Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2009

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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
WOW:shock:she has gotten big!

Like the picture with your cat in it, looks like the kitty is smiling.
I kept pushing the kitty off the crate so I could get a picture of Nyx - she kept jumping up on the crate just as I'd take the pic.

So yes..she IS smiling.
I've been meaning to say this - I hope it doesn't come out wrong.

I know when you lost Lily - you lost a very special rabbit - not that the others weren't special - but she was truly a heart bunny.

I'm so happy you have had Daisy come into your life and become this special and fun when you do chores, etc. I know that having Nyx around to get into mischief when we're trying to mix food, etc. is really fun - and today she was really affectionate with me and just wanted a lot of pets.

Having a rabbit with that much of a diva personality really makes life interesting - I look forward to more Daisy stories.
I know what you mean. Diva bunny's keep things interesting.

Daisy has come a long way. I could never pick her up to put her back into her cage until the other day. I have discovered this is only possible after the required number of nose rubs, 2 or 3...thousand!
If you know who Yofi is, a famous e-lop on the forum, what I am going to tell you may sound familiar.

Daisy isquite a character. I have put NIC panels behind Titans cage and that girl is still trying to get behind his cage. She also spends much of her time telescoping and examing the gate to the bunny room. Daisy is planning a breakout from the bunny room and who knows where from there!

Daisy put me into a mild panic tonight. My normal routine when I get home, especially during the fall and winter, is to put my stuff down, walk down the hallway to the bunny room, close the curtains and turn on the lights. Tonight I didn't get home till late because I was donating plasma. I had forgotten to remind Karen, the sun had gone down an hour before I got home, she had did not have the curtains closed and the lights on in the bunny room.

I took care of all that and was saying hi to all the bunny's when I looked at Daisy. She is laying down, eyes have closed and her legs out to one side. I called her name and started to talk to her, no response. I opened her cage and talked to her again, nothing, I even started to give her some nose rubs. She was still all stretched out. Finally, she sat up, eyes opened up and she came to the front of her cage and hopped out. E-lops have to have a genetic ability to completely tune everything out and go into a deep sleep.

Yofi's mom related to me a story about Yofi, where the boy was trying to dig a hole in the wall to get out of his room. This has been a long week, aren't they all, and I started to clean cages and I was almost half way when it suddenly dawned on me, hey this cages are not that dirty, tommorrow is cage cleaning day! Well Daisy was out per norm when I clean her cage and I heard this scrapping sound. It wasn't coming from the pile of phone books I keep for the bunny's to shred, I looked behind me and there was Daisy digging at the wall, silly girl. I think Yofi is using his telepathic powers to give her ideas.

Tonight I also had Rudy and Sweetie out. Rudy is my French Lop buck, neutered, and Sweetie is my black flemmie doe, mother to Peg's Nyx. Sweetie is in the middle of the bunny room grooming herself and Titan is in his cage doing binkies and running around in circles. He wanted out to see his woman! When I put Sweeite back into her cage and closed the door he laid down and munched on his hay. Like nothing had happened.

Well Karen wants her turn on the computer so I better check a couple of things and let her on it.

I just gotta tell you guys that it won't be too long before I get to have a bunny date...I can hardly wait.

I heard mama talking today and she said something about, "I want Nyx to show in these shows...and then we'll breed the girls..".

It looks like I MAY be going to a "double flemish" show on November 21st - a triple show on November 27th and 28th, another show on December 5th and another big show on December 12th...and then the week after that - I get to have my bunny date!

Aren't you excited for me? I got so happy that I just snuck into the bag of calf manna and helped myself for about five minutes - when mom caught me - I explained that I was getting extra so I could grow big and strong and then have babies!

You're gonna be grandparents in January - and I'm gonna get to be a mama.

I can hardly wait. Mom is gonna weigh us again today and let us know how we're doing towards hitting the weight we need to be to breed. Wait till she understands what a BIG girl I am now.

Oh..mom said next spring I get to do more shows too - after my babies are "weaned".

So I'm gonna be a show bunny AND a mama bunny.

Tell my mom and dad hi for me and let them know they should be proud of me!

Mama just weighed me - she said I'm 11 pounds and 9 ounces. She's really really proud of me.....but she said something about how I'm almost "tiny's size".

Um....I'm not tiny...I'm a BIG girl.

I think I gotta go have a talk with her - she's gonna do Athena and Sophia next. (Sophia is a fatty).
All of my buns have quite a bit of character, maybe I notice Daisy's because she is more of a diva, Daisy was funny last night.

I finally got some overtime and it was late when I got home, nothing like a 13 hour day, so I didn't get to feeding the buns at the normal time. So I was being snubbed by just about the entire herd when I started my slave duties. They eventually forgave me when I was handing out the craisins, go figure.

I did the bottles and was going to start the food. Daisy was over in her cage just pawing at the door to get let out. So I went over and unlatched the door and lifted it up and she almost hopped out when she stopped and lowered her head. She wanted her nose rubs before she left her cage. Sort of a routine, when I open the door she comes forward, gets a dozen or so nose rubs and then its play time.

So after the required nose rubs she hops out and heads right for the litter box in the corner of the room. Then she twists her head to the left, the same way girls will toss there hair to one side, so her left ear was laying the right side of her head. Then she groomed herself and twisted head again so her right ear was on her left side. Mind you she was doing this will staring at me. The sound her ears made when she threw them to each side is indescribable, just a low swish flapping sound (like a flag makes in a light wind). Then she darted out with some twisty and speed binkies around my feet.

Miss Moo Moo, Hotot cross, has decided pooping and peeing in her litter box is an optional activity. Some days she will do it and other days not. Most of the time she will pee in it and have a huge pile of poop right next to it.

The buns know when its their turn to be let out for run time, they will be laying in their cage and when I put one bun back, the one that is next will come right up to their cage door to be let out, cracks me up to see this bun just spread out and then suddenly jump up and head for their door.

With the zany way things have been going in my house the buns never fail to give me just the break I need.

Can I steal Daisy? I think Nyx wants a sister that doesn't look like her...

Then again - can I steal like half your herd? Oh wait..I want them all.
Its beena long week and having a part time job and getting in some overtime at work made it one very long week.

Last night was cage cleaning night and I cleaned all the bunny cages. Somewhere along the line, while spending 4 hours on a tractor sweeping up leaves, I got the idea I had to clean cages tonight. I came in sat down, wrong thing to do after being outside half the day, I was really dreading having to clean cages. I thought I need to do it before the trick or treaters start. So I got up off the couch and went into the bunny room and looked at my mini rex's litter box and said to myself that doesn't look like it needs to be cleaned, then it dawned on me that I did it last night!:foreheadsmack:

So after a sigh of relief I decided to get Pudge my mini-lop out. She was enjoying her time out and she like getting nose rubs and lots of pets. Daisy on the other hand was not amused! She wanted to be out! Daisy was not happy that Pudge was out hopping around with me and not her. I am probably in trouble, I've been told by Yofi's mom that e-lops hold grudges. Oh well whats a slave to do!
Daisy has to play nice. Other buns have to have their out time too. That's what I always tell Toby.
kirbyultra wrote:
Daisy has to play nice. Other buns have to have their out time too. That's what I always tell Toby.
But Daisy is SPECIAL...and she knows that. She deserves ALL the out time so she can flirt with Dave by tossing her ears and stuff...