Wabbitdads Wabbit Herd 2009

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Its been a rather stressful week, I've been getting some extra hours in at work, yeah! But it takes away from my bunny time.

I have been donating plasma, but that came to a crashing halt today. I received a certified letter yesterday. My experience has been certified mail = bad news. I was right, I went in to talk to them and I was informed they had a false positive to an illness I never have had and that even a false positive will prevent me from donating and earning money from plasma ever again.:X

Well enough of that. I will have to get some updated pictures of Titan, that boy is huge! Even being around him all the time, I've noticed he has gotten bigger.

Miss Daisy, Miss Daisy she is sweet yet devious, playful yet destructive. I swear that rabbit plans her time in her cage and out of it for ways to break out of the bunny room. I opened the gate to fill bottles this morning and thought it was shut well enough only to see a tan blur speeding down the hallway for the living room. I herded her back to the bunny room, went back to filling bottles and came back to discover she has determined its time to remove the carpet in the bunny room by peeling back a corner.

She charmed her way out of my displeasure of her actions by doing several cute binkies and ear flips. Daisy is a lot like my daughter, she knows how to make me smile and I can never be mad at her.
Wabbitdad12 wrote:
Miss Daisy, Miss Daisy she is sweet yet devious, playful yet destructive. I swear that rabbit plans her time in her cage and out of it for ways to break out of the bunny room. I opened the gate to fill bottles this morning and thought it was shut well enough only to see a tan blur speeding down the hallway for the living room. I herded her back to the bunny room, went back to filling bottles and came back to discover she has determined its time to remove the carpet in the bunny room by peeling back a corner.

She charmed her way out of my displeasure of her actions by doing several cute binkies and ear flips. Daisy is a lot like my daughter, she knows how to make me smile and I can never be mad at her.
Nyx is very very much like Daisy - I think it is because they were raised in a home environment (I'm guessing that about Daisy) versus being in a barn or raised outside or something. Its like they have a certain self-confidence about themselves...

I told Art that our offspring from the girls will turn out like Nyx and he made me promise to NOT tell buyers that ahead of time...lest I turn them away. Well - he TRIED to make me promise - we were laughing about it...

I'm so glad you have Daisy though - it sounds like she's really near and dear (and ear?) to your heart...
Just been catching up with the herd and what's been happening. Daisy sounds like she has wormed her way into your affections, and will soon be able to get away with murder ;). There must be something about E-Lops that they have such an amazing personality.

Shame about your Plasma donating. Is there a time limit, or isd it a permanent thing?

I have found that there is a little Yofi in all e-lops I think.

The plasma ban is a permanent thing. It makes me mad that some lab tech didn't clean their equipment properly and caused cross contamination. That was something I was always careful to avoid when I did environmental sampling. Oh well, not much I can do about it now.

I thought Karen would like it if I got her bun, Dutches, out brought Dutchie to her. While carrying her I notice she needed her nails clipped, the rabbit not Karen, and held her while Karen trimmed Dutchies nails. Evidently Duchess was not amused by all this and quickly after Karen was done she crawled onto my shoulder and relieved herself. I picked her up off of my shoulder and sat her on my lap, where she quickly repeated what she did on my shoulder. It was at this point, I decided, I needed to take a bath and Karen needed to hold her bunny.

Rabbits may not hold grudges for long but they do get even quickly.
I knew that Nyx was smarter than my other flemmies because she grew up in a home where she was loved and had playtimes and stuff...

But did y'all REALLY have to teach her about the holidays? Couldn't you have told her we prepare for Christmas on December 24th?

She says that now that Halloween is past...its time to decorate her cage - so when I went to clean it this morning - THIS was hanging up..

I was in big trouble today with Nibbles. I went in the bunny room and let Carmel out for some play time and she was not happy. There were too many thumps to count, I put Carmel back into his cage and got her out, but she would have nothing to do with me. She let me give her a few pets but then she thumped me on my chest, ouch!, then hopped down and hid underneath the foot stool for over an hour. I had to go get her and put her away then I got thumped again.

I guess I will have to slip her an extra craisin tonight to see if she will forgive me.
TinysMom wrote:
I knew that Nyx was smarter than my other flemmies because she grew up in a home where she was loved and had playtimes and stuff...

