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Wow - for once something that a bunny didn't do!

Poor Karen....I hate it when I have to call Art with stuff like that.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
So far, the e-lop seems to be even MORE ornery than the Flemmies...at least to me. Miss Daisy is so determined to get into things that we have put away, or blocked off, etc.

She also seems somewhat more skittish than our Flemmies-she will often bolt if something takes her by surprise. For the most part, the Flemmies are too laid back to care.

She's also pretty young yet...the exact age of Nyx (born 1 day later :D)...so I think she still has a lot of that sameyouthful "exuberance". It's like she's always a bun on a mission...she sits still for some nice nose and ear rubs, then zoom! She's off again, sniffing around and looking for trouble. She's not wild about being held either. Probably too constraining ! :p I find that she is kind of independent; she doesn't seem that interested in making neither friends nor enemieswith any of the other buns during her time out. She pretty much ignores them. She pays some attention to Dave, and wants some of his attention, but the other buns hardly exist!

Do your flemmies like being held? I find if I sit on the floor and Nyx comes nearby - I can put her in my lap and pet her and she'll sit there (as long as I'm petting her). Once the petting stops - she wants out of my lap...but if I were to pet her for half an hour - she'd stay there the whole half hour.

But that exhuberance - oh how well I know that from Nyx. She gets up in the morning - hops up into the recliner and checks it out - then uses the recliner to bounce towards the kitchen...

By contrast, all of our adult Flemmies have one or more buns that they like to "visit"...either to lie around companionably, or to taunt. (Actually, Ms. Velvet is our taunter. She picks on the 2 smallest rabbits in the room...a Nethie and a mini Rex.) Our blacks - Nyx's parents - are way laid back. Mostly they "visit" each other. They snoop around the room a little, maybe wander to the other room and check out who's in there. Usually they find a nice spot to lay where they can see what's going on, and just chill out. Sweetie and Titan are not AT ALL demanding...they like their attention, but they're just pretty happy, no matter what. Our blues have been brats. Velvet is a total Diva...right down to nipping you if you don't read her mind. She and Thumper...much more high spirited. Both very stubborn.

Ah...that sounds lke Athena - she loves to lay by the bucks' cages and be next to them (especially Hermes now)...

I am really looking forward to seeing how Daisy is when she's full grown, like 2 years old or so. I wonder if she will settle down & chill out some. I strongly suspect, like the famous Yofi, that she will alwaysbe a source of comedic relief. And I alsothink, once a Diva bun....always a Diva bun!
Do you see yourself or the two of you ever breeding e-lops? Or just enjoy having one as a pet?
TinysMom wrote:
wabbitmom12 wrote:
So far, the e-lop seems to be even MORE ornery than the Flemmies...at least to me. Miss Daisy is so determined to get into things that we have put away, or blocked off, etc.

She also seems somewhat more skittish than our Flemmies-she will often bolt if something takes her by surprise. For the most part, the Flemmies are too laid back to care.

She's also pretty young yet...the exact age of Nyx (born 1 day later :D)...so I think she still has a lot of that sameyouthful "exuberance". It's like she's always a bun on a mission...she sits still for some nice nose and ear rubs, then zoom! She's off again, sniffing around and looking for trouble. She's not wild about being held either. Probably too constraining ! :p I find that she is kind of independent; she doesn't seem that interested in making neither friends nor enemieswith any of the other buns during her time out. She pretty much ignores them. She pays some attention to Dave, and wants some of his attention, but the other buns hardly exist!

Do your flemmies like being held? I find if I sit on the floor and Nyx comes nearby - I can put her in my lap and pet her and she'll sit there (as long as I'm petting her). Once the petting stops - she wants out of my lap...but if I were to pet her for half an hour - she'd stay there the whole half hour. Velvet and Sweetie will trance really easy and both like to sit next to you and be petted. Titan will let you hold him but he prefers to hop around and come up to you and get some pets or nose rubs for a little while and be off again.

But that exhuberance - oh how well I know that from Nyx. She gets up in the morning - hops up into the recliner and checks it out - then uses the recliner to bounce towards the kitchen...

