nice for us, but it's nice for the pets as well. I think they've really accepted each other as a family. As crazy a family as that might make us... :p

By the way, I think you have done exceptionally well yourself ;)
Sophie your yard is going to be beautiful. Maybe I will visit you oneday now that I am single, except I don't have anyone to take care of the bunnies.

I will have to make more pillows for Maybelle and the rest of the crew. I will make one for your neighbours bunny too.

I like the regular Chocolate, i'll eat the dark chocolate too though. My Dad use to say their is no such thing as a "Bad Beer" well I feel the same way about Chocolate. I could eat it every day except my waist line would GROOOOOOOW.



I sure hope so, especially since we are bringing in professionals to do it for us. They should know what they are doing right? I hope so! I asked Jeff to go with these guys first since they've been in the business for many many years and have big contracts as well. They are fully equipped so we won't need to rent anything ourselves, etc. Hopefully it will be a good experience.

Hehehe. It'd be great to see you. I can understand why leaving the bunnies would be an issue. Definitely not easy to find someone, even harder to find someone you actually fully trust. Bah! BUT if ever you do, I'd be thrilled to have you here :wink

LOL about the chocolate. I'm pretty lucky not to be too much of a chocolate addict. I'm actually not allowed to have it but once in a while... :pI don't like milk chocolate too too much though as it's much sweeter. I definitely am not a big fan of no brand milk chocolate. Hehehe. I do love Lindor and Cote D'Or though so I wouldn't mine milk chocolate from them. How about white? I love Belgian chocolate with surprises inside. Lol. Especially if it's anything coffee-ish. :biggrin2:See, now i want my chocolate bunnies :p
I think it's going to be a fun and interesting day... The cats have awaken and they are in a VERY playful mood. Lol. I took a stick and decided to look under the furniture for some toys. As always, Houdina came running to help. That's how I know if I am about to find toys or not. Lol. She 'helped' me get them out and checked each one as I got them out.

She swiftly batted a few but was more 'meh not this one' until I found one in particular she was waiting for and then went nuts. I always find that hilarious. It's like you could tell exactly what she's thinking as I take them out... "Meh, not so fun" "Ah, there you are... But no, not the one I want", "Closer, closeeeeer" "YES! WOOHOOOOOOOO!"And next thing you know she is destroying the place as she plays with her long lost favorite toy. :p

Baloo was thrilled to see his fish again. However, with Houdina so hyper, he was more interested in finding a safe spot so she wouldn't run him over. LOL. At one point, she and Baloo were passing a ping pong ballto each other.

It also seems that it's going to be another beautiful day today. I think it's supposed to go up to 20 C this weekend too. I'm probably going to start scraping the fence and play with Maybelle too. I'll probably let Rolo out again as well. I don't let her out on her own because, unlike Maybelle, I am not convinced that she could hold her own with cats. She just doesn't have that size and attitude to intimidate anyone so it's a no no. That's why I am hoping to get her run built. I saw some REALLY cheap ones. However, they were only about 2m wide (just a tad less)and her hutch is almost that so I don't see it being too different from her hutch in terms of size.

Jeff said he preferred to make it himself so he could build it along the shed and offer her more space instead. Well, if that's what he wants, I certainly won't stop him... :pWe saw a great model at the garden centre. It was BIG. I could even go inside. We both really liked it but it was like 800 euro. Jeff took a good look at it and then starting pointing out how they didn't do this and that and started telling me how he would give it a nicer finish and could do better, etc. LOL. Cute man. He also figured it would cost a lot less for him to build it so he took pictures of it to know how to design it and decided he would build it himself and 'perfect' all the little details. (He wasn't thrilled with the latches, the screw heads were too visible for his liking, thedoor was a bit stiff, etc)Hehehehe. I think it's nice that he's so willing to do things. It'll be awesome if he makes it :biggrin2:He's not the quickest when it actually comes to getting around and doing stuff but he's also one that isa perfectionist and must perfect the design, calculate every tiny detail, etc. Me? Oh I just dive in and figure it out as I go. Hehehe. We're so different in that aspect. I tend to get annoyed with his slow, meticulous attitude sometimes so I have to walk away and just let him do his thing. :p

