If you know who Yofi is, a famous e-lop on the forum, what I am going to tell you may sound familiar.
Daisy isquite a character. I have put NIC panels behind Titans cage and that girl is still trying to get behind his cage. She also spends much of her time telescoping and examing the gate to the bunny room. Daisy is planning a breakout from the bunny room and who knows where from there!
Daisy put me into a mild panic tonight. My normal routine when I get home, especially during the fall and winter, is to put my stuff down, walk down the hallway to the bunny room, close the curtains and turn on the lights. Tonight I didn't get home till late because I was donating plasma. I had forgotten to remind Karen, the sun had gone down an hour before I got home, she had did not have the curtains closed and the lights on in the bunny room.
I took care of all that and was saying hi to all the bunny's when I looked at Daisy. She is laying down, eyes have closed and her legs out to one side. I called her name and started to talk to her, no response. I opened her cage and talked to her again, nothing, I even started to give her some nose rubs. She was still all stretched out. Finally, she sat up, eyes opened up and she came to the front of her cage and hopped out. E-lops have to have a genetic ability to completely tune everything out and go into a deep sleep.
Yofi's mom related to me a story about Yofi, where the boy was trying to dig a hole in the wall to get out of his room. This has been a long week, aren't they all, and I started to clean cages and I was almost half way when it suddenly dawned on me, hey this cages are not that dirty, tommorrow is cage cleaning day! Well Daisy was out per norm when I clean her cage and I heard this scrapping sound. It wasn't coming from the pile of phone books I keep for the bunny's to shred, I looked behind me and there was Daisy digging at the wall, silly girl. I think Yofi is using his telepathic powers to give her ideas.
Tonight I also had Rudy and Sweetie out. Rudy is my French Lop buck, neutered, and Sweetie is my black flemmie doe, mother to Peg's Nyx. Sweetie is in the middle of the bunny room grooming herself and Titan is in his cage doing binkies and running around in circles. He wanted out to see his woman! When I put Sweeite back into her cage and closed the door he laid down and munched on his hay. Like nothing had happened.
Well Karen wants her turn on the computer so I better check a couple of things and let her on it.