By contrast, all of our adult Flemmies have one or more buns that they like to "visit"...either to lie around companionably, or to taunt. (Actually, Ms. Velvet is our taunter. She picks on the 2 smallest rabbits in the room...a Nethie and a mini Rex.) Our blacks - Nyx's parents - are way laid back. Mostly they "visit" each other. They snoop around the room a little, maybe wander to the other room and check out who's in there. Usually they find a nice spot to lay where they can see what's going on, and just chill out. Sweetie and Titan are not AT ALL demanding...they like their attention, but they're just pretty happy, no matter what. Our blues have been brats. Velvet is a total Diva...right down to nipping you if you don't read her mind. She and Thumper...much more high spirited. Both very stubborn.

Ah...that sounds lke Athena - she loves to lay by the bucks' cages and be next to them (especially Hermes now)...

I am really looking forward to seeing how Daisy is when she's full grown, like 2 years old or so. I wonder if she will settle down & chill out some. I strongly suspect, like the famous Yofi, that she will alwaysbe a source of comedic relief. And I alsothink, once a Diva bun....always a Diva bun!
Do you see yourself or the two of you ever breeding e-lops? Or just enjoy having one as a pet? Yes, I do plan on breeding them some day. Next to Flemmies e-lops are becoming my next favorite breed.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Do you see yourself or the two of you ever breeding e-lops? Or just enjoy having one as a pet? Yes, I do plan on breeding them some day. Next to Flemmies e-lops are becoming my next favorite breed.
Oh boy - am I ever in trouble now....if they're next favorite breed (and I suspect we're a lot alike) - I can tell I'd love them too - and Art seems to have a fondness for lops.

Ok.."must stay away from e-lop threads and breeders....must stay away from e-lop threads and breeders..."

This one's for Peg ;)

Lookit the cuteness in this e-lop's face and tell me you can't resist....*must have an e-lop...must have an e-lop...MUST have an e-lop...*


Bassetluv wrote:
This one's for Peg ;)

Lookit the cuteness in this e-lop's face and tell me you can't resist....*must have an e-lop...must have an e-lop...MUST have an e-lop...*

Art saw this and was going, "Cute bunny..." and I said, "Yeah....imagine Puck as a flemish giant size...".

I think my odds of getting an e-lop are better and better than they were - I basically explained that they were like Puck - in a big body.

I wish you could've seen Art's face....the big big smile.
I know that this is about Puck - my Holland lop who passed away a long time ago (and was Art's heart bunny) - but does this describe the e-lop personality at all? (I hope so....it might help Art say "yes" sometime down the road...).

[align=center]A Day In the Life of Puck[/align] [align=center][/align] [align=center]Early Summer - 2005[/align] 7 am - wake up to the sound of Tiny rattling his cage doors. Think about my plans for today again - I want to explore the bedrooms and behind the tv at least three times

9:15 am - Mom finally lets me out. Tiny takes me to the side and reminds me to stay in the bunny room.

9:17 am - I jump the barricade when Tiny turns his back to answer another bunny's question.

9:18 am - Mom sees me. I drink water out of the dog's bowl to make sure she thinks that is why I jumped the fence. When she walks towards me - I jump back inside the barricade. Mom tries to fix the barricade.

9:24 am - I jump the barricade and take off running for Eric's bedroom.

9:25 am - I make it to Eric's bedroom and start exploring

9:47 am - I accidentally jump on Eric

9:52 am - Eric returns me to the bunny room

10:17 am - I jump the barricade again

10:18 am - I run for Eric's room

10:22 am - Eric picks me up and puts me in my cage. Tiny lectures me from the floor about how to be a good bunny

11:14 am - Mom sees in my cage and says, "Puck...what did you do NOW?". I look so pitiful and sad she picks me up and puts me down on the floor.

11:29 am - I jump the barricade

11:33 am - I hide behind the tv (which is in the fireplace)

11:47 am - Mom asks where I am

11:54 am - Robin sees me behind the tv and puts me in the bunny room

12:02 pm - I eat hay mom brings in and Tiny glares at me.

