Today was a good thanksgiving, it was just the four of us as my son Jeff is in Texas until mid December. Karen made a very juicy tasty turkey, chocolate and pumpkin pies,mashed potato's, gravyand my daughter made some very nice dinner rolls.
After I was rested up I took care of the bunny's and Daisy was being, well Daisy. I went to leave the bunny room, she was on the far side from the gate, when I went to close it she was right on my heels. I set the water bottles down in the bathroom and tried to heard her back to the bunny room. I am sure I am not thefirst to discover this, but e-lops only listen or do things when they want to. I followed her into our bedroom, out of our bedroom, down the hall, around the living room, behind the Wii, through the dining room, back into our bedroom (narrowly avoided her tour behind the headboard), through the bathroom, back into the dining room, back down the hallway, almost into the bunny room, back down the hallway, (daughter responds to my call for help), back down the hallway and with the two of us blocking her path down the hallway, she returns to the bunny room. Glances back to give me the disapproving bunny glare and into her cage.
Had to cut short my gluttony at 9pm, I am having some blood tests Friday morning, so I will be heating up left overs as soon as I get home from the doctors. I did score some points with Karen Friday night. I came home from a 10 1/2 hour day, was very tired but on my own volunteered to cleaned the kitchen so she could cook the turkey. Now can anyone tell me where you women keep these points socan check and see how manyI have? and how do we men redeem these points? Karen keeps telling me Iscored points but won't give me any more info.