But did y'all REALLY have to teach her about the holidays? Couldn't you have told her we prepare for Christmas on December 24th?

She says that now that Halloween is past...its time to decorate her cage - so when I went to clean it this morning - THIS was hanging up..

I notice that she has a very big stocking!! Our Nyxie must be expecting LOTS of goodies from Santa...
I just got to thinking - I'm hoping she's not planning to fill it with surprises for ME on Christmas morning...

(Look mama...Mercury and I got together to give you Christmas presents...).
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
I just got to thinking - I'm hoping she's not planning to fill it with surprises for ME on Christmas morning...

(Look mama...Mercury and I got together to give you Christmas presents...).
OMG That would Awesome
And IMPOSSIBLE. I'm watching those two like a hawk...she'd be way way way too young for me to want babies from her that soon....

Dave and Karen - I have a couple of questions for you.

You've had both flemish giants and now an e-lop. Can you compare them for a bit? I know that not every flemish or elop is the same - but I'm just wondering what you think of them....

With all the elops the forum is getting recently - I admit - I want one...someday. But I'm curious what they're like compared to the flemish!
So far, the e-lop seems to be even MORE ornery than the Flemmies...at least to me. Miss Daisy is so determined to get into things that we have put away, or blocked off, etc.

She also seems somewhat more skittish than our Flemmies-she will often bolt if something takes her by surprise. For the most part, the Flemmies are too laid back to care.

She's also pretty young yet...the exact age of Nyx (born 1 day later :D)...so I think she still has a lot of that sameyouthful "exuberance". It's like she's always a bun on a mission...she sits still for some nice nose and ear rubs, then zoom! She's off again, sniffing around and looking for trouble. She's not wild about being held either. Probably too constraining ! :p I find that she is kind of independent; she doesn't seem that interested in making neither friends nor enemieswith any of the other buns during her time out. She pretty much ignores them. She pays some attention to Dave, and wants some of his attention, but the other buns hardly exist!

By contrast, all of our adult Flemmies have one or more buns that they like to "visit"...either to lie around companionably, or to taunt. (Actually, Ms. Velvet is our taunter. She picks on the 2 smallest rabbits in the room...a Nethie and a mini Rex.) Our blacks - Nyx's parents - are way laid back. Mostly they "visit" each other. They snoop around the room a little, maybe wander to the other room and check out who's in there. Usually they find a nice spot to lay where they can see what's going on, and just chill out. Sweetie and Titan are not AT ALL demanding...they like their attention, but they're just pretty happy, no matter what. Our blues have been brats. Velvet is a total Diva...right down to nipping you if you don't read her mind. She and Thumper...much more high spirited. Both very stubborn.

I am really looking forward to seeing how Daisy is when she's full grown, like 2 years old or so. I wonder if she will settle down & chill out some. I strongly suspect, like the famous Yofi, that she will alwaysbe a source of comedic relief. And I alsothink, once a Diva bun....always a Diva bun!
OK this has nothing to do with the herd, but its funny, at least to me.

Karen, aka wabbitmom12, called me at work and said "Honey don't get mad", now someone telling me this does not mean good news. Just like when you see you got a certified letter, never good. So I ask what is the matter, thinking problem with the car, a bill etc., lots of things going through my tiny head.

She said I broke the battery charger, for car batteries, oh I said, how did it happen. First let me say I had it hooked up to her car battery to charge it up. She said I was in a hurry to get over to her sisters house and to the bank. I laid the bank slip on the seat and started the car and back down the driveway. Then I went to drive down the street and heard and felt a large thump. I got out of the car and looked around and discovered I had ran over the battery charger. I took lifted the hood up and took the clips off the battery and pulled the remains of the battery charger out from underneath and put them in the trash bin. I then put the hood down and started to drive down the street, when I got to 10mph the hood flew up. I had forgotten to push it down so it latched. No damage to the car and went over to the bank and my sisters.

She tells me I will buy you a new one, how much did this one cost? I said we bought it when Jeff was 4 or 5, it's like 16 or 17 years old. She said well at least we got our money out of it. I said yes we did, are you mad, I told her no accidents happen, told her I loved her and have a nice day.

Poor old trusty battery charger, sniffle, sniffle...