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It's nice to see you back. :biggrin:Hehehe I thought of Kimi too when I got the castle. I thought maybe she'd like it for her birthday... :pMaybelle does the same. She destroys everything. However, she hasn't chewed it at all yet so far. Phew. She did toss everything everywhere though... :rollseyes

As for Rolo, I really don't know if it's a boy or girl at this point to be honest. :expressionlessI haven't actually been able to get a proper look because Rolo is extremely difficult to handle. Jeff isn't very good at holding them so it's hard for me to hold and check. Lol. I hope to get that all sorted very very soon. :expressionless

I missed you too :biggrin:It's nice to see you again. Is Kimi giving you rabbitude for leaving her alone?
Poor Rolo! I've never heard a rabbit whimper. My Cappy is also still very skittish with us.She still runs away from usoruse her nose to push our hands away. I wonder if it's a Harlequin trait?
[align=center]I've been a bit quiet this week because I've been feeling a lil off with lots of headaches and backaches but I am hoping to get all caught up.[/align]
[align=center]On Saturday, we woke nice and slow and then headed out to shop. I was really in need of shoes and clothes with the warmer weather settling in. It's been absolutely gorgeous here, about 15 C the past few days. I was a bit skeptical about finding anything because I had looked around a bit and couldn't find shoes I liked that I could actually wear. The torn tendons andheel spursin my feet are a problem when it comes to shoe shopping. [/align]
[align=center]The great thing about shopping withJeff is thathe's very patient and, well, he's good when it comes to clothes. I definitely prefer to have his opinion on things because he has good taste and I trust his judgement. He's honest with me and he also brings an un-biased view along. Hehehe. So anyway, we spotted about 4-5 different open shoes that I could wear because they were low without being flat and not too heavy either. I liked 2 pairs in particular but one of the pairs rubbed against the back of my heel and I was concerned that that would be an issue because of the way the shoe was designed. Jeff had spotted a sandal (for 20 euro) he liked and that was really quite comfy and cute so I could use that as my 'clean' sandal. Really though, I had originally wanted to get a running shoe to have for my exercising/walking shoe and a shoe to replace my boot which is all peeled in the front. We spotted a nice running shoe but it was 40 (no, not that expensive at all) but I feared that it wouldn't look very nice for very long because of the material so I was quite reluctant to get it. Instead, I looked at some comfortable walking shoe and settled for one at half the price. Jeff told me that since the shoes were so cheap and I could have gotten 2 pairs for 60, I might as well get a 3rd. Again, Jeff spotted a shoe that looked just like the one I really liked that was uncomfortable. This time, it fit really nicely and not only that, but it was on sale at half price. [/align]
[align=center]So not only did a find a pair of shoes, I found THREE pairs and all that for 50 euro! :biggrin2:[/align]
[align=center]I also got a few tops, a pair of pants, and a lighter coat. The tops and pants were really quite cheap and I'll probably look for more eventually but it's nice to have tops I am comfy in without feeling a need to wear layer over layer. The coat was 60 and I found it to be expensive for a spring coat but Jeff really liked it. I preferred the dark version but he preferred the cream version. I don't do light colors but like I said, I trust his judgement and his argument of the light color being best for warm weather was valid so I went with his choice. See, it's nice to shop with him ;)[/align]
[align=center]You see... I may be a girl but I can be quite clueless when it comes to certain things. I am not very girly really. I do not like to shop, do not wear makeup, get my hair done regularly, etc. The thing is, ever since I've met Jeff, I've wanted to maintain myself better. I don't think it's a bad thing either. In fact, ever since the attack, I wanted to attract the least attention to myself as possible. I still do not like the attention, but I also think that I looked so frumpy that I was calling a different kind of attention and it only made my self-esteem that much worse. I still struggle with my appearance but what a world of difference it makes when you get a proper haircut. Lol. I don't like to spend so much money when it comes to things because I would prefer to have more variety and change items as they wear out but it sure adds up quickly. I am glad Jeff is so easy-going :expressionless[/align]
[align=center]So that's that for shopping. Lol.[/align]
[align=center]Yesterday, we worked on the guinea pig's abode. It's coming along more slowly than I had hoped for but I also had to scold myself and remind myself not to turn this into a chore or it will ruin the fun. It's looking great so far though. I really enjoy it. Baloo pouts every time though. He gets annoyed when we focus on anything but him. Lol. Houdina, on the other hand, loved the break from Baloo (he went downstairs to pout on his cushion) and was rather clingy and curious so she checked on everything we were doing. [/align]
[align=center]Here's a picture of her observing and just plain being in the way :p:[/align]
[align=center]After some hours of working on the project, Jeff suggested we go walk by the lake to enjoy the gorgeous day. It was my first going all around the lake. It's 3km around and I found it absolutely lovely. Lots of people were out as it was such nice weather and dogs were jumping into the lake left and right to enjoy a swim. I really wish we had a dog for me to take out. It's just such a nice place... [/align]
[align=center]The lake:[/align]
[align=center]Proof that spring is here:[/align]
[align=center]Maybelle and Rolo are doing great. Rolo is enjoying the double hutch and you can find him more and more in the open part, watching you. :)Maybelle is a real lovebug these days. She's still her feisty self but she's also loving the petting and attention. She love dances more than any bunny I've known. Lol. She too is thrilled with the lovely weather and is enjoying eating things as they grow out from the ground. I definitely won't be putting the berries out where she can reach them right now :expressionlessAside from that, she's being a brat. She's often taunting Rolo. In fact, she lines the outside of Rolo's hutch with a ton of pee and poop. :grumpy:She refuses to use the boxes available. Nope, she insists on peeing and pooping right at Rolo's hutch. Oi! She certainly loves her pillows and blanket. In fact, I think she loves them a bit TOO much. :pSomebunny needs a spay... Lol. She's also decided to randomly grab a pillow and carry it out into the yard. Not sure what it brings her but if it makes her happy... Of course, I put them back in her bed and that gets me a good thumping at. :rollseyes[/align]
[align=center]Here are a few pics of May. You can see what I mean about her and the hutch...[/align]
[align=center]Also, I gave the kitties their new toy from their Auntie. I had held off because I needed to charge the batteries so I could get a video for her. Unfortunately, they didn't give me much footage but I hope to catch them again soon. I did find one of the toys in the laundry basket the other day. That means someone (Baloo) really enjoys it and buries it as he hides his toys. :p[/align]
[align=center]Here's them in the first minutes after getting their toys:[/align]
[align=center] [/align]
[align=center]Alright well I think that covers it all for now... :pStill lots more to come, as it comes. Trying to get pictures and videos from my furbabies on command is just impossible. Lol. [/align]

Lol. Yeah, he's quite vocal about not liking us. :pAt least, when it comes to him, I know it's about fear and not being angry with us like Maybelle. Lol. However, she's been really loveable these days as well so as long as we do everything she wants, she'll love us. ;)Do you think your Cappy will ever be really comfy? I sometimes wonder if Rolo will ever completely relax or not. :)
A 'funny'

Jeff and I went out to check on the bunnies as usual. Maybelle was at the door before we even opened it and she zoomed past us as usual. Luckily, tonight she let me put her back in easily. We usually have to pretty much 'throw'her in and hurry to close the door while she proceeds to head butt it to get back out again. So, uneventful so far yes?

And then we tried to go back in.


Door wouldn't open?

I looked at Jeff. Jeff looked at me.

Houdina had effectively locked us out of our own house.

Yes, yes. She did.

She had stepped on the latch and that pushed it down, making it impossible to open the door. Even with keys, it wouldn't be possible to open it from the outside.

LUCKILY, Jeff had his house keys so we were able to get in by the front. Had it been me, I'd probably still be out there...

Thing is, she had that look that said "Hmmm how'd they get back in?" which then switched to an ever so innocent look.

They say never to trust a cat...


It's nice that someone has some lovely spring flowers blooming! Thanks for posting the great pics of your spring-colors!! Makes me want spring to come even more... :D

Good for you getting to enjoy some fresh air and a beautiful walk. It is nice to live near a body of water. I have lived on Lake Michigan all of my lifeand find that I don't know if I could ever live inland. It just makes for the nicest walks when I get to watch the waves roll in, or have the serenity of the sunsets or sunrises.

I'm with you on the shopping thing. Don't like spending too much or going too often. I really do have to be in the mood to look for things, or it just becomes a waste of time. Good thing you have Jeff to keep you motivated in that endeavor... ;)
LOL she locked you out@!!!

Hehehe I am glad you enjoyed the spring pictures. How is the weather there now? I think living by water is just lovely. I am glad that we aren't directly on the lake though as it gets quite noisy. We can hear them from the house already so I think this is a better deal :pI don't like crowds. Lol. Lake Michigan must be quite something... Do you have any pictures? Yeah, shopping is just bleh. It's more of something I HAVE to do. Hehehe. Jeff really helps out though so it's not nearly as bad :)Thanks for posting, you always make me smile!


She DID!!! Unbelievable right??? Jeff's mother sure had a good laugh. :grumpy:
So today, I woke up feeling rather sick so I decided to watch a movie. I ended up watching Whip It, a movie directed by Drew Barrymore, and loved it. Hehehe. It was a good movie to watch during the day since the programs on tv suck. I hate soaps. :grumpy:Hehehe.

Jeff's mom called soon after and asked if she could come over so I quickly cleaned things up and chatted with her and all. It was nice to see her. After she left, I called my best friend as well. That always makes me happy.

Well, I had dinner ready when I found out Jeff would be home late so I decided to clean the yard a bit, pot my berries, and play with the buns. Maybelle made quite the mess in the shed again. She also chewed a hole in her lovely castle. :grumpy:If she chews it more I will have to take it away :(Anywho, I swept the shed, filled bowls and bottles, etc. It was funny because our neighbor was out doing the same thing so we chatted about bunny slavery. Hehehe. His bunnies came up to the fence so his and Maybelle would run along the fence, sniffing each other, etc. They were trying to nip at each other some but luckily they couldn't reach each other. That's the good thing about Maybelle being so big, her head is too big to really allow her to bite any other bun through the fence. Hehehe.

I did get a funny video of Maybelle... I won't tell you what it is, only that you should watch it completely, and know that she is humming the whole time. Lol...

Here it is:

[align=center] [/align]
I don't think she's understood the concept? :p

And here are some pictures (she's totally dirty but happy lol):

May and the neighbor bunny:


I guess you have proof positive now that spring is in the air!! How much mileage did Maybelle put on for that video?! Maybe she was showing off for Rolo since that seemed to be a favorite stopping place. Poor girlie needing to flop...! :pI don't blame her one bit being so tuckered out. And she hummed the entire time?!!!

Oops... forgot to say that I thought the neighbor's bunny was Rolo until I read otherwise. I love it that their bunny set claim the the fence. Poor Maybelle must have been beside herself with another bunny's chin-stuff all over her fence!! ;)

OMG Sophie that was the cutest video. Mine never run with their pillows. She sure gets her exercise.

I just love that Maybelle:big kiss::inlove::heartbeat::hearts.



I love your voice, i don't remember hearing before.:biggrin2:

Yep, spring is definitely here :biggrin2:It still gets rather chilly during the night but it's nice and warm during the day. Flowers are blooming left and right and butterflies flutter by happily. I've seen quite a few bumblebees and ladybugs as well. Actually, I haven't weeded my front garden so now we have some flowers growing there and it seems that it's a ladybug favorite so I will probably be setting up a ladybug hotel in the future. Lol. :p

Lol Maybelle sure kept on going and going didn't she? I say she has OCD. Lol. She never does anything just once. Even when she love dances, it goes on forever. I also nearly faceplanted yesterday because she tripped me. :expressionlessSilly girl! That's the first real throw-myself-on-the-ground-cause-I'm-deaded-and-need-to-rest flop from her that I remember seeing. It was so funny. I just wish I had captured it better.

Haha, you should have seen my face when I saw the neighbor bunny. I saw him from the side and I briefly panicked thinking Rolo was somehow on that side of the fence. LOL. I knew they had a harlequin but it's been a while since I saw their boy (or I may actually have only really seen the other boy as well) so the only thing I could think of was Rolo. Just like the time when I assumed the bunny running around in our yard was theirs only to realize it was actually Rolo. Crazy.

Maybelle and the boys had 'claiming wars'. LOL. They'd sniff each other, run around, but if one chinned it then the other insisted on chinning it back on their side and that's when the attempted nippings would follow. Silly rabbits.

Funny thing is, the other bunnies weren't out yet when she did all this. I don't know WHAT she was trying to do either. Lol.



HeheheI am glad you enjoyed it. I was quite happy to capture that moment on camera myself. Lol. She's the first of allmy bunniesto dosomething like that. Then again, her favorite food is anything onion-y so... :expressionless(she only gets leek btw. Lol) Yeah, flopping over like that was quite a nice way to end the video. I was just about to close the camera too becauseI figured 5 mins of her running around in circles was bound to get boring. Hehehe. She sure rested for a while after that though :p



Lol, I'm so happy to have captured that for you. I had noticed that I would find her pillows in the yard but I had never really seen her actually do much other than just bring it out and leave it. Now that I think of it, she also runs around with her carrot usually. Lol. I've seen her playing with the pillow and blanket but usually she stops when she sees the camera. :pI guess yesterday she really wanted to put on a show. :winkOnly sucky thing is that she is getting them dirty but that's also why I held onto the others so I could switch them around while I wash the dirty ones. She seems to like the texture of the blue one quite a bit though. I'm still trying to understand what it all meant. Lol.

Maybelle is not much of a jumper. She loves to run and dig. I've noticed that she has quite a bit more muscle than other bunnies I've had and I do think the yard is the reason. Of course, after seeing the video it's not hard to believe that she moves about quite a bit. Hehehe. I'll have to try capturine ger bunny 500s. Those are quite impressive as well. Thing is, she is so fast, I have a hard time capturing it on video! Lol.

At least now you know how much she loves her pillows :wink

And um err thank you about the voice comment. *Blushes* Lol :p
I should be cleaning and getting ready to gooutbut Jeff surprised me with the Sims Medieval game... LOL.
Ty Ali and Patti :biggrin2:I'm glad you enjoyed.


Pictures anyone?

First off, the piggies... I gave them a bath and have pictures for you guys. :)

More coming...

It was an absolute gorgeous day today (21 C) so we headed off to Keukenhof (the world famous flower exposition). It was my first time seeing it and today had a traditional dutch costume theme so I thought it was a nice day to go. It was lovely and I got some pictures to share.

I have a ton so I will only share my favorites but if you want to see more you can view the album here:


PASSWORD: luvyourbunneh

Here are pics:

more coming...

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