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Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Can't resist a face like this either:


Awww--- these are GREAT pics! Look at that expression!

You have a beautiful bunny-family! & Titan looks huge! Must be fun having such a big bunny :D
Thanks, they do cheer me up quite often.

I am partial to the bigger bunny's, but as my wife will attest to, I haven't met a bunny I didn't like. My herd consists of Netherland dwarfs to the Flemish Giants.
Neat!! Do the dwarfs & giants get along alright? The big ones don't bop the little ones on the head or anything, do they? ;)

I have preferred breeds, but I haven't met a bunny I didn't like either!
I have a lionhead buck Carmal who tries to dominate Titan and a nethie himalyan that thinks she's in charge and so does my blue flemmie doe so those two don't get along. For the most part the flemmies are so laid back that they get along with just about all the bunny's.

Well we started the countdown, Titan and Sweetie our two black flemmies had a date and if she is pregnant she will be due around January 9th. The whole thing reminded me of the Pepe LaPew cartoon where he chases after the cat he thinks is a skunk. Titan came out of his cage and I opened the door to Sweetie's cage. He took to steps towards her and she zoomed across the room, then he take a couple of steps towards her in her new location, over and over. It went on for about 5 minutes before she consented. Now we just wait, she has been a very good mom with her past litters.

Daisy this morning, e-lops are too smart for their own good, discovered how to open the gate to the bunny room and disappear down the hallway to the living room. She finds the living room much more exciting because there are so many places she get get herself into trouble.

I have recently discovered my REW nethie prefers Kale and Romaine over everthing else. I bought some green lettuce at Walmart and he won't eat it. The other buns love it, but Tiny evidently has his preferences.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Thanks, they do cheer me up quite often.
Admit it- they are all pure entertainment! All my bad days are gone once that furry little face come into view.
I did find a flea on Daisy they other day, which I quickly removed, it was on her ear.
Oh noes! You are dealing with fleas too? While I haven't found any on the bunnies - and haven't really noticed them scratching - The Dog and The Cat both became afflicted a month or so ago. (This, of course, followed hot on the heels of my sister announcing, "Oh, Lassie (her dog) has fleas...I took her to the vet to be treated"; not pointing fingers or anything, but :foreheadsmack:.)

About a month after my sister's hairy hound became host to an insectorium of unwanted, sproinging guests, Kaya (aka 'The Dog') began scratching up a storm. So on her annual vet check I mentioned that I was certain she had fleas, whereupon the vet got down on her hands and knees and literally buried her nose in The Dog's fur. (This, of course, led me to wonder if she was truly adept at smelling fleas in a dog's coat, as opposed to actually looking for them.) After several moments of Kaya-sniffing, the vet stood up and announced that there was no sign of a flea to be found, and thus no meds were prescribed. A week later, The Dog, whose newly-found bloodsucking friends had probably grown to the Nth degree in numbers, was now scratching uncontrollably. Even in the midst of the most important conversation with her, these little back-biters were interrupting.

"Hey mom"....scratchscratchscratch... "can we go"...scratchscratchscratch... "out for"...scratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratch... "a w.."scratchscratchscratch... "a wal..."scratchscratchscratch... "a wal..."scratchscratchscratch.scratchscratchscratch... "a wal... "scratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratchscratch... "ARGHHHH!!!!...A WALK!!!!!!!"


So off I went to the vet again, this time insisting she provide me with enough napalm-based flea exterminant to wipe out an entire city of the little buggers. (Not that there's anything wrong with fleas, per se...but when you see them constructing condos on your animals with neon signs advertising "Opening soon: Fleatop Flats...chiggers and ticks welcome" you know you've got a problem.

Anyway, I left the clinic that day armed to the teeth with Advantage for dogs. Advantage for cats. And probably Advantage for everything in-between. Anyone residing within these four walls were treated with the obligatory drops between the shoulder blades, and all rugs, etc., were also napalmed and groomed.

Next round of treatment begins in one more week; let the battle begin.

*Ding ding ding!*


P.S. Yofi says:

"Moar Miss Daisy pics PLEEZ!!!!"

Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Well we started the countdown, Titan and Sweetie our two black flemmies had a date and if she is pregnant she will be due around January 9th. The whole thing reminded me of the Pepe LaPew cartoon where he chases after the cat he thinks is a skunk. Titan came out of his cage and I opened the door to Sweetie's cage. He took to steps towards her and she zoomed across the room, then he take a couple of steps towards her in her new location, over and over. It went on for about 5 minutes before she consented. Now we just wait, she has been a very good mom with her past litters.
This is soooo cool - I'm very excited.

By the way - Nyx weighed in today (we think - she was fighting us the whole time) at 14 pounds and 10 ounces. Not bad for a 6 month and couple day old flemmie.

The hilarious part came later when I was watching something on the computer- she went and sat down on the scales (on the floor) herself and started grooming herself. She sat there for several minutes and just stared at me (I pretended to ignore her).

I love her dearly - but she's a total brat.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Well we started the countdown, Titan and Sweetie our two black flemmies had a date and if she is pregnant she will be due around January 9th.  The whole thing reminded me of the Pepe LaPew cartoon where he chases after the cat he thinks is a skunk.  Titan came out of his cage and I opened the door to Sweetie's cage.  He took to steps towards her and she zoomed across the room, then he take a couple of steps towards her in her new location, over and over.  It went on for about 5 minutes before she consented.  Now we just wait, she has been a very good mom with her past litters.

I have to wonder if that reminded Wabbitmom of anything???:biggrin2:
Well Daisy heard that Yofi wanted some pictures she was happy to let me take some. So here is Miss Daisy.






Here are a couple of me and Miss Sweetie




Here a couple of Miss Velvet





My wife and son were taking pictures of Velvet and I finally had to ask them to stop. I was getting blinded by the flashes.

Finally, our Christmas tree, pre and post decoration.



Daisy has discovered how to open the bunny gate now. I heard a commotion while I was filling water bottles this morning, then silence, followed by a brown and white blur down the hallway.
A couple of weeks ago I had to get a new HEPA filter for the vacuum I use in the bunny room. It came in a small plastic box that you could close back up. I decided to take a cat ball that was in Daisy's cage and put in the plastic box and see if she would play with it. She loves it, she nudges it around her cage a lot.

Last night I sat in the bunny room after cleaning cages, filling water bottles and food dishes. I opened Sweeties cage and she came out. She stayed down by my feet while giving me this look of "I don't know about this guy" look. Sweetie dida few binkies and checked out that end of the bunny room.

After a while she hopped past me to check out the bunny gate, then she turned around and put her head down for some pets. I petted her until my arm got tired. She let me rest my arm and then nudged me for some more.

I asked her if she had any babies inside her, but she wouldn't talk about it.
Yofi sez:

"Miss Daisy!!!! Woooohooo!" (with a big grin on his silly clown-bun face). Good thing Miss Anna can't read, or he'd be paying BIGTIME. ;)

I love those new pics of Daisy...especially with her wonky, 'in-her-face' ears! Yofi's will do that every once in a while too...but it looks like Daisy is sporting even longer, more graceful headflaps than the Yofster. She's such a gorgeous bunny(!); and as it sounds, every bit a true English lop complete with those inquisitive, always-in-trouble somewhere traits.

And when I came to pics like this one, I had to say to myself, "Look away...look away!"


Along with English lops, flemmies really do hold a soft spot in my heart. And toss in a blue flemmie...well, that's just downright blackmail! I must resist wanting a flemmie...must resist....

Someday, though....:D
Torchster wrote:
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Well we started the countdown, Titan and Sweetie our two black flemmies had a date and if she is pregnant she will be due around January 9th. The whole thing reminded me of the Pepe LaPew cartoon where he chases after the cat he thinks is a skunk. Titan came out of his cage and I opened the door to Sweetie's cage. He took to steps towards her and she zoomed across the room, then he take a couple of steps towards her in her new location, over and over. It went on for about 5 minutes before she consented. Now we just wait, she has been a very good mom with her past litters.

I have to wonder if that reminded Wabbitmom of anything???:biggrin2:
Why yes, I toohave been chased around by a black-and-white-haired casanova crooning, "'ello, Babee...how 'bout a det?"
I thought I would update my blog. The bunny's are doing great. Miss Sweetie is more affectionate then normal, wants pets and loving all the time. Normally she is ok give a few now leave me alone.

Moo Moo (hotot mix doe) who we rescued because her previous owners said she was mean. Is a very sweet and loveable bun. She is also one of my messiest bunny's too. She likes her post office box house with custom nibbled out doors and windows.

Nibbles (black holland lop doe) and Skippery (black lionhead doe) are doing great, thedynamic duo are always groomin each other through the bars and laying next to each other. Can't seperate them, but you also can't put them in the same cage together either.

Miss Duchess (black and white dutch doe)had a poopie butt, so she got a bunny butt bath the other night, followed by lots of snuggling in a towel until she was good and dried off. She really enjoyed getting all that attention my the mommy slave.

Baby (nethie himalayan doe) has got the perfect pear shaped body. Narrow around the head and round around the hind quarters. She is doing good and loves her little foray's out into the bunny room. She likes to come out of her cage, investigate, check things out and then dash back into her cage and do it all over again.

Miss Velvet (blue flemish giant doe)is being her normal self. Doesn't like it when you open her cage door, but wants to be petted immediately once you do. She has been enjoying being held a lot and being tranced on her back.

Miss Pudge (black and white mini lop doe) has been a silly girl, I put hay in her hay feeder and she pulls it all out and then lays on top of it. Now all the buns are indoor buns so its not like she is cold and is doing it for warmth. She has been demanding nose rubs and pets in the mornings and evenings when she gets her food.

Titan (black flemish buck)is getting bigger and bigger every day I swear. He has got to be one of the biggest black flemmie bucks I have ever seen. If Sweetie is preggers, any bucks will be huge!

Rudy, (aghouti french lop buck) is being a good boy. He too has been pulling all the hay from his hay bin and stuffing it in the corner of his cage along with some fur. I've decided to stop filling his hay bin until he eats some of the pile he has in his cage.

Oreo (dutch/satin mix doe) is sweet as ever. She has been coming to her cage door more for lovin and pets. She has even let me pick her up more and snuggles when I bring her out to the living room and watch tv.

Miss Sweetie (black flemish doe) is just like her name a real sweetie. She normally likes some attention and will snuggle with you once she can be coaxed out of her cage. Lately, she has been wanting a lot of attention and is enjoy pets and all the lovin you want to giver her. This is the way she was when she was preggers last time, so I am hoping!

Tiny (REW nethie buck)bun is being a real character. Being a nethie he doesn't know he is the smallest bun in the herd and will let the other bucks know it too. He is really sweet and enjoys being petted and his time out when its cage cleaning day.

Blueberry (blue mini rexdoe)is finally mellowing out aftertwo years. She will not whimper when you pet her and likes being held more. Still very inquisitive bunny too.

Then there is Miss Daisy (e-lop)the diva of the herd. She is the most spoiled, she gets (demands) out in the morning feeding time and evening. Daisy does things her way and you just better be prepared to do what she wants. She is a speedy bun, as she can be across the bunny room and when I open the bunny gate be through the gate and into the living room in the blink of an eye. She has also stolen my heart. Daisy is not much for being held, but she does like her very extended nose rubs after she is done hopping and doingbinkies.

This pics if you haven't guessed are all of Miss Daisy Mae.
I wasn't doing a thing, really I just chased the dog out from under the tree.


Hide, I've been seen.


Really, the dog was under the tree messin with the presents.


I am just putting this back after the dog, moved it, hmm do I smell craisins?


No doggie here


I forgot to mention that my son Jeff was home for Christmas but had to leave to return to his unit tonight. We enjoyed, spending Christmas with him.

My middle boy Josh officially turned 18 yesterday. Doesn't seem like it was that long ago when I was putting on my uniform and told my wife I really didn't want to go to work and her saying you better call the Colonel and tell him you won't be in, calling the neighbors to see if they could come over and watch my oldest and taking Karen to the hospital.

Been taking so many pictures of Miss Daisy, I need to get some new ones of the rest of the herd.

Despite cleaning cages every other day, they are worth it. Nothing like one of them sticking the head out for some lovin to make me smile or go aww. My wife and son Josh were having a talk about various things, my daughter was playing Rock Band 2 on the Wii (I am trying to play the drums and discovering I have less rhythm then I thought) so I went to the bunny room and did some snuggling with Sweetie.

We had a good Christmas, the 23rd is when we do our Christmas and since Jeff wasn't in town yet, it was just Karen, I, Kristin, Josh and his girlfriend Cally. We go out to Applebee's for dinner come home and open gifts, talk and watch a Christmas movie. Nothing special, but Josh's girlfriend said it was the best Christmas she's had in a long time. Karen always manages to get the girlfriends really nice gifts.

Christmas eve I awoke to the sound of the pitter patter of rain drops. I walked over to the patio window to look out and felt my foot step in something cold and wet. The ice on my roof backed up the water so it was coming in around the top of the frame. I put some towels down and a couple of large bowls to catch the remaining drips and moved the computer out of the way too.

Christmas eve is my in-laws Christmas. Great people, couldn't have gotten a better mother and father in-law. My mother in-law always overspends on everyone. Had a good meal, watched the kids open their presents and then the rest of us 18 and older go upstairs and open ours. Had a great time, it was even more fun when we went to leave. It had been raining all day, melting the snow and when we left it had started to freeze. I had to have my son Josh come out and push me. Started going down the driveway and couldn't stop, slid into the street, despite being loaded down with presents, once we got to the main roads it was o.k.

Christmas is my family's Christmas. My brother usually has it at his house because he added onto it a few years ago and has more room to host it then my parents house. We all had a great time, my son Jeff was there and his girlfriend came too. I am going to get a great daughter in law one of these days. My neice's daughter loves Jeff and this year didn't seem to mind his girlfriend being there. Another day of good food and fun.

Yesterday was Josh's birthday. We took him to his favorite Italian restaurant for lunch and invited aunts, uncles and cousins along. Karen and I have always kept his birthday separate from Christmas. No gifts are to be given in Christmas wrapping paper. He got some really nice gifts and Karen surprised him with a small flat screen tv for his room. One of those, black Friday sales she went to. Josh's girlfriend came over after she got off of work and it was a nice evening.

I finished the evening off by playing a couple of hours of the Wii game Rabbids Go Home. My Christmas present from my in-laws, like I said good people.

Belated Merry Christmas, Karen and Dave! It sounds like you and your family had a wonderful time, surrounded by family. :) I'm so glad your son was able to make it home! Your weather also sounds very much like it was here...cold, wet, sloppy snow and slush. We had freezing rain that started off with a whimper on Christmas night, and by Boxing Day (the 26th) was causing all-out mayhem on the streets. My son and his girlfriend arrived late on the 22nd and had to leave in the early afternoon of the 26th; short visit but I was so grateful they could get here.

May you both have enjoy the upcoming New Year's, and may 2010 be both prosperous and wonderful for you and your family!

Di, Yofi, Anna, Kaya, and Fritz