Ah well! I'm going to head off so I can go start scraping that ugly fence... :biggrin2:I'll probably come back with pictures in a bit ;)
Hey Nelaaaaaaa :D I MISS YOUUUUUU ! HOw are you ? How's everyone ? How's lovely Maybelle ? :) Hehehe, so many questions, I know. Well, I just come to say hi and to tell you that I'm still here, just it's been very busy. I've started working full-time at the school office, so... lots to do. :) Everything's going well here and I hope it will continue being like this :p Well, for lovely Maybelle, I can see how happy she is from those pics. She's ,as always, little pretty girl for me :) Hehehe, dude ! Your plant has grown into a bunny !!!! Hehehe, just kidding. OKay I gotta go. I will definitely update my blog thai weekend. Your blog is on fire !! :) No need to explain why this blog is so popular 'cause my friend rocks and her family is lovely ! :) Have a nice day and take care.
Kisses for you and your family

Yaaaay I am So happy to hear from you! I knew today was going to be a good day ;)I didn't want to go back to your blog and make you feel likeI was harassing you. LOL. You've been really missed. I'm so very happy to hear that the job is going well for you! Full-time? Awesome! I know you were hoping to have lots of hours. :biggrin:

How's Kimi??? I can't wait for an update :biggrin:You will have to get pictures. It's been too long. Kimi must have grown so much already.Hehehe. :p

Maybelle is changing a lot. She's still very diva-like but she's becoming much softer with us and she even has a little boyfriend now! Lol. I think she's coming out of that 'teenage' phase now so that must be what is making her change. You know, I was thinking about it the other day and realized that she's not even a year old yet. Hehehe :biggrin2:I have to remind myself sometimes because it feels like they've all been part of the family for so long... She makes me laugh with her dirty ears and nose. Surprisingly, she's still really white in generalthough! She's started throwing herself on her back now for her dead bunny flops. Those are new, she never used to flop like that before. Hahaha yeah, what a great plant to grow! :p

Oh, did you see the part about Rolo being a girl? :shock:Lol. She's starting to be a bit diva-ish herself. She definitely wants her things where SHE wants them to be. If I move it, she throws it down or tries to destroy it. :expressionlessOh dear. She decided that she hated my idea of using a certain litterbox as a litterbox and insisted that it be her bed instead. Finally, I figured I wouldn't win with her so I turned it into a bed and gave her small litter corners instead. Seems she was happy because now she uses the one corner. The other, she's not happy about where I placed it so she keeps throwing it down. I'll remove it this weekend if she did it again. :expressionlessShe's also becoming more demanding about coming out. I think that's a really good thing because she comes to the front now when I go by her. Before, she used to ride and hide right away. I've also got her started on veggies which seems to have gotten her curiosity. I'm glad she's getting used to us. She absolutely hates being picked up so I am being careful and taking it slow with that for now. :)

Thank you so much Vircia! It's great talking to you and I'll be sure to look for any updates on your blog. I hope you will have a lovely day!

Big hugs! Kiss Kimi for me please :biggrin2:
That is so wonderful that the cats are good with the piggies. You are lucky they don't have as much hunting instinct. Victoria was a stray the first two years of her life so she certainly knows how to hunt. She also knows if she's aggressive toward any other pet she gets the water bottle, so she tends to find a high perch and just glare at them. :surrender

Andre is so spoiled he doesn't know he's a cat and plays with everyone. :thankyou:

Last night I had a lightning strike thought. What if Maybelle likes Bobby enough to be, ummmm, accomidating? :shock:

The squares look large enough to me. I would hate for her new sweetness to be because she is pregnant. Is Bobby fixed? Hopefully he is. :?

I'm glad things are easier with your allergies since the weather is nice and you can open things up. It's a challenge when the mind and body fight. :hugsquish:
[align=center]A few pictures from today... :biggrin2:[/align]