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Patti said it best. I myself would call child services, he should have been taken to the doctor sooner. Sheesh my parents could be lousy at times but yours... Don't give up your happines.
Thank you Ali. It was hard to share my sad story, but both I and my brothers and sisters are doing well. We have remained strong in spite of our parents. In no way do I hate my parents. I just feel sorry that we weren't able to help them.
i think an important thing was brought up and that is you should do what you can to help your siblings but first you have to look out for yourself and second to be careful not to become an enabler. it sounds like your parents are a lost cause but there is still time and hope for you and your sibs. Good luck and take advantage of any govermental help you can get!
also i got sidetracked by your sad story..... what i really wanted to tell you is how beautiful you photos are both the flowers and your pets!!! i am sooo anxious for spring here. Yesterday we had snow, sleet, rain thunder AND LIGHTENING. everything except sunshine! and maybelle is adorable!!

I am happy you liked the pictures. The boys sure are fun to have. I still don't have any major reactions with them which I am really happy about. I do get a bit itchy if I hold them against my skin but that's something I am careful not to overdo. Aside from that, it's mainly the hay that bugs.


Hehe I am glad you enjoyed them. The pets appreciate you calling them cute and accept my continued friendship with you :pLol jk. Your Spring is on its way! ;)


Hehehehe sorry for that. Lol. I'd send you some sunshine but I have rain now... I'm glad you loved the pictures. I'm especially glad that my camera could capture such vivid colors. I can't wait to go back for the roses :biggrin2:As for Maybelle, lol... Yeah, she's definitely wanting to mate I think. She's also being ok with Rolo and often stops in front of his hutch to 'chat'. I think she prefers the neighbor bunny though because he doesn't come on her turf and I don't pet him:p


Hehehe I am glad you enjoyed the videos. I find her so silly but I am so happy that she loves her pillows and blankie so that I could show Susan how much she appreciated them. I thought it was funny how she plays with the blanket too. Ah well, whatever makes her happy. :biggrin:


Thank you. It's a really hard situation all around. I'm calmer now but yesterday I was so very angry. It just hurts to watch you know? Meh.


*Big hugs* Thank you for sharing that with me. I understand what you are saying. Part of me feels a bit guilty about thinking of myself and not wanting to sacrifice anything. It's hard because we don't really have family so all we have is each other. On the other hand, I had to deal with all that myself as well and managed and finally have something great going for me so I really really would prefer not to lose that. Lol.I think I will stay closeby and see how things go. I want to make sure that he is mature and acting in a proper way before enabling anything. We'll see what happens I guess... Thank you again. I'm glad things turned alright for you guys.


Thank you. Yeah... Meh. The thing is it would definitely be a big step. I mean, it would not be good for my parents because of things that happened with my sister. I don't want to make things worse really but I also want to be sure that my brother is okay. I think fornow it will be something I will keep an eye on but not something I'll do too easily... For myself, calling services on my own parents,even just the thought of it, is making me feel sick to my stomach. It's not something I WANT to do but I WILL if I think my brother's well-being is being jeopardized. Meh, doesn't family suck at times?


Thank you. Yeah, it's hard to put myself first but I have learned that if I don't, no one will put me first and I always end up on the losing end. Jeff is not someone I want to lose. I am not sure I am wanting to pay that price to be honest. It may be selfish to some... I just don't see myself being alright with that decision in the long-run. I'll try to help in the ways that I can, without losing out myself...:)

Hehehe I am glad you loved the pictures. Maybelle says thank you (with a hint of 'duh' as in would she not be???) :p. I hope spring comes for you soon. Oh my, that really is some nasty weather :shock:Is it supposed to be nicer some time this week?
Remember the directions on a plane, secure your own mask before helping children. You have to be ok first before you can do anything to help your siblings.

I also wanted to say how lovely your pictures are, so bright. Spring always fills me with hope.

How often do the piggies get baths? They are super cute! I ended up getting Houdini rather than piggies. The bunns are so happy as a threesome. Perhaps Maybelle is falling in love with the neighbor bunny? He's very handsome, but looks so much like Rolo to me. Funny how buns react to each other. Too bad she didn't fall in love with Rolo.
I've had a wee bit of a melt-down... Basically, a lot of things I've been fighting with came flooding back. Jeff knows. We're going to look into getting some help. Don't worry, I will work it out, especially with Jeff's help. As for my brother, I will be there but I will not put my own life on hold. As much as I love him, it is not my responsibility to raise him. It's hard, but I've decided to focus on myself.

Edited to add: my residence renewal application has been sent and confirmed as received. Jeff paid the processing fees this morning so my application will be processed shortly. :)
Sitting outside right now... Absolutely gorgeous day. Maybelle is out and running around my feet, being the total looney tune that she is. I decided to take the piggies out as well. I came out armed with the hose and oven mitts, just in case Maybelle decided they weren't allowed in her yard either. LOL. She did great though. She has no problem with them at all. PHEW. I'm sooooooo relieved!