12:13 pm - I decide to show GingerSpice I'm becoming a BIG boy bunny and chase her and try to play house

12:15 pm - Tiny chases me across the room and tells me to settle down or HE'S pushing me out the barricade

12:26 pm - I chase Roary and tell him I'm bigger and badder than he is

12:42 pm - I jump the barricade 'cause Tiny's about to thrash me

12:55 pm - I accidentally run across Eric's foot as he plays XBox. He puts me back in the bunny room.

1:19 pm - Yeah, yeah, yeah - I've heard these lectures before. I flick off Tiny and jump the barricade again.

1:42 pm - Robin takes me from the bathroom and puts me back in my cage

2:16 pm - Mom brings in hay and snacks. I beg her to let me out but she says "no Puck...not now". She does give me two craisins. I nap.

2:59 pm - I shake my cage door when mom goes to let the dog out. She lets me out of my cage.

3:21 pm - Eric chases me out of his room and when he finally catches me (behind the tv) he puts me back in the bunny room

3:24 pm - Tiny and the other bunnies start approaching me with mean looks on their faces

3:25 pm - I jumped the barricade again - only this time - SugarBear follows.

3:37 pm - Mom sees SugarBear & I behind the tv (trying to climb the fireplace walls). She puts us in the bunny room again.

3:38 pm - I lay down in a corner and tell Tiny I'm going to take a nap

3:47 pm - Tiny's asleep. I jump the barricade again.

4:12 pm - Eric catches me sleeping on his bed. He puts me in my cage.

5:45 pm - Mom cleans cages and lets me out to play "in the bunny room".

5:54 pm - Mom leaves the bunny room - and so do I.

6:30 pm - Mom starts rustling up our food. I hop back in the bunny room and wait for her to put it down.

7:00 pm - Mom picks me up and says "bedtime". She puts me in my cage - and I hadn't even done anything wrong! NO FAIR!

It was HIL - ARIOUS!! The cords attached to the battery were sticking out of the carhood, like two arms severed from their body. There was a big tire track through the crushed charger. Smashed to smithereens.

Dave called me a battery charger killer. I said, "Guilty as CHARGED."

He says, "Ohhh, that's a bad one." I said, "Sentence me to the ELECTRIC chair!"

He says, "How about I just give you a good thump, for making bad puns?" I said...nothing at all.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
It was HIL - ARIOUS!! The cords attached to the battery were sticking out of the carhood, like two arms severed from their body. There was a big tire track through the crushed charger. Smashed to smithereens.

Dave called me a battery charger killer. I said, "Guilty as CHARGED."

He says, "Ohhh, that's a bad one." I said, "Sentence me to the ELECTRIC chair!"

He says, "How about I just give you a good thump, for making bad puns?" I said...nothing at all.
Luvr of Rabbits and Polar Bears ~ You will probably like this one too....Get ready to laugh!

Our poor beleaguered neighbors have to think I am totally INSANE, if they witnessed the car charger incident, because I already gave them a real show one day last month. I'm sure they are still talking about it....

I was heading toward ourhouse after a long day, when I noticed that Dave had not pulled his carvery farforward in our parking area. To make matters worse,our 100 gallon trash bin had been left, by our friendly neighborhood garbage collectors, blocking the end of our very narrow driveway. I was thinking hard, concentrating...how am I going to pull this big-as-a-boat-station-wagon in behind Dave? There's not much room, and the trash bin is making the space even smaller....

and WHAM!! I hit our NEIGHBOR'S empty 100 gallon trash bin, sending it flying through the air, with the greatest of ease, and landing just inches from my husband's parked car.

As I screech to a halt and jump out to retrieve the 100 gallon unidentified flying object, I am laughing hysterically, and want nothing more than to replace the aerodynamic projectile known as the neighbor'strashcan, andgo running into my house,pretending this exciting event never happened. Just as my hands touch the offending trash bin, the owners of said 100 gallon UFO suddenly materializeon theirfront steps. They are positively dumbstruck.

My response? I stop my hysterical laughing just long enough to screech, "You would HAVEto be sitting on your front porchtoday!!"Ihave noticed that my neighbors have, strangely,NOTbeen out in their yard to wave "hello" at me for several weeks now....

wabbitmom12 wrote:
Luvr of Rabbits and Polar Bears ~ You will probably like this one too....Get ready to laugh!

Luvr of WABBITS and Polar Bears thank you :p

Our poor beleaguered neighbors have to think I am totally INSANE, if they witnessed the car charger incident, because I already gave them a real show one day last month. I'm sure they are still talking about it....

I was heading toward ourhouse after a long day, when I noticed that Dave had not pulled his carvery farforward in our parking area. To make matters worse,our 100 gallon trash bin had been left, by our friendly neighborhood garbage collectors, blocking the end of our very narrow driveway. I was thinking hard, concentrating...how am I going to pull this big-as-a-boat-station-wagon in behind Dave? There's not much room, and the trash bin is making the space even smaller....

and WHAM!! I hit our NEIGHBOR'S empty 100 gallon trash bin, sending it flying through the air, with the greatest of ease, and landing just inches from my husband's parked car.

As I screech to a halt and jump out to retrieve the 100 gallon unidentified flying object, I am laughing hysterically, and want nothing more than to replace the aerodynamic projectile known as the neighbor'strashcan, andgo running into my house,pretending this exciting event never happened. Just as my hands touch the offending trash bin, the owners of said 100 gallon UFO suddenly materializeon theirfront steps. They are positively dumbstruck.

My response? I stop my hysterical laughing just long enough to screech, "You would HAVEto be sitting on your front porchtoday!!"Ihave noticed that my neighbors have, strangely,NOTbeen out in their yard to wave "hello" at me for several weeks now....
:laugh: Karen that was a good one. I laughed reading it outloud to my sister and she couldn't understand me. LOL

Think your neighbors are worried you might send something else flying in there direction so there keeping there distance.
LOL wow what a story. Poor Karen, poor car charger. You two are such a lovely couple. How sweet! :)
edit: wow I am behind reading your blog! I didn't even see page 21, hah!
wabbitmom12 wrote:
It was HIL - ARIOUS!! The cords attached to the battery were sticking out of the carhood, like two arms severed from their body. There was a big tire track through the crushed charger. Smashed to smithereens.

Dave called me a battery charger killer. I said, "Guilty as CHARGED."

He says, "Ohhh, that's a bad one." I said, "Sentence me to the ELECTRIC chair!"

He says, "How about I just give you a good thump, for making bad puns?" I said...nothing at all.
After meeting y'all - I knew you guys were as bad as our family about puns...but um...yeah...you guys are as bad as I thought you were. No wonder we enjoyed you two so much.

Dave - it could be worse. I once worked on the car and couldn't get the hood to stay down (there was a trick to it that Art knew but I didn't) - so I DUCT TAPED it shut - with a big X on it and the duct tape going down to the wheel wells...and drove the 20 miles home.

I wish you could've seen Art's face when I pulled in the driveway - this was way way back before the days of cell phones...
TinysMom wrote:
After meeting y'all - I knew you guys were as bad as our family about puns...but um...yeah...you guys are as bad as I thought you were. No wonder we enjoyed you two so much.

Dave - it could be worse. I once worked on the car and couldn't get the hood to stay down (there was a trick to it that Art knew but I didn't) - so I DUCT TAPED it shut - with a big X on it and the duct tape going down to the wheel wells...and drove the 20 miles home.

I wish you could've seen Art's face when I pulled in the driveway - this was way way back before the days of cell phones...

:biggrin2:We all did seem like 4 peas in a pod. It was such a fun visit! I'm glad we have the miracle of modern technology~the internet~to keep our friendship going. Btw, don't forget to tell Art my puns....I know he'll love'em!

LOL about the duct taped hood...that is so AWESOME! Absolutely classic. "Necessity is the mother of invention..."
Well...you know what they say about duct tape...its like "the Force" from Star Wars..

It has a light side - and a dark side -and it holds the world together!
In my Dad's world, it's either a sledge hammer or a roll of duct tape. Your choice as to what will fix the problem at hand... :biggrin2:
