Well-Known Member
I demand lots of pictures!
Well, we were down three buns, Thumper passed away, Nyx/Houdini is with Peg and one of the two remaining bucks has gone to a new home. There was an empty cage and she did talk me into one. Its Karen's fault, she left to go do some mystery shops and left me alone with our friend and her e-lops. You know thefriend I told you could sell ice to an eskimo.
So without further ado here is Daisy Mae or Daisy:
aaww...Lil Blue...another gorgeous bun. I absolutely love her ears. :inlove: (LOL @ that blur of a picture of her; she must be a going concern despite her splay legs!)
My son just informed me that while I was running the vacuum in the bunny room (I am letting Daisy get used to the vac slowly) she was on the couch with him. He reached over to get his cup of water and she darted over his legs and headed for his laptop power cord. He quickly put his cup down and reached for her. Luckily she had not chewed on anything yet. After that she kept nudging his hand and trying to push past him.
I love it when bunnies do that! Both Anna and Yofi do it, but not every rabbit I've had has done it. (I figure it's their way of saying, "yo mom, I luv ya...now where's mai fud?" :biggrin2Yeah, and she gives the sweetest little nose-nudges, too.:inlove:
How severe are Lil' Blue's splay legs? There must be some sort of grading scale as to severity, right? Are there concerns about arthritis or anything as she gets older and gains more weight and size? Would she be okay with carpeting, or is vinyl better for her to scoot around on? Do you think she is bondable as a submissive, or is she a dominant? Not sure I have any other questions... :?