The piggies are terrified though. It's their first time outside actually. The only time they came out from under their box was when Maybelle decided to steal a bit of their hay through the playpen. No situation is too dangerous to allow food to be stolen from piggies :p

On another note... My mother just announced to me that they are searching for a new house. No surprise there but I find it funny how she announced it tome. I posted on Facebook about renewing my residency and how now we just have to wait for it to be processed and she replied saying " keep us posted, if we need to look for more room while shopping for a new house, and hopefully all will go well cause I might have some left over for a visit"


Seriously?! No way in heck.I told her I wasn't going back one way or another. I meant what I said. This is home. IF for some odd reason something happens, I will head somewhere quiet, on my own or with Jeff. Lol. I didn't answer about her 'visit'which she keeps talking about but is always too 'broke' to do ;)I just hope, for my brother's sake, that he's ok with moving. :expressionless

I'll have pictures very soon. :)
Thank goodness for oven mitts!!! :biggrin2:

Alwaysgood toolsto arm oneself with... ;)

Good to hear that you have made a wise decision, young Grasshopper.
Sophie those videos were so cute of my Maybelle. I can't get over the way she plays with the pillow and blanket.

I just filled the pillow with pillow stuffing.

Who knows maybe she can smell my bunnies on the pillow and blankts.

It sure looks like Jeff Loves :heartbeat:playing with Maybelle.


LOL yeah. I was prepared this time. Was funny sitting there with oven mitts on and the hose in my hands. I bet my neighbor thought I was crazy. Oh well :pMm, I think it's the best decision to make. Either way, I am happy with it.


Hehehe she REALLY loves playing with them. Rolo likes to snuggle on them instead. Maybelle though, they are her favorite toys! Hehehe. I haven't caught her snuggling with them but she does keep her pillow close. I did find her other pillow under Rolo's hutch yesterday. How she pushed it all the way back there, I have no idea. Hehehe I bet she can smell your bunnies. She must be in love with one of yours. She has great taste ;)

As for Jeff, he's out there playing with her as we speak. :biggrin2:


Yesterday, I took on the task of scrubbing down Rolo's hutch and the shed on my own. With the weather being nicer and being able to leave the doors open, it's much easier for me to deal with so I was very happy to have the priviledge of cleaning it out myself. It's nice not to have to bug Jeff after a long day's work or spend a Saturday cleaning it out. :)

Maybelle had a blast. The neighbor boy, Bobbie, was out again and they really like each other. He actually groomed her through the fence. He seems to long for a companion. His brother hates him though. Awww.

The thing is, right now, what we did is cut back the hedge at the bottom and fitted the playpen fence there so when the buns go to the hedge, they can see each other through the fence. (It's now nailed to the shed and one proper fence panel so Maybelle cannot escape...) Anyway, the thing is I HATE that hedge. I am allergic, it's ugly, ít's a perfect place for BIG spiders, and it's just plain messy. I was all thrilled about getting rid of it when we do the yard but now, I'm not so sure... I feel kind of guilty you know... It's the only bunny I've seen Maybelle take an interest in and Bobbie seems to love it. It's cute to watch them run along the fence, chasing each other and binkying. Yes - we got binkies! Baaaa-aaaaa-aaaaah! I'm not sure what we will do now... I'm trying to think of some kind of divider that would allow us and our neighbors their privacy but yet let the buns interact through the fence. Lol.

At some point, I put Maybelle in the large kennel and let Rolo out because Rolo was REALLY wanting out. According to Maybelle, I signed my death wish at that moment :pIf she could have chewed her way out of that kennel, she would have. She was furious. On a positive note, when Rolo would pass in front of her, she would press herself down and present her head for grooming. Rolo completely ignored her. At least Maybelle wasn't lunging through the kennel. That's a start.

Bobbie was still out when Rolo was playing about. Bobbie tried desperately to get Rolo's attention but Rolo was less than impressed. Nope, Rolo preferred to run bunny500s and binky about. Maybe that's why Maybelle was more tolerant of Rolo? Maybe she realized Rolo wasn't going to steal her beau? Lol.

Oh and um errr I well ummm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

got to sex Rolo properly FINALLY

and ummm welll see the thing is ummm welll errrrr

Rolo is a GIRL.


pics coming soon...

:lookaroundI errr yes, poor lil Rolo is a girl. She is the MESSIEST girl ever too :grumpy:She takes after Smores soooooo much. Gah! I caught her doing the ear thing too. Meaning, she can flick her ear down on her own before grooming it. She doesn't need to pull it down. Awww :biggrin2:She had another run around today and was very happy. We bought her a stuffed duck to add to her litterbox turned bed. Lol. She did try to hump Houdina today though. Houdina didn't approve. :p

We let Houdina out for a few for the first time today. She was pretty scared at first but started moving around a bit. The bunnies made her really nervous though so we will have to work with her alone until she is more comfy. We're only letting her out on the line and only when we are with her. I think she will do okay once she is used to it. :)

Who wants pictures?

[align=center]Some of Baloo:[/align]
[align=center]Jelly Bean and Twizzler:[/align]
[align=center]more coming...[/align]
[align=center]And some sky:[/align]
[align=center]We sat outside again today because it was another beautiful day so we have more pictures for you guys... ;)[/align]
[align=center]I didn't have the heart to tell her that she didn't fit... :p